Trump Received Millions From Foreign Governments While In Office, Most Of It From China

The right wing propaganda, you and your ilk are spewing.
Garland is the most political Attorney General we've had since Barry's boy Eric Holder! That isn't "propaganda" it's pure fact. He hasn't done shit to investigate anyone from the left but if you're a conservative...Garland's going to send an FBI Swat team to your house at the drop of a hat!
Garland is the most political Attorney General we've had since Barry's boy Eric Holder! That isn't "propaganda" it's pure fact. He hasn't done shit to investigate anyone from the left but if you're a conservative...Garland's going to send an FBI Swat team to your house at the drop of a hat!
Why didn't Trump prosecute Biden when he had his AG in the Justice Dept? This should be good.
Why didn't Trump prosecute Biden when he had his AG in the Justice Dept? This should be good.
When did we learn about what the Biden's had been doing? The last year of the Trump first term? Do you recall what the FBI did with Hunter's laptop? How they sat on it? Do you remember how Anthony Blinken organized the 50 former intelligence officials to lie about the laptop...getting them to claim it was a Russian op? Why didn't Trump prosecute Biden? Because the Swamp was hard at work protecting it's own...that's why! Because the Main Stream Media went along with the cover-up...that's why! Joe Biden is dirty and his crimes have been kept from the American people by some of the scummiest people in Washington! James Clapper? John Brennan? Christopher Wray? Peter Strzok? Adam Schiff? Jamie Raskin? Jerry Nadler? All of them lied to the American people. All of them.
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Why didn't Trump prosecute Biden when he had his AG in the Justice Dept? This should be good.
Lol... why didn't Obama prosecute Trump when he announced his candidacy if leftists said he has a long criminal record. This too should be good.
Donald J. Trump’s businesses received at least $7.8 million from 20 foreign governments during his presidency, according to new documents released by House Democrats on Thursday that show how much he received from overseas transactions while he was in the White House, most of it from China.

The transactions, detailed in a 156-page report called “White House For Sale” that was produced by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, offer concrete evidence that the former president engaged in the kind of conduct that House Republicans have labored, so far unsuccessfully, to prove that President Biden did as they work to build an impeachment case against him.

I'm sure Comer will be looking to seek those documents asap.

Well, at least the Democrats now have solid evidence to talk about, during any further hearings the Republicans hold on impeachment inquiries.

When they win back the House in November, the subpoeanas come for those documents.

Well one thing to consider, did he really sell out the white house? I saw nothing happen that says yes. Biden on the other hand the minute he took office we saw our country changing for the worse and we saw a big decline and a noticeable influence of China over us, none of that can be said during Trump's presidency. In fact the opposite happened.

But you also have to remember trump is a businessman first and foremost. Has been for a very very long time and has had foreign dealings for decades. So the likelihood the money is from business transactions that had no bearing on his presidency is most likely.
Donald J. Trump’s businesses received at least $7.8 million from 20 foreign governments during his presidency, according to new documents released by House Democrats on Thursday that show how much he received from overseas transactions while he was in the White House, most of it from China.

The transactions, detailed in a 156-page report called “White House For Sale” that was produced by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, offer concrete evidence that the former president engaged in the kind of conduct that House Republicans have labored, so far unsuccessfully, to prove that President Biden did as they work to build an impeachment case against him.

I'm sure Comer will be looking to seek those documents asap.

Well, at least the Democrats now have solid evidence to talk about, during any further hearings the Republicans hold on impeachment inquiries.

When they win back the House in November, the subpoeanas come for those documents.
why? Why should anyone care that the Trump Organization made money? It was no secret the Trump Organization did business overseas, we also know what sort of business the Trump Organization did...I fail to see what the story is here.
why? Why should anyone care that the Trump Organization made money? It was no secret the Trump Organization did business overseas, we also know what sort of business the Trump Organization did...I fail to see what the story is here.

Leftists butthurt
When did we learn about what the Biden's had been doing? The last year of the Trump first term?
You fools have been whining about Joe Biden for too many years to remember.
Do you recall what the FBI did with Hunter's laptop? How they sat on it? Do you remember how Anthony Blinken organized the 50 former intelligence officials to lie about the laptop...getting them to claim it was a Russian op?
Why didn't Trump prosecute Biden? Because the Swamp was hard at work protecting it's own...that's why! Because the Main Stream Media went along with the cover-up...that's why! Joe Biden is dirty and his crimes have been kept from the American people by some of the scummiest people in Washington! James Clapper? John Brennan? Christopher Wray? Peter Strzok? Adam Schiff? Jamie Raskin? Jerry Nadler? All of them lied to the American people. All of them.
Sounds like a bunch of excuse making at best.
Lol... why didn't Obama prosecute Trump when he announced his candidacy if leftists said he has a long criminal record. This too should be good.
All of the charges Trump is facing is for crimes he committed while in office, so how would President Obama be able to prosecute him?
why? Why should anyone care that the Trump Organization made money? It was no secret the Trump Organization did business overseas, we also know what sort of business the Trump Organization did...I fail to see what the story is here.
If that is the case why are you whining about what money Hunter Biden made?
Didn't you claim he worked for Burisma? Why do you care what they paid him?
I didn’t claim that, he was on their board, but that wasn’t the only place paying him.

I guess they don’t tell you this news on the plantation porch. Why don’t you run along
P01135809 took money from Communist China, as a sitting president. So much for being a patriot.
I didn’t claim that, he was on their board, but that wasn’t the only place paying him.

I guess they don’t tell you this news on the plantation porch. Why don’t you run along
So why were you whining about the money Hunter was making?
So why were you whining about the money Hunter was making?

Because when P01135809 takes money from Communist Chinese Government he thinks it does not matter.

For MAGA the equation is very simple.

P01135809 - Taking Communist Chinese Money = Good.

H.B - Taking Communist Chinese Money = Bad.
To be sure, we know about only some of the payments that passed into former President Trump’s hands during just two years of his presidency from just 20 of the more than 190 nations in the world through just four of his more than 500 businesses. Despite the Constitution’s requirement that a president disclose foreign emoluments and seek Congress’s consent to keep them, it took Oversight Committee Democrats years of aggressive litigation against the former President to obtain the subset of documents from Mazars, Donald Trump’s accounting firm, that form the factual basis of this report. And then, in January 2023, Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer made the abrupt and outrageous decision to release Mazars from having to continue complying with the Committee’s subpoena and court-supervised settlement agreement. Despite Chairman Comer’s decision to bury further evidence, however, even this small slice of a picture of unknown proportions allows America to glimpse the rampant illegality and corruption of the Trump presidency. It is true that $7.8 million is almost certainly only a fraction of Trump’s harvest of unlawful foreign state money, but this figure in itself is a scandal and a decisive spur to action. DEMS - Mazars Report.pdf

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