How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

Yes, and you are taking the word of this individual over the cop. No different. Also, this guy stated he had the traffic incident on video (see 6 minute mark), yet did not produce this in his video, making it look like he may be the one not telling the truth. In reality we neither one saw the traffic incident. In this case I will take the cops word over someone trying to get out of a ticket.
nope, as I said, when the cop didn't answer the driver's question pushed me to the driver. I expect cops to respect the driver, not doing so indicates motive. sorry.
Also, this guy stated he had the traffic incident on video (see 6 minute mark), yet did not produce this in his video, making it look like he may be the one not telling the truth. In reality we neither one saw the traffic incident. In this case I will take the cops word over someone trying to get out of a ticket.
Wrong guy. The driver was not the one with the video. You'd have to go to his web page and see that, 'Delete Lawz'. You even missed that.
I posted dozens in this thread
The thread is 436 posts long. I'm not going to go scouring through it looking for your ALLEGED "examples", if there are any.

What post #s are these examples ? I asked you to show them. You have not done that in response. I assume you have no examples.
The thread is 436 posts long. I'm not going to go scouring through it looking for your ALLEGED "examples", if there are any.

What post #s are these examples ? I asked you to show them. You have not done that in response. I assume you have no examples.
I posted them the rest is on you,, I dont spoon feed morons,,

I posted them the rest is on you,, I dont spoon feed morons,,


Even if you did have some examples , so what ? There are thousands of cops in America. Every occupation has a few bad apples. That's normal.
What is not normal is accusing innocent cops of murder, arresting them, and in some cases, throwing them in jail.

And I DO HAVE EXAMPLES >> Derek Chauvin, Michael Slager, Betty Shelby, Jeronimo Yanez.
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I posted them the rest is on you,, I dont spoon feed morons,,

I was a foreman for case against a guy arrested for DUI. We let him off. Know why, nothing on the supporting video gave the cop the right to pull him over. The dude was at a casino, came out of the parking garage and turned right, the street was a one way street and right was the wrong direction, you can see in the video the guy realizes this and immediately leaves the street. Then the cop follows and video tapes him driving, and everything the driver did was spot on.

Then the cop testified his eyes were glassy and he smelled like alcohol. Everyone of us to man said, ain't buying the cops story. Not guilty. We talked for an entire ten minutes on the verdict. I asked who thought the guy was guilty, not one hand went up, ok, not guilty, all hands went up. Ok, not guilty. Five minutes maybe, and that was just so we could all sit down.

Changed everything I thought about pull over encounters. Lack of respect to drivers is what it is.
The thread is 436 posts long. I'm not going to go scouring through it looking for your ALLEGED "examples", if there are any.

What post #s are these examples ? I asked you to show them. You have not done that in response. I assume you have no examples.
try this one ,,
this guys whole page is dedicated to him being harrassed and arrested for legally videoing cops and government officials in the course of their duties,, and in some cases assaulted,,


A law in the US state of Arizona will ban people from filming police officers at short distances, with possible fines or jail for those who don't comply.

Critics call the law a threat to free speech and the right to a free press.

Police are often filmed by bystanders and footage has occasionally resulted in officer misconduct being exposed."

If it's not filmed, it's not illegal.... WAYYYHEYYYYY!!!
Just stay 8'1" and film away. Any closer and you would probably be in the way.

I think the OP is blowing it out of proportion.
heres another channel full of examples for your viewing pleasure,,

There is too much tendency to pre-judge police of wrongdoing, based false information or political influence (avoid black rioting)
Ex 1. majority black voting population where Michael Slager was arrested for killing Walter Scott.
Ex. 2. Derek Chauvin convicted of murdering George Floyd, when that was not the case, and he had been convicted based on a false medical examiner report.

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