How Trump lost on china, and 300K jobs, and left us weaker to confront the aggression.

They didn't steal anything.

Stop lying you liberal puke. China steals not just from the US but from many other countries. Go talk to Japan about their fight to stop China from counterfeiting their products.
Lets all give a big hand to bubba and the republican congress in the 90's for moving us to this point. Trump has nothing to do with those idiots.
Trump is “losing the ‘Cold War’ with China,” former World Bank Director Robert Zoellick wrote last week in the Washington Post. The Republican is unsparing in his evaluation of Donald Trump’s signature trade war, which in retrospect was not easy to win, as Trump once wrote. Instead, it “forced [Trump] to spend $28 billion to compensate U.S. farmers,” and “stuck Americans with an annual bill for higher taxes on $350 billion of purchases from China.” Zoellick adds that “Moody’s Analytics estimated that Trump’s trade war with China has resulted in 300,000 fewer jobs being created in the United States.”

— Your host sees few arguments from conservatives in the Sinosphere that Trump has won this trade war. Pro-Trump arguments generally hold that engagement failed, that those efforts were naïve or that Democrats (or Trump critics) downplay or misunderstand the threat from Beijing. But after over three years of trade feuds, almost no one is saying the president, or America, got the better end of this bargain.
Trump's trade war caused an extended manufacturing recession.

He thought he could waltz in and bully world leaders like he bullied others throughout his life. Now they're laughing at us.

Arrogant ignorance.
Extended manufacturing recession? LMAO!

You mean the one obie said was never coming back and Trump needed a magic wand to fix?
Um, no. It lasted throughout 2019. If you were to google "manufacturing recession 2019" you could probably learn about it.

I'm not surprised you didn't know about it, given how much is kept from you in your universe. That's not my fault.
Holy shit. You mean to tell me it took a couple years for policy changes to begin showing good signs? That sounds like an admission if we kept doing the obie stupid shit then he would be right and the jobs would never come back.
"But Obama"

It had nothing to do with Obama, but I'm glad to see that's the best you can do.

This is what happens when you Trumpsters choose to exist in an informational bubble. You didn't even KNOW.
So pointing out the change in regulations, taxes and policies from failure to success is “but obie”. I got news for you. His failure is his no matter how bad you’d rather not talk about it.

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