How We Know Obamacare is a Disaster


Who is John Galt?
Mar 1, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
It was announced again today there is yet another delay in this abomination of a law. Lets all be honest with each other, if Obamacare were so great, why would they keep delaying until AFTER the election? Wouldn't they want to get it out before the election to help people and get more votes?

Consumers allowed to keep substandard health plans into 2017 -

Seems like the "substandard" plans the Democrats keep referring to is Obamacare itself...
Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans | ThinkProgress

Conservative advocates funded by the billionaire industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch have launched a massive campaign pressuring states to deny health care coverage to lower income Americans through the Medicaid expansion contained in the Affordable Care Act.

If its so bad why do the Koch brothers have to fund anything? Wouldnt it fail on its own?

Um, it IS failing on its own. Oh, that's right, ALL of those cancer victims and elderly are LIARS according to your side. They're just looking for their minutes of fame...:cuckoo:
it IS failing on it's own leftard; that's why your Messiah is delaying the f*ck out of his own law.

he isnt doing it because Republicans asked him to.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
if obama is such a success; and the Left's policies are the clear choice; why does gazillionaire George Soros have to fund literally dozens of left-wing groups?

you pathetic left-wing losers and hypocrites whining about the Koch brothers are comical!
Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans | ThinkProgress

Conservative advocates funded by the billionaire industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch have launched a massive campaign pressuring states to deny health care coverage to lower income Americans through the Medicaid expansion contained in the Affordable Care Act.

If its so bad why do the Koch brothers have to fund anything? Wouldnt it fail on its own?

Um, it IS failing on its own. Oh, that's right, ALL of those cancer victims and elderly are LIARS according to your side. They're just looking for their minutes of fame...:cuckoo:


*Pssst this is the part where you act all indignant and stuff*
the Left cant exist without acting all indignant; despite their record of failing the very same people they claim to be looking out for

you get dumber by the post leftard
Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans | ThinkProgress

If its so bad why do the Koch brothers have to fund anything? Wouldnt it fail on its own?

Um, it IS failing on its own. Oh, that's right, ALL of those cancer victims and elderly are LIARS according to your side. They're just looking for their minutes of fame...:cuckoo:


*Pssst this is the part where you act all indignant and stuff*

Any competent individual would have no problem finding plenty of links to Obamacare horror stories.

I know you Liberals are used to other people doing things for you (primarily government), but I have no time to provide you with evidence of the reality that is happening around you.

At some point you have to take personal responsibility as a contributing member of society....Or, just keep voting Democrat....that's probably easier for you.;)
Billionaire Koch Brothers Spending Millions To Deny Health Coverage To Low-Income Americans | ThinkProgress

Conservative advocates funded by the billionaire industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch have launched a massive campaign pressuring states to deny health care coverage to lower income Americans through the Medicaid expansion contained in the Affordable Care Act.

If its so bad why do the Koch brothers have to fund anything? Wouldnt it fail on its own?

Um, it IS failing on its own. Oh, that's right, ALL of those cancer victims and elderly are LIARS according to your side. They're just looking for their minutes of fame...:cuckoo:

Point of order, Obamacare is not FAILING on its own, it's exploding like a nuclear hand grenade in Democrats faces on it's own, the GOP needs to just shut up and let the Democrats keep eating the radioactive shrapnel from it. :blowup:

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." -- Napoleon Bonaparte
Um, it IS failing on its own. Oh, that's right, ALL of those cancer victims and elderly are LIARS according to your side. They're just looking for their minutes of fame...:cuckoo:


*Pssst this is the part where you act all indignant and stuff*

Any competent individual would have no problem finding plenty of links to Obamacare horror stories.

I agree you are incompetent but the good news is you dont have to stay that way. Where are "ALL of those cancer victims and elderly" victims? You can provide a link and become better.
In what is rapidly becoming the latest liberal trope, left-wing news outlets and commentators have begun telling the world that there actually are no victims of Obamacare. Daring to do the impossible (again), the Left is telling America that all the stories of cancellations, lost plans, premium hikes, and other troubles are all just made up by vicious and deceitful right-wingers in order to defame their beautiful Obamacare.

Nobel laureate Paul Krugman uses his perch at the New York Times to argue that Obamacare is doing just fine, and conservative doomsday predictions won’t come true. Conservatives, knowing this, Krugman writes, are “groping toward a new strategy, one that relies on highlighting examples of the terrible harm Obamacare does. There’s only one problem: they haven’t managed to come up with any real examples.”

At MSNBC, Steve Benen takes up the same line, saying, “Conservative detractors have spent the last several months in a desperate search for ‘Obamacare victims.’ . . . The problem, of course, is that all of these examples, once they’re subjected to even minor scrutiny, have fallen apart — the ‘horror stories’ really aren’t so horrible.”
Or take Kevin Drum at Mother Jones who says, “I’m beginning to think there’s not actually a single person in America who’s been harmed by Obamacare.”

These claims are contradicted by the same news outlets, in some cases, that employ the people making the claims.

For example, if Paul Krugman read the paper he writes for, he would have heard about Mike Horrigan, a lifelong Democrat and a former Obamacare supporter. As the Times wrote in December, Horrigan’s “coverage by a state high-risk insurance program was eliminated, then replaced by a more expensive plan. His wife’s individual plan was canceled for being substandard, then suddenly renewed — also at a higher price.”

The Times also brought out the story of Barbara Meinwald, whose temporary plan with fewer doctors would cost her $5,000 more a year. “Meinwald also looked on the state’s health insurance exchange,” Anemonia Hartocollis writes, “but she said she found that those plans did not have a good choice of doctors, and that it was hard to even find out who the doctors were, and which hospitals were covered.”

Camille Sweeney, written about in the same article, was “dismayed” that neither her pediatrician nor general practitioner was on the plans offered on her state’s exchange.

The New York Times was not the only left-leaning news outlet telling stories of real people who have been hurt by Obamacare. The Washington Post, for example, writes about Obamacare’s “biggest losers” who had their plans canceled but could not access the health exchange to get another plan to begin coverage January 1. One man, John Gisler, was forced to look outside the exchange, forgoing thousands of dollars in subsidies, because the plan for his son with a rare degenerative disease was canceled and he could not access to buy a new one in time.

The Los Angeles Times writes about many people who have fared badly under Obamacare, including Jennifer Harris, whose old plan was canceled and who found the cheapest alternative under Obamacare is nearly 243 percent more than her old one.

The reports from left-leaning media alone go on and on. If liberals really believe nobody has been hurt by Obamacare, they’re denying the settled consensus of the most prominent media in the country.

— Alec Torres is a William F. Buckley Fellow at the National Review Institute.
put facts in a left-wing nutjob's face; he or she just deny them

idiots and hypocrites

*Pssst this is the part where you act all indignant and stuff*

Any competent individual would have no problem finding plenty of links to Obamacare horror stories.

I agree you are incompetent but the good news is you dont have to stay that way. Where are "ALL of those cancer victims and elderly" victims? You can provide a link and become better.

I apologize, when I said "competent", I forgot you are a Liberal.

Here you go:

Awful: Cancer Patient Discovers Recent Surgery Wasn't Covered Under Obamacare Plan - Guy Benson

Cancer patient?s treatment put on hold over ObamaCare | Fox News

Cancer Patient Defies Legal Threats to Bash Obamacare | Washington Free Beacon

How Obamacare Will Harm Cancer Patients - Forbes

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