How we will survive??? How we will get drinking water?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
Statisticians are coming up with some very scary numbers for the near future.

And the most important part they point out is, how we will get drinking water?

This is the utmost important question for the survival of the human race, because, well, we are literally WATER.

If no WATER, no HUMAN... Its that simple.

And look at these number

This is scary, innit?

But think again...
Drinking Water Starts Flowing From Carlsbad Desalination Plant

We will survive how we survived by all these hundreds of thousands of years.......... by INVENTING.........
Potable water is already scarce in some parts of the world and it has been scarce at times in the US.

It will get worse and it WILL continue to be a driving force behind terrorism and war.

Desalination is not a viable answer for much of the world. Its a filthy and very costly process. We need to use less.

The biggest use of water is on livestock. If we don't address that fact, there will come a time when we are forced to. It WILL happen. How we deal with it depends on how much we care about our children and grand children. Not to mention the children around the world.

There is no Planet B.
Potable water is already scarce in some parts of the world and it has been scarce at times in the US.

It will get worse and it WILL continue to be a driving force behind terrorism and war.

Desalination is not a viable answer for much of the world. Its a filthy and very costly process. We need to use less.

The biggest use of water is on livestock. If we don't address that fact, there will come a time when we are forced to. It WILL happen. How we deal with it depends on how much we care about our children and grand children. Not to mention the children around the world.

There is no Planet B.
The solution has already been stone
Actually, there was an interesting documentary on PIVOT channel last night about this very subject.

One of the solutions that they have come up with is a solar powered desalinization plant, that apparently works very well and can easily be set up on the field to provide water that comes from deep in the ground that is slightly salty. The operator said that not only can they make water, but the saline byproducts left over are actually valuable for other purposes.

Australia has a desalinization plant that is actually cool. It uses buoys that move in the tides to force water at high pressure to power a turbine that produces electricity, and then it moves and is forced through a reverse osmosis filter that produces fresh water as well. Electricity and fresh water! Who'd a thunk it?

But the coolest one was one they set up in Ethiopia that is a 30 ft tower with mesh all around it that is capable of pulling the water out of the atmosphere. It's made with renewable materials (bamboo being the primary one), and can be built by a village in a week or so.

As more people become aware of the problem, more research and development will be done to solve it.
Don't worry "Global warming" turn the ice caps back to water.
The problem isn't too little water; it's too many people living in places where there isn't enough. Most of the world is doing just fine thank you.
Actually, there was an interesting documentary on PIVOT channel last night about this very subject.

One of the solutions that they have come up with is a solar powered desalinization plant, that apparently works very well and can easily be set up on the field to provide water that comes from deep in the ground that is slightly salty. The operator said that not only can they make water, but the saline byproducts left over are actually valuable for other purposes.

Australia has a desalinization plant that is actually cool. It uses buoys that move in the tides to force water at high pressure to power a turbine that produces electricity, and then it moves and is forced through a reverse osmosis filter that produces fresh water as well. Electricity and fresh water! Who'd a thunk it?

But the coolest one was one they set up in Ethiopia that is a 30 ft tower with mesh all around it that is capable of pulling the water out of the atmosphere. It's made with renewable materials (bamboo being the primary one), and can be built by a village in a week or so.

As more people become aware of the problem, more research and development will be done to solve it.


Potable water is already scarce in some parts of the world and it has been scarce at times in the US.

It will get worse and it WILL continue to be a driving force behind terrorism and war.

Desalination is not a viable answer for much of the world. Its a filthy and very costly process. We need to use less.

The biggest use of water is on livestock. If we don't address that fact, there will come a time when we are forced to. It WILL happen. How we deal with it depends on how much we care about our children and grand children. Not to mention the children around the world.

There is no Planet B.

It is all about ENERGY.

As long as we can generate power, for cheap, we can use this infinite resource the way we want.

Keeping Iranians and Saudis in war to have the oil prices down is one way to achieve this.

Another way is, INVENTING. Like we always did.

Invent new ways to generate energy
Invent new ways to use water resources
Invent new ways of living on this planet....
Don't worry "Global warming" turn the ice caps back to water.
The problem isn't too little water; it's too many people living in places where there isn't enough. Most of the world is doing just fine thank you.

Don't worry "Global warming" turn the ice caps back to water.
The problem isn't too little water; it's too many people living in places where there isn't enough. Most of the world is doing just fine thank you.


Ca. is simply trying to pack too many people in too small a space but even at that water should not be a problem. After all they DO have a whole friggen Pacific Ocean right there and distilling water is no big deal.
Potable water is already scarce in some parts of the world and it has been scarce at times in the US.

It will get worse and it WILL continue to be a driving force behind terrorism and war.

Desalination is not a viable answer for much of the world. Its a filthy and very costly process. We need to use less.

The biggest use of water is on livestock. If we don't address that fact, there will come a time when we are forced to. It WILL happen. How we deal with it depends on how much we care about our children and grand children. Not to mention the children around the world.

There is no Planet B.
LMFAO Another WH parrot saying people living in the desert are terrorists because they have lived in the desert for 1500 years lol
No shit; when I first got into kayaking, I invested in a 75 dollar water bottle. It was just for a backup as I like to go kayaking by myself sometimes. I could have scooped up water from a swamp, drank it directly and been fine. We have the technology.
And they can solve two problems with one stone. Lower sea level, and supply water at the same time! :2up:
Don't worry "Global warming" turn the ice caps back to water.
The problem isn't too little water; it's too many people living in places where there isn't enough. Most of the world is doing just fine thank you.


Ca. is simply trying to pack too many people in too small a space but even at that water should not be a problem. After all they DO have a whole friggen Pacific Ocean right there and distilling water is no big deal.
nobody cares

Just shows you how off the reservation the thinking of the modern progressive is!! Nobody cares about this hysterical shit in 2015 because the religion blew their load years ago with the ghey predictions that fell flat on their face. All the polls show it.........nobody gives a shit about global warming or the world running out of water. That is for people who have no real responsibilities in life. Normal Americans with real responsibilities have far, far more pressing concerns, like for one, that they don't walk into a convenience store and get their face shot off by some radical muslim asshole.:Boom2:
nobody cares

Just shows you how off the reservation the thinking of the modern progressive is!! Nobody cares about this hysterical shit in 2015 because the religion blew their load years ago with the ghey predictions that fell flat on their face. All the polls show it.........nobody gives a shit about global warming or the world running out of water. That is for people who have no real responsibilities in life. Normal Americans with real responsibilities have far, far more pressing concerns, like for one, that they don't walk into a convenience store and get their face shot off by some radical muslim asshole.:Boom2:

Really? Have you heard about the water crisis on the West Coast? Especially California.
Statisticians are coming up with some very scary numbers for the near future.

And the most important part they point out is, how we will get drinking water?

This is the utmost important question for the survival of the human race, because, well, we are literally WATER.

If no WATER, no HUMAN... Its that simple.

And look at these number

This is scary, innit?

But think again...
Drinking Water Starts Flowing From Carlsbad Desalination Plant

We will survive how we survived by all these hundreds of thousands of years.......... by INVENTING.........

leftist are against desalination, they would rather people suffer.

yaknow the drought in CA? Well part of that is b/c they have laws against desal
Potable water is already scarce in some parts of the world and it has been scarce at times in the US.

It will get worse and it WILL continue to be a driving force behind terrorism and war.

Desalination is not a viable answer for much of the world. Its a filthy and very costly process. We need to use less.

The biggest use of water is on livestock. If we don't address that fact, there will come a time when we are forced to. It WILL happen. How we deal with it depends on how much we care about our children and grand children. Not to mention the children around the world.

There is no Planet B.

Statisticians are coming up with some very scary numbers for the near future.

And the most important part they point out is, how we will get drinking water?

This is the utmost important question for the survival of the human race, because, well, we are literally WATER.

If no WATER, no HUMAN... Its that simple.

And look at these number

This is scary, innit?

But think again...
Drinking Water Starts Flowing From Carlsbad Desalination Plant

We will survive how we survived by all these hundreds of thousands of years.......... by INVENTING.........

leftist are against desalination, they would rather people suffer.

yaknow the drought in CA? Well part of that is b/c they have laws against desal

The biggest challenge of desalination in CA was the Surfing Federation as far as I know.

It did take 15 years for the scientists to convince surfers that the remaining salty water would not effect the marine life and the quality of the water when pumped back to the ocean. Only then, they were allowed to build this plant, which was completed in only 1 year.

Right on time seems like :D
Statisticians are coming up with some very scary numbers for the near future.

And the most important part they point out is, how we will get drinking water?

This is the utmost important question for the survival of the human race, because, well, we are literally WATER.

If no WATER, no HUMAN... Its that simple.

And look at these number

This is scary, innit?

But think again...
Drinking Water Starts Flowing From Carlsbad Desalination Plant

We will survive how we survived by all these hundreds of thousands of years.......... by INVENTING.........

leftist are against desalination, they would rather people suffer.

yaknow the drought in CA? Well part of that is b/c they have laws against desal

The biggest challenge of desalination in CA was the Surfing Federation as far as I know.

It did take 15 years for the scientists to convince surfers that the remaining salty water would not effect the marine life and the quality of the water when pumped back to the ocean. Only then, they were allowed to build this plant, which was completed in only 1 year.

Right on time seems like :D

15 years to convince people that what they assumed was true, was in fact, complete bullshit.

so in another 150 years we can start building nuclear power plants, maybe.

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