How Trump Can Improve His Approval Ratings

No negative responses, of course.

‘The joint fundraising committee of President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee released a three-question "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office. The only options for "how would you rate President Trump's first year in office" are "great," "good," "okay" and "other."

Visitors are also asked the same question of former President Barack Obama's first year in office, but that question provides "poor" as an additional response option.’

Trump approval poll offers no negative options, asks about media coverage of Trump's approval rating - CBS News

This is clearly among the most arrogant, inane, and dishonest ‘administrations.’ the wall, fix health care, appoint more judges and justices to the courts......go back in and lower taxes again......

That should do it.
Lower taxes again?? Are you nutz a glutton for punishment ? The million and billionaires are already ordering their planes and yachts,
No negative responses, of course.

‘The joint fundraising committee of President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee released a three-question "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office. The only options for "how would you rate President Trump's first year in office" are "great," "good," "okay" and "other."

Visitors are also asked the same question of former President Barack Obama's first year in office, but that question provides "poor" as an additional response option.’

Trump approval poll offers no negative options, asks about media coverage of Trump's approval rating - CBS News

This is clearly among the most arrogant, inane, and dishonest ‘administrations.’ the wall, fix health care, appoint more judges and justices to the courts......go back in and lower taxes again......

That should do it.
Lower taxes again?? Are you nutz a glutton for punishment ? The million and billionaires are already ordering their planes and yachts,

Yeah....and the electricians, sales people, pilots, stewards, mechanics, air traffic controllers....are all going to make more money, and more of them will be needed........and it isn't just the millionaires...and billionaires......they are going to take any of their own money they get to keep, since they earned it.....and turn it into jobs, services and goods....which creates jobs for everyone else...that is what people keeping the money they earn through their own work creates.....
No negative responses, of course.

‘The joint fundraising committee of President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee released a three-question "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office. The only options for "how would you rate President Trump's first year in office" are "great," "good," "okay" and "other."

Visitors are also asked the same question of former President Barack Obama's first year in office, but that question provides "poor" as an additional response option.’

Trump approval poll offers no negative options, asks about media coverage of Trump's approval rating - CBS News

This is clearly among the most arrogant, inane, and dishonest ‘administrations.’ the wall, fix health care, appoint more judges and justices to the courts......go back in and lower taxes again......

That should do it.
Lower taxes again?? Are you nutz a glutton for punishment ? The million and billionaires are already ordering their planes and yachts,

Yeah....and the electricians, sales people, pilots, stewards, mechanics, air traffic controllers....are all going to make more money, and more of them will be needed........and it isn't just the millionaires...and billionaires......they are going to take any of their own money they get to keep, since they earned it.....and turn it into jobs, services and goods....which creates jobs for everyone else...that is what people keeping the money they earn through their own work creates.....
With unemployment as low as it is where are all these jobs coming from Read today China lowering taxes too to keep their foreign companies from leaving
No negative responses, of course.

‘The joint fundraising committee of President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee released a three-question "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office. The only options for "how would you rate President Trump's first year in office" are "great," "good," "okay" and "other."

Visitors are also asked the same question of former President Barack Obama's first year in office, but that question provides "poor" as an additional response option.’

Trump approval poll offers no negative options, asks about media coverage of Trump's approval rating - CBS News

This is clearly among the most arrogant, inane, and dishonest ‘administrations.’ the wall, fix health care, appoint more judges and justices to the courts......go back in and lower taxes again......

That should do it.
Lower taxes again?? Are you nutz a glutton for punishment ? The million and billionaires are already ordering their planes and yachts,

Yeah....and the electricians, sales people, pilots, stewards, mechanics, air traffic controllers....are all going to make more money, and more of them will be needed........and it isn't just the millionaires...and billionaires......they are going to take any of their own money they get to keep, since they earned it.....and turn it into jobs, services and goods....which creates jobs for everyone else...that is what people keeping the money they earn through their own work creates.....
With unemployment as low as it is where are all these jobs coming from Read today China lowering taxes too to keep their foreign companies from leaving

Yep...that is why we need to lower our taxes even more. The jobs will come from people who want to make money, the workers.....they will be the Americans who can't find jobs now, or we will have a reason to use legal immigration to get more workers...a win win for everyone.....
Appease leftists? No thanks.
Trump is president, and he has my approval. That's all that concerns me.
No negative responses, of course.

‘The joint fundraising committee of President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee released a three-question "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office. The only options for "how would you rate President Trump's first year in office" are "great," "good," "okay" and "other."

Visitors are also asked the same question of former President Barack Obama's first year in office, but that question provides "poor" as an additional response option.’

Trump approval poll offers no negative options, asks about media coverage of Trump's approval rating - CBS News

This is clearly among the most arrogant, inane, and dishonest ‘administrations.’
Trump can approve his ratings by putting 12 million Mexicans on a train to Mexico, then putting guards on the border to keep them there..................

there will be 4 million jobs available for Americans immediately as not all Mexicans bother to work
[ Hillary lost those states because she is a lying, corrupt, old, sick, criminal bitch.

So in reality, as I have been telling you for months, Trump didn't win on HIS merits, he won on HRC faults and baggage.
That is very true. Trump was clearly the lesser of two evils, but you chose the greater of two evils. Why?

I chose Bernie and have never voted for HRC for anything.
I probably would have chose Bernie too, if the DParty had not screwed him out of the nomination. Clearly Cankles was the most evil candidate of all time, but your party loved her so much they cheated Americans so she could get the nomination.
what is it about socialism that you find so appealing? its a serious question.

Socialism limits capitalism. That is what I like.

So you don't want to be rewarded for your efforts and/or talents? Interesting. When you sell something do you always price it just to break even, or do you try to make a profit?

It is not a black and white, yes or no, either/or issue.

so what is it about then? feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooootions

You talk about profit vs. break even, then you explain to me why both my credit union and my electric co-op,

which are in fact only allowed to 'break even', can give me better service and better prices than their for-profit counterparts.

your credit union and co-op are not break even enterprises. The make enough profit to pay employees, expenses, and put some away for unknowns. If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred i.e. your interest rate on a CU loan would fluctuate rather than being fixed. You're welcome.
So in reality, as I have been telling you for months, Trump didn't win on HIS merits, he won on HRC faults and baggage.
That is very true. Trump was clearly the lesser of two evils, but you chose the greater of two evils. Why?

I chose Bernie and have never voted for HRC for anything.
I probably would have chose Bernie too, if the DParty had not screwed him out of the nomination. Clearly Cankles was the most evil candidate of all time, but your party loved her so much they cheated Americans so she could get the nomination.

OK then, same question for you. What is it about socialism that you find so attractive?

I do find attractive Bernie's commitment to no more war. He also claims to be against the extremely wealthy controlling the nation. That is pretty good.

you do understand that many of Bernie's supporters are extremely wealthy don't you? It works like this, they get to keep theirs and the rest of us are told what we are allowed to keep.
Trump's real approval ratings are already pretty good. The lying pollsters are trying to fool you. Remember, they said that Hillary could not lose and Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. Pollsters are dishonest, they have an agenda, their agenda is propaganda.
Reminds me of a Rasmussen robo poll. I had a call from them and they actually asked questions like this:

"Do you believe the Fake News Media will fairly cover President Trump's first year approval rating?" with the options of "yes," "no" and "other."

:laugh: :laugh2::lmao:
No negative responses, of course.

‘The joint fundraising committee of President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee released a three-question "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office. The only options for "how would you rate President Trump's first year in office" are "great," "good," "okay" and "other."

Visitors are also asked the same question of former President Barack Obama's first year in office, but that question provides "poor" as an additional response option.’

Trump approval poll offers no negative options, asks about media coverage of Trump's approval rating - CBS News

This is clearly among the most arrogant, inane, and dishonest ‘administrations.’ the wall, fix health care, appoint more judges and justices to the courts......go back in and lower taxes again......

That should do it.
Lower taxes again?? Are you nutz a glutton for punishment ? The million and billionaires are already ordering their planes and yachts,

Yeah....and the electricians, sales people, pilots, stewards, mechanics, air traffic controllers....are all going to make more money, and more of them will be needed........and it isn't just the millionaires...and billionaires......they are going to take any of their own money they get to keep, since they earned it.....and turn it into jobs, services and goods....which creates jobs for everyone else...that is what people keeping the money they earn through their own work creates.....
With unemployment as low as it is where are all these jobs coming from Read today China lowering taxes too to keep their foreign companies from leaving

Yep...that is why we need to lower our taxes even more. The jobs will come from people who want to make money, the workers.....they will be the Americans who can't find jobs now, or we will have a reason to use legal immigration to get more workers...a win win for everyone.....
Our economy is doing great Companies are flush with green Why can't these americans you speak of find jobs now ?No training might be the answer
All he has to do to improve his approval ratings, is keep the nation out of war and eliminate the Deep State.

However should he actually do these things, which I tend to think he won't, he risks getting his head blown off in broad light as has happened before.

He said "Deep State" ^ ^ ^ :biggrin:

No negative responses, of course.

‘The joint fundraising committee of President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee released a three-question "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office. The only options for "how would you rate President Trump's first year in office" are "great," "good," "okay" and "other."

Visitors are also asked the same question of former President Barack Obama's first year in office, but that question provides "poor" as an additional response option.’

Trump approval poll offers no negative options, asks about media coverage of Trump's approval rating - CBS News

This is clearly among the most arrogant, inane, and dishonest ‘administrations.’ the wall, fix health care, appoint more judges and justices to the courts......go back in and lower taxes again......

That should do it.
Lower taxes again?? Are you nutz a glutton for punishment ? The million and billionaires are already ordering their planes and yachts,

That's all they have.

If taxes were 1% they'd want to lower them to zero and borrow 100% of the money needed to run the government.
Maybe he could try doing a few things that most Americans support
For example?

Ooh! Ooh! I know! He could cut taxes! Who would be moronic enough to oppose that?
How is he paying for those cuts Thought repubs were the fiscal conservative party??? OR IS THAT ONLY when Dems are in the WH??

Only in insane land are tax cuts unpopular.

Face reality, paying for things ceased with the Gingrich Congress.
So in reality, as I have been telling you for months, Trump didn't win on HIS merits, he won on HRC faults and baggage.
That is very true. Trump was clearly the lesser of two evils, but you chose the greater of two evils. Why?

I chose Bernie and have never voted for HRC for anything.
I probably would have chose Bernie too, if the DParty had not screwed him out of the nomination. Clearly Cankles was the most evil candidate of all time, but your party loved her so much they cheated Americans so she could get the nomination.
Socialism limits capitalism. That is what I like.

So you don't want to be rewarded for your efforts and/or talents? Interesting. When you sell something do you always price it just to break even, or do you try to make a profit?

It is not a black and white, yes or no, either/or issue.

so what is it about then? feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooootions

You talk about profit vs. break even, then you explain to me why both my credit union and my electric co-op,

which are in fact only allowed to 'break even', can give me better service and better prices than their for-profit counterparts.

your credit union and co-op are not break even enterprises. The make enough profit to pay employees, expenses, and put some away for unknowns. If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred i.e. your interest rate on a CU loan would fluctuate rather than being fixed. You're welcome.

lol, so there's no such thing as a non-profit. Goddam that's funny.

btw, my electric co-op sends out checks every year to the members based on their requirement to adhere to the non-profit rule.

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