How Trump can fix health care


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Is this his plan anyways? This bill that's being pushed is NOTHING like he pushed on the campaign trail AND Trump has been in favor of universal healthcare before....maybe this is what he does when RINOcare fails and Trump takes over the control of it all and does it his way....twist some arms....Obamacare is falling apart so Dems will lose in 2018 because of it,GOP can't get their collective heads out of their asses and they might lose majorities in 2018.....President Trump looks like a hero to BOTH sides if he can pull that off.
The ACA is not the failure they (the GOP ) let on , or Trump, they just hate to pay taxes.
The ACA is not the failure they (the GOP ) let on , or Trump, they just hate to pay taxes.
Don't even try that horse shit....the premiums are skyrocketing and I PERSONALLY know people who pay LESS of a penalty than what their premiums were! What the article is talking about I can personally get on board with....
Like it or not we are heading for universal healthcare....Trump knows it as does Paul Ryan
The ACA is not the failure they (the GOP ) let on , or Trump, they just hate to pay taxes.
Don't even try that horse shit....the premiums are skyrocketing and I PERSONALLY know people who pay LESS of a penalty than what their premiums were! What the article is talking about I can personally get on board with....

No the premiums went up more from 2000 to 2009. I remember very well how insurance companies were and thir rates. Not horse shit, just fact. If anything, the GOP tried their best to destroy it, but it didn't work. They are losers, as Donald would say. Perhaps Donald can become a Dem again and be on the winning side.
The ACA is not the failure they (the GOP ) let on , or Trump, they just hate to pay taxes.
Don't even try that horse shit....the premiums are skyrocketing and I PERSONALLY know people who pay LESS of a penalty than what their premiums were! What the article is talking about I can personally get on board with....

No the premiums went up more from 2000 to 2009. I remember very well how insurance companies were and thir rates. Not horse shit, just fact. If anything, the GOP tried their best to destroy it, but it didn't work. They are losers, as Donald would say.
Sure sure....the obamacare is doing WONDERFUL!

Is this his plan anyways? This bill that's being pushed is NOTHING like he pushed on the campaign trail AND Trump has been in favor of universal healthcare before....maybe this is what he does when RINOcare fails and Trump takes over the control of it all and does it his way....twist some arms....Obamacare is falling apart so Dems will lose in 2018 because of it,GOP can't get their collective heads out of their asses and they might lose majorities in 2018.....President Trump looks like a hero to BOTH sides if he can pull that off.
Starting to realize that Dump is a pathological liar, huh?

Is this his plan anyways? This bill that's being pushed is NOTHING like he pushed on the campaign trail AND Trump has been in favor of universal healthcare before....maybe this is what he does when RINOcare fails and Trump takes over the control of it all and does it his way....twist some arms....Obamacare is falling apart so Dems will lose in 2018 because of it,GOP can't get their collective heads out of their asses and they might lose majorities in 2018.....President Trump looks like a hero to BOTH sides if he can pull that off.

No matter what Trump does now, the dems will tell him to .... FO. Trump peed all over any chance he could have earned good will. The ACA will flounder even more so because the gop has already cut the taxes on providerers and the 1% that supported benefits.

Maybe the gop can cobble something together, but I doubt it. We'll head into the 18 elections with more HC chaos. I think the gop holds the senate. Maybe not the House.

Is this his plan anyways? This bill that's being pushed is NOTHING like he pushed on the campaign trail AND Trump has been in favor of universal healthcare before....maybe this is what he does when RINOcare fails and Trump takes over the control of it all and does it his way....twist some arms....Obamacare is falling apart so Dems will lose in 2018 because of it,GOP can't get their collective heads out of their asses and they might lose majorities in 2018.....President Trump looks like a hero to BOTH sides if he can pull that off.
Starting to realize that Dump is a pathological liar, huh?
Like it or not we are heading for universal healthcare....Trump knows it as does Paul Ryan

kids need clothes too...Why not force me to pay for that, too + YOUR pregnancy, YOUR child care, YOUR kids' health insurance?

Is this his plan anyways? This bill that's being pushed is NOTHING like he pushed on the campaign trail AND Trump has been in favor of universal healthcare before....maybe this is what he does when RINOcare fails and Trump takes over the control of it all and does it his way....twist some arms....Obamacare is falling apart so Dems will lose in 2018 because of it,GOP can't get their collective heads out of their asses and they might lose majorities in 2018.....President Trump looks like a hero to BOTH sides if he can pull that off.


Trump promised a BETTER, CHEAPER coverage for EVERYBODY.
Anything less is yet ANOTHER false promise.

Is this his plan anyways? This bill that's being pushed is NOTHING like he pushed on the campaign trail AND Trump has been in favor of universal healthcare before....maybe this is what he does when RINOcare fails and Trump takes over the control of it all and does it his way....twist some arms....Obamacare is falling apart so Dems will lose in 2018 because of it,GOP can't get their collective heads out of their asses and they might lose majorities in 2018.....President Trump looks like a hero to BOTH sides if he can pull that off.


Trump promised a BETTER, CHEAPER coverage for EVERYBODY.
Anything less is yet ANOTHER false promise.

....+ build a wall along the Mexican border, create jobs with infrastructure projects, etc., etc., etc.; with tax cuts! :blahblah:
Piecemeal "free market" is ALWAYS a disaster. Non-free markets gave us the subprime mortgage crisis + the S&L crisis. GIVE US A FREE MARKET
Obamacare had its 7th anniversary a day or two ago. There has been more than enough time for opponents to figure something out. Political posturing isn't going to fix the situation for iamwhatiseem and others in similar situation. It's put up or shut up time for the GOP, hopefully Trump will be able to define the parameters that he'd like to see in a bill and be able to set the legislation on course. If not, then he might as well keep to his golf course.
Obamacare had its 7th anniversary a day or two ago. There has been more than enough time for opponents to figure something out. Political posturing isn't going to fix the situation for iamwhatiseem and others in similar situation. It's put up or shut up time for the GOP, hopefully Trump will be able to define the parameters that he'd like to see in a bill and be able to set the legislation on course. If not, then he might as well keep to his golf course.

I just want to know what was that legislation they kept sending over to Obama to veto over 60 times? We all knew the Republican'ts were FOS and had nothing to offer; least of all the guts to actually take away ACA in totality with them owning gov't now! :bang3: :ack-1: :blahblah:
The ACA is not the failure they (the GOP ) let on , or Trump, they just hate to pay taxes.
If you love paying taxes I suggest that either you don't actually pay taxes or should pay more and be really happy.
If Trump were smart he would have his Congress pass "Trump-Care" which would be Obama-Care with a new name. Who would know?

Is this his plan anyways? This bill that's being pushed is NOTHING like he pushed on the campaign trail AND Trump has been in favor of universal healthcare before....maybe this is what he does when RINOcare fails and Trump takes over the control of it all and does it his way....twist some arms....Obamacare is falling apart so Dems will lose in 2018 because of it,GOP can't get their collective heads out of their asses and they might lose majorities in 2018.....President Trump looks like a hero to BOTH sides if he can pull that off.

His plan? Don't make me laugh, the guy is clueless.


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