How Trump Can Improve His Approval Ratings


for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. ?

Trump and the GOP did. They increased the child tax credit, which is partly refundable, putting many Americans in the 'negative tax' category - i.e., they won't just not pay taxes, they will get money FROM the government.

and you object to that? do your left wing handlers know?

I was just proving you don't know what you're talking about.

people getting a negative tax are not "paying less" we are paying them.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. ?

Trump and the GOP did. They increased the child tax credit, which is partly refundable, putting many Americans in the 'negative tax' category - i.e., they won't just not pay taxes, they will get money FROM the government.

and you object to that? do your left wing handlers know?

You object to it, but won't admit it now that Trump has done it.

when did I say I objected to EIC? Actually that child credit increase will help everyone who has kids whether they pay taxes or collect EIC. But since Trump and republicans passed it you object to it, can you explain that?
The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.
Oh he's ready to stick it up our asses again
Really? Let's see if I understand you correctly. You seem to say that a man who doesn't pay taxes and allows people who DO pay taxes to keep a little more of what they legally earn is, as you say, "sticking it up your ass", and that he's done it before? Strangeness abounds.
yes he offers A LITTLE more on a temporary basis and takes the lions share for himself and friends on a permanent level now do you understnd?

I thought the complaint was that he doesn't pay taxes. If he doesn't pay taxes, how can he get a tax cut? You can't have it both ways.

And how does allowing people to keep a little more of what is already theirs sticking it to you?
Oh he's going to have huge huge profits now ,,,so he can take massive deductions Then he'll show you fools how he pays taxes
No negative responses, of course.

‘The joint fundraising committee of President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee released a three-question "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office. The only options for "how would you rate President Trump's first year in office" are "great," "good," "okay" and "other."

Visitors are also asked the same question of former President Barack Obama's first year in office, but that question provides "poor" as an additional response option.’

Trump approval poll offers no negative options, asks about media coverage of Trump's approval rating - CBS News

This is clearly among the most arrogant, inane, and dishonest ‘administrations.’
Depends on how you define "negative".
12 years ago

Even Crooked Donnie bragged about not paying taxes

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that

So will the millions of middle class americans when they see their paychecks go up on February 1st.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. But you can get him a job by putting more spendable money in the hands of employers.

why is economics so hard for liberals?

The middle class will see $20 a week if they are lucky
That will be negated by fewer deductions and higher healthcare costs

Crooked Donnie just saved billions
No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.
Oh he's ready to stick it up our asses again
Really? Let's see if I understand you correctly. You seem to say that a man who doesn't pay taxes and allows people who DO pay taxes to keep a little more of what they legally earn is, as you say, "sticking it up your ass", and that he's done it before? Strangeness abounds.
yes he offers A LITTLE more on a temporary basis and takes the lions share for himself and friends on a permanent level now do you understnd?

I thought the complaint was that he doesn't pay taxes. If he doesn't pay taxes, how can he get a tax cut? You can't have it both ways.

And how does allowing people to keep a little more of what is already theirs sticking it to you?
Oh he's going to have huge huge profits now ,,,so he can take massive deductions Then he'll show you fools how he pays taxes

how exactly do you know that? you are just jealous of successful people, kind of sad.

the tax bill will cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes and even increase the negative taxes of people on EIC. When businesses, small and large, have a lower tax bill they can pay employees more and hire more. Several large corps have announced bonuses and salary increases, why do you object to improving the lives of average americans?

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. ?

Trump and the GOP did. They increased the child tax credit, which is partly refundable, putting many Americans in the 'negative tax' category - i.e., they won't just not pay taxes, they will get money FROM the government.

and you object to that? do your left wing handlers know?

I was just proving you don't know what you're talking about.

people getting a negative tax are not "paying less" we are paying them.

A person with a net tax bill of less than zero is paying less than someone with a tax bill of greater than zero.

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that

So will the millions of middle class americans when they see their paychecks go up on February 1st.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. But you can get him a job by putting more spendable money in the hands of employers.

why is economics so hard for liberals?

The middle class will see $20 a week if they are lucky
That will be negated by fewer deductions and higher healthcare costs

Crooked Donnie just saved billions

so did Crooked Hillary. crooked Pelosi, crooked Schumer, crooked Rosie, crooked Reid, crooked McCain, crooked Gates, crooked Soros, crooked Biden.

Yes, the rich benefit from tax cuts, but so do average americans. BTW, 10% of a billion is more than 10% of 50K. So if you make more, you pay more.

you on the left are just jealous of successful people, unless they are liberal democrats, then you love the evil rich. you are a fricken hypocrite.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. ?

Trump and the GOP did. They increased the child tax credit, which is partly refundable, putting many Americans in the 'negative tax' category - i.e., they won't just not pay taxes, they will get money FROM the government.

and you object to that? do your left wing handlers know?

I was just proving you don't know what you're talking about.

people getting a negative tax are not "paying less" we are paying them.

A person with a net tax bill of less than zero is paying less than someone with a tax bill of greater than zero.


wow, congratulations, you finally got it.
Oh he's ready to stick it up our asses again
Really? Let's see if I understand you correctly. You seem to say that a man who doesn't pay taxes and allows people who DO pay taxes to keep a little more of what they legally earn is, as you say, "sticking it up your ass", and that he's done it before? Strangeness abounds.
yes he offers A LITTLE more on a temporary basis and takes the lions share for himself and friends on a permanent level now do you understnd?

I thought the complaint was that he doesn't pay taxes. If he doesn't pay taxes, how can he get a tax cut? You can't have it both ways.

And how does allowing people to keep a little more of what is already theirs sticking it to you?
Oh he's going to have huge huge profits now ,,,so he can take massive deductions Then he'll show you fools how he pays taxes

how exactly do you know that? you are just jealous of successful people, kind of sad.

the tax bill will cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes and even increase the negative taxes of people on EIC. When businesses, small and large, have a lower tax bill they can pay employees more and hire more. Several large corps have announced bonuses and salary increases, why do you object to improving the lives of average americans?

What happened to you past insistence that everyone have 'skin in the game'?
The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that

So will the millions of middle class americans when they see their paychecks go up on February 1st.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. But you can get him a job by putting more spendable money in the hands of employers.

why is economics so hard for liberals?

The middle class will see $20 a week if they are lucky
That will be negated by fewer deductions and higher healthcare costs

Crooked Donnie just saved billions

so did Crooked Hillary. crooked Pelosi, crooked Schumer, crooked Rosie, crooked Reid, crooked McCain, crooked Gates, crooked Soros, crooked Biden.

Yes, the rich benefit from tax cuts, but so do average americans. BTW, 10% of a billion is more than 10% of 50K. So if you make more, you pay more.

you on the left are just jealous of successful people, unless they are liberal democrats, then you love the evil rich. you are a fricken hypocrite.

When did you stop caring about the deficits and debt? About a year ago? lol
Really? Let's see if I understand you correctly. You seem to say that a man who doesn't pay taxes and allows people who DO pay taxes to keep a little more of what they legally earn is, as you say, "sticking it up your ass", and that he's done it before? Strangeness abounds.
yes he offers A LITTLE more on a temporary basis and takes the lions share for himself and friends on a permanent level now do you understnd?

I thought the complaint was that he doesn't pay taxes. If he doesn't pay taxes, how can he get a tax cut? You can't have it both ways.

And how does allowing people to keep a little more of what is already theirs sticking it to you?
Oh he's going to have huge huge profits now ,,,so he can take massive deductions Then he'll show you fools how he pays taxes

how exactly do you know that? you are just jealous of successful people, kind of sad.

the tax bill will cut taxes for everyone who pays taxes and even increase the negative taxes of people on EIC. When businesses, small and large, have a lower tax bill they can pay employees more and hire more. Several large corps have announced bonuses and salary increases, why do you object to improving the lives of average americans?

What happened to you past insistence that everyone have 'skin in the game'?

I still believe that. The most fair tax system would be a flat % that applied to all income with no deductions or exemptions. I would also include a floor below which you would pay zero tax.
No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that

So will the millions of middle class americans when they see their paychecks go up on February 1st.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. But you can get him a job by putting more spendable money in the hands of employers.

why is economics so hard for liberals?

The middle class will see $20 a week if they are lucky
That will be negated by fewer deductions and higher healthcare costs

Crooked Donnie just saved billions

so did Crooked Hillary. crooked Pelosi, crooked Schumer, crooked Rosie, crooked Reid, crooked McCain, crooked Gates, crooked Soros, crooked Biden.

Yes, the rich benefit from tax cuts, but so do average americans. BTW, 10% of a billion is more than 10% of 50K. So if you make more, you pay more.

you on the left are just jealous of successful people, unless they are liberal democrats, then you love the evil rich. you are a fricken hypocrite.

When did you stop caring about the deficits and debt? About a year ago? lol

when did you start caring about them? after Obama doubled the national debt with deficit spending every year of his 8?

this shit goes both ways, dude (or dudette).

the way to reduce the deficit is by reducing govt spending, not by putting more money in the hands of politicians.
The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that

So will the millions of middle class americans when they see their paychecks go up on February 1st.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. But you can get him a job by putting more spendable money in the hands of employers.

why is economics so hard for liberals?

The middle class will see $20 a week if they are lucky
That will be negated by fewer deductions and higher healthcare costs

Crooked Donnie just saved billions

so did Crooked Hillary. crooked Pelosi, crooked Schumer, crooked Rosie, crooked Reid, crooked McCain, crooked Gates, crooked Soros, crooked Biden.

Yes, the rich benefit from tax cuts, but so do average americans. BTW, 10% of a billion is more than 10% of 50K. So if you make more, you pay more.

you on the left are just jealous of successful people, unless they are liberal democrats, then you love the evil rich. you are a fricken hypocrite.

The difference is that Democrats voted AGAINST those tax cuts

Republicans like Crooked Donnie voted to enrich themselves
Rachel Maddow would say otherwise.

12 years ago

Even Crooked Donnie bragged about not paying taxes

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that

Okay, so he DOES pay taxes.
No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that

So will the millions of middle class americans when they see their paychecks go up on February 1st.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. But you can get him a job by putting more spendable money in the hands of employers.

why is economics so hard for liberals?

The middle class will see $20 a week if they are lucky
That will be negated by fewer deductions and higher healthcare costs

Crooked Donnie just saved billions

so did Crooked Hillary. crooked Pelosi, crooked Schumer, crooked Rosie, crooked Reid, crooked McCain, crooked Gates, crooked Soros, crooked Biden.

Yes, the rich benefit from tax cuts, but so do average americans. BTW, 10% of a billion is more than 10% of 50K. So if you make more, you pay more.

you on the left are just jealous of successful people, unless they are liberal democrats, then you love the evil rich. you are a fricken hypocrite.

The difference is that Democrats voted AGAINST those tax cuts

Republicans like Crooked Donnie voted to enrich themselves

yes, the dems voted against a bill that would help all americans by lowering their taxes and creating jobs. you called it right (winger)
12 years ago

Even Crooked Donnie bragged about not paying taxes

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that

So will the millions of middle class americans when they see their paychecks go up on February 1st.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. But you can get him a job by putting more spendable money in the hands of employers.

why is economics so hard for liberals?

Because it's based on facts, not feelings.
No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.
Oh he's ready to stick it up our asses again
Really? Let's see if I understand you correctly. You seem to say that a man who doesn't pay taxes and allows people who DO pay taxes to keep a little more of what they legally earn is, as you say, "sticking it up your ass", and that he's done it before? Strangeness abounds.
yes he offers A LITTLE more on a temporary basis and takes the lions share for himself and friends on a permanent level now do you understnd?

I thought the complaint was that he doesn't pay taxes. If he doesn't pay taxes, how can he get a tax cut? You can't have it both ways.

And how does allowing people to keep a little more of what is already theirs sticking it to you?
Oh he's going to have huge huge profits now ,,,so he can take massive deductions Then he'll show you fools how he pays taxes

How is that sticking it up your ass?
If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that

So will the millions of middle class americans when they see their paychecks go up on February 1st.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. But you can get him a job by putting more spendable money in the hands of employers.

why is economics so hard for liberals?

The middle class will see $20 a week if they are lucky
That will be negated by fewer deductions and higher healthcare costs

Crooked Donnie just saved billions

It sounds like the consensus is that Trump DOES pay taxes. So I guess we won't hear that particular complaint any more.

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