How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

'THE CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST"? What does that mean? Does it mean that America deserves a pandemic because lefties ht the president?

The election of incompetent, Dopey Donald Trump with Russian assistance.
The chickens are coming home to roost as Donald Trump spent like a drunken sailor in his first 3 years.

The worst aspect of this for Donald Trump will be that his own businesses will be under threat of collapse from the economic meltdown. It further demonstrates why US Presidents should put their assets in a blind trust when they are elected.

Donald Trump will be frantic in his efforts to save the Trump Organization from bankruptcy and wil be too busy to worry about his duty to Americans.

How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

... The S&P is now only around 300 points away from wiping out all its gains since Donald Trump won the White House in November 2016. President Trump himself, one of the grandest boasters of the strength and resilience of markets and the American economy, appeared to capitulate on Monday with a more somber tone reflecting the immense magnitude of the challenge facing the nation. ...

Trump consistently uses half measures.

Trump announced recently he was invoking the Defense Production Act, which was established in 1950 in response to production needs during war. That same day, "I only signed the Defense Production Act to combat the Chinese Virus should we need to invoke it in a worst case scenario in the future," Trump tweeted. "Hopefully there will be no need, but we are all in this TOGETHER!"

That way, for those who approved the move he can say he invoked the wartime act because he is a "wartime President." To those who opposed the move, Trump can say "I really didn't mean it."

Trump consistently wants it both ways. He sometimes makes a fair stand-up comic when he does this.

Referring to a vaccine for malaria (caused by a parasite) working on covid-19 (caused by a virus), Trump said that if it works, it will be a game changer. Then he added, "Or maybe not." Trump's medical expert got up to the mike quickly to explain testing of the vaccine will take months.

Trump said his government is not a "shipping clerk" when criticizing governors trying to obtain supplies. Then he said governors are doing a"fantastic job" getting supplies and Trump's FEMA director said his agency was shipping supplies to the states.

Many times Trump avoids unpleasant facts.

When asked about the travel ban imposed by his state department, Trump referred the reporter to the state department and refused to to talk about it.

When asked about the use of bandanas by health caregivers, Trump said he hasn't seen that and he turned the matter over to Pence. The bandana issues have been in the media for days.

Trump said we should have known about this months ago. China reported the virus to the WHO in December. The U.S. government became aware of the virus in January.

Jan 22
“We have it totally under control. ... It’s going to be just fine.”
— Donald Trump

How did this incompetent man become our President? He is a joke.

No matter what Trump says the enemy democrats would say its wrong. Such is the face of sedition and sabotage.

You should reduce your consumption of Dopey Donald Trump's hot, steaming, dogma sandwiches.

It is coming out of your ears.
'THE CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST"? What does that mean? Does it mean that America deserves a pandemic because lefties ht the president?

Please practice your comprehension by reading the post several times over while a child explains it to you.

Chickens come home to roost is relevant to the Russian-assisted election of Dopey Donald Trump, a 6-time financial bankrupt; a moral bankrupt; and an intellectual bankrupt.
'THE CHICKENS COME HOME TO ROOST"? What does that mean? Does it mean that America deserves a pandemic because lefties ht the president?

Please practice your comprehension by reading the post several times over while a child explains it to you.

Chickens come home to roost is relevant to the Russian-assisted election of Dopey Donald Trump, a 6-time financial bankrupt; a moral bankrupt; and an intellectual bankrupt.
nearly 20 thousand people died from h1n1 and not a peep from your communist comrades ...unfortunately for you the economies fundamentals are strong and it will roar back and we will stop this virus long before it kills as many as the less lethal less contagious h1n1 virus that oboma couldn't handle.
The chickens are coming home to roost as Donald Trump spent like a drunken sailor in his first 3 years.

The worst aspect of this for Donald Trump will be that his own businesses will be under threat of collapse from the economic meltdown. It further demonstrates why US Presidents should put their assets in a blind trust when they are elected.

Donald Trump will be frantic in his efforts to save the Trump Organization from bankruptcy and wil be too busy to worry about his duty to Americans.

How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

... The S&P is now only around 300 points away from wiping out all its gains since Donald Trump won the White House in November 2016. President Trump himself, one of the grandest boasters of the strength and resilience of markets and the American economy, appeared to capitulate on Monday with a more somber tone reflecting the immense magnitude of the challenge facing the nation. ...

Trump consistently uses half measures.

Trump announced recently he was invoking the Defense Production Act, which was established in 1950 in response to production needs during war. That same day, "I only signed the Defense Production Act to combat the Chinese Virus should we need to invoke it in a worst case scenario in the future," Trump tweeted. "Hopefully there will be no need, but we are all in this TOGETHER!"

That way, for those who approved the move he can say he invoked the wartime act because he is a "wartime President." To those who opposed the move, Trump can say "I really didn't mean it."

Trump consistently wants it both ways. He sometimes makes a fair stand-up comic when he does this.

Referring to a vaccine for malaria (caused by a parasite) working on covid-19 (caused by a virus), Trump said that if it works, it will be a game changer. Then he added, "Or maybe not." Trump's medical expert got up to the mike quickly to explain testing of the vaccine will take months.

Trump said his government is not a "shipping clerk" when criticizing governors trying to obtain supplies. Then he said governors are doing a"fantastic job" getting supplies and Trump's FEMA director said his agency was shipping supplies to the states.

Many times Trump avoids unpleasant facts.

When asked about the travel ban imposed by his state department, Trump referred the reporter to the state department and refused to to talk about it.

When asked about the use of bandanas by health caregivers, Trump said he hasn't seen that and he turned the matter over to Pence. The bandana issues have been in the media for days.

Trump said we should have known about this months ago. China reported the virus to the WHO in December. The U.S. government became aware of the virus in January.

Jan 22
“We have it totally under control. ... It’s going to be just fine.”
— Donald Trump

How did this incompetent man become our President? He is a joke.

No matter what Trump says the enemy democrats would say its wrong. Such is the face of sedition and sabotage.

You should reduce your consumption of Dopey Donald Trump's hot, steaming, dogma sandwiches.

It is coming out of your ears.

Hilary lost. You gotta get over it.
In an "abundance of caution" L.A. County just shut down close to 95% of all economic activity. All that remains open are grocery stores, pharmacies, financial institutions, caregivers, mail services and restaurants serving takeout and delivery orders, among others.

189 deaths in three months within a population of 327 million. That's the approximate death rate for common cold complications in the sick and elderly.

Is the cure worse than the disease? You damn betcha.
Lots of facts and stats in that list but not enough “ if we save one life then it’s worth it” feelings
People will go broke and die from that far more than this destructive overreaction.
The chickens are coming home to roost as Donald Trump spent like a drunken sailor in his first 3 years.

The worst aspect of this for Donald Trump will be that his own businesses will be under threat of collapse from the economic meltdown. It further demonstrates why US Presidents should put their assets in a blind trust when they are elected.

Donald Trump will be frantic in his efforts to save the Trump Organization from bankruptcy and wil be too busy to worry about his duty to Americans.

How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

... The S&P is now only around 300 points away from wiping out all its gains since Donald Trump won the White House in November 2016. President Trump himself, one of the grandest boasters of the strength and resilience of markets and the American economy, appeared to capitulate on Monday with a more somber tone reflecting the immense magnitude of the challenge facing the nation. ...

Trump consistently uses half measures.

Trump announced recently he was invoking the Defense Production Act, which was established in 1950 in response to production needs during war. That same day, "I only signed the Defense Production Act to combat the Chinese Virus should we need to invoke it in a worst case scenario in the future," Trump tweeted. "Hopefully there will be no need, but we are all in this TOGETHER!"

That way, for those who approved the move he can say he invoked the wartime act because he is a "wartime President." To those who opposed the move, Trump can say "I really didn't mean it."

Trump consistently wants it both ways. He sometimes makes a fair stand-up comic when he does this.

Referring to a vaccine for malaria (caused by a parasite) working on covid-19 (caused by a virus), Trump said that if it works, it will be a game changer. Then he added, "Or maybe not." Trump's medical expert got up to the mike quickly to explain testing of the vaccine will take months.

Trump said his government is not a "shipping clerk" when criticizing governors trying to obtain supplies. Then he said governors are doing a"fantastic job" getting supplies and Trump's FEMA director said his agency was shipping supplies to the states.

Many times Trump avoids unpleasant facts.

When asked about the travel ban imposed by his state department, Trump referred the reporter to the state department and refused to to talk about it.

When asked about the use of bandanas by health caregivers, Trump said he hasn't seen that and he turned the matter over to Pence. The bandana issues have been in the media for days.

Trump said we should have known about this months ago. China reported the virus to the WHO in December. The U.S. government became aware of the virus in January.

Jan 22
“We have it totally under control. ... It’s going to be just fine.”
— Donald Trump

How did this incompetent man become our President? He is a joke.

No matter what Trump says the enemy democrats would say its wrong. Such is the face of sedition and sabotage.

You should reduce your consumption of Dopey Donald Trump's hot, steaming, dogma sandwiches.

It is coming out of your ears.

Hilary lost. You gotta get over it.

USA lost, Russia won. You should reduce your consumption of Dopey Donald Trump's hot, steaming, dogma sandwiches.
The chickens are coming home to roost as Donald Trump spent like a drunken sailor in his first 3 years.

The worst aspect of this for Donald Trump will be that his own businesses will be under threat of collapse from the economic meltdown. It further demonstrates why US Presidents should put their assets in a blind trust when they are elected.

Donald Trump will be frantic in his efforts to save the Trump Organization from bankruptcy and wil be too busy to worry about his duty to Americans.

How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

Trump consistently uses half measures.

Trump announced recently he was invoking the Defense Production Act, which was established in 1950 in response to production needs during war. That same day, "I only signed the Defense Production Act to combat the Chinese Virus should we need to invoke it in a worst case scenario in the future," Trump tweeted. "Hopefully there will be no need, but we are all in this TOGETHER!"

That way, for those who approved the move he can say he invoked the wartime act because he is a "wartime President." To those who opposed the move, Trump can say "I really didn't mean it."

Trump consistently wants it both ways. He sometimes makes a fair stand-up comic when he does this.

Referring to a vaccine for malaria (caused by a parasite) working on covid-19 (caused by a virus), Trump said that if it works, it will be a game changer. Then he added, "Or maybe not." Trump's medical expert got up to the mike quickly to explain testing of the vaccine will take months.

Trump said his government is not a "shipping clerk" when criticizing governors trying to obtain supplies. Then he said governors are doing a"fantastic job" getting supplies and Trump's FEMA director said his agency was shipping supplies to the states.

Many times Trump avoids unpleasant facts.

When asked about the travel ban imposed by his state department, Trump referred the reporter to the state department and refused to to talk about it.

When asked about the use of bandanas by health caregivers, Trump said he hasn't seen that and he turned the matter over to Pence. The bandana issues have been in the media for days.

Trump said we should have known about this months ago. China reported the virus to the WHO in December. The U.S. government became aware of the virus in January.

Jan 22
“We have it totally under control. ... It’s going to be just fine.”
— Donald Trump

How did this incompetent man become our President? He is a joke.

No matter what Trump says the enemy democrats would say its wrong. Such is the face of sedition and sabotage.

You should reduce your consumption of Dopey Donald Trump's hot, steaming, dogma sandwiches.

It is coming out of your ears.

Hilary lost. You gotta get over it.

USA lost, Russia won. ......

You'll never recover until you start being honest with yourself.
Trump consistently uses half measures.

Trump announced recently he was invoking the Defense Production Act, which was established in 1950 in response to production needs during war. That same day, "I only signed the Defense Production Act to combat the Chinese Virus should we need to invoke it in a worst case scenario in the future," Trump tweeted. "Hopefully there will be no need, but we are all in this TOGETHER!"

That way, for those who approved the move he can say he invoked the wartime act because he is a "wartime President." To those who opposed the move, Trump can say "I really didn't mean it."

Trump consistently wants it both ways. He sometimes makes a fair stand-up comic when he does this.

Referring to a vaccine for malaria (caused by a parasite) working on covid-19 (caused by a virus), Trump said that if it works, it will be a game changer. Then he added, "Or maybe not." Trump's medical expert got up to the mike quickly to explain testing of the vaccine will take months.

Trump said his government is not a "shipping clerk" when criticizing governors trying to obtain supplies. Then he said governors are doing a"fantastic job" getting supplies and Trump's FEMA director said his agency was shipping supplies to the states.

Many times Trump avoids unpleasant facts.

When asked about the travel ban imposed by his state department, Trump referred the reporter to the state department and refused to to talk about it.

When asked about the use of bandanas by health caregivers, Trump said he hasn't seen that and he turned the matter over to Pence. The bandana issues have been in the media for days.

Trump said we should have known about this months ago. China reported the virus to the WHO in December. The U.S. government became aware of the virus in January.

Jan 22
“We have it totally under control. ... It’s going to be just fine.”
— Donald Trump

How did this incompetent man become our President? He is a joke.

No matter what Trump says the enemy democrats would say its wrong. Such is the face of sedition and sabotage.

You should reduce your consumption of Dopey Donald Trump's hot, steaming, dogma sandwiches.

It is coming out of your ears.

Hilary lost. You gotta get over it.

USA lost, Russia won. ......

You'll never recover until you start being honest with yourself.

You should address that demand to Dopey Donald Trump.
No matter what Trump says the enemy democrats would say its wrong. Such is the face of sedition and sabotage.

You should reduce your consumption of Dopey Donald Trump's hot, steaming, dogma sandwiches.

It is coming out of your ears.

Hilary lost. You gotta get over it.

USA lost, Russia won. ......

You'll never recover until you start being honest with yourself.

You should address that demand to Dopey Donald Trump.

Good luck.
Op-eds have sprung up warning, “Drug Companies Will Make a Killing from Coronavirus” (The New York Times) and “How Big Pharma Will Profit from the Coronavirus” (The Intercept).

A specter haunts progressive America—the possibility that a private company might make too much money solving it

True to form, Crazy Bernie expressed this worry in the crudest and most simplistic terms, calling the leaders of the pharma industry “a bunch of crooks,” who are saying to themselves, “Wow, what an opportunity to make a fortune.”
The chickens are coming home to roost as Donald Trump spent like a drunken sailor in his first 3 years.

The worst aspect of this for Donald Trump will be that his own businesses will be under threat of collapse from the economic meltdown. It further demonstrates why US Presidents should put their assets in a blind trust when they are elected.

Donald Trump will be frantic in his efforts to save the Trump Organization from bankruptcy and wil be too busy to worry about his duty to Americans.

How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

Trump consistently uses half measures.

Trump announced recently he was invoking the Defense Production Act, which was established in 1950 in response to production needs during war. That same day, "I only signed the Defense Production Act to combat the Chinese Virus should we need to invoke it in a worst case scenario in the future," Trump tweeted. "Hopefully there will be no need, but we are all in this TOGETHER!"

That way, for those who approved the move he can say he invoked the wartime act because he is a "wartime President." To those who opposed the move, Trump can say "I really didn't mean it."

Trump consistently wants it both ways. He sometimes makes a fair stand-up comic when he does this.

Referring to a vaccine for malaria (caused by a parasite) working on covid-19 (caused by a virus), Trump said that if it works, it will be a game changer. Then he added, "Or maybe not." Trump's medical expert got up to the mike quickly to explain testing of the vaccine will take months.

Trump said his government is not a "shipping clerk" when criticizing governors trying to obtain supplies. Then he said governors are doing a"fantastic job" getting supplies and Trump's FEMA director said his agency was shipping supplies to the states.

Many times Trump avoids unpleasant facts.

When asked about the travel ban imposed by his state department, Trump referred the reporter to the state department and refused to to talk about it.

When asked about the use of bandanas by health caregivers, Trump said he hasn't seen that and he turned the matter over to Pence. The bandana issues have been in the media for days.

Trump said we should have known about this months ago. China reported the virus to the WHO in December. The U.S. government became aware of the virus in January.

Jan 22
“We have it totally under control. ... It’s going to be just fine.”
— Donald Trump

How did this incompetent man become our President? He is a joke.

No matter what Trump says the enemy democrats would say its wrong. Such is the face of sedition and sabotage.

You should reduce your consumption of Dopey Donald Trump's hot, steaming, dogma sandwiches.

It is coming out of your ears.

Hilary lost. You gotta get over it.

USA lost, Russia won. You should reduce your consumption of Dopey Donald Trump's hot, steaming, dogma sandwiches.
If Russia won why isn't shitstain obama behind the back bumper of Vlad's pick up truck?
I very much am opposed to Trump, and I am a frequent critic. While he is a bumbling idiot handling this crisis, the pandemic is not his fault. That said ...

The media rarely mentions the death toll of this pandemic. Most of the time it is a script message at the bottom of the screen. The press conferences conducted by Trump never mention the death toll. Why? Because the figure is so small, targets the sick and elderly, and compares well with the complications caused by the common cold, which is what the affliction is. The common cold caused by a new and contagious virus.

The figures and logic supports that contention.

It stands to reason the death toll will continue to increase. It is simple math. In Week One, one person died. By the end of Week Two, ten elderly people with underlying conditions died in a nursing home in the Seattle area. By the end of the first month, 20 older people with preexisting conditions died. I repeat, the death toll is an accumulation starting from Week One. It is expected to rise. (The figures, while realistic, are an estimate to give the reader the true picture.)

Today, three months later the accumulative figure stands at 237 deaths among the sick and elderly in a population of 327 million.

The media shouts the number of new cases, sometimes telling us of a dramatic rise from the day earlier. That is not a rise in the number inflicted by the virus. The increasing numbers is due to an increase in the number of tests. something the medical experts are crying out for.

Similar to the small number of deaths, the increase in cases is expected, but the media and Trump's experts do not tell us that. Neither do the politicians busily destroying our once powerful economy.

The governors of California, New York, Connecticut, and Illinois have shut down their states' economies.

The politicians are shutting down our economy, millions have lost their jobs, and millions more have lost a substantial portion of their retirement savings and investments. The stock market is back to where it was three years ago, and the money lost is gone, irretrievable. It is just gone.

As he waits to sign a trillion dollar bailout, Trump has told us the governors are doing a fantastic job.

We can thank politicians with over active imaginations for all this, always predicting what will happen but never assessing what has happened.

Seeking information about the pandemic, Americans turn to news networks like CNN and Fox. It is a waste of time. News hosts will ask a politician or one of Trump's medical experts a question, and they will respond with talk and more talk but never answer the question. Almost as if they are hiding something.

Are they?
The chickens are coming home to roost as Donald Trump spent like a drunken sailor in his first 3 years.

The worst aspect of this for Donald Trump will be that his own businesses will be under threat of collapse from the economic meltdown. It further demonstrates why US Presidents should put their assets in a blind trust when they are elected.

Donald Trump will be frantic in his efforts to save the Trump Organization from bankruptcy and wil be too busy to worry about his duty to Americans.

How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

... The S&P is now only around 300 points away from wiping out all its gains since Donald Trump won the White House in November 2016. President Trump himself, one of the grandest boasters of the strength and resilience of markets and the American economy, appeared to capitulate on Monday with a more somber tone reflecting the immense magnitude of the challenge facing the nation. ...
The right has allowed trump to lie about everything. Now he is lying by claiming he did not know that everybody can't get tested. He lied about a vaccine and we have at least 1 stooge here who repeats the lie like its actually so. trumps consistent lying is costing American lives. It's time to stop believing him and high time to strongly question everything he says and does. We are not doing fine, there are no vaccines, we don't have enough tests, the medicals professionals don't have the equipment they need, millions are laid off from work, businesses are losing money, and what's the explanation we get from the top?

The media is making this up. Come on man! How much longer are some of us going to accept this bs line?

Coronavirus: President Donald Trump again berates journalists at COVID-19 news conference
The right has allowed trump to lie about everything. Now he is lying by claiming he did not know that everybody can't get tested. He lied about a vaccine and we have at least 1 stooge here who repeats the lie like its actually so. trumps consistent lying is costing American lives. It's time to stop believing him and high time to strongly question everything he says and does. We are not doing fine, there are no vaccines, we don't have enough tests, the medicals professionals don't have the equipment they need, millions are laid off from work, businesses are losing money, and what's the explanation we get from the top?

The media is making this up. Come on man! How much longer are some of us going to accept this bs line?

Coronavirus: President Donald Trump again berates journalists at COVID-19 news conference

The right has allowed trump to lie about everything. Now he is lying by claiming he did not know that everybody can't get tested. He lied about a vaccine and we have at least 1 stooge here who repeats the lie like its actually so. trumps consistent lying is costing American lives. It's time to stop believing him and high time to strongly question everything he says and does. We are not doing fine, there are no vaccines, we don't have enough tests, the medicals professionals don't have the equipment they need, millions are laid off from work, businesses are losing money, and what's the explanation we get from the top?

The media is making this up. Come on man! How much longer are some of us going to accept this bs line?

Coronavirus: President Donald Trump again berates journalists at COVID-19 news conference


Don't get COVID-19.
How many more people must get sick or die before we stop believing trumps lies? The right has allowed trump to lie about everything.

Let's start with you then we can see what we think. Any fever yet? I've personally allowed Trump to lie about everything! Lie Donald Lie! Now I give Trump permission to give you a fatal virus then hold back testing and treatment. We'll try the placebo on you. With a dirty needle. No hospital beds either, sorry, you'll have to stay in the back alley with the rest of the undesirables.

Covid Scare.png

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