How We Know Republicans Are Responsible For The Shutdown


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.
This is what happens when you ram a plan through solely on major majorities in the house and senate despite public opinion which is against this horrid law.
Dubya and Delay had a chance to do something good for the American people, but instead, they fucked us.

I knew Dubya was a traitor as soon as he let Ted Kennedy write "No Child Let alone" Act and proposed Medicare Part D.

It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

NOBODY knows that, not even you oh omniscient one, but thanks for all of that speculation.
It is love of your party and not of your country that gets us into these situations. It is what has gotten us into these situations in the past. One does not love his party, he loves his country. For that reason, both parties are responsible for this shutdown. Anyone taking sides on this issue is foolish.
nah...the dems are fine to let corps and their cronies delay it for a year....

the fault lies with both parties, however, given the gop will compromise and delay it for only one year, the fault lies more with the dems.

if it was so important, no one would have gotten one year waivers
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

NOBODY knows that, not even you oh omniscient one, but thanks for all of that speculation.

Of coarse this is exactly what is going to happen otherwise the Republicans wouldn't be having such a shit fit.

I also feel that America is held hostage by the Big-Pharma . Something needs to be done badly.
Once I was in line behind a very elderly man and his needed prescription went way up yet he was on a monthly income, he probably choose to not eat or not take the needed drugs.

We know the politicians have their hand in the cookie jar because Viagra is affordable ...:lol:
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

NOBODY knows that, not even you oh omniscient one, but thanks for all of that speculation.

The GOP knows it, which is why it is fighting tooth and nail to prevent it from happening. I know it. A lot of people know it.

Ted Cruz openly admitted it.

Wake up.
Ted Cruz called the ObamaCare subsidies "sugar" which the Democrats were trying to get Americans addicted to. Creating more dependence on government, and in this he is absolutely correct.

Unfortunately, the GOP is not true to the philosophy which opposes this dependence on government. The GOP is equally guilty in creating a dependent class. It's all about the sugar.

When you take a tax deduction, you are forcing someone else to make up the difference. You are forcing someone else to pay more of their income to the government. You are part of the more than one trillion dollars a year being forced onto the backs of others to pay for all those deductions. Your combined sugar dwarfs that of the people who are on welfare.

And just like someone on welfare or receiving a subsidy, you will rationalize taking that handout. And you will argue that it would be stupid to leave it on the table if the government is giving it away. Your thinking is identical to that of someone on food stamps or who is going to receive a federal subsidy on the health insurance exchanges.

We are ALL addicted to the sugar. We all sold our souls.

Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

If Ted Cruz or the Tea Party or the GOP were really about eliminating government dependence, they would be targeting the astronomically biggest tit of them all: tax expenditures.

At least ObamaCare made a half-hearted attempt to pay for itself. But to pay for your tax deductions, we are borrowing trillions from foreign governments and forcing everyone to pay higher tax rates.

Let's see Cruz lead a charge to shut the government down over home mortgage interest deductions. Then I will believe he is sincere.
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When this monstrosity was written it was PURPOSEFULLY done so that it's implementation wouldn't occur until either
a. Obama was out of the White House
b. in his second (lame duck) term
Either way, he got his votes, got it rammed....I mean Passed
Now it doesn't make a flying shit whether it's a success or a failure because his ass is outta there!

And you think this thing won't get repealed?
The more layers that get peeled from this onion the more and more people are going to be disgusted by it
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.

Historically both parties have been responsible for shut downs, really, it's not a big deal.
When this monstrosity was written it was PURPOSEFULLY done so that it's implementation wouldn't occur until either
a. Obama was out of the White House
b. in his second (lame duck) term
Either way, he got his votes, got it rammed....I mean Passed
Now it doesn't make a flying shit whether it's a success or a failure because his ass is outta there!

And you think this thing won't get repealed?
The more layers that get peeled from this onion the more and more people are going to be disgusted by it
Check out posts I have made along those lines in the past:

Once states begin to be bankrupted by ObamaCare, it will be too late. Everyone will be accustomed to getting their milk from the state tit and will riot in the streets if it is even suggested their subsidies be reduced or eliminated.

So say hello to higher state and federal taxes.

Obama will be in retirement, laughing his ass off on the golf course by then.

The fiscal impact of ObamaCare on small businesses is going to be heavy. Can't have that before the mid-terms.

Once Obama is out of office, he will be laughing his ass off on the golf course when the bill starts bankrupting all 50 states and the federal government.

More importantly, I want you to look at the line which says "NET OF COVERAGE PROVISIONS". This is how much ObamaCare will actually cost after subtracting the extra and new taxes and cuts to Medicare and so forth: $1.363 trillion.

$1.363 trillion added to the federal deficits. I told you earlier to remember the CBO initially claimed ObamaCare would reduce federal deficits.

Kind of makes your lungs explode laughing over Obama's promise, "I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits -- either now or in the future", does it not?

Plenty more where that came from. Amazing some people think I'm a liberal who loves Obama and ObamaCare, eh? :lol:
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When this monstrosity was written it was PURPOSEFULLY done so that it's implementation wouldn't occur until either
a. Obama was out of the White House
b. in his second (lame duck) term
Either way, he got his votes, got it rammed....I mean Passed
Now it doesn't make a flying shit whether it's a success or a failure because his ass is outta there!

And you think this thing won't get repealed?
The more layers that get peeled from this onion the more and more people are going to be disgusted by it

Unfortunately, that won't prove to be true. This was coming to America, period. And even with a GOP president with control of both houses of congress next term, this will NOT be repealed. This was written by insurance for insurance and both parties are owned by corporate America. I know you know this, I'm just reminding you.
Ted Cruz called the ObamaCare subsidies "sugar" which the Democrats were trying to get Americans addicted to. Creating more dependence on government, and in this he is absolutely correct.

Unfortunately, the GOP is not true to the philosophy which opposes this dependence on government. The GOP is equally guilty in creating a dependent class. It's all about the sugar.

When you take a tax deduction, you are forcing someone else to make up the difference. You are forcing someone else to pay more of their income to the government. You are part of the more than one trillion dollars a year being forced onto the backs of others to pay for all those deductions. Your combined sugar dwarfs that of the people who are on welfare.

And just like someone on welfare or receiving a subsidy, you will rationalize taking that handout. And you will argue that it would be stupid to leave it on the table if the government is giving it away. Your thinking is identical to that of someone on food stamps or who is going to receive a federal subsidy on the health insurance exchanges.

We are ALL addicted to the sugar. We all sold our souls.

Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

If Ted Cruz or the Tea Party or the GOP were really about eliminating government dependence, they would be targeting the astronomically biggest tit of them all: tax expenditures.

At least ObamaCare made a half-hearted attempt to pay for itself. But to pay for your tax deductions, we are borrowing trillions from foreign governments and forcing everyone to pay higher tax rates.

Let's see Cruz lead a charge to shut the government down over home mortgage interest deductions. Then I will believe he is sincere.

Ted's Cruisen for a Bruisen~
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

maybe they will work out the kinks, but that depends on what the kinks are.

are the kinks the software or the cost to say, individuals? Or the cost for young folks, the 'invincibles' who they need ( roughly 3 million of them) to sign up? Will they defer signing up becasue they don't see a reason to, ala paying the one time fee of $95, or becasue the exchanges are not functioning right? What about the millions of folks how won't get that %2500 reduction Obama promised? Or get to keep their plan and their doctor? They count too.

Its also a fact that obama has suspended a huge part of the bill, as in the employer mandate...why is that ok, but not the individual mandate? I think the gop has a point.
Why was congress given special consideration ala their obamacare enactment responsibilities?

If you are going to make the gop out as political animals just looking to make a political point or gain political advantage,that its fraught with unknowns and may blow up, yea, but I'd say thats a 2 way street, so its a wash.

And as far as the gop sitting back hoping they'll keep the house plus, gain the senate, well, I'd say thats 50-50, keeping the house is 70-30, the senate? right now who knows, we have seen them fuck that up before.

In addition , lets say they keep the house and gain the senate, obama will more than likely veto any defunding of obamacare...and the gop will never get the 2/3s necessary to override that. So again, its a wash.

And of course , lets say the gop does get their way now and the individual mandate is suspended, that will leave the exchanges to operate anyway and due to the lower traffic they may very well work out the kinks, they cannot do squat there after and in 2014 the exchanges start operating effectively, where as if they keep going now and it turns out to be a big fail, the gop would not have had to do anything..... if they get it suspended they may have screwed the pooch....*shrugs*

My opinion is, they have a point, if obama is going to delay and submarine parts of the bill so it won't blow up, well, at what point is that a no go? How do we know that even if all stays the same the employer mandate will ever be enacted again, or if it does, it doesn't blow up too? And then we have the Union carve out coming;)...hows that going to play out?
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

NOBODY knows that, not even you oh omniscient one, but thanks for all of that speculation.

The GOP knows it, which is why it is fighting tooth and nail to prevent it from happening. I know it. A lot of people know it.

Ted Cruz openly admitted it.

Wake up.

Again, thanks for all of the speculation.
It is very simple.

The GOP has voted 40 times in the House to repeal ObamaCare.

Now they want to defund (delay) it for one year.

One year from now is the mid-term elections which the Republicans hope will give them a majority in Congress at which time they can then vote to repeal ObamaCare again, this time with the repeal passing both houses of Congress.

The GOP knows that if ObamaCare launches and then runs for a whole year, a lot of the kinks will get worked out, and millions and millions and millions and millions of people will grow to like it. A lot.

And then the GOP is fucked on the mid-terms.

So they are doing a Hail Mary pass right now. They are desperate and holding the entire country hostage.

The Democrats sure as shit would not want to shut the government down or delay Obamacare for a year. They know time is on their side.

That is how you know this shutdown is all on the GOP.

The GOP fucked up big time. Healthcare costs have been a problem for the country for a long time. That's why we almost got HillaryCare. That's why even the right wing Heritage foundation investigated the problem and suggested a health insurance mandate as part of the solution.

But what did the GOP do about rising healthcare costs when it controlled all three branches of government? Anyone? Anyone?

NOTHING!!!! That's what.

Then the Democrats get back and power and put a plan on the table. America decided their plan was better than NOTHING.

And that's how we got to where we are.

And so what is the GOP's alternative plan to ObamaCare? What is the GOP finally come up with to reform out of control health care costs?



This is beyond amazing.

Even at this too late date, their only alternative plan is NOTHING!!!!.

And that is why they are holding their breath until they turn blue now.

This is just how far my beloved party has fallen.


And as an aside, even if republicans were to gain control of the Senate in 2014, their majority would be relatively small – it wouldn’t be filibuster proof nor veto proof, making their efforts that much more pointless and pathetic.

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