How Trump can beat the deep-state coup...

Trump is his own worst enemy

It doesn’t take a conspiracy
In October of 2016, everyone in the world knew, whether they liked it or not, that Hillary Rodham Clinton would be the 45th president of the United States. As it turns out some folks were absolutely counting on it, but their conspiracy somehow backfired. ( I think it was Russia or somebody's fault - I can never remember ) And now they're quietly but genuinely in panic-mode.

By Monica Crowley - - Wednesday, December 5, 2018

When Donald Trump glided down the golden escalator in June 2015 to announce he was running for president, little did he know that he was about to become the most hunted political figure in recent history.

He soon discovered, however, that that escalator ride delivered him right into the waiting maw of the establishment beast. That monster has many tentacles: The Democratic and Republican establishments, far left, the deep and bureaucratic states, the media and the international “community.” From the moment Mr. Trump emerged as a serious threat to their power and control, they went to work to discredit, delegitimize and destroy him via a vast, sophisticated network of lies centered on non-existent crimes related to equally non-existent Russian “collusion.”

The ongoing effort to undermine and remove a duly elected president is a rolling deep state coup d’etat (with an assist from the media), making it the most dangerous scandal in American history.

How Donald Trump can beat the deep-state coup

A bunch of Trump cuckoos.

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