How Trump Can Improve His Approval Ratings

Dishonest. 50% don’t pay income tax. So, if you ask them if they want a tax cut, what do you think will be their response?
Our President does not pay income tax

Rachel Maddow would say otherwise.

12 years ago

Even Crooked Donnie bragged about not paying taxes

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie
Dishonest. 50% don’t pay income tax. So, if you ask them if they want a tax cut, what do you think will be their response?
Our President does not pay income tax

Rachel Maddow would say otherwise.

12 years ago

Even Crooked Donnie bragged about not paying taxes

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.
Our President does not pay income tax

Rachel Maddow would say otherwise.

12 years ago

Even Crooked Donnie bragged about not paying taxes

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.
Oh he's ready to stick it up our asses again
Rachel Maddow would say otherwise.

12 years ago

Even Crooked Donnie bragged about not paying taxes

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.
Oh he's ready to stick it up our asses again
Really? Let's see if I understand you correctly. You seem to say that a man who doesn't pay taxes and allows people who DO pay taxes to keep a little more of what they legally earn is, as you say, "sticking it up your ass", and that he's done it before? Strangeness abounds.
Last edited:
12 years ago

Even Crooked Donnie bragged about not paying taxes

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.
Oh he's ready to stick it up our asses again
Really? Let's see if I understand you correctly. You seem to say that a man who doesn't pay taxes and allows people who DO pay taxes to keep a little more of what they legally earn is, as you say, "sticking it up your ass", and that he's done it before? Strangeness abounds.
yes he offers A LITTLE more on a temporary basis and takes the lions share for himself and friends on a permanent level now do you understnd?
That is very true. Trump was clearly the lesser of two evils, but you chose the greater of two evils. Why?

I chose Bernie and have never voted for HRC for anything.
I probably would have chose Bernie too, if the DParty had not screwed him out of the nomination. Clearly Cankles was the most evil candidate of all time, but your party loved her so much they cheated Americans so she could get the nomination.
So you don't want to be rewarded for your efforts and/or talents? Interesting. When you sell something do you always price it just to break even, or do you try to make a profit?

It is not a black and white, yes or no, either/or issue.

so what is it about then? feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooootions

You talk about profit vs. break even, then you explain to me why both my credit union and my electric co-op,

which are in fact only allowed to 'break even', can give me better service and better prices than their for-profit counterparts.

your credit union and co-op are not break even enterprises. The make enough profit to pay employees, expenses, and put some away for unknowns. If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred i.e. your interest rate on a CU loan would fluctuate rather than being fixed. You're welcome.

lol, so there's no such thing as a non-profit. Goddam that's funny.

btw, my electric co-op sends out checks every year to the members based on their requirement to adhere to the non-profit rule.

they are distributing the profits to the members. Its really tiresome dealing with minimally educated liberals like you. If it was truly a non profit, you would not get those annual checks.
If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.
Oh he's ready to stick it up our asses again
Really? Let's see if I understand you correctly. You seem to say that a man who doesn't pay taxes and allows people who DO pay taxes to keep a little more of what they legally earn is, as you say, "sticking it up your ass", and that he's done it before? Strangeness abounds.
yes he offers A LITTLE more on a temporary basis and takes the lions share for himself and friends on a permanent level now do you understnd?

life isn't fair, never will be, now do you understand?
If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.
Oh he's ready to stick it up our asses again
Really? Let's see if I understand you correctly. You seem to say that a man who doesn't pay taxes and allows people who DO pay taxes to keep a little more of what they legally earn is, as you say, "sticking it up your ass", and that he's done it before? Strangeness abounds.
yes he offers A LITTLE more on a temporary basis and takes the lions share for himself and friends on a permanent level now do you understnd?

I thought the complaint was that he doesn't pay taxes. If he doesn't pay taxes, how can he get a tax cut? You can't have it both ways.

And how does allowing people to keep a little more of what is already theirs sticking it to you?

To improve ratings, he should have his own weekly reality series, maybe the Trumps compete against the it "War Of The Loosers" or something more clever than that.
I chose Bernie and have never voted for HRC for anything.
I probably would have chose Bernie too, if the DParty had not screwed him out of the nomination. Clearly Cankles was the most evil candidate of all time, but your party loved her so much they cheated Americans so she could get the nomination.
It is not a black and white, yes or no, either/or issue.

so what is it about then? feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooootions

You talk about profit vs. break even, then you explain to me why both my credit union and my electric co-op,

which are in fact only allowed to 'break even', can give me better service and better prices than their for-profit counterparts.

your credit union and co-op are not break even enterprises. The make enough profit to pay employees, expenses, and put some away for unknowns. If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred i.e. your interest rate on a CU loan would fluctuate rather than being fixed. You're welcome.

lol, so there's no such thing as a non-profit. Goddam that's funny.

btw, my electric co-op sends out checks every year to the members based on their requirement to adhere to the non-profit rule.

they are distributing the profits to the members. Its really tiresome dealing with minimally educated liberals like you. If it was truly a non profit, you would not get those annual checks.

No, you're wrong again. They distribute that money based on how much electricity each member used, and paid for,

which makes it a reimbursement, not a distribution of 'profit'.
Our President does not pay income tax

Rachel Maddow would say otherwise.

12 years ago

Even Crooked Donnie bragged about not paying taxes

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that
I probably would have chose Bernie too, if the DParty had not screwed him out of the nomination. Clearly Cankles was the most evil candidate of all time, but your party loved her so much they cheated Americans so she could get the nomination.
so what is it about then? feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooootions

You talk about profit vs. break even, then you explain to me why both my credit union and my electric co-op,

which are in fact only allowed to 'break even', can give me better service and better prices than their for-profit counterparts.

your credit union and co-op are not break even enterprises. The make enough profit to pay employees, expenses, and put some away for unknowns. If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred i.e. your interest rate on a CU loan would fluctuate rather than being fixed. You're welcome.

lol, so there's no such thing as a non-profit. Goddam that's funny.

btw, my electric co-op sends out checks every year to the members based on their requirement to adhere to the non-profit rule.

they are distributing the profits to the members. Its really tiresome dealing with minimally educated liberals like you. If it was truly a non profit, you would not get those annual checks.

No, you're wrong again. They distribute that money based on how much electricity each member used, and paid for,

which makes it a reimbursement, not a distribution of 'profit'.

geez-----------when a company takes in more than it spends, the difference is profit. You get a proration of it based on your energy consumption.

Yes, the company does not book a profit and pay taxes on it, it is distributed to the members. So for tax purposes it is a non-profit. But it is making a profit or you would not get those checks.

splitting hairs maybe, but you need to understand what you are saying.
Rachel Maddow would say otherwise.

12 years ago

Even Crooked Donnie bragged about not paying taxes

If it was done legally, he WAS smart, and why would that be a problem? I mean, it's not like he didn't pay what he owed and got appointed to run the Treasury. That would be bad.

You can't make a blanket, obviously wrong statement like that and expect it to stand unchallenged.

The other 47 percent who do not pay taxes are also following the law
If they are "freeloaders" so is Fat Donnie

No one is saying they're breaking the law. Makes you wonder, though, why they or their handlers would scream bloody murder if someone who does pay taxes gets a tax cut.

The thought does come to mind that it's a little irrational to complain that Trump gave himself a tax cut while simultaneously complaining that he doesn't pay taxes.

Crooked Donnie is smarter than that
Trump Corporation just got a 50% tax cut and guess who the major shareholder is?
The inheritance tax has been guess who now gets billions of dollars tax free?
Income tax is for suckers....Crooked Donnie knows that

So will the millions of middle class americans when they see their paychecks go up on February 1st.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. But you can get him a job by putting more spendable money in the hands of employers.

why is economics so hard for liberals?
I chose Bernie and have never voted for HRC for anything.
I probably would have chose Bernie too, if the DParty had not screwed him out of the nomination. Clearly Cankles was the most evil candidate of all time, but your party loved her so much they cheated Americans so she could get the nomination.
It is not a black and white, yes or no, either/or issue.

so what is it about then? feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooootions

You talk about profit vs. break even, then you explain to me why both my credit union and my electric co-op,

which are in fact only allowed to 'break even', can give me better service and better prices than their for-profit counterparts.

your credit union and co-op are not break even enterprises. The make enough profit to pay employees, expenses, and put some away for unknowns. If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred i.e. your interest rate on a CU loan would fluctuate rather than being fixed. You're welcome.

lol, so there's no such thing as a non-profit. Goddam that's funny.

btw, my electric co-op sends out checks every year to the members based on their requirement to adhere to the non-profit rule.

they are distributing the profits to the members. Its really tiresome dealing with minimally educated liberals like you. If it was truly a non profit, you would not get those annual checks.

lol, it can't be a profit because the MEMBERS paid that money IN.
You talk about profit vs. break even, then you explain to me why both my credit union and my electric co-op,

which are in fact only allowed to 'break even', can give me better service and better prices than their for-profit counterparts.

your credit union and co-op are not break even enterprises. The make enough profit to pay employees, expenses, and put some away for unknowns. If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred i.e. your interest rate on a CU loan would fluctuate rather than being fixed. You're welcome.

lol, so there's no such thing as a non-profit. Goddam that's funny.

btw, my electric co-op sends out checks every year to the members based on their requirement to adhere to the non-profit rule.

they are distributing the profits to the members. Its really tiresome dealing with minimally educated liberals like you. If it was truly a non profit, you would not get those annual checks.

No, you're wrong again. They distribute that money based on how much electricity each member used, and paid for,

which makes it a reimbursement, not a distribution of 'profit'.

geez-----------when a company takes in more than it spends, the difference is profit. You get a proration of it based on your energy consumption.

Yes, the company does not book a profit and pay taxes on it, it is distributed to the members. So for tax purposes it is a non-profit. But it is making a profit or you would not get those checks.

splitting hairs maybe, but you need to understand what you are saying.

I guess you forgot you said this:

"If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred"

and then I explained to you that that is exactly what my co-op does.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. ?

Trump and the GOP did. They increased the child tax credit, which is partly refundable, putting many Americans in the 'negative tax' category - i.e., they won't just not pay taxes, they will get money FROM the government.
I probably would have chose Bernie too, if the DParty had not screwed him out of the nomination. Clearly Cankles was the most evil candidate of all time, but your party loved her so much they cheated Americans so she could get the nomination.
so what is it about then? feeeeeeeeeeeeeeelings and emooooooooooootions

You talk about profit vs. break even, then you explain to me why both my credit union and my electric co-op,

which are in fact only allowed to 'break even', can give me better service and better prices than their for-profit counterparts.

your credit union and co-op are not break even enterprises. The make enough profit to pay employees, expenses, and put some away for unknowns. If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred i.e. your interest rate on a CU loan would fluctuate rather than being fixed. You're welcome.

lol, so there's no such thing as a non-profit. Goddam that's funny.

btw, my electric co-op sends out checks every year to the members based on their requirement to adhere to the non-profit rule.

they are distributing the profits to the members. Its really tiresome dealing with minimally educated liberals like you. If it was truly a non profit, you would not get those annual checks.

lol, it can't be a profit because the MEMBERS paid that money IN.
your credit union and co-op are not break even enterprises. The make enough profit to pay employees, expenses, and put some away for unknowns. If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred i.e. your interest rate on a CU loan would fluctuate rather than being fixed. You're welcome.

lol, so there's no such thing as a non-profit. Goddam that's funny.

btw, my electric co-op sends out checks every year to the members based on their requirement to adhere to the non-profit rule.

they are distributing the profits to the members. Its really tiresome dealing with minimally educated liberals like you. If it was truly a non profit, you would not get those annual checks.

No, you're wrong again. They distribute that money based on how much electricity each member used, and paid for,

which makes it a reimbursement, not a distribution of 'profit'.

geez-----------when a company takes in more than it spends, the difference is profit. You get a proration of it based on your energy consumption.

Yes, the company does not book a profit and pay taxes on it, it is distributed to the members. So for tax purposes it is a non-profit. But it is making a profit or you would not get those checks.

splitting hairs maybe, but you need to understand what you are saying.

I guess you forgot you said this:

"If they were truly break even, they would have to adjust what they charge you based on expenses incurred"

and then I explained to you that that is exactly what my co-op does.

your grasp of the English language is marginal at best. Making a profit and booking the profit are two different accounting exercises. The co-op makes a profit but does not book a profit because it distributes its excess income (profit) back to its members. Such co-ops exist to avoid corporate income taxes, mutual insurance companies work the same way. So those corporations are paying nothing towards running the country that allows them to exist, that should enrage you as a liberal.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. ?

Trump and the GOP did. They increased the child tax credit, which is partly refundable, putting many Americans in the 'negative tax' category - i.e., they won't just not pay taxes, they will get money FROM the government.

and you object to that? do your left wing handlers know?

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. ?

Trump and the GOP did. They increased the child tax credit, which is partly refundable, putting many Americans in the 'negative tax' category - i.e., they won't just not pay taxes, they will get money FROM the government.

and you object to that? do your left wing handlers know?

I was just proving you don't know what you're talking about.

for the record, you cant cut taxes for someone who pays no taxes. ?

Trump and the GOP did. They increased the child tax credit, which is partly refundable, putting many Americans in the 'negative tax' category - i.e., they won't just not pay taxes, they will get money FROM the government.

and you object to that? do your left wing handlers know?

You object to it, but won't admit it now that Trump has done it.

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