How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.
Hopefully ALL those MAGA people pay dearly And not just with their jobs,,,and I include the 52 scum repubs in the Senate and the AH president

Never forget everyone that this is who they are. Their souls are rotten.
I'll never forget the scum who put this pos in the WH Damn you all
How fragile our lives are....3 months, and 3 years wiped out...out of control of anyone or anything done....If anything, this shows that government is NOT the answer.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Incompetents do that. He bloated the stock market with a huge Federal deficit and debt.

Castles made of sand fall to the sea.
Dear Leader's strategy is more like Cambodia under Pol Pot.

View attachment 313284

You're watching a Trump rally video?
No, I'm watching a degenerate sick fuck, who is gleeful that people are facing eviction, foreclosure, and bankruptcy, just to suit his politics.

You're a lower form of life than the Norway rat.

Evidently you are very familiar with Norway rats.

Dopey Donald Trump is the one who is causing the risk of "people facing eviction, foreclosure, and bankruptcy, just to suit his politics".

It is impossible for Dopey Donald Trump to be presidential.
Dear Leader's strategy is more like Cambodia under Pol Pot.

View attachment 313284

You're watching a Trump rally video?
No, I'm watching a degenerate sick fuck, who is gleeful that people are facing eviction, foreclosure, and bankruptcy, just to suit his politics.

You're a lower form of life than the Norway rat.

We knew it all along. Lefties are sick fucks and take glee in misfortunes of others to suit their political goals. Their God is their politics.

Dopey Donald Trump is the one who takes "glee in misfortunes of others to suit their political goals." How else can he create a howling mob of Trumpers.
Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.
Hopefully ALL those MAGA people pay dearly And not just with their jobs,,,and I include the 52 scum repubs in the Senate and the AH president

Never forget everyone that this is who they are. Their souls are rotten.

MAGA people and the 52 senators?

Keep it under your hat.
I have noted in this string and others that MAGA people howl and rage and blubber when they are presented with facts and truth which they presume that Dopey Donald Trump doesn't like.
This is a planned, coordinated effort by all of America's enemies: Soros, the ChiComs and the media.

Dopey Donald Trump has choked and surrendered to a microbe.

What are you cheering for exactly? Utter devastation in the hospitals or utter economic devastation, just as long as Trump Gets His?

You really are the lowest form of cretin
His purpose is to piss people off........he lives for it.........that is what a troll does..

We could do it back....and I do at times.........They would not like it here if we did what this tool is doing.......I guarantee they would be punching their monitors before we got done with them.
I dont think he’s even an American
Not only American Mac but one who unlike the pos in our WH didn't run and hide when my country called me
This is a planned, coordinated effort by all of America's enemies: Soros, the ChiComs and the media.

Dopey Donald Trump has choked and surrendered to a microbe.

What are you cheering for exactly? Utter devastation in the hospitals or utter economic devastation, just as long as Trump Gets His?

You really are the lowest form of cretin
His purpose is to piss people off........he lives for it.........that is what a troll does..

We could do it back....and I do at times.........They would not like it here if we did what this tool is doing.......I guarantee they would be punching their monitors before we got done with them.
I dont think he’s even an American
Not only American Mac but one who unlike the pos in our WH didn't run and hide when my country called me
That list includes the clintons, romney, bernie, and others in washington
Dopey Donald Trump has choked and surrendered to a microbe.

What are you cheering for exactly? Utter devastation in the hospitals or utter economic devastation, just as long as Trump Gets His?

You really are the lowest form of cretin
His purpose is to piss people off........he lives for it.........that is what a troll does..

We could do it back....and I do at times.........They would not like it here if we did what this tool is doing.......I guarantee they would be punching their monitors before we got done with them.
I dont think he’s even an American
Not only American Mac but one who unlike the pos in our WH didn't run and hide when my country called me
That list includes the clintons, romney, bernie, and others in washington
Then damn them all but lets start with the putz in charge now
What are you cheering for exactly? Utter devastation in the hospitals or utter economic devastation, just as long as Trump Gets His?

You really are the lowest form of cretin
His purpose is to piss people off........he lives for it.........that is what a troll does..

We could do it back....and I do at times.........They would not like it here if we did what this tool is doing.......I guarantee they would be punching their monitors before we got done with them.
I dont think he’s even an American
Not only American Mac but one who unlike the pos in our WH didn't run and hide when my country called me
That list includes the clintons, romney, bernie, and others in washington
Then damn them all but lets start with the putz in charge now
Its not surprising that an anti trumpster wants to start with trump
Dear Leader's strategy is more like Cambodia under Pol Pot.

View attachment 313284

You're watching a Trump rally video?
No, I'm watching a degenerate sick fuck, who is gleeful that people are facing eviction, foreclosure, and bankruptcy, just to suit his politics.

You're a lower form of life than the Norway rat.

Evidently you are very familiar with Norway rats.

Dopey Donald Trump is the one who is causing the risk of "people facing eviction, foreclosure, and bankruptcy, just to suit his politics".

It is impossible for Dopey Donald Trump to be presidential.
This is about you, subhuman, not Trump.

Only the lowest scummy shit biscuit could cheer on people suffering for no other reason than his perverted politics.
Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.
just imagine how bad the economy would get if a anti business anti capitalist democrat were in office !

Yeah, that would be terrible! Why a democrat might even send $2,000 to every family, and ask for a $1 trillion dollar bailout!
this economy is going to bounce back commie and no matter how much you and your treasonous comrades in the democratic party want the virus to kill thousands so it will hurt Trump it aint going to happen see we know what the biggest threat to our freedom and sovereignty is its the left not this virus ....... and we are comming out in record numbers in nov to keep you people out of the WH and we are taking back the House !
Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.
How many times have we heard that? But don't let me get in the way of your celebrating.
Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.
just imagine how bad the economy would get if a anti business anti capitalist democrat were in office !

Yeah, that would be terrible! Why a democrat might even send $2,000 to every family, and ask for a $1 trillion dollar bailout!
this economy is going to bounce back commie and no matter how much you and your treasonous comrades in the democratic party want the virus to kill thousands so it will hurt Trump it aint going to happen see we know what the biggest threat to our freedom and sovereignty is its the left not this virus ....... and we are comming out in record numbers in nov to keep you people out of the WH and we are taking back the House !

You are hired. Be at the White House at 8 AM Monday morning to report to work at Trump's Sec. of Commerce and Press Secretary. Be prepared to demonstrate that be his spokesperson while keeping a straight face.
Unfortunately, I don't think there is much the Government can do. You're right g5000. There is no blaming anymore. It's a world wide issue that everyone is dealing with. Stores and restaurants are all closed. Employees are being laid off. It's a really bad situation and I do believe there is a bi-partisan effort to try and help. I just don't see what can be done right now.
Stores and restaurants are closed by order of governors mostly Democrat governors. In many cases democrat mayors.

Wrong. Today Greg Abbot (TX Republican governor), shut down all eat in restaurants and bars. The prior decision was to let local mayors decide if a closing was required, but now the Republican governor has shut down everything.

Texas Governor Closes Restaurant Dining Rooms and Bars in the State

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued an executive order closing all Texas restaurant dining rooms and bars for dine-in service within his declaration of a public health disaster in the state, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Texas restaurants will be able to stay open to serve takeout, pickup, and drive-through orders. The order begins tonight, Thursday, March 19 and runs through Friday, April 3.

This order is similar to mandates already in place in Austin, Houston, and Dallas (though all with varying end dates) as well as other states like Oregon and Massachusetts. In Austin, the ban on dine-in service runs through Friday, May 1.

Gov. Abbott’s executive order, announced during a press conference at noon, follows the recommendations of the CDC. Along with the state-wide dining room and bar shutters, it includes avoiding social gatherings of groups of more than 10 people.
Could could could might might might
If if if worst case worst case
Lib 101 for corona
Well, it finally happened. Yesterday evening, it was announced that Amarillo now has 2 confirmed cases of COVID-19. The people who caught it had traveled outside of the Amarillo area.

Oh yeah...............Republican governor Abbot has decided that the virus is too prevalent, so now all groups of over 10 people are banned, and bars and eat in restaurants are being told to close. You can still get take out though. Might have to check and see if my favorite BBQ place is still open, because they do have take out.
Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.

How many times have we heard that? But don't let me get in the way of your celebrating.

Information and facts keep bouncing off your cranium.
Perhaps we should consider our economy's fragility if some 'Chinese wind' can blow it over


Trump was handed a growing healthy economy and he intoxicated the economy with debt producing a stock market bubble fueled by debt and tax cuts for the wealthy.

Trump should have been reducing the debt instead of further enriching the wealthy with taxpayer money.

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