How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

I remember Trumpkins boasting that Trump would undo everything that Obama did, and I commented then that Obama's greatest achievement was the stability of the economy. Well Trump has gutted the ACA, and now, the economy is also in ruins.

Trump did say that he would run the country the way he runs his business. Trump businesses all go broke and the workers get screwed.
Once more someone from Canada proves to be far superior in IQ then any republican here

So the crashing of the Markets is Trump doing and has nothing to do with the Outbreak in China that caused China to go offline or that caused South Korea and even Japan to slow down or that Airlines and Cruising industry has been hit?

Amazing how you and Dragon Lady pass the buck to Trump when the crash of the Market falls on China Government but hey I know Dragon Lady is a Chinese loyalist but are you?
No bruce certainly not and I don't believe the fall in our markets are all Trumps doing but there are things he could have done to relieve the pressure Cut out all tariffs ,,,act on the virus sooner than he did and believe scientists not let them go The man is untrustworthy unreliable and not honest,,,imo

So Trump is less trustworthy than than China Government that refused our help on the Virus?

Yeah, see you guys love to bring up Trump did not act in time but none of you have yet to say " wait, China refused our help " and yet it is Trump fault.

So again, markets crashing is China Government failure and not our government...

China did NOT refuse American help. Dr. Faucci was over there working with them. Please check facts before posting. You're doing nothing here but spouting partisan misinformation, all in the defence of Dumb Dolt J. Trump and his utter mishandling of this crisis.

Caught in another lie!

Isn't funny Dragon Lady is lying and telling me I am spreading false information and yet she will run from this like she has ran countless of times when I caught her in many lies!

Now why must you lie Dragon Lady and why are you defending China mishandling of information of the virus and yes I can provide article after article how your Chinese Government was the ones that failed!
All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.

No, Im not in this together with you fear mongers who are in favor of shutting everything down. You're about to reap what you have sewn. Get ready for your crumbs because thats what's about to happen. A world currency will be ushered in and everyone will just happily acquiesce . The herd will accept without a whimper. Yourself included.

I suggest you buy a new hat, one lead lined so as to protect your brain from further deterioration.

Keep laughing.
We knew the lying was always an issue. Somehow, for some reason, so many accepted it, just shook it off, only smirking at it.

Why, because the stock market was good? No one is certain why, the lies were accepted, but they were.

Now we’ve been lied to ( repeatedly as usual) about the virus.
Test dates, test availability,the number of tests, all to make it “appear better than it is”.

These lies are expensive. They will cost lives, many, lives, big beautiful lives.... yes, I’m using his own language to mock him about this very serious situation.
....and ironically, it’s going to cost money. AMERICA is now in a recession. This virus has crushed the world economy.

He didn’t cause the virus. But the lies are hurting US. Really hurting US all.
Let’s stop accepting, allowing the lies.
Stay safe my fellow Americans. Even republicans
what lies???
Oh please.
I remember Trumpkins boasting that Trump would undo everything that Obama did, and I commented then that Obama's greatest achievement was the stability of the economy. Well Trump has gutted the ACA, and now, the economy is also in ruins.

Trump did say that he would run the country the way he runs his business. Trump businesses all go broke and the workers get screwed.
Once more someone from Canada proves to be far superior in IQ then any republican here

So the crashing of the Markets is Trump doing and has nothing to do with the Outbreak in China that caused China to go offline or that caused South Korea and even Japan to slow down or that Airlines and Cruising industry has been hit?

Amazing how you and Dragon Lady pass the buck to Trump when the crash of the Market falls on China Government but hey I know Dragon Lady is a Chinese loyalist but are you?
No bruce certainly not and I don't believe the fall in our markets are all Trumps doing but there are things he could have done to relieve the pressure Cut out all tariffs ,,,act on the virus sooner than he did and believe scientists not let them go The man is untrustworthy unreliable and not honest,,,imo

So Trump is less trustworthy than than China Government that refused our help on the Virus?

Yeah, see you guys love to bring up Trump did not act in time but none of you have yet to say " wait, China refused our help " and yet it is Trump fault.

So again, markets crashing is China Government failure and not our government...

China did NOT refuse American help. Dr. Faucci was over there working with them. Please check facts before posting. You're doing nothing here but spouting partisan misinformation, all in the defence of Dumb Dolt J. Trump and his utter mishandling of this crisis.

Oh, here is another article for you:

China Refused American Offer of Assistance in Studying Coronavirus Outbreak: US Health Chief

Also isn't funny how it is Donald Trump fault for the spread of the virus that China Government knew about back in December of 2019?

Can you explain why China put the Doctor that blew the whistle and later died under House Arrest and let me ask you was that the right move by China Government to you?

Could you imagine if Donald John Trump and the U.S. Government did that how you would be screaming like a crazy mad Chinese supporter about human rights?

So no I am not spreading false lies like you, edward37 , and others and it is China Government failure.

I mean you have posters in this thread claiming Trump caused the markets to crash and when offered actual articles to prove them wrong, well like you they run away like cowards!

So come on prove me wrong and save your glorious Chinese Government reputation!
I still thunk there's a good chance we could bounce right back if we can burn this virus out in a month & get it behind us.

If that happens we could be back to "normal" in 2 or 3 years.

If not...well...
All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.

Everything is up from here...

What kind of life are we going to have if our businesses are shut down for an extended period of time?
That depends to a large degree on whether government (the Fed) supports savers or speculators:

The Federal Reserve Dictatorship Runs Amok Against Savers | Ralph Nader

"The Fed has no regard for the hundreds of billions of dollars in interest payments taken from one hundred million unorganized savers who have their savings in Treasury bonds, banks, and money market accounts.

"Now trillions of dollars’ worth of interest rates are getting 'near zero.'

"What a blow by the Trumped Fed reducing interest rates from about 2.25% – 2.5% to near zero in five dictatorial steps over the past 14 months."
Huh? Are you stupid, can't comprehend the written word, or just being a jerk?

“I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all,” wrote Trump

You tell me....

Okay, go away.

I don't know if your denial is a lie, or a defense mechanism. Trump is incompetent, that should be easy to see if one opens their eyes and mind. Not only is he incompetent, his inflated ego has harmed too many people in the short time he has been in the office of trust; even when he is advised by experts, he goes with his gut and impulses, another example of what real leaders don't do, they listen to others.

Trump is culpable for the spread of the infection into every corner of the United States; his lies and contradiction of Medical Professionals warnings in the early stages of this crisis exacerbated transmission. Leaders act and tell the truth; trump did neither, he lied; all persons in leadership rolls are paid to prepare for problems, some are so into themselves when they first are presented with a problem or an emergency,they automatically ask themselves, 'how will this problem effect me". That is not the sign of a leader.

Yeah, you bleat about his incompetence every second of every day. He seems to be doing pretty good. It just irks the fuck out of you that he has figured out work arounds to defeat your progressive goals.

"He seems to be doing pretty good" Would you like your surgeon to be pretty good; your car mechanic to be pretty good, your restaurant meal pretty good? Would you go back to anyone of them, or seek out someone who is very good or excellent.?

I don't bleat, and I don't post BIG LIES; my opinions are based on facts, my observations and supported by relevant links.

Yeah, you bleat CONSTANTLY. Your opinions are based on cherry picked facts, and outright fabrications. And yes, compared to the absolute crap that your hero, the obummer inflicted on this country, Trump is doing OUTSTANDING, in spite of the all out war the political class has been waging against him.

If you truly cared about this country, an its people, you would ask yourself why the political class appears to be immune from the law. But no, all you care about is power.

Your first sentence is bullshit and written with anger. Then you move on to attacking President Obama, and making a ludicrous claim that Trump is outstanding.

Your second paragraph is 180 degrees off what I've posted for over ten years. My threads and posts can be framed by: Fiscal Responsibility; equal rights and equal opportunity for all of our citizens, notwithstanding their gender, color, ethnicity, creed or sexual orientation:

Plus my support for liberal issues, including R v. W, gun control, universal suffrage and for Congress to establish what is proper identification to vote.

Notice only in election years the GOP brings up voter fraud. They do not fix fraud, since they can't prove it exists, and worse they suppress the vote by closing polls in communities (a kind of gerrymandering) in select communities, along with other scurrilous behaviors to suppress the vote for what are mostly voters who will not support the GOP.
Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident




Your trying to make a point..........Now show me the stacked up bodies in the Hospitals here on Ventilators......

You can't except for those with Type a and b Flu...........which they test me the dead numbers from hospitals that say UNKNOWN.

Where do you want the cadavers delivered?
Out of context to the message............I understand he's pointing out the early problem.......but unless he can show the dead before we started .........then it hasn't been HORRIBLE as we got extra time from the Travel only if we had just banned other places early .........but we have ESPN in this country not ESP to where the Epicenter would move.
mush cloud.jpg

Bush, inherited a balanced budget, with a projected surplus. He handed out a massive tax cut with the bulk of the benefits going to the ultra wealthy, AND passed a boat load of massive spending increases. Then Kabooooommmmm, the Bush crash wiped out any meager economic benefits from his massive stimulus and spending and leaves the economy in ruin with massive deficits.

Fast forward 16 years. Trump inherits a $580 billion /yr annual deficit, very bad, but at least workable. Trump passes massive tax cuts with the bulk of the benefits going to corporations and the ultra wealthy. The corporations then used the money predominantly on stock buy backs as we have proven here, essentially US deficit subsidized stock buybacks:
Why The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act (TCJA) Led To Buybacks Rather Than Investment
US companies' tax windfall fuels record share buybacks

Now we have the Trump crash. Any benefits from Trump's debt fueled stimulus and buybacks are now gone. Deficits were at $1.2 trillion/yr before the Trump crash, they will go as high as $3 trillion/yr now probably. Trump wasted all the "stimulus bullets" pumping up his fiat economy and now that we have a real crisis we are fucked.
Basically, Trump used recessionary type monetary policy to inflate his fiat economy, and now that we are headed for a recession, the US is headed for insanely massive deficits and large amounts of pain.

This was so obvious.
Thus far, this is a liquidity crisis in the financial markets, not a solvency crisis. What that means is that there isn't enough cash in the world for those who need it, so investors are selling anything to get cash. .

Is that why metals are down too?

Yes. Because when people need cash, they sell whatever they can. Gold is liquid, so it's sold.

My guess is that given everything that has happened over the last week, gold will be well over $3000 some time down the road.

But I thought this virus was minor, so take whatever I tell you with a giant mountain of salt.
I thought it was minor too, initially, and I’m an RN. But that’s the problem with newly emerging viruses, especially when coupled with a government thats covering it up and shooting citizens trying to warn the outside world. You don’t really know what the deal with it is for the first month or 2, you don’t have a vaccine for it, and you’re not sure what treatments are going to work. Up until mid February, I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces. I said “well no wonder it’s a problem in China, mainland China thinks that toilets are for pussies, but that won’t be a problem here.” But then they confirmed it’s airborne, the young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around infectious for a week before showing symptoms. At that point I said “oh shit, this is diabolical,” at least concerning how it’s transmitted. Then Italy started getting hit and I figured the genie was out of the bottle barring drastic travel shut downs and plenty of luck.

"I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces."

Does a MAGA hat protect?

Didn’t vote for trump jackass. But the left has been that crazy since he’s been elected, I just might in 2020. Plus, he wasn’t as bad as I thought he’d be. He does (mainly says) plenty of shit I SMH at...But the left doesn’t seem capable of rational thought anymore. I’m only 31, and I hear the younger generations talk, my god they aren’t capable of critically thinking anymore. They’re just parrots, and an worthy accomplishment to them is finding someone to shame for whatever new woke flavor of the week it is. The idiocy never ceases to amaze me. This site is a beautiful example of what I’m talking about.

this wasn’t the specific article I found, but one similar.
Fecal Transmission May Be Behind Coronavirus’s Rapid Spread
GW started a nuclear war?

You would think I would have remembered that if it had happened. Did I miss it or something?
All right, folks. The Dow is down below 19,000 today. It's dropped over 10 percent so far today.

I'm no longer worried about a recession, I am worried about a Depression. And whether or not you are an opponent of me on this board, I just don't have the spirit to fight with anyone any more.

We are all in this together.

I don't want to be one more in a host of finger pointers. I'm done with that.

May God bless and keep every one of you.

Good post. While I do have the spirit to fight, I'd rather not. That said I am not so afraid of a depression, don't think we will go there. Some hard times ahead, yes. Stay positive. Yes we are all in it together
I still thunk there's a good chance we could bounce right back if we can burn this virus out in a month & get it behind us.

If that happens we could be back to "normal" in 2 or 3 years.

If not...well...

Hmmmmmm...burn it out? Explain that. My first thought was the Holocaust, for those who test positive.
Oh that’s right, the Chinese coronavirus is “Trump’s fault”.
His failed response is his fault, his insane denial of the problem until it was too late is his fault, and his incessant downplay of the risks are his fault.

His insane massive wasteful deficit spending are his fault. Trump just borrowed a fuck ton of money and pumped it into the economy decimating the budget, as we have a $1.2 trillion dollar annual deficit BEFORE this virus hit. Trump used all the stimulus "bullets" to get a little pop in the economy and now in a time of crisis when we need the stimulus we are fucked. Trump and Bush two over-debted morons that have failed America.

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