How To Turn A Free People Into Slaves

there is no old form of marriage.....this constant redefinition is what is causing society to unhinge.....

When did this model that you seem to be in favor of start? Cavemen. Pagans. Jews. Christians, Evangelicals, Republicans?

Society is always been seen as becoming unhinged by conservatives. It's called change.

My word, look at those kids with the long hair. My word, look at that black and white person dating. My word, look at a catholic running for president.

My word, grow up.
Ah, the BJ non-sequitur makes another appearance.

Clinton got head.


Reagan dumped his wife for Nancy.
McCain dumped his wife for Cindy.
Clinton got some head on the side and stayed married to Hillary.


And this tracks with

McCain got

All the libbies criticizing JM for divorcing his wife so what?
Not many marriages survive a 5 year stint in a POW camp.

But staying together to advance one's political ambitions (Hillary) is just fine.

But I guess that's a better "value"
McCain got

All the libbies criticizing JM for divorcing his wife so what?
Not many marriages survive a 5 year stint in a POW camp.

But staying together to advance one's political ambitions (Hillary) is just fine.

But I guess that's a better "value"

she remained totally faithful to him while he was a pow....he ended the marriage when he began to see...cindy...he was still married to cathy.
so lets not say it didnt survive the pow camp...lets say it didnt survive the younger woman with a lots of money camp. His first wife was so loyal when she was hurt in the accident she refused to allow the red cross to notifity not to worry him...but he couldnt handle a crippled wife...and there was cindy...young and pretty and rich....lets be honest...his being a pow ..had nothign to do with divorce...young womand with money....trumped first wife....with crippled leg....she just wasnt the woman he married....i guess physical appearances were more important than love or loyality.
McCain got

All the libbies criticizing JM for divorcing his wife so what?
Not many marriages survive a 5 year stint in a POW camp.

But staying together to advance one's political ambitions (Hillary) is just fine.

But I guess that's a better "value"

So personal morality is irrelevant. It shouldn't be an issue. But if it is made an issue by one side or the other then it's fair enough to point out the inconsistencies.

Speaking for myself, I don't much care what a politician does in their private life, I'm more concerned about policy but I've been told that in US politics "character" is an issue. So be it then. Let "character" be an issue. Drag all the skeletons out of the closets on all sides and don't try to minimise your candidate's bone-rattling.
So personal morality is irrelevant. It shouldn't be an issue. But if it is made an issue by one side or the other then it's fair enough to point out the inconsistencies.

Speaking for myself, I don't much care what a politician does in their private life, I'm more concerned about policy but I've been told that in US politics "character" is an issue. So be it then. Let "character" be an issue. Drag all the skeletons out of the closets on all sides and don't try to minimise your candidate's bone-rattling.

Divorce doesn't bother me. hell my first marriage ended in divorce but I like to think I got it right the second time.

However Slicksters antics in the oval office were an affront to me. He just thought the traditions and history of the office of president were his to piss on or rather to dribble some other bodily fluid on.
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When did this model that you seem to be in favor of start? Cavemen. Pagans. Jews. Christians, Evangelicals, Republicans?

Society is always been seen as becoming unhinged by conservatives. It's called change.

My word, look at those kids with the long hair. My word, look at that black and white person dating. My word, look at a catholic running for president.

My word, grow up.

However Slicksters antics in the oval office were an affront to me. He just thought the traditions and history of the office of president were his to piss on or rather to dribble some other bodily fluid on.

there's no doub that clinton is a disgrace.

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