How we know Hitler was right wing.

You have already revealed the fact that all your sources are all Marxist political hacks. All your terminology in this area comes from Marxism and you are totally ignorant of the basic economics. So are your sources, obviously, because that's where you obtained your understanding of the terms.

Try reading a book on economics if you really want to understand fascism. Historians are nothing more than paid government propagandists.

I have revealed 8 - 10 of my major sources on this thread - none of them are in any way Marxist. As per usual, you are simply making things up. How is Richard Overy a Marxist? How is Ian Kershaw a Marxist?

I have read - and listed on this thread - books on nazi economics which I found useful. none of them have anything to do with Marxism, obviously.

I also recommend them to you.
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bripat9643; “Infrastructure” is a non-sequitur. It’s not an economic term.[/QUOTE said:
This is not a discussion about economic terms.

I am sure most people understand shat 'infrastructure' is, just as most people understand what 'capital' means in general usage.

If you want to start a thread about fascism using only economics terminology, go right ahead.
Hint- Hitler loved corporate aristocrats, dumbazzes.

Hint: no he didn't

Hint: National SOCIALIST Party

Hint: Believed in complete government control (like dumbocrats)

Hint: No amount of weak arguments on your part can change the facts

We blew that canard out of the water like eight hundred posts ago, dumbfuck.
Go get your teacher to read the thread to you again. Try not to fall asleep this time.
This Hiter was a lefty is brand new BS, from Beck and "Liberal Fascism" -DRIVEL, like classical liberalism and Obama is a marxist LOL.

It's so funny how Obama says "I am A" and you idiots jump up losing your minds and screaming, "No he's not, he is B". Obama has already admitted over and over and over that he is a marxist. Only the idiot libtard dumbocrat would attempt to deny facts that people from their own side have already admitted. :lmao:


"I chose my friend carefully - the Marxist professors" - Barack Obama
Hint- Hitler loved corporate aristocrats, dumbazzes.

Hint: no he didn't

Hint: National SOCIALIST Party

Hint: Believed in complete government control (like dumbocrats)

Hint: No amount of weak arguments on your part can change the facts

We blew that canard out of the water like eight hundred posts ago, dumbfuck.
Go get your teacher to read the thread to you again. Try not to fall asleep this time.

You cannot "blow" FACTS "out of the water" dumb fuck. :lmao:

They were the National SOCIALIST Party
Hint- Hitler loved corporate aristocrats, dumbazzes.

Hint: no he didn't

Hint: National SOCIALIST Party

Hint: Believed in complete government control (like dumbocrats)

Hint: No amount of weak arguments on your part can change the facts

The National Socialist Party was founded in 1919. Hitler did not found the party, but soon became its leader after joining. The National Socialist Party did start out with socialist principles, but veered away from these principles under Hitler's leadership. Gregor Strassor was the Nazi leader championing the socialist cause, but soon found himself pushed off to the side and later murdered by the Nazis in the 1934 purge. Hitler knew that in order to gain power he needed the support of powerful institutions such as the Military and the Industrialists. These were conservative factions and Hitler courted them. In fact, one of the first things Hitler did upon assuming power was to crush the Labor Unions thus pleasing the industrialists.

The Nazis kept socialist as part of their name to appeal to the masses. A name can be deceptive:

1) United Soviet Socialist Republic - communist

2) Peoples Republic of China - communist dictatorship under Mao

3) Pravda means truth which was the name of the USSR newspaper spewing out propaganda

The idea the Hitler was left wing is a recent one formented by historically ignorant people from America's right wing. I am not sure why it was done because whether Hitler was right or left wing has little consequence for today's politics in the US. My guess is that there are a lot of ignorant right wing sheep.
Pogo -

Hitler, as far left as Stalin, Mao and Obama

Of course this is imbecilic - but Frank's posting does seem to be based on making ridiculous claims that he knows full well are ridiculous, presumably just because he can.

He won't defend the statement.

In take it that you believe Hitler advocated for small government and unfettered markets, right sparky?
Hint- Hitler loved corporate aristocrats, dumbazzes.

Hint: no he didn't

Hint: National SOCIALIST Party

Hint: Believed in complete government control (like dumbocrats)

Hint: No amount of weak arguments on your part can change the facts

Rottweiler -

I did explain why "socialist" was used instead of "social revolutionary" earlier.

I am willing to explain this to you, but only if you actually read what is posted and make some effort to understand it. If you are just going to spam the thread, there's no point explaining anything to you, is there?

You might want to start by asking yourself if the DEMOCRATIC People's Republic of Korea is actually a democracy.
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In take it that you believe Hitler advocated for small government and unfettered markets, right sparky?

Uncensored -

Small government is a relatively new and very American way of looking at right wing governments.

Most right wing governments around the world are not small, and politicians do not campaign on the basis of small government.

Some left wing governments in other countries have used the small government model.
Uncensored -

Small government is a relatively new and very American way of looking at right wing governments.

Most right wing governments around the world are not small, and politicians do not campaign on the basis of small government.

Then they are not "right-wing" governments. This is akin to saying "most African-American's are not black" :cuckoo:

The defining characteristic of "right-wing" is small government with limited powers just as the defining characteristic of "African-American" is being black.

Some left wing governments in other countries have used the small government model.

Clearly you do not understand political ideologies (at all). At first, I thought you were just being a typical left-wing nut trying to rewrite history as liberals always do. But now I realize you genuinely don't understand the political spectrum or what defines each part of it.
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Everything I have read in this thread ( Hitler, Marxism, Socialism, Communism etc etc) have one thing in common.. Government Control !!! What does Obama have in common with all of these.?? more Government Control !

Governments are like that.

I can't think of even one example where a government freely choose to give up any power.

True, but some leaders of governments more control, thus more dependency from the people.
This Hiter was a lefty is brand new BS, from Beck and "Liberal Fascism" -DRIVEL, like classical liberalism and Obama is a marxist LOL.

Obama Endorsed Openly Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders:

[ame=]Bernie and Barack Address Overflow Crowd - YouTube[/ame]
Rottweiler -

Again, I am happy to explain these points for you, but only if you commit to actually thinking about what is posted, reading the links, and acknolwdgeing points as they come up. I will answer any questions you have.

This is what I do for a living. I know far, far more about it than you will ever know.

If you are just going to spam the thread will gibberish and abuse, I won't bother.

It's your choice.
Hint- Hitler loved corporate aristocrats, dumbazzes.

Hint: no he didn't

Hint: National SOCIALIST Party

Hint: Believed in complete government control (like dumbocrats)

Hint: No amount of weak arguments on your part can change the facts

Rottweiler -

I did explain why "socialist" was used instead of "social revolutionary" earlier.

I am willing to explain this to you, but only if you actually read what is posted and make some effort to understand it. If you are just going to spam the thread, there's no point explaining anything to you, is there?

You might want to start by asking yourself if the DEMOCRATIC People's Republic of Korea is actually a democracy.

We did all that before, including how the word "socialist" predated Hitler and his objections to it being there, as well as the DPRK, the Democratic Republic of Congo and even Grape Nuts. But that's all in the record, let Rottenwhiner go sniff it out for himself. He's not worth the effort. He's basically noise.

- as he's about to demonstrate in the very next post...
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This Hiter was a lefty is brand new BS, from Beck and "Liberal Fascism" -DRIVEL, like classical liberalism and Obama is a marxist LOL.

Obama's Brother Roy and Cousin Odinga are Marxists

Barack Obama's older brother, Abongo "Roy" Obama is a Luo activist militant Muslim and a Marxist.

“The person who made me proudest of all,” Obama wrote, “was Roy".

Odinga is a Marxist who reportedly has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country"

Source: Socialism, Marxism, Communism & Obama
Rottweiler -

You are spamming the thread.

The subject here is Fascism and Hitler.

I'll ignore all posts on other topics.

And you needed to make an announcement about that? You sure must be important ~ :rolleyes:
Uncensored -

Small government is a relatively new and very American way of looking at right wing governments.

This is true. Right and Left are terms that evolved over the 20th century.

Most right wing governments around the world are not small, and politicians do not campaign on the basis of small government.

Rendering the term "right wing" utterly meaningless in regards to modern, American politics. The old British divide of more favorable to the Monarchy or more favorable to populism has no meaning among Americans. But even in this meaning, Hitler fails the test, as he detested the old Aristocracy.

Some left wing governments in other countries have used the small government model.

I'm not so sure about that.

Right and Left are terms that evolved over the 20th century.

No, not at all!!

They date back to the 18th century and the French Revolution. Of course usage only increased with the formation of nation states and party politics (as opposed to monarchies or principalities), but the terms pre-date the widespread usage of the concept of small government by around two centuries. The terms still mean today basically what they meant in 1789...with some 'evolution', as you say.

One very good example of a left-wing government campaigning on the basis of small government is the Lane administration in New Zealand during the mid-1980's. Under Finance Minister Roger Douglas the government slashed spending, sold assets and privatised government departments in a manner most GOP supporters would absolutely admire.

But they were also true to their left-wing social policies, banning US ships from NZ harbours, increasing welfare spending and promoting green values.

Hitler fails the test, as he detested the old Aristocracy.

No, that is not true at all - Hitler was put into power by the aristocracy, and many of his policies were about repaying that debt. He focused on delivering dividends to share holders above all, and did so with some success. It's easy to make a profit when you can use slave labour, of course.

The single biggest factor in Hitler's hold on power was his support amongst the wealthy industrialists who controled production. They worked with him, and he with them.
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