How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

I don't want to be anti-government, but in a capitalist country there is only so much the government can do.
COVID-19 is a bad flu. We need to take precautions, but goddamn, the country needs to function.
The old folks need to shelter, and the young folks need to work.
If you have any health conditions stay home and collect unemployment.

We had a $14T economy. So whatever the government thinks it can do, like throwing money around, it can't.
So lets give this virus a week or two and then say, OK, we're as good as we can be, so lets get back to work.
COVID-19 is a bad flu.
It's not the flu at all. It's worse than that.
So lets give this virus a week or two and then say, OK, we're as good as we can be, so lets get back to work.

We'll be lucky to be out from under this enough by the end of summer for most to go back to work.
Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident




All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.
Nothing too personal, but I 100% blame the damn Trump hating lunatics for destroying the country and driving the whole world insane. This damn virus does not warrant the destruction of the world economy like this. This is ALL about getting Trump and I blame your ilk exclusively.

Nothing personal though.
Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident





Get on your State and Local governments to get the tests done and on your House and Senate leaders to tell your State and Local governments to send the kits to so they can be ran and diagnosed!
Deal with it like moms deal with chicken pox. Have everyone get it at the same time and get it over with.
This virus has a 20% hospitalization rate. Do the math. There is no way to adequately care for all those needing it at infected levels you suggest.. The death rate would soar.
Slowing the rate of infection is the only effective play.

Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident




Your trying to make a point..........Now show me the stacked up bodies in the Hospitals here on Ventilators......

You can't except for those with Type a and b Flu...........which they test me the dead numbers from hospitals that say UNKNOWN.
I'm hearing more and more experts use the DEPRESSION word - not just RECESSION.
All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.

No, Im not in this together with you fear mongers who are in favor of shutting everything down. You're about to reap what you have sewn. Get ready for your crumbs because thats what's about to happen. A world currency will be ushered in and everyone will just happily acquiesce . The herd will accept without a whimper. Yourself included.
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I'm just glad that we have a leader who knows what's truly important at a time like this.

View attachment 313240
He's not wrong.



See post #21.
Is that an actual quote, or you trying (failing) to be funny?


The actual quote was in post #17.

The fact that you see no issue whatsoever in the President discussing his approval rating at this time speaks more of you than it does me.
All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.
Well, thank Odin and Thor that you finally stopped the nonsense I-told-you-so on Trump. You were giddy for no less than 10 days.

Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident





Wow. I wish we could be like Guangdong China! They excel at corinavitus testing. Course it killed them in droves and then they spread it to the rest of the world...while systematically oppressing their population under a Communist regime.

But we cant touch them on tests...and we could eat chicken claws and bat soup!

Secondly I guess choose Italy. They are masters at testing in the west..just look at them all running around
Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident





Wow. I wish we could be like Guangdong China! They excel at corinavitus testing. Course it killed them in droves and then they spread it to the rest of the world...while systematically oppressing their population under a Communist regime.

But we cant touch them on tests...and we could eat chicken claws and bat soup!

Secondly I guess choose Italy. They are masters at testing in the west..just look at them all running around

You are no fun!

If we were more like Cuba and China, well people would be dying but the Government would suppress the news so we would never know...
I don't know. I still think that this is a massive over-reaction. But I've had my p.a. cut in half in a month, so WTF do I know?

From past pandemics, we've had a sharp contraction followed by a sharp rebound. I imagine that will happen again.

Thus far, this is a liquidity crisis in the financial markets, not a solvency crisis. What that means is that there isn't enough cash in the world for those who need it, so investors are selling anything to get cash. A solvency crisis is when the financial system has too much debt relative to equity. Corporations have too much debt to equity, but banks don't. Banks are better capitalized than they have been in decades. That wasn't the case in 08/09 when it really was a solvency crisis and we were staring into the abyss. You worry that it could become a solvency crisis though.

I don't have a whole lot of cash now, but when I get paid at the end of the month, that cash will start going into the market. I think a buying opportunity of a lifetime is coming.
New York Stock Exchange planning to close the "floor" next week. Internet trading will continue.

Just announced on CNN.
Thus far, this is a liquidity crisis in the financial markets, not a solvency crisis. What that means is that there isn't enough cash in the world for those who need it, so investors are selling anything to get cash. .

Is that why metals are down too?

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