How to wreck an investigation in three easy steps

That was yesterday . . . today he apologized.


He apologized to the D's on the committee only for not informing them first. It was his call on how he played this out.

He didn't apologize for what he discovered and then revealed. You need to get up to speed.
What did he reveal?

Simply put Trump and his transition team were spied on.
You made that up.

Not at all. A new investigation in to the investigators will be coming. And instead of a fairy tale with no evidence that Russia hacked the DNC, Nunes has in his possession hard copies of the communications that were widely disseminated, leaked and individuals in the transition team "unmasked".
I see this whole Russia/Spygate affair as a demolition derby and now folks are critical of Devin Nunes for reckless driving. When it is all said and done I expect to see Vince McMahon waving the checker flag.
Nunes admitted that investigations revealed that the Obama administration spied on an opposition candidate who was an American citizen. Doesn't that enhance his credibility and destroy Obama's credibility?

The D's I believe are going to truly rue the course they chose instead of just accepting the results of the election and continuing this ridiculous farce that Russia along with Trump stole the election just to throw meat to their insane base.
I see this whole Russia/Spygate affair as a demolition derby and now folks are critical of Devin Nunes for reckless driving. When it is all said and done I expect to see Vince McMahon waving the checker flag.
oh gosh! :rofl::rofl:

ain't that the truth!

thx for the good chuckle!
I see this whole Russia/Spygate affair as a demolition derby and now folks are critical of Devin Nunes for reckless driving. When it is all said and done I expect to see Vince McMahon waving the checker flag.


Trump has an edge considering Linda's in his cabinet.
How is the investigation "wrecked"? Nunes isn't some anonymous cowardly leekster like the left wing media quoted. It seems to me that Nunes is an honest up front ballsy guy. Drain the swamp.
Why No Investigation to the felonies committed by unmasking and sharing of surveillance Transcripts?

Instead we continue to talk about Russians?

That's no longer the story anymore and nothing was ever found.

We know Felonies were committed by our own government

Comey needs to do his damn job or step down!
That was yesterday . . . today he apologized.


He apologized to the D's on the committee only for not informing them first. It was his call on how he played this out.

He didn't apologize for what he discovered and then revealed. You need to get up to speed.
What did he reveal?

Simply put Trump and his transition team were spied on.
You made that up.

Not at all. A new investigation in to the investigators will be coming. And instead of a fairy tale with no evidence that Russia hacked the DNC, Nunes has in his possession hard copies of the communications that were widely disseminated, leaked and individuals in the transition team "unmasked".

None were unmasked. But if you're like general Flynn stupidly phoning his treason in you're gonna get outed. To bad and there's more to come.
He apologized to the D's on the committee only for not informing them first. It was his call on how he played this out.

He didn't apologize for what he discovered and then revealed. You need to get up to speed.
What did he reveal?

Simply put Trump and his transition team were spied on.
You made that up.

Not at all. A new investigation in to the investigators will be coming. And instead of a fairy tale with no evidence that Russia hacked the DNC, Nunes has in his possession hard copies of the communications that were widely disseminated, leaked and individuals in the transition team "unmasked".

None were unmasked. But if you're like general Flynn stupidly phoning his treason in you're gonna get outed. To bad and there's more to come.

You're a flaming wanker. Flynn was doing job. Nothing illegal.

And the term for outed is unmasked. And the leak is illegal.

You see the only crime that has been committed is by some in the intel or Obama's senior personell who had the ability to unmask.

THAT is why Trey Gowdy's question was one for roses when he blindsided Comey with his question. It was brilliant.

"Trey Gowdy Grills Comey: Who Has The Power To Unmask A U.S. Citizen's Captured Communications?|
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date March 20, 2017

GOWDY: Do you know whether Director Clapper knew the name of the U.S. citizen that appeared in the New York Times and Washington Post?

COMEY: I can't say in this forum because again, I don't wanna confirm that there was classified information in the newspaper.

COMEY: In -- in some circumstances, sure, he was the director of national intelligence. But I'm not talking about the particular.

GOWDY: Would Director Brennan have access to an unmasked U.S. citizen's name?

COMEY: In some circumstances, yes.

GOWDY: Would National Security Adviser Susan Rice have access to an
unmasked U.S. citizen's name?

COMEY: I think any -- yes, in general, and any other national security adviser would, I think, as a matter of their ordinary course of their business.

GOWDY: Would former White House Advisor Ben Rhodes have access to an unmasked U.S. citizen's name?

COMEY: I don't know the answer to that.

GOWDY: Would former Attorney General Loretta Lynch have access to an unmasked U.S. citizen's name? COMEY: In general, yes, as would any attorney general.

GOWDY: So that would also include Acting AG Sally Yates?

COMEY: Same answer."

Trey Gowdy Grills Comey: Who Has The Power To Unmask A U.S. Citizen's Captured Communications?

Nunes is having a kick ass time with the information and the documentation that was handed to him. He now is going to investigate the investigators.


lol only in t-rump land

No. Actually Nunes straightened out the difference between a "wiretap" and being spied on by the MAMMOTH devious PATRIOT Act created "Domestic Bulk Collection" system that USED to be confined to less than 50 key people who had the authority to QUERY that database and analyze, transcript, redact, and distribute any of that information. So the carefully crafted Nunes term of Team Trump being caught up in "incidental collections" and not a separate "wiretap" in the strict legal definition -- should chill Americans to the bone. Because APPARENTLY, I've been correct that the 9/11 creation designed SOLELY to keep the Islamic hordes at bay -- is NOW a political weapon. And some group of conspirators apparently car-jacked it and took it on a test drive.

The reason everyone in DC is upset about Nunes clarifying that for everybody -- is that 96% of the DC leadership just LOVE that Big Brother capability and will defend it at all costs from allegations of being weaponized for political purposes.

That capability is gonna blow up the nation sooner or later. And it's NOT just a Civil Liberty issue anymore. You will NEVER know the outcome here. Because if that system WAS misused -- NOTHING is gonna go public. This tip from Nunes may be the LAST thing ever heard in public about a SERIOUS misuse of a Domestic spying program that should not even exist.

When you hear Comey say "the collection was legal" -- it currently IS - but it should not be. And certainly even if the COLLECTION and STORAGE was legal -- it was a traitorous and felonious act to turn that into a political weapon and purposely disseminate partial transcripts of privileged convos.

You won't see much of the outcome of this at all. Just the spin and smokescreen. Trust me on this..
He apologized to the D's on the committee only for not informing them first. It was his call on how he played this out.

He didn't apologize for what he discovered and then revealed. You need to get up to speed.
What did he reveal?

Simply put Trump and his transition team were spied on.
You made that up.

Not at all. A new investigation in to the investigators will be coming. And instead of a fairy tale with no evidence that Russia hacked the DNC, Nunes has in his possession hard copies of the communications that were widely disseminated, leaked and individuals in the transition team "unmasked".

None were unmasked. But if you're like general Flynn stupidly phoning his treason in you're gonna get outed. To bad and there's more to come.

Wow.. That's pretty brutal to be calling the RECENT Chief Spy for Pentagon and the Head of DIA a traitor. They could NEVER get a FISA warrant on that guy for being ANY kind of security risk.. He's been probed every way to GET that DefenseIntelAgency position. He's NOT dirty in any way...
What did he reveal?

Simply put Trump and his transition team were spied on.
You made that up.

Not at all. A new investigation in to the investigators will be coming. And instead of a fairy tale with no evidence that Russia hacked the DNC, Nunes has in his possession hard copies of the communications that were widely disseminated, leaked and individuals in the transition team "unmasked".

None were unmasked. But if you're like general Flynn stupidly phoning his treason in you're gonna get outed. To bad and there's more to come.

You're a flaming wanker. Flynn was doing job. Nothing illegal.

And the term for outed is unmasked. And the leak is illegal.

You see the only crime that has been committed is by some in the intel or Obama's senior personell who had the ability to unmask.

THAT is why Trey Gowdy's question was one for roses when he blindsided Comey with his question. It was brilliant.

"Trey Gowdy Grills Comey: Who Has The Power To Unmask A U.S. Citizen's Captured Communications?|
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date March 20, 2017

GOWDY: Do you know whether Director Clapper knew the name of the U.S. citizen that appeared in the New York Times and Washington Post?

COMEY: I can't say in this forum because again, I don't wanna confirm that there was classified information in the newspaper.

COMEY: In -- in some circumstances, sure, he was the director of national intelligence. But I'm not talking about the particular.

GOWDY: Would Director Brennan have access to an unmasked U.S. citizen's name?

COMEY: In some circumstances, yes.

GOWDY: Would National Security Adviser Susan Rice have access to an
unmasked U.S. citizen's name?

COMEY: I think any -- yes, in general, and any other national security adviser would, I think, as a matter of their ordinary course of their business.

GOWDY: Would former White House Advisor Ben Rhodes have access to an unmasked U.S. citizen's name?

COMEY: I don't know the answer to that.

GOWDY: Would former Attorney General Loretta Lynch have access to an unmasked U.S. citizen's name? COMEY: In general, yes, as would any attorney general.

GOWDY: So that would also include Acting AG Sally Yates?

COMEY: Same answer."

Trey Gowdy Grills Comey: Who Has The Power To Unmask A U.S. Citizen's Captured Communications?

Correct. Comey can even call the "collection" completely legal -- although it SHOULD NOT be. The illegal part was QUERYING that database without an authorized PATRIOT Act provision to do so..
Why No Investigation to the felonies committed by unmasking and sharing of surveillance Transcripts?

Instead we continue to talk about Russians?

That's no longer the story anymore and nothing was ever found.

We know Felonies were committed by our own government

Comey needs to do his damn job or step down!

We know the FBI is investigating the leaks. You won't hear public comments about it, because it's an ongoing criminal investigation. You don't comment on ongoing criminal investigations.
Correct. Comey can even call the "collection" completely legal -- although it SHOULD NOT be. The illegal part was QUERYING that database without an authorized PATRIOT Act provision to do so..

Whatever authorized the collection, automatically authorizes the query. That is the reason why the ATF isn't allowed to collect firearms transfer forms 4473's.

Gun registration / ATF 4473 form - AR15.COM

.The actual 4473 form does not leave the dealer's location. The only time completed 4473 forms get into the hands of the ATF is when a dealer goes out of business, or a dealer's FFL is revoked.

That's because if you're allowed to have something, you're automatically allowed to look at it.
Correct. Comey can even call the "collection" completely legal -- although it SHOULD NOT be. The illegal part was QUERYING that database without an authorized PATRIOT Act provision to do so..

Whatever authorized the collection, automatically authorizes the query. That is the reason why the ATF isn't allowed to collect firearms transfer forms 4473's.

Gun registration / ATF 4473 form - AR15.COM

.The actual 4473 form does not leave the dealer's location. The only time completed 4473 forms get into the hands of the ATF is when a dealer goes out of business, or a dealer's FFL is revoked.

That's because if you're allowed to have something, you're automatically allowed to look at it.

Not the same with a MASSIVE spy system that has storage capacity measured in EXABYTES. And is sucking in most all electronic communication day and night. You need a "flag" to query that thing. A cause which is listed in the PATRIOT Act and blanket warrant that was previously issued..

The collection is authorized under a BLANKET FISA warrant. But USING that data needs approval from what used to be a group of about only 50 HIGHLY cleared gatekeepers. More now probably that Obama opened up access to that database.

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