How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

ECB announces €750 billion Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP)

This new Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme (PEPP) will have an overall envelope of €750 billion. Purchases will be conducted until the end of 2020 and will include all the asset categories eligible under the existing asset purchase programme (APP).


The Governing Council will terminate net asset purchases under PEPP once it judges that the coronavirus Covid-19 crisis phase is over, but in any case not before the end of the year.

No wonder Britain got out of the EU.
U.K. Sends a Jolt of Economic Stimulus to Cushion Against the Coronavirus

Bank of England cuts interest rate, while policy makers announce measures including a facility to encourage banks to lend to small businesses

Bank of England cuts rates in emergency move to combat coronavirus impact

Sunak said the government was looking to change the law to enable ministers to bail out large companies.

britsin as a deep state problem as well.
Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident




Your trying to make a point..........Now show me the stacked up bodies in the Hospitals here on Ventilators......

You can't except for those with Type a and b Flu...........which they test me the dead numbers from hospitals that say UNKNOWN.

Where do you want the cadavers delivered?

Out of context to the message............I understand he's pointing out the early problem.......but unless he can show the dead before we started .........then it hasn't been HORRIBLE as we got extra time from the Travel only if we had just banned other places early .........but we have ESPN in this country not ESP to where the Epicenter would move.

Banning Mar a Lago would have been a huge benefit.
Thus far, this is a liquidity crisis in the financial markets, not a solvency crisis. What that means is that there isn't enough cash in the world for those who need it, so investors are selling anything to get cash. .

Is that why metals are down too?

Yes. Because when people need cash, they sell whatever they can. Gold is liquid, so it's sold.

My guess is that given everything that has happened over the last week, gold will be well over $3000 some time down the road.

But I thought this virus was minor, so take whatever I tell you with a giant mountain of salt.
I thought it was minor too, initially, and I’m an RN. But that’s the problem with newly emerging viruses, especially when coupled with a government thats covering it up and shooting citizens trying to warn the outside world. You don’t really know what the deal with it is for the first month or 2, you don’t have a vaccine for it, and you’re not sure what treatments are going to work. Up until mid February, I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces. I said “well no wonder it’s a problem in China, mainland China thinks that toilets are for pussies, but that won’t be a problem here.” But then they confirmed it’s airborne, the young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around infectious for a week before showing symptoms. At that point I said “oh shit, this is diabolical,” at least concerning how it’s transmitted. Then Italy started getting hit and I figured the genie was out of the bottle barring drastic travel shut downs and plenty of luck.

"I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces."

Does a MAGA hat protect?

Didn’t vote for trump jackass. But the left has been that crazy since he’s been elected, I just might in 2020. Plus, he wasn’t as bad as I thought he’d be. He does (mainly says) plenty of shit I SMH at...But the left doesn’t seem capable of rational thought anymore. I’m only 31, and I hear the younger generations talk, my god they aren’t capable of critically thinking anymore. They’re just parrots, and an worthy accomplishment to them is finding someone to shame for whatever new woke flavor of the week it is. The idiocy never ceases to amaze me. This site is a beautiful example of what I’m talking about.

this wasn’t the specific article I found, but one similar.
Fecal Transmission May Be Behind Coronavirus’s Rapid Spread

You have earned your sandwich. Enjoy.

Is that why metals are down too?

Yes. Because when people need cash, they sell whatever they can. Gold is liquid, so it's sold.

My guess is that given everything that has happened over the last week, gold will be well over $3000 some time down the road.

But I thought this virus was minor, so take whatever I tell you with a giant mountain of salt.
I thought it was minor too, initially, and I’m an RN. But that’s the problem with newly emerging viruses, especially when coupled with a government thats covering it up and shooting citizens trying to warn the outside world. You don’t really know what the deal with it is for the first month or 2, you don’t have a vaccine for it, and you’re not sure what treatments are going to work. Up until mid February, I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces. I said “well no wonder it’s a problem in China, mainland China thinks that toilets are for pussies, but that won’t be a problem here.” But then they confirmed it’s airborne, the young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around infectious for a week before showing symptoms. At that point I said “oh shit, this is diabolical,” at least concerning how it’s transmitted. Then Italy started getting hit and I figured the genie was out of the bottle barring drastic travel shut downs and plenty of luck.

"I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces."

Does a MAGA hat protect?

Didn’t vote for trump jackass. But the left has been that crazy since he’s been elected, I just might in 2020. Plus, he wasn’t as bad as I thought he’d be. He does (mainly says) plenty of shit I SMH at...But the left doesn’t seem capable of rational thought anymore. I’m only 31, and I hear the younger generations talk, my god they aren’t capable of critically thinking anymore. They’re just parrots, and an worthy accomplishment to them is finding someone to shame for whatever new woke flavor of the week it is. The idiocy never ceases to amaze me. This site is a beautiful example of what I’m talking about.

this wasn’t the specific article I found, but one similar.
Fecal Transmission May Be Behind Coronavirus’s Rapid Spread

I think there has been a huge exposure of what the Democrats really are. And this dancing on the graves of Americans in glee is going to hurt them even more. But its what they are. it isnt a pretense. In fact is the lifting of pretense and seeing them in all their ugly reality.

The thing is we need a loyal opposition party. With the Democrats destroying themselves where will it come from?

Sandwich stores?
Yes. Because when people need cash, they sell whatever they can. Gold is liquid, so it's sold.

My guess is that given everything that has happened over the last week, gold will be well over $3000 some time down the road.

But I thought this virus was minor, so take whatever I tell you with a giant mountain of salt.
I thought it was minor too, initially, and I’m an RN. But that’s the problem with newly emerging viruses, especially when coupled with a government thats covering it up and shooting citizens trying to warn the outside world. You don’t really know what the deal with it is for the first month or 2, you don’t have a vaccine for it, and you’re not sure what treatments are going to work. Up until mid February, I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces. I said “well no wonder it’s a problem in China, mainland China thinks that toilets are for pussies, but that won’t be a problem here.” But then they confirmed it’s airborne, the young are often asymptomatic carriers, and symptomatic carriers walk around infectious for a week before showing symptoms. At that point I said “oh shit, this is diabolical,” at least concerning how it’s transmitted. Then Italy started getting hit and I figured the genie was out of the bottle barring drastic travel shut downs and plenty of luck.

"I had read an article on it saying it’s was transmitted mainly from feces."

Does a MAGA hat protect?

Didn’t vote for trump jackass. But the left has been that crazy since he’s been elected, I just might in 2020. Plus, he wasn’t as bad as I thought he’d be. He does (mainly says) plenty of shit I SMH at...But the left doesn’t seem capable of rational thought anymore. I’m only 31, and I hear the younger generations talk, my god they aren’t capable of critically thinking anymore. They’re just parrots, and an worthy accomplishment to them is finding someone to shame for whatever new woke flavor of the week it is. The idiocy never ceases to amaze me. This site is a beautiful example of what I’m talking about.

this wasn’t the specific article I found, but one similar.
Fecal Transmission May Be Behind Coronavirus’s Rapid Spread

I think there has been a huge exposure of what the Democrats really are. And this dancing n the graves of Americans in glee is going to hurt them even more. But ts what they are. it isnt a pretense. In fact is the lifting of pretense and seeing them in all their ugly reality.

The thing is we need a loyal opposition party. With the Democrats destroying themselves where will it come from?
While I agree.........never underestimate Chaos and panic.............The virus is exponential.......and the only way that stops is that people hole up and avoid contact for a little bit......If they don't want to get it......well that's common sense...

If not........the elderly her will die at a high rate.

The red hat howling mob is buying guns and bullets because the shelves of medical supplies are empty.
Hmmmmmm...burn it out? Explain that. My first thought was the Holocaust, for those who test positive.

Burn it out = Stop the spread.

Everybody shelters in place for 30 days...those infected will know it because they will be showing symptoms. But during that time they were not out infecting others (other than in the same house).

Those who clean up the bodies would then need another quarantine period...but that would be tiny compared to the entire population.
The chickens are coming home to roost as Donald Trump spent like a drunken sailor in his first 3 years.

The worst aspect of this for Donald Trump will be that his own businesses will be under threat of collapse from the economic meltdown. It further demonstrates why US Presidents should put their assets in a blind trust when they are elected.

Donald Trump will be frantic in his efforts to save the Trump Organization from bankruptcy and wil be too busy to worry about his duty to Americans.

How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

... The S&P is now only around 300 points away from wiping out all its gains since Donald Trump won the White House in November 2016. President Trump himself, one of the grandest boasters of the strength and resilience of markets and the American economy, appeared to capitulate on Monday with a more somber tone reflecting the immense magnitude of the challenge facing the nation. ...


Us cons will endeavor to persevere.
Oh that’s right, the Chinese coronavirus is “Trump’s fault”.

These liberals some of them are the lowest forms of life on earth. See how INTENTIONALLY dishonest they are? Do we want them running the country? HELL NO!

Well, it’s assholes like the OP that drive many normal people to the GOP.

It seems to me that normal people fled the GOP, and radical people and ultra far right people joined the GOP.

Party affiliation among U.S. voters: 1992-2016
The chickens are coming home to roost as Donald Trump spent like a drunken sailor in his first 3 years.

The worst aspect of this for Donald Trump will be that his own businesses will be under threat of collapse from the economic meltdown. It further demonstrates why US Presidents should put their assets in a blind trust when they are elected.

Donald Trump will be frantic in his efforts to save the Trump Organization from bankruptcy and wil be too busy to worry about his duty to Americans.

How ugly could it get? Trump faces echoes of 1929 in coronavirus crisis.

... The S&P is now only around 300 points away from wiping out all its gains since Donald Trump won the White House in November 2016. President Trump himself, one of the grandest boasters of the strength and resilience of markets and the American economy, appeared to capitulate on Monday with a more somber tone reflecting the immense magnitude of the challenge facing the nation. ...


Us cons will endeavor to persevere.

Using the Con in Chief as an example of cunning conning?
Unemployment will go through the roof. Twenty percent is being portended by some pundits.

MAGA followers don't even understand how serious the emerging financial crisis is.
just imagine how bad the economy would get if a anti business anti capitalist democrat were in office !

Yeah, that would be terrible! Why a democrat might even send $2,000 to every family, and ask for a $1 trillion dollar bailout!
Hmmmmmm...burn it out? Explain that. My first thought was the Holocaust, for those who test positive.

Burn it out = Stop the spread.

Everybody shelters in place for 30 days...those infected will know it because they will be showing symptoms. But during that time they were not out infecting others (other than in the same house).

Those who clean up the bodies would then need another quarantine period...but that would be tiny compared to the entire population.

Oh, I'm glad my first impression was wrong. My wife and I are sheltering in place and have been for the last 10 days. Our oldest son drives for UPS in our neighborhood and comes by for lunch, he also goes shopping for our needs.

We get Hello Fresh (HF); it's delivered by UPS (which is how we learned of it) and I recommend anyone who is reading this and sheltering in place to signup for HF. The meals are healthy, come with all the fixings needed and can be prepared in about 30 minutes.

Tonight we had lemon salmon, with a salad of tomato, zucchini and scallions mixed with one lemon juice & olive oil; the salmon was fried in avocado oil and garnished with sour cream with salt, pepper an lemon zest.

See Postscript below
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Hmmmmmm...burn it out? Explain that. My first thought was the Holocaust, for those who test positive.

Burn it out = Stop the spread.

Everybody shelters in place for 30 days...those infected will know it because they will be showing symptoms. But during that time they were not out infecting others (other than in the same house).

Those who clean up the bodies would then need another quarantine period...but that would be tiny compared to the entire population.

Oh, I'm glad my first impression was wrong. My wife and I are sheltering in place and have been for the last 10 days. Our oldest son drives for UPS in our neighborhood and comes by for lunch, he also goes shopping for our needs.

We get Hello Fresh (HF); it's delivered by UPS (which is how we learned of it) and I recommend anyone who is reading this and sheltering in place to signup for HF. The meals are healthy, come with all the fixings needed and can be prepared in about 30 minutes.

Tonight we had lemon salmon, with a salad of tomato, zucchini and scallions mixed with one lemon juice & olive oil; the salmon was fried in avocado oil and garnished with sour cream with salt, pepper an lemon zest.

See Postscript below

I forgot to add Couscous as the side dish, cooked in butter for two minutes, and then added 1 cup chicken stock to a boil, then covered for 8 minutes on low.
The economic crisis is just at its beginning stage. We have been living through a corporate-stock-buyback and leverage and derivative fueled "asset inflation" now for decades (stock buybacks were made illegal after the Great Depression). The "Everything Bubble" has been fueled by Fed policies of easy money provided to favored customers (big banks and private Hedge Funds) which recently has gotten completely out of hand. This has been a main reason for growing income differences in society. Nothing was learned from the 2008 financial crisis but that bailouts work. Since middle class people have been dazzled watching their 401Ks go up, bought off politicians of both parties had no trouble passing corporate tax cuts benefitting the rich. If the crisis gets serious enough, even the present rising strength of the dollar as a safe haven may end. The Chinese Yuan notably has been unshaken and Chinese production is ramping up again just as the real U.S. economy -- weak and increasingly service oriented -- is crashing. Hundreds of companies like Boeing (wasted $45 billion) used stock buybacks to benefit their managers and raise share value, even taking on gobs of corporate debt to do so. The corrupt house of cards is collapsing. The U.S. Empire survives only by depending on its ability to go deeper and deeper in debt. Didn't Trump brag he was "the King of Debt"? The S&P may very well fall to 1500, or 1000 or lower before this ends.

The Covid-19 pandemic is real and has serious consequences for the economy, but it is also puncturing a debt balloon that was already terribly over-inflated. This crisis will serve as the perfect cover for more "socialism for the rich and connected." In the old days when there was a class conscious labor movement it might have forced real nationalizations (at least in Europe) or profound social-democratic reforms. But not today. Not under Trump or Biden. The crisis comes on top of Trump's huge tax cuts for corporations and the rich. Congress will support more tax cuts, more credit creation and multi-trillion dollar bailouts to companies, probably with very few restrictions. Sure a few hundred billion will be thrown to unemployed workers, who will have to get used to high unemployment and a terrible decline in their standards of living.

Many companies inevitably will go bankrupt. Many badly run, already highly indebted, in fact truly looted corporations should not be given lines of credit but re-organized under Chapter 11 bankruptcy rules. Boeing is a perfect example. Bankruptcy means shareholders will be wiped out, many bond holders will be given a haircut, old management forced to give up golden parachutes and new management teams brought in. Many of the most flagrant COs and CFOs should be forced to return a little of the money they stole, and some jailed. New rules limiting management pay and outlawing dividends, limiting stock options, and forbidding stock buybacks should be passed by Congress (but likely won't be). Airlines went bankrupt in the past -- but never stopped flying. A banking or market freeze or "holiday" may also occur. Price fixing will also probably be temporarily necessary in some products at a later stage when deflation is likely replaced with consumer goods inflation. It could get VERY bad.

I hope I am wrong. I am not a financial expert. I'm not against help to certain crucial industries, and certainly support benefits to unemployed workers. But unless there is a near miracle sudden end to the pandemic, I just don't see how a new and very deep financial crisis can be avoided.
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Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident





Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence is on display for all.
You are wrong as usual
The economic crisis is just at its beginning stage. We have been living through a corporate-stock-buyback and leverage and derivative fueled "asset inflation" now for decades (stock buybacks were made illegal after the Great Depression). The "Everything Bubble" has been fueled by Fed policies of easy money provided to favored customers (big banks and private Hedge Funds) which recently has gotten completely out of hand. This has been a main reason for growing income differences in society. Nothing was learned from the 2008 financial crisis but that bailouts work. Since middle class people have been dazzled watching their 401Ks go up, bought off politicians of both parties had no trouble passing corporate tax cuts benefitting the rich. If the crisis gets serious enough, even the present rising strength of the dollar as a safe haven may end. The Chinese Yuan notably has been unshaken and Chinese production is ramping up again just as the real U.S. economy -- weak and increasingly service oriented -- is crashing. Hundreds of companies like Boeing (wasted $45 billion) used stock buybacks to benefit their managers and raise share value, even taking on gobs of corporate debt to do so. The corrupt house of cards is collapsing. The U.S. Empire survives only by depending on its ability to go deeper and deeper in debt. Didn't Trump brag he was "the King of Debt"? The S&P may very well fall to 1500, or 1000 or lower before this ends.

The Covid-19 pandemic is real and has serious consequences for the economy, but it is also puncturing a debt balloon that was already terribly over-inflated. This crisis will serve as the perfect cover for more "socialism for the rich and connected." In the old days when there was a class conscious labor movement it might have forced real nationalizations (at least in Europe) or profound social-democratic reforms. But not today. Not under Trump or Biden. The crisis comes on top of Trump's huge tax cuts for corporations and the rich. Congress will support more tax cuts, more credit creation and multi-trillion dollar bailouts to companies, probably with very few restrictions. Sure a few hundred billion will be thrown to unemployed workers, who will have to get used to high unemployment and a terrible decline in their standards of living.

Many companies inevitably will go bankrupt. Many badly run, already highly indebted, in fact truly looted corporations should not be given lines of credit but re-organized under Chapter 11 bankruptcy rules. Boeing is a perfect example. Bankruptcy means shareholders will be wiped out, many bond holders will be given a haircut, old management forced to give up golden parachutes and new management teams brought in. Many of the most flagrant COs and CFOs should be forced to return a little of the money they stole, and some jailed. New rules limiting management pay and outlawing dividends, limiting stock options, and forbidding stock buybacks should be passed by Congress (but likely won't be). Airlines went bankrupt in the past -- but never stopped flying. A banking or market freeze or "holiday" may also occur. Price fixing will also probably be temporarily necessary in some products at a later stage when deflation is likely replaced with consumer goods inflation. It could get VERY bad.

I hope I am wrong. I am not a financial expert. I'm not against help to certain crucial industries, and certainly support benefits to unemployed workers. But unless there is a near miracle sudden end to the pandemic, I just don't see how a new and very deep financial crisis can be avoided.

There will be a lot of bankruptcies, both personal and corporate. Too many companies are so indebted that any disruption of their business is perilous to their existence.

A lot of restaurant and bar workers have already lost their jobs with no hope of getting another job. Unemployment could go to 20%.
Its unlikely that $1000 one-off payments to people earning less than $100,000 will be enough. They probably need $ 2000+ a month as basic living expenses for rent, food and utllities. Students on borrowed money may be in even more difficult predicament.

Hopefully, this will cause the trapdoor under Dopey Donald Trump's feet to open and drop him into the dumpster of history.
Trump isnt responsible for a virus.

MAGA follower

economic pain of the commie virus

Worst. Leader. Ever.

so Trump can be blamed. Disgusting

we need to be rooting for the Trump administration

Your incompetent orange psychopath criminal did that all with his own insanity and incompetence

The Orange virus

It’s a global pandemic

You cocksuckers sicken me.

Bigly layoffs in the oil industry ahead

failure to contain the Coronavirus

The CDC and the WHO were left in the dark

Trump is responsible for failing to contain the spread of the disease

Trump is not at fault for the Coronavirus outbreak nor it being brought here

Trump is doing a great job managing this crisis.

Some people are going to get filthy rich off this.

This wasn't an accident





Dopey Donald Trump's incompetence is on display for all.

You are wrong as usual

Dopey Donald Trump is hiding more aspects of his incompetence to demonstrate at the next cataclysmic event?

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