How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

This is a planned, coordinated effort by all of America's enemies: Soros, the ChiComs and the media.
This is a planned, coordinated effort by all of America's enemies: Soros, the ChiComs and the media.

Comrade Dopey Donald Trump choked.

The free-money phase of conservative socialism is now starting after being successfully applied to corporate welfare earlier.
Lookit the moonbats cheering on economic collapse, because it suits their politics.

Helicopter rides are too good for y'all.

The democrat party members of the press are pushing the fear, panic and hysteria in order to drive the economy into a depression so they can get joe biden into the White House.......from the numbers we are seeing from this virus.....the extreme measures being pushed by the press are wrong....and un called for .......and at the same time....could it be that the same anti-Trump element types from the FBI, CIA and DOJ who used documents paid for by the DNC and hilary clinton to get illegal FISA warrants to get a special prosecutor and initate a years long investigation that eventually led to impeaching Trump......could also exist in the CDC.....who are giving information and advise on shutting down the economy not to stop the virus...but to help get Trump out of office? Would that be so implausible given the lengths they have already gone to to attack Trump, General Flynn, Carter Page, and Justice Kavanaugh? We need to shut this down stop this panic before it can't be stopped and we end up in a Great Depression with joe biden in charge, wrecking the economy for decades, not months......
Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.

Yes...we do.......and we know who are causing it...the democrats...who are pushing panic and hysteria to create a depression right before the November that joe biden can turn a temporary set back into a decades long the left can finally take over and enact their insane policies....
Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.

Yes...we do.......and we know who are causing it...the democrats...who are pushing panic and hysteria to create a depression right before the November that joe biden can turn a temporary set back into a decades long the left can finally take over and enact their insane policies....

Dopey Donald Trump has choked and surrendered to a microbe.

This is Dopey Donald Trump's seventh bankruptcy, excluding his moral bankruptcy and intellectual bankruptcy.

You are evidently an avid consumer of Dopey Donald Trump's sandwiches.

Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident





Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence is on display for all.

You are wrong as usual

Dopey Donald Trump is hiding more aspects of his incompetence to demonstrate at the next cataclysmic event?
He is an evil Genius........and he did all this while putting this sign on your back and you didn't even know it.

This is a planned, coordinated effort by all of America's enemies: Soros, the ChiComs and the media.

Dopey Donald Trump has choked and surrendered to a microbe. is the HIVE's in America that are taking the brunt of the hit........which are clearly mostly Democrat voters......In the Fly over States.....not near as many deaths.

We just quarantine our hives......and horde all the food bro........It's EVIL GENIUS.......... you really think you can sell your BS and then say Sleepy Joe can save the day when he can't even remember how to say H1N1.

You have failed to take Trump down for 3 years....and now you will use death and destruction to try again.......and will FAIL AGAIN...............

Your side praying for PATHETIC.......but please continue to troll along.
This is a planned, coordinated effort by all of America's enemies: Soros, the ChiComs and the media.

Dopey Donald Trump has choked and surrendered to a microbe.

What are you cheering for exactly? Utter devastation in the hospitals or utter economic devastation, just as long as Trump Gets His?

You really are the lowest form of cretin
This is a planned, coordinated effort by all of America's enemies: Soros, the ChiComs and the media.

Dopey Donald Trump has choked and surrendered to a microbe.

What are you cheering for exactly? Utter devastation in the hospitals or utter economic devastation, just as long as Trump Gets His?

You really are the lowest form of cretin
His purpose is to piss people off........he lives for it.........that is what a troll does..

We could do it back....and I do at times.........They would not like it here if we did what this tool is doing.......I guarantee they would be punching their monitors before we got done with them.
How fragile our lives are....3 months, and 3 years wiped out...out of control of anyone or anything done....If anything, this shows that government is NOT the answer.

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Dear Leader's strategy is more like Cambodia under Pol Pot.

View attachment 313284

You're watching a Trump rally video?
No, I'm watching a degenerate sick fuck, who is gleeful that people are facing eviction, foreclosure, and bankruptcy, just to suit his politics.

You're a lower form of life than the Norway rat.

We knew it all along. Lefties are sick fucks and take glee in misfortunes of others to suit their political goals. Their God is their politics.
Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.
Hopefully ALL those MAGA people pay dearly And not just with their jobs,,,and I include the 52 scum repubs in the Senate and the AH president
Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.
Hopefully ALL those MAGA people pay dearly And not just with their jobs,,,and I include the 52 scum repubs in the Senate and the AH president

Never forget everyone that this is who they are. Their souls are rotten.
This is a planned, coordinated effort by all of America's enemies: Soros, the ChiComs and the media.

Dopey Donald Trump has choked and surrendered to a microbe.

What are you cheering for exactly? Utter devastation in the hospitals or utter economic devastation, just as long as Trump Gets His?

You really are the lowest form of cretin
His purpose is to piss people off........he lives for it.........that is what a troll does..

We could do it back....and I do at times.........They would not like it here if we did what this tool is doing.......I guarantee they would be punching their monitors before we got done with them.
I dont think he’s even an American
Ill tell you how bad it could get. In Weimer Germany the economy was destroyed. The German film industry ramped up pornography. Prostitution was legalized and upper class german women were encouraged to participate.
Bavaria had a socialist revolution and communist agitators roamed the streets of Berlin. The left always takes advantage of chaos.

Strict gun control laws were passed. Franz von Papen became Chancellor and tried to impose order which the left ignored. The photographs of the time show defiant communists grinning with their boyfriends in some of the 900 homosexual nightclubs of Germany which refused to close.

And we know what happened next.
The last page is filled by personal attacks, typical of the supporters of trump, a total lack of common sense and information.

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