How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

It seems the Internet is in demand for people needing to work from home, and parents who need to get their kids school work. So I'm signing off, sense anything posted on message boards like this are irrelevant and mostly ludicrous.
Oh that’s right, the Chinese coronavirus is “Trump’s fault”.
His failed response is his fault, his insane denial of the problem until it was too late is his fault, and his incessant downplay of the risks are his fault.

His insane massive wasteful deficit spending are his fault. Trump just borrowed a fuck ton of money and pumped it into the economy decimating the budget, as we have a $1.2 trillion dollar annual deficit BEFORE this virus hit. Trump used all the stimulus "bullets" to get a little pop in the economy and now in a time of crisis when we need the stimulus we are fucked. Trump and Bush two over-debted morons that have failed America.

Are you suggesting that he, or any other President would had been able to prevent one of the most highly communicable virus from getting into the US? Name a country out there that has managed to do that.
For China and Russia.

Go back to your masters and tell them you are as Fake as Dolly Patton’s Boobs.

All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.
Oh that’s right, the Chinese coronavirus is “Trump’s fault”.

These liberals some of them are the lowest forms of life on earth. See how INTENTIONALLY dishonest they are? Do we want them running the country? HELL NO!
Well, it’s assholes like the OP that drive many normal people to the GOP.
Trump has nobody to blame but himself. I know you people can't take personal responsibility for anything. It's always somebody else's fault.

The only thing the GOP is good for is making up excuses as to why they failed.
Oh that’s right, the Chinese coronavirus is “Trump’s fault”.
His failed response is his fault, his insane denial of the problem until it was too late is his fault, and his incessant downplay of the risks are his fault.

His insane massive wasteful deficit spending are his fault. Trump just borrowed a fuck ton of money and pumped it into the economy decimating the budget, as we have a $1.2 trillion dollar annual deficit BEFORE this virus hit. Trump used all the stimulus "bullets" to get a little pop in the economy and now in a time of crisis when we need the stimulus we are fucked. Trump and Bush two over-debted morons that have failed America.

Are you suggesting that he, or any other President would had been able to prevent one of the most highly communicable virus from getting into the US? Name a country out there that has managed to do that.
OHHHHHH so now it's a highly communicable virus. Last week "we had the virus under control" and this was "nothing" How many of you dumb fucks have been claiming this virus was "fake news" or a liberal hoax?

Besides its Trump's economic policies that will destroy the country in the coming months. As I stated, just like Bush, Trump spent like a drunken sailor and ran the deficits to insane unsustainable levels before the crisis. Now that the crisis is here we are out of options and will have $3 Trillion/yr deficits. I guess that's ok with you, some conservative you are. You don't even know what a conservative is, you just say that because you think it sounds cool...

February 14: “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
Oh that’s right, the Chinese coronavirus is “Trump’s fault”.

These liberals some of them are the lowest forms of life on earth. See how INTENTIONALLY dishonest they are? Do we want them running the country? HELL NO!
Well, it’s assholes like the OP that drive many normal people to the GOP.
Trump has nobody to blame but himself. I know you people can't take personal responsibility for anything. It's always somebody else's fault.

The only thing the GOP is good for is making up excuses as to why they failed.

Its people on the left like you who are helping us defeat the left.
View attachment 313280

Bush, inherited a balanced budget, with a projected surplus. He handed out a massive tax cut with the bulk of the benefits going to the ultra wealthy, AND passed a boat load of massive spending increases. Then Kabooooommmmm, the Bush crash wiped out any meager economic benefits from his massive stimulus and spending and leaves the economy in ruin with massive deficits.

Fast forward 16 years. Trump inherits a $580 billion /yr annual deficit, very bad, but at least workable. Trump passes massive tax cuts with the bulk of the benefits going to corporations and the ultra wealthy. The corporations then used the money predominantly on stock buy backs as we have proven here, essentially US deficit subsidized stock buybacks:
Why The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act (TCJA) Led To Buybacks Rather Than Investment
US companies' tax windfall fuels record share buybacks

Now we have the Trump crash. Any benefits from Trump's debt fueled stimulus and buybacks are now gone. Deficits were at $1.2 trillion/yr before the Trump crash, they will go as high as $3 trillion/yr now probably. Trump wasted all the "stimulus bullets" pumping up his fiat economy and now that we have a real crisis we are fucked.
Basically, Trump used recessionary type monetary policy to inflate his fiat economy, and now that we are headed for a recession, the US is headed for insanely massive deficits and large amounts of pain.

This was so obvious.
I've been saying the same thing for years.

Republicans been doing the same thing for decades, always the same results, some worse than other.

One thing's for sure, Bush II is VERY glad of Trump, finally someone that makes him look GOOD!

What an INCOMPETENT jackass we have as a President.
View attachment 313280

Bush, inherited a balanced budget, with a projected surplus. He handed out a massive tax cut with the bulk of the benefits going to the ultra wealthy, AND passed a boat load of massive spending increases. Then Kabooooommmmm, the Bush crash wiped out any meager economic benefits from his massive stimulus and spending and leaves the economy in ruin with massive deficits.

Fast forward 16 years. Trump inherits a $580 billion /yr annual deficit, very bad, but at least workable. Trump passes massive tax cuts with the bulk of the benefits going to corporations and the ultra wealthy. The corporations then used the money predominantly on stock buy backs as we have proven here, essentially US deficit subsidized stock buybacks:
Why The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act (TCJA) Led To Buybacks Rather Than Investment
US companies' tax windfall fuels record share buybacks

Now we have the Trump crash. Any benefits from Trump's debt fueled stimulus and buybacks are now gone. Deficits were at $1.2 trillion/yr before the Trump crash, they will go as high as $3 trillion/yr now probably. Trump wasted all the "stimulus bullets" pumping up his fiat economy and now that we have a real crisis we are fucked.
Basically, Trump used recessionary type monetary policy to inflate his fiat economy, and now that we are headed for a recession, the US is headed for insanely massive deficits and large amounts of pain.

This was so obvious.
I've been saying the same thing for years.

Republicans been doing the same thing for decades, always the same results, some worse than other.

One thing's for sure, Bush II is VERY glad of Trump, finally someone that makes him look GOOD!

What an INCOMPETENT jackass we have as a President.
Thus far, this is a liquidity crisis in the financial markets, not a solvency crisis. What that means is that there isn't enough cash in the world for those who need it, so investors are selling anything to get cash. .

Is that why metals are down too?

Yes. Because when people need cash, they sell whatever they can. Gold is liquid, so it's sold.

My guess is that given everything that has happened over the last week, gold will be well over $3000 some time down the road.

But I thought this virus was minor, so take whatever I tell you with a giant mountain of salt.
I thought it was minor too, initially, and I’m an RN. But that’s the problem with newly emerging viruses, especially when coupled with a government thats covering it up and shooting citizens trying to warn the outside world. You don’t really know what the deal with it is for the first month or 2, you don’t have a vaccine for it, and you’re not sure what treatments are going to work. Up until mid February, I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces. I said “well no wonder it’s a problem in China, mainland China thinks that toilets are for pussies, but that won’t be a problem here.” But then they confirmed it’s airborne, the young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around infectious for a week before showing symptoms. At that point I said “oh shit, this is diabolical,” at least concerning how it’s transmitted. Then Italy started getting hit and I figured the genie was out of the bottle barring drastic travel shut downs and plenty of luck.

"I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces."

Does a MAGA hat protect?

Didn’t vote for trump jackass. But the left has been that crazy since he’s been elected, I just might in 2020. Plus, he wasn’t as bad as I thought he’d be. He does (mainly says) plenty of shit I SMH at...But the left doesn’t seem capable of rational thought anymore. I’m only 31, and I hear the younger generations talk, my god they aren’t capable of critically thinking anymore. They’re just parrots, and an worthy accomplishment to them is finding someone to shame for whatever new woke flavor of the week it is. The idiocy never ceases to amaze me. This site is a beautiful example of what I’m talking about.

this wasn’t the specific article I found, but one similar.
Fecal Transmission May Be Behind Coronavirus’s Rapid Spread

I think there has been a huge exposure of what the Democrats really are. And this dancing on the graves of Americans in glee is going to hurt them even more. But its what they are. it isnt a pretense. In fact is the lifting of pretense and seeing them in all their ugly reality.

The thing is we need a loyal opposition party. With the Democrats destroying themselves where will it come from?
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Oh that’s right, the Chinese coronavirus is “Trump’s fault”.
His failed response is his fault, his insane denial of the problem until it was too late is his fault, and his incessant downplay of the risks are his fault.

His insane massive wasteful deficit spending are his fault. Trump just borrowed a fuck ton of money and pumped it into the economy decimating the budget, as we have a $1.2 trillion dollar annual deficit BEFORE this virus hit. Trump used all the stimulus "bullets" to get a little pop in the economy and now in a time of crisis when we need the stimulus we are fucked. Trump and Bush two over-debted morons that have failed America.

Are you suggesting that he, or any other President would had been able to prevent one of the most highly communicable virus from getting into the US? Name a country out there that has managed to do that.
OHHHHHH so now it's a highly communicable virus. Last week "we had the virus under control" and this was "nothing" How many of you dumb fucks have been claiming this virus was "fake news" or a liberal hoax?

Besides its Trump's economic policies that will destroy the country in the coming months. As I stated, just like Bush, Trump spent like a drunken sailor and ran the deficits to insane unsustainable levels before the crisis. Now that the crisis is here we are out of options and will have $3 Trillion/yr deficits. I guess that's ok with you, some conservative you are. You don't even know what a conservative is, you just say that because you think it sounds cool...

February 14: “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
The incompetent asshole was in way over his head from day one.

Is that why metals are down too?

Yes. Because when people need cash, they sell whatever they can. Gold is liquid, so it's sold.

My guess is that given everything that has happened over the last week, gold will be well over $3000 some time down the road.

But I thought this virus was minor, so take whatever I tell you with a giant mountain of salt.
I thought it was minor too, initially, and I’m an RN. But that’s the problem with newly emerging viruses, especially when coupled with a government thats covering it up and shooting citizens trying to warn the outside world. You don’t really know what the deal with it is for the first month or 2, you don’t have a vaccine for it, and you’re not sure what treatments are going to work. Up until mid February, I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces. I said “well no wonder it’s a problem in China, mainland China thinks that toilets are for pussies, but that won’t be a problem here.” But then they confirmed it’s airborne, the young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around infectious for a week before showing symptoms. At that point I said “oh shit, this is diabolical,” at least concerning how it’s transmitted. Then Italy started getting hit and I figured the genie was out of the bottle barring drastic travel shut downs and plenty of luck.

"I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces."

Does a MAGA hat protect?

Didn’t vote for trump jackass. But the left has been that crazy since he’s been elected, I just might in 2020. Plus, he wasn’t as bad as I thought he’d be. He does (mainly says) plenty of shit I SMH at...But the left doesn’t seem capable of rational thought anymore. I’m only 31, and I hear the younger generations talk, my god they aren’t capable of critically thinking anymore. They’re just parrots, and an worthy accomplishment to them is finding someone to shame for whatever new woke flavor of the week it is. The idiocy never ceases to amaze me. This site is a beautiful example of what I’m talking about.

this wasn’t the specific article I found, but one similar.
Fecal Transmission May Be Behind Coronavirus’s Rapid Spread

I think there has been a huge exposure of what the Democrats really are. And this dancing n the graves of Americans in glee is going to hurt them even more. But ts what they are. it isnt a pretense. In fact is the lifting of pretense and seeing them in all their ugly reality.

The thing is we need a loyal opposition party. With the Democrats destroying themselves where will it come from?
While I agree.........never underestimate Chaos and panic.............The virus is exponential.......and the only way that stops is that people hole up and avoid contact for a little bit......If they don't want to get it......well that's common sense...

If not........the elderly her will die at a high rate.
ECB announces €750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP)

This new Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) will have an overall envelope of €750 billion. Purchases will be conducted until the end of 2020 and will include all the asset categories eligible under the existing asset purchase programme (APP).


The Governing Council will terminate net asset purchases under PEPP once it judges that the coronavirus Covid-19 crisis phase is over, but in any case not before the end of the year.
ECB announces €750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP)

This new Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) will have an overall envelope of €750 billion. Purchases will be conducted until the end of 2020 and will include all the asset categories eligible under the existing asset purchase programme (APP).


The Governing Council will terminate net asset purchases under PEPP once it judges that the coronavirus Covid-19 crisis phase is over, but in any case not before the end of the year.

No wonder Britain got out of the EU.
Thats that pro-life position, right?
What kind of life are we going to have if our businesses are shut down for an extended period of time?
Only business shut down are those which gather large groups of people together. Those who can work from home, use a VPN to telecommute. Businesses which can home deliver are in hot demand at this point.
Social life is certainly curtailed.
You still got your friends on social media, and outdoor activities with others are safer than indoor.
Can you imagine if Soros and the ChiComs were working together to unleash the virus while Soros shorted the markets? The Kennedy's made their fortune shorting the US market, so does Soros. Why do democrat bet against America?
ECB announces €750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP)

This new Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) will have an overall envelope of €750 billion. Purchases will be conducted until the end of 2020 and will include all the asset categories eligible under the existing asset purchase programme (APP).


The Governing Council will terminate net asset purchases under PEPP once it judges that the coronavirus Covid-19 crisis phase is over, but in any case not before the end of the year.

No wonder Britain got out of the EU.
U.K. Sends a Jolt of Economic Stimulus to Cushion Against the Coronavirus

Bank of England cuts interest rate, while policy makers announce measures including a facility to encourage banks to lend to small businesses

Bank of England cuts rates in emergency move to combat coronavirus impact

Sunak said the government was looking to change the law to enable ministers to bail out large companies.

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