How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident





Wow. I wish we could be like Guangdong China! They excel at corinavitus testing. Course it killed them in droves and then they spread it to the rest of the world...while systematically oppressing their population under a Communist regime.

But we cant touch them on tests...and we could eat chicken claws and bat soup!

Secondly I guess choose Italy. They are masters at testing in the west..just look at them all running around

Dear Leader's strategy is more like Cambodia under Pol Pot.
I don't want to be anti-government, but in a capitalist country there is only so much the government can do.
COVID-19 is a bad flu. We need to take precautions, but goddamn, the country needs to function.
The old folks need to shelter, and the young folks need to work.
If you have any health conditions stay home and collect unemployment.

We had a $14T economy. So whatever the government thinks it can do, like throwing money around, it can't.
So lets give this virus a week or two and then say, OK, we're as good as we can be, so lets get back to work.

Maybe you need to keep up on the news, and not focus on only conservative sources.
All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.
I’m seeing bad times ahead for democrats.
I don't want to be anti-government, but in a capitalist country there is only so much the government can do.
COVID-19 is a bad flu. We need to take precautions, but goddamn, the country needs to function.
The old folks need to shelter, and the young folks need to work.
If you have any health conditions stay home and collect unemployment.

We had a $14T economy. So whatever the government thinks it can do, it can't.
So lets giove this a week or two and then say, OK, we're as good as we can be, so lets get back to work.

That's my general philosophy as well. There is going to be some casualties. Those most at risk, must remain in quarantine. Once the vaccine is produced, this can go away in a relatively quick manner if it hasn't already.

I'm not saying that cash injection into the economy is bad, it's needed. However, when Romney and Biden are both saying the same things...well...
Exactly. We have a $23T Debt already. We don't need everyone sitting around at home for a year while the economy collapses.

So what's you solution?
Just think how much worse this pandemic would be if that dumbshit Crooked Hillary had won and we had a Democrat Administration.

First of all she wouldn't have closed the US to China traffic until way much too late.

Her advisor team would have been affirmative action minorities that wouldn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

She would be using the crisis to raid the Treasury for the filthy ass Unions and Illegals.

The southern border would be a flood of Illegals.

The economy would have been a piss poor condition due to Democrat dismal economic policies, just like when that dumbass Obama was President.

Crooked Hillary would be trying to figure out away to get richer by selling government influence, just like she did when she was Secretary of State. Like giving government contracts for emergency providers that contributed to her money laundering foundation.

Thank god Trump is running the show.

Wow, which hole did you crawl into when that Big White Rabbit told you all of this ^^^?
All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.
Nothing too personal, but I 100% blame the damn Trump hating lunatics for destroying the country and driving the whole world insane. This damn virus does not warrant the destruction of the world economy like this. This is ALL about getting Trump and I blame your ilk exclusively.

Nothing personal though.

Wow, that White Rabbit must be getting to you too.
All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.

No, Im not in this together with you fear mongers who are in favor of shutting everything down. You're about to reap what you have sewn. Get ready for your crumbs because thats what's about to happen. A world currency will be ushered in and everyone will just happily acquiesce . The herd will accept without a whimper. Yourself included.

I suggest you buy a new hat, one lead lined so as to protect your brain from further deterioration.
Thus far, this is a liquidity crisis in the financial markets, not a solvency crisis. What that means is that there isn't enough cash in the world for those who need it, so investors are selling anything to get cash. .

Is that why metals are down too?

Yes. Because when people need cash, they sell whatever they can. Gold is liquid, so it's sold.

My guess is that given everything that has happened over the last week, gold will be well over $3000 some time down the road.

But I thought this virus was minor, so take whatever I tell you with a giant mountain of salt.
I thought it was minor too, initially, and I’m an RN. But that’s the problem with newly emerging viruses, especially when coupled with a government thats covering it up and shooting citizens trying to warn the outside world. You don’t really know what the deal with it is for the first month or 2, you don’t have a vaccine for it, and you’re not sure what treatments are going to work. Up until mid February, I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces. I said “well no wonder it’s a problem in China, mainland China thinks that toilets are for pussies, but that won’t be a problem here.” But then they confirmed it’s airborne, the young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around infectious for a week before showing symptoms. At that point I said “oh shit, this is diabolical,” at least concerning how it’s transmitted. Then Italy started getting hit and I figured the genie was out of the bottle barring drastic travel shut downs and plenty of luck.
The 2008-09 recession was a walk in the park compared to what's coming. On the bright side, if this doesn't get out of hand we should see swift recovery.
There are some troubling similarities between what's happening now and 2008:

"The Federal Reserve Board of Governors announced at 6 P.M. last evening that it is following the direction of Steve Mnuchin, the former foreclosure king who now serves as U.S. Treasury Secretary, and authorizing the reinstatement of a hideously operated, multi-trillion dollar bailout program for Wall Street’s trading houses known as the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF)."

Fed Announces Program for Wall Street Banks to Pledge Plunging Stocks to Get Trillions in Loans at ¼ Percent Interest

"Veterans on Wall Street think of it as the cash-for-trash facility, where Wall Street’s toxic waste from a decade of irresponsible trading and lending, will be purged from the balance sheets of the Wall Street firms and handed over to the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve – just as it was during the last financial crisis on Wall Street."
Thus far, this is a liquidity crisis in the financial markets, not a solvency crisis. What that means is that there isn't enough cash in the world for those who need it, so investors are selling anything to get cash. .

Is that why metals are down too?

Yes. Because when people need cash, they sell whatever they can. Gold is liquid, so it's sold.

My guess is that given everything that has happened over the last week, gold will be well over $3000 some time down the road.

But I thought this virus was minor, so take whatever I tell you with a giant mountain of salt.
I thought it was minor too, initially, and I’m an RN. But that’s the problem with newly emerging viruses, especially when coupled with a government thats covering it up and shooting citizens trying to warn the outside world. You don’t really know what the deal with it is for the first month or 2, you don’t have a vaccine for it, and you’re not sure what treatments are going to work. Up until mid February, I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces. I said “well no wonder it’s a problem in China, mainland China thinks that toilets are for pussies, but that won’t be a problem here.” But then they confirmed it’s airborne, the young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around infectious for a week before showing symptoms. At that point I said “oh shit, this is diabolical,” at least concerning how it’s transmitted. Then Italy started getting hit and I figured the genie was out of the bottle barring drastic travel shut downs and plenty of luck.

"I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces."

Does a MAGA hat protect?

Trump claims he always took coronavirus seriously, but the record says otherwise

At a White House briefing on Tuesday, President Trump said no one took the danger of the coronavirus more seriously than he did.

“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic,” said Trump. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

He doubled down on Wednesday morning in a tweet.

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump, referring to the coronavirus with a term that many consider offensive and medical experts discourage. “Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!”

You just proved your false narrative to be false, you idiot.

Huh? Are you stupid, can't comprehend the written word, or just being a jerk?

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump

You tell me....

Okay, go away.

I don't know if your denial is a lie, or a defense mechanism. Trump is incompetent, that should be easy to see if one opens their eyes and mind. Not only is he incompetent, his inflated ego has harmed too many people in the short time he has been in the office of trust; even when he is advised by experts, he goes with his gut and impulses, another example of what real leaders don't do, they listen to others.

Trump is culpable for the spread of the infection into every corner of the United States; his lies and contradiction of Medical Professionals warnings in the early stages of this crisis exacerbated transmission. Leaders act and tell the truth; trump did neither, he lied; all persons in leadership rolls are paid to prepare for problems, some are so into themselves when they first are presented with a problem or an emergency,they automatically ask themselves, 'how will this problem effect me". That is not the sign of a leader.

Yeah, you bleat about his incompetence every second of every day. He seems to be doing pretty good. It just irks the fuck out of you that he has figured out work arounds to defeat your progressive goals.

"He seems to be doing pretty good" Would you like your surgeon to be pretty good; your car mechanic to be pretty good, your restaurant meal pretty good? Would you go back to anyone of them, or seek out someone who is very good or excellent.?

I don't bleat, and I don't post BIG LIES; my opinions are based on facts, my observations and supported by relevant links.
Unfortunately, I don't think there is much the Government can do. You're right g5000. There is no blaming anymore. It's a world wide issue that everyone is dealing with. Stores and restaurants are all closed. Employees are being laid off. It's a really bad situation and I do believe there is a bi-partisan effort to try and help. I just don't see what can be done right now.
Stores and restaurants are closed by order of governors mostly Democrat governors. In many cases democrat mayors.
You just proved your false narrative to be false, you idiot.

Huh? Are you stupid, can't comprehend the written word, or just being a jerk?

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump

You tell me....

Okay, go away.

I don't know if your denial is a lie, or a defense mechanism. Trump is incompetent, that should be easy to see if one opens their eyes and mind. Not only is he incompetent, his inflated ego has harmed too many people in the short time he has been in the office of trust; even when he is advised by experts, he goes with his gut and impulses, another example of what real leaders don't do, they listen to others.

Trump is culpable for the spread of the infection into every corner of the United States; his lies and contradiction of Medical Professionals warnings in the early stages of this crisis exacerbated transmission. Leaders act and tell the truth; trump did neither, he lied; all persons in leadership rolls are paid to prepare for problems, some are so into themselves when they first are presented with a problem or an emergency,they automatically ask themselves, 'how will this problem effect me". That is not the sign of a leader.

Yeah, you bleat about his incompetence every second of every day. He seems to be doing pretty good. It just irks the fuck out of you that he has figured out work arounds to defeat your progressive goals.

"He seems to be doing pretty good" Would you like your surgeon to be pretty good; your car mechanic to be pretty good, your restaurant meal pretty good? Would you go back to anyone of them, or seek out someone who is very good or excellent.?

I don't bleat, and I don't post BIG LIES; my opinions are based on facts, my observations and supported by relevant links.

Yeah, you bleat CONSTANTLY. Your opinions are based on cherry picked facts, and outright fabrications. And yes, compared to the absolute crap that your hero, the obummer inflicted on this country, Trump is doing OUTSTANDING, in spite of the all out war the political class has been waging against him.

If you truly cared about this country, an its people, you would ask yourself why the political class appears to be immune from the law. But no, all you care about is power.
Deal with it like moms deal with chicken pox. Have everyone get it at the same time and get it over with.
This virus has a 20% hospitalization rate. Do the math. There is no way to adequately care for all those needing it at infected levels you suggest.. The death rate would soar.
Slowing the rate of infection is the only effective play.
The old sick people are going to die anyway. We are making a mistake by letting this destroy our economy.
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans
what lies???
Wow! Your propagandists really do keep you rubes in the dark!!!

“Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”
The tests are limited to the sane.
Deal with it like moms deal with chicken pox. Have everyone get it at the same time and get it over with.
This virus has a 20% hospitalization rate. Do the math. There is no way to adequately care for all those needing it at infected levels you suggest.. The death rate would soar.
Slowing the rate of infection is the only effective play.
The old sick people are going to die anyway. We are making a mistake by letting this destroy our economy.
Thats that pro-life position, right?

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