How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

Thus far, this is a liquidity crisis in the financial markets, not a solvency crisis. What that means is that there isn't enough cash in the world for those who need it, so investors are selling anything to get cash. .

Is that why metals are down too?

That is very interesting. I noticed that a well and wondered. And I read an explanation yesterday for it but I cant put my hands on it now. Its thesis was that Gold is actually serving its purpose and being sold off slowly by large holdsers to meet obligations in the bond market and margin calls. In other words its holding its value fairly well with some moderate selling pressure.

I dont vouch for this Im just saying its a theory i read. Silver...another situation altogether. Silver is an industrial metal now and demand is going to be hit by that.
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Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident





Wow. I wish we could be like Guangdong China! They excel at corinavitus testing. Course it killed them in droves and then they spread it to the rest of the world...while systematically oppressing their population under a Communist regime.

But we cant touch them on tests...and we could eat chicken claws and bat soup!

Secondly I guess choose Italy. They are masters at testing in the west..just look at them all running around

You are no fun!

If we were more like Cuba and China, well people would be dying but the Government would suppress the news so we would never know...
Of course

dead but happily voting democrat for eternity
I don't want to be anti-government, but in a capitalist country there is only so much the government can do.
COVID-19 is a bad flu. We need to take precautions, but goddamn, the country needs to function.
The old folks need to shelter, and the young folks need to work.
If you have any health conditions stay home and collect unemployment.

We had a $14T economy. So whatever the government thinks it can do, like throwing money around, it can't.
So lets give this virus a week or two and then say, OK, we're as good as we can be, so lets get back to work.
COVID-19 is a bad flu.
It's not the flu at all. It's worse than that.
So lets give this virus a week or two and then say, OK, we're as good as we can be, so lets get back to work.

We'll be lucky to be out from under this enough by the end of summer for most to go back to work.

The stock market is crashing every day. The government can't stop that from happening. If we don't get back to some kind of normal and maybe 75% of the economy working there won't be an economy. Everything will be bankrupt. I'd rather take my chances with the virus than lose the economy.
Breaking: President Trump Wins 2020 Re-election in a Landslide. Analyst say it was Trump's leadership through the Coronavirus pandemic that led to his historic victory.
A solvency crisis is when the financial system has too much debt relative to equity. Corporations have too much debt to equity, but banks don't.

banks get quantitative sleazing Toro

Thus far, this is a liquidity crisis in the financial markets, not a solvency crisis. What that means is that there isn't enough cash in the world for those who need it, so investors are selling anything to get cash. .

Is that why metals are down too?

Yes. Because when people need cash, they sell whatever they can. Gold is liquid, so it's sold.

My guess is that given everything that has happened over the last week, gold will be well over $3000 some time down the road.

But I thought this virus was minor, so take whatever I tell you with a giant mountain of salt.
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans

I remember Trumpkins boasting that Trump would undo everything that Obama did, and I commented then that Obama's greatest achievement was the stability of the economy. Well Trump has gutted the ACA, and now, the economy is also in ruins.

Trump did say that he would run the country the way he runs his business. Trump businesses all go broke and the workers get screwed.
Once more someone from Canada proves to be far superior in IQ then any republican here

So the crashing of the Markets is Trump doing and has nothing to do with the Outbreak in China that caused China to go offline or that caused South Korea and even Japan to slow down or that Airlines and Cruising industry has been hit?

Amazing how you and Dragon Lady pass the buck to Trump when the crash of the Market falls on China Government but hey I know Dragon Lady is a Chinese loyalist but are you?
No bruce certainly not and I don't believe the fall in our markets are all Trumps doing but there are things he could have done to relieve the pressure Cut out all tariffs ,,,act on the virus sooner than he did and believe scientists not let them go The man is untrustworthy unreliable and not honest,,,imo

So Trump is less trustworthy than than China Government that refused our help on the Virus?

Yeah, see you guys love to bring up Trump did not act in time but none of you have yet to say " wait, China refused our help " and yet it is Trump fault.

So again, markets crashing is China Government failure and not our government...

China did NOT refuse American help. Dr. Faucci was over there working with them. Please check facts before posting. You're doing nothing here but spouting partisan misinformation, all in the defence of Dumb Dolt J. Trump and his utter mishandling of this crisis.
I remember Trumpkins boasting that Trump would undo everything that Obama did, and I commented then that Obama's greatest achievement was the stability of the economy. Well Trump has gutted the ACA, and now, the economy is also in ruins.

Trump did say that he would run the country the way he runs his business. Trump businesses all go broke and the workers get screwed.
Once more someone from Canada proves to be far superior in IQ then any republican here

So the crashing of the Markets is Trump doing and has nothing to do with the Outbreak in China that caused China to go offline or that caused South Korea and even Japan to slow down or that Airlines and Cruising industry has been hit?

Amazing how you and Dragon Lady pass the buck to Trump when the crash of the Market falls on China Government but hey I know Dragon Lady is a Chinese loyalist but are you?
No bruce certainly not and I don't believe the fall in our markets are all Trumps doing but there are things he could have done to relieve the pressure Cut out all tariffs ,,,act on the virus sooner than he did and believe scientists not let them go The man is untrustworthy unreliable and not honest,,,imo

So Trump is less trustworthy than than China Government that refused our help on the Virus?

Yeah, see you guys love to bring up Trump did not act in time but none of you have yet to say " wait, China refused our help " and yet it is Trump fault.

So again, markets crashing is China Government failure and not our government...

China did NOT refuse American help. Dr. Faucci was over there working with them. Please check facts before posting. You're doing nothing here but spouting partisan misinformation, all in the defence of Dumb Dolt J. Trump and his utter mishandling of this crisis.

Just shut up you liar.

C.D.C. and W.H.O. Offers to Help China Have Been Ignored for Weeks"

C.D.C. and W.H.O. Offers to Help China Have Been Ignored for Weeks
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans

Thank GAWD for the fact that the TDS virus is so much more entertaining and better for the world as a whole than covid-19 is.
I don't want to be anti-government, but in a capitalist country there is only so much the government can do.
COVID-19 is a bad flu. We need to take precautions, but goddamn, the country needs to function.
The old folks need to shelter, and the young folks need to work.
If you have any health conditions stay home and collect unemployment.

We had a $14T economy. So whatever the government thinks it can do, like throwing money around, it can't.
So lets give this virus a week or two and then say, OK, we're as good as we can be, so lets get back to work.

What's hapening now was already going to happen.

Even if this virus never happened, the monetary policy was leading us right to where we are now.

The virus has served as a great distraction from that reality, however. It's served as a convenient excuse for those who sewed the seeds of economic destruction to avoid responsibility in the public eye and to say, hey, look the other way, we dindu nuffin.

Their solutions are just more of the same problem. They're just adding fuel to the fire.
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what lies???

Trump claims he always took coronavirus seriously, but the record says otherwise

At a White House briefing on Tuesday, President Trump said no one took the danger of the coronavirus more seriously than he did.

“I’ve always known this is a real — this is a pandemic,” said Trump. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

He doubled down on Wednesday morning in a tweet.

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump, referring to the coronavirus with a term that many consider offensive and medical experts discourage. “Many lives were saved. The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!”

You just proved your false narrative to be false, you idiot.

Huh? Are you stupid, can't comprehend the written word, or just being a jerk?

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump

You tell me....

Okay, go away.

I don't know if your denial is a lie, or a defense mechanism. Trump is incompetent, that should be easy to see if one opens their eyes and mind. Not only is he incompetent, his inflated ego has harmed too many people in the short time he has been in the office of trust; even when he is advised by experts, he goes with his gut and impulses, another example of what real leaders don't do, they listen to others.

Trump is culpable for the spread of the infection into every corner of the United States; his lies and contradiction of Medical Professionals warnings in the early stages of this crisis exacerbated transmission. Leaders act and tell the truth; trump did neither, he lied; all persons in leadership rolls are paid to prepare for problems, some are so into themselves when they first are presented with a problem or an emergency,they automatically ask themselves, 'how will this problem effect me". That is not the sign of a leader.

Yeah, you bleat about his incompetence every second of every day. He seems to be doing pretty good. It just irks the fuck out of you that he has figured out work arounds to defeat your progressive goals.
The chickens are coming home to roost as Donald Trump spent like a drunken sailor in his first 3 years.

The worst aspect of this for Donald Trump will be that his own businesses will be under threat of collapse from the economic meltdown. It further demonstrates why US Presidents should put their assets in a blind trust when they are elected.

Donald Trump will be frantic in his efforts to save the Trump Organization from bankruptcy and wil be too busy to worry about his duty to Americans.

How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

... The S&P is now only around 300 points away from wiping out all its gains since Donald Trump won the White House in November 2016. President Trump himself, one of the grandest boasters of the strength and resilience of markets and the American economy, appeared to capitulate on Monday with a more somber tone reflecting the immense magnitude of the challenge facing the nation. ...
How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.
By design. It's the only hope Democrats have in 2020.


Dopey Donald Trump is a loser and has been very slow in reacting to the coronavirus.
Well, this afternoon, the Amarillo city council met to talk about the virus and it was televised like a town hall.

Several interesting things came out of the town hall. One was that currently they only have enough tests to give 5 to each doctor in town. One of the main problems with the current tests is that there isn't enough media to store the swabs in after samples are taken.

And, while Trump has been saying that there are lots of respirators out there, there aren't enough to cover the system if things get bad. And, my roomie who worked at Northwest Texas Hospital for over 10 years told me that yeah, while they have several extra respirators, that isn't the problem. The problem is having enough people to check on and keep them running while being used. It really wouldn't take much to overwhelm the health system.

But, there was some good news. Currently there are no cases in Amarillo or on the High Plains, and there aren't any plans to shut down bars and restaurants, but they are starting to form plans for what to do.

Jeepers guys, this has been going on for over a month and a half now, and we STILL don't have supplies or the infrastructure required to test? There was also a conference in Jacksonville FL where the governor said that while they were waiting to get the needed supplies they would use the time to set up distribution and infrastructure.

And finally, one thing that is REALLY disturbing is that the places where the tests can be ran are pretty limited right now.
The chickens are coming home to roost as Donald Trump spent like a drunken sailor in his first 3 years.

The worst aspect of this for Donald Trump will be that his own businesses will be under threat of collapse from the economic meltdown. It further demonstrates why US Presidents should put their assets in a blind trust when they are elected.

Donald Trump will be frantic in his efforts to save the Trump Organization from bankruptcy and wil be too busy to worry about his duty to Americans.

How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

... The S&P is now only around 300 points away from wiping out all its gains since Donald Trump won the White House in November 2016. President Trump himself, one of the grandest boasters of the strength and resilience of markets and the American economy, appeared to capitulate on Monday with a more somber tone reflecting the immense magnitude of the challenge facing the nation. ...
How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.
By design. It's the only hope Democrats have in 2020.

This wasn't an accident

Dopey Donald Trump?
Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident





Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence is on display for all.
Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident




Your trying to make a point..........Now show me the stacked up bodies in the Hospitals here on Ventilators......

You can't except for those with Type a and b Flu...........which they test me the dead numbers from hospitals that say UNKNOWN.

Where do you want the cadavers delivered?

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