How Transgender Ideology Has Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse

This is just disturbing. More child abuse thanks to a sick political agenda.

Little boy tells Mom he wants to dress in drag. Mom obliges.

That is child abuse?

Hell you should see the picture I have of my 4 year old nephew wearing a tutu.

I am planning on blackmailing him when he gets engaged.

There are lots of kinds of 'child abuse'- but letting a little boy wear a dress when he wants to is not child abuse. Wow- when I think of the crap my neighbor kids went through growing up- they suffered real child abuse.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with kids playing dress up. The problem being highlighted here is the fact that too many demented parents see their child playing dress up and extrapolate that into transgender tendencies, ultimately convincing their child that they want to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation that will accommodate childhood dress up play and mainstream those childhood games into adult life.

No they don't. What you are seeing is parents seeking and taking the advice of trained professionals.
"Trained" professionals, trained by libtards

As opposed to who?

Faith healers trained by rightards?

Evangelicals who believe that that demon must be beaten out of the child?

I believe that parents- in consultation with their doctors- are the best judges for what is best for their children- within the law- and no I don't think that any gender reassignment surgery should be allowed on minors.
Really? So tell me...what's YOUR favorite story about hell from the bible?
Revelation 21:8
8 “But for the cowardly, the faithless, the vile, the murderers, those who commit sexual immorality, those who use drugs and cast spells, the idolaters and all liars—their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.”

(Note that this is in the Common English Bible version)

:lol: "use drugs"? Is that from the idiot redneck version?
What's wrong Sea? You have something to worry about?

Only your sanity.
So to've handed firearms to very small children, introduced them to LGBT material, and you've done drugs.

Wow. You are seriously parent of the year material... :rolleyes:
Hmmm so you think a person who believes he is a dog- is no different than a person who believes he is a different gender than he was born with?
Uh....duh. :lmao:

Dude...this is not rocket science. When a person believes they are anything other than what they actually are, they suffer from a mental health condition. If you believe you are Jesus Christ - you have a mental illness. If you believe you're a woman when you were born a man - you have a mental illness. That is a simple, indisputable fact.
And then the leftards who promoted the surgical and chemical mutilation of another human being rend their clothes and blame the other side for the high suicide rate among those so mutilated.

And then the rightards, who promoted the hatred and discrimination of another human being because of their gender identification, rend their clothes and blame the other side for the high suicide rate among those they have discriminated against.
It's not hatred it's indifference. I'm not wasting a minutes of my life on someone who can't even reach between their legs and come to a crystal clear understanding of what gender they are.

You just wasted a minute of your life telling us how you aren't going to. This isn't exactly going well for you.
Thought I would spend a minute on you for an explanation. Clearly it was a waste of time.

If you realized how much your posts here at USMB are a waste of time, think how much time you would save....
I consider it entertainment time.
This is just disturbing. More child abuse thanks to a sick political agenda.

Little boy tells Mom he wants to dress in drag. Mom obliges.

That is child abuse?

Hell you should see the picture I have of my 4 year old nephew wearing a tutu.

I am planning on blackmailing him when he gets engaged.

There are lots of kinds of 'child abuse'- but letting a little boy wear a dress when he wants to is not child abuse. Wow- when I think of the crap my neighbor kids went through growing up- they suffered real child abuse.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with kids playing dress up. The problem being highlighted here is the fact that too many demented parents see their child playing dress up and extrapolate that into transgender tendencies, ultimately convincing their child that they want to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation that will accommodate childhood dress up play and mainstream those childhood games into adult life.

Which parents are those?

The problem highlighted is that parents are trying to help their kids who are telling them that they are really boys even though they aren't physically.

Why do you think that any parent would be 'trying' to convince their child to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation when the grow up?

And why do you think that any child would listen to parents trying to convince them of that?
You support my point. I don't understand, however, how it is helping a child to tell they are something they are not. I could tell my child he's a dog, put a leash on him, make him go on all fours, feed him kibble...and he might actually like being a dog. That doesn't make him a dog, does it? And yet, the child is convinced he's a dog, would you call child welfare authorities to report me?

Hmmm so you think a person who believes he is a dog- is no different than a person who believes he is a different gender than he was born with?

As a parent myself- I believe that parents- with their doctors- are the best judges for the welfare of their children.

Who do you think is best to decide what is best for children?
We subject kids to things to make them think right all the time. Did you teach your kid not to steal? Not to lie, to be polite? Or did you just leave them to be whatever they wanted?
That is child abuse?

Hell you should see the picture I have of my 4 year old nephew wearing a tutu.

I am planning on blackmailing him when he gets engaged.

There are lots of kinds of 'child abuse'- but letting a little boy wear a dress when he wants to is not child abuse. Wow- when I think of the crap my neighbor kids went through growing up- they suffered real child abuse.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with kids playing dress up. The problem being highlighted here is the fact that too many demented parents see their child playing dress up and extrapolate that into transgender tendencies, ultimately convincing their child that they want to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation that will accommodate childhood dress up play and mainstream those childhood games into adult life.

Which parents are those?

The problem highlighted is that parents are trying to help their kids who are telling them that they are really boys even though they aren't physically.

Why do you think that any parent would be 'trying' to convince their child to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation when the grow up?

And why do you think that any child would listen to parents trying to convince them of that?
You support my point. I don't understand, however, how it is helping a child to tell they are something they are not. I could tell my child he's a dog, put a leash on him, make him go on all fours, feed him kibble...and he might actually like being a dog. That doesn't make him a dog, does it? And yet, the child is convinced he's a dog, would you call child welfare authorities to report me?

Hmmm so you think a person who believes he is a dog- is no different than a person who believes he is a different gender than he was born with?

As a parent myself- I believe that parents- with their doctors- are the best judges for the welfare of their children.

Who do you think is best to decide what is best for children?
We subject kids to things to make them think right all the time. Did you teach your kid not to steal? Not to lie, to be polite? Or did you just leave them to be whatever they wanted?

Thank you! You are right- parents are the ones who should making these decisions regarding their kids.

Not you for them.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with kids playing dress up. The problem being highlighted here is the fact that too many demented parents see their child playing dress up and extrapolate that into transgender tendencies, ultimately convincing their child that they want to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation that will accommodate childhood dress up play and mainstream those childhood games into adult life.

Which parents are those?

The problem highlighted is that parents are trying to help their kids who are telling them that they are really boys even though they aren't physically.

Why do you think that any parent would be 'trying' to convince their child to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation when the grow up?

And why do you think that any child would listen to parents trying to convince them of that?
You support my point. I don't understand, however, how it is helping a child to tell they are something they are not. I could tell my child he's a dog, put a leash on him, make him go on all fours, feed him kibble...and he might actually like being a dog. That doesn't make him a dog, does it? And yet, the child is convinced he's a dog, would you call child welfare authorities to report me?

Hmmm so you think a person who believes he is a dog- is no different than a person who believes he is a different gender than he was born with?

As a parent myself- I believe that parents- with their doctors- are the best judges for the welfare of their children.

Who do you think is best to decide what is best for children?
We subject kids to things to make them think right all the time. Did you teach your kid not to steal? Not to lie, to be polite? Or did you just leave them to be whatever they wanted?

Thank you! You are right- parents are the ones who should making these decisions regarding their kids.

Not you for them.
Well we get to make the decisions soon enough. Send the kid to juvy if the parent failed. Should we do that with trannies?
Hmmm so you think a person who believes he is a dog- is no different than a person who believes he is a different gender than he was born with?
If you believe you're a woman when you were born a man - you have a mental illness. That is a simple, indisputable fact.

'simple indisputable fact'- whenever some tells me this I check my pocket to make sure they haven't already taken my wallet.

For some people it might be a mental illness- and for others it might not be- that is the dispute that millions of people are engaging in.
Which parents are those?

The problem highlighted is that parents are trying to help their kids who are telling them that they are really boys even though they aren't physically.

Why do you think that any parent would be 'trying' to convince their child to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation when the grow up?

And why do you think that any child would listen to parents trying to convince them of that?
You support my point. I don't understand, however, how it is helping a child to tell they are something they are not. I could tell my child he's a dog, put a leash on him, make him go on all fours, feed him kibble...and he might actually like being a dog. That doesn't make him a dog, does it? And yet, the child is convinced he's a dog, would you call child welfare authorities to report me?

Hmmm so you think a person who believes he is a dog- is no different than a person who believes he is a different gender than he was born with?

As a parent myself- I believe that parents- with their doctors- are the best judges for the welfare of their children.

Who do you think is best to decide what is best for children?
We subject kids to things to make them think right all the time. Did you teach your kid not to steal? Not to lie, to be polite? Or did you just leave them to be whatever they wanted?

Thank you! You are right- parents are the ones who should making these decisions regarding their kids.

Not you for them.
Well we get to make the decisions soon enough. Send the kid to juvy if the parent failed. Should we do that with trannies?

So now you want to send the kid to juvy if you disagree with how the parents are raising them?

How very 'conservative' of you- have Big Brother decide rather than the parents.
This is just disturbing. More child abuse thanks to a sick political agenda.

Little boy tells Mom he wants to dress in drag. Mom obliges.

That is child abuse?

Hell you should see the picture I have of my 4 year old nephew wearing a tutu.

I am planning on blackmailing him when he gets engaged.

There are lots of kinds of 'child abuse'- but letting a little boy wear a dress when he wants to is not child abuse. Wow- when I think of the crap my neighbor kids went through growing up- they suffered real child abuse.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with kids playing dress up. The problem being highlighted here is the fact that too many demented parents see their child playing dress up and extrapolate that into transgender tendencies, ultimately convincing their child that they want to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation that will accommodate childhood dress up play and mainstream those childhood games into adult life.

Which parents are those?

The problem highlighted is that parents are trying to help their kids who are telling them that they are really boys even though they aren't physically.

Why do you think that any parent would be 'trying' to convince their child to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation when the grow up?

And why do you think that any child would listen to parents trying to convince them of that?
You support my point. I don't understand, however, how it is helping a child to tell they are something they are not. I could tell my child he's a dog, put a leash on him, make him go on all fours, feed him kibble...and he might actually like being a dog. That doesn't make him a dog, does it? And yet, the child is convinced he's a dog, would you call child welfare authorities to report me?

Hmmm so you think a person who believes he is a dog- is no different than a person who believes he is a different gender than he was born with?

As a parent myself- I believe that parents- with their doctors- are the best judges for the welfare of their children.

Who do you think is best to decide what is best for children?
Yup! You might as well try to become a dog as a male/female if that is not what you were born. Parents-and doctors-are fucking pc fools. Twigs-n-berries = boy. Innie = girl. (Except in very rare instances.) It's a crying shame that these Munchhausen parents are so deranged in their quest for attention that they would ruin their children.
You support my point. I don't understand, however, how it is helping a child to tell they are something they are not. I could tell my child he's a dog, put a leash on him, make him go on all fours, feed him kibble...and he might actually like being a dog. That doesn't make him a dog, does it? And yet, the child is convinced he's a dog, would you call child welfare authorities to report me?

Hmmm so you think a person who believes he is a dog- is no different than a person who believes he is a different gender than he was born with?

As a parent myself- I believe that parents- with their doctors- are the best judges for the welfare of their children.

Who do you think is best to decide what is best for children?
We subject kids to things to make them think right all the time. Did you teach your kid not to steal? Not to lie, to be polite? Or did you just leave them to be whatever they wanted?

Thank you! You are right- parents are the ones who should making these decisions regarding their kids.

Not you for them.
Well we get to make the decisions soon enough. Send the kid to juvy if the parent failed. Should we do that with trannies?

So now you want to send the kid to juvy if you disagree with how the parents are raising them?

How very 'conservative' of you- have Big Brother decide rather than the parents.
Umm, yes. That's how it works. A parent gets several years to teach a child not to be a thief. If by the time they hit 14 or so they haven't learned they go to juvy. You as a parent have failed and now we have to deal with it. You don't get to turn a shitty kid out on society without consequences. The my mommy never taught me excuse goes away after the first couple times.
That is child abuse?

Hell you should see the picture I have of my 4 year old nephew wearing a tutu.

I am planning on blackmailing him when he gets engaged.

There are lots of kinds of 'child abuse'- but letting a little boy wear a dress when he wants to is not child abuse. Wow- when I think of the crap my neighbor kids went through growing up- they suffered real child abuse.
Personally, I see nothing wrong with kids playing dress up. The problem being highlighted here is the fact that too many demented parents see their child playing dress up and extrapolate that into transgender tendencies, ultimately convincing their child that they want to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation that will accommodate childhood dress up play and mainstream those childhood games into adult life.

Which parents are those?

The problem highlighted is that parents are trying to help their kids who are telling them that they are really boys even though they aren't physically.

Why do you think that any parent would be 'trying' to convince their child to undergo chemical and surgical mutilation when the grow up?

And why do you think that any child would listen to parents trying to convince them of that?
You support my point. I don't understand, however, how it is helping a child to tell they are something they are not. I could tell my child he's a dog, put a leash on him, make him go on all fours, feed him kibble...and he might actually like being a dog. That doesn't make him a dog, does it? And yet, the child is convinced he's a dog, would you call child welfare authorities to report me?

Hmmm so you think a person who believes he is a dog- is no different than a person who believes he is a different gender than he was born with?

As a parent myself- I believe that parents- with their doctors- are the best judges for the welfare of their children.

Who do you think is best to decide what is best for children?
Parents-and doctors-are fucking pc fools.

Typical Conservative- always thinking that you- and the State- know better than parents and their doctors.
Hmmm so you think a person who believes he is a dog- is no different than a person who believes he is a different gender than he was born with?

As a parent myself- I believe that parents- with their doctors- are the best judges for the welfare of their children.

Who do you think is best to decide what is best for children?
We subject kids to things to make them think right all the time. Did you teach your kid not to steal? Not to lie, to be polite? Or did you just leave them to be whatever they wanted?

Thank you! You are right- parents are the ones who should making these decisions regarding their kids.

Not you for them.
Well we get to make the decisions soon enough. Send the kid to juvy if the parent failed. Should we do that with trannies?

So now you want to send the kid to juvy if you disagree with how the parents are raising them?

How very 'conservative' of you- have Big Brother decide rather than the parents.
Umm, yes. That's how it works. A parent gets several years to teach a child not to be a thief. If by the time they hit 14 or so they haven't learned they go to juvy..

So you equate a boy stealing a car- to a boy believing he is a girl.

Tell me more- this is fascinating.
Thank you! You are right- parents are the ones who should making these decisions regarding their kids. Not you for them.
My 1st Amendment right says I get to call them out on it whether you like it or not, snowflake. I know you fascists hate that, but there isn't a thing you can do about it.
Typical Conservative- always thinking that you- and the State- know better than parents and their doctors.
Says the LWNJ who believes that state should control all (including children).
We subject kids to things to make them think right all the time. Did you teach your kid not to steal? Not to lie, to be polite? Or did you just leave them to be whatever they wanted?

Thank you! You are right- parents are the ones who should making these decisions regarding their kids.

Not you for them.
Well we get to make the decisions soon enough. Send the kid to juvy if the parent failed. Should we do that with trannies?

So now you want to send the kid to juvy if you disagree with how the parents are raising them?

How very 'conservative' of you- have Big Brother decide rather than the parents.
Umm, yes. That's how it works. A parent gets several years to teach a child not to be a thief. If by the time they hit 14 or so they haven't learned they go to juvy..

So you equate a boy stealing a car- to a boy believing he is a girl.

Tell me more- this is fascinating.
Both are delusions you can do anything you want and mommy won't say a word to discourage little snowflake.

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