How will liberals blame conservatives, 10 - 20 years from now from the damage caused by the current trans fad??

That is kind of funny because your first source ALSO says this:

"And it also supports the idea that gender is non-binary, and that gender classifications in many situations are meaningless."

Here are some studies refute your claim. (Dwerp)

Gender is a social construct. That means literally nothing except to the emotionally driven.
So the science isnt settled. Thanks ;)
Do you have any actual evidence that doctors are routinely omitting all the counseling and check points prior to doing surgery?

No. Nor was I implying that I thought that they were. That was more of a covering my ass, in case that had changed.
Transgender people have existed in every culture, they didn’t just suddenly pop up. In certain indiginous cultures they are referred to as two-souls. There have been studies done Using scans and looking at the difference between male brains and female Brains and what parts are activated during what activities. They found that the brains of transgender women look like those of biological women. So there is something biological there. Whether you call it natural or not depends on how you define natural. But in the end, what difference does it make? They are who they are through no fault of their own. Why not except them as a "third" gender ?
They can believe what they need to survive, it doesn't mean with have to agree with their mental illness. I accept they have mental issues and sympathize with them however I don't need to recognize a third gender.
This all started with "gay marriage doesn't hurt anyone". Stand up if you believed a word of it.

Anytime you entertain disfunction and stupid it invites more. Truth is the left sponsors things like this to reduce populations and dumb us down to control us.

Progs have a system not unlike a government war scenario think tank on near all issues that can be achieved. Propaganda has to be that way. If you bring up something not even known and new, soon enough an answer shows up.
They can believe what they need to survive, it doesn't mean with have to agree with their mental illness. I accept they have mental issues and sympathize with them however I don't need to recognize a third gender.

No one can be forced to recognize anything. But they should be able to enjoy the same rights as the rest of us and not be discriminated against.
No one can be forced to recognize anything. But they should be able to enjoy the same rights as the rest of us and not be discriminated against.

A problem is that you mentally- and morally-defectives define it as “discrimination” to protect women and girls from degenerate male perverts who demand the right to abusively intrude into women's restrooms, dressing rooms, and such, using “transgenderism” as an excuse.
No one can be forced to recognize anything. But they should be able to enjoy the same rights as the rest of us and not be discriminated against.
I didn't say they couldn't. I am saying they are mentally ill and will believe what they need to believe to function. They are no different than those that have other mental illnesses, except the left will cater to their mental illness and not others.
A problem is that you mentally- and morally-defectives define it as “discrimination” to protect women and girls from degenerate male perverts who demand the right to abusively intrude into women's restrooms, dressing rooms, and such, using “transgenderism” as an excuse.
It's okay for a man to go into a woman's restroom or locker room, until it isn't. We saw that a couple weeks back when the transgender went into a women's locker room and all hell broke lose on the left saying the guy was a perv and shouldn't be allowed. Hell, I thought women were good with a trans in the locker room.
It's okay for a man to go into a woman's restroom or locker room, until it isn't. We saw that a couple weeks back when the transgender went into a women's locker room and all hell broke lose on the left saying the guy was a perv and shouldn't be allowed. Hell, I thought women were good with a trans in the locker room.
Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.
I saw a terrific meme today that succinctly encapsulates this message.

Pretty sad.

,o1 a1-2-3.jpg
WHAT fucing actions do we not take responsibility for? WHAT agenda are we forcing on America? Standing up for the rights of a minority, any minority is not forcing and adgenda. You are echoing the plaintif bleating of the racists who claimed that integration was forcing an agenda on Americal
The elites are USING folks with gender dysphoria.

There is a deep dark truth, something that is much more sinister going on, that even you do not understand, which will change the very face of human civilization.

What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett​

What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett #082

Corbett • 12/03/2021
The elites are USING folks with gender dysphoria.

There is a deep dark truth, something that is much more sinister going on, that even you do not understand, which will change the very face of human civilization.

What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett​

What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett #082

Corbett • 12/03/2021

This is irrational.. No one wants their son pr daughter to be a transexual. What are you trying to do?
This is irrational.. No one wants their son pr daughter to be a transexual. What are you trying to do?

With all due respects, that's bullshit.

There are parents out there taking their little kids to doctors and other experts to get their kids "transitioning".

In my day, parents didn't want their kids to become homos.

But this is a different age. There are some parents still holding to the old school way of thinking. But there are also plenty of Woke parents out there too.
With all due respects, that's bullshit.

There are parents out there taking their little kids to doctors and other experts to get their kids "transitioning".

In my day, parents didn't want their kids to become homos.

But this is a different age. There are some parents still holding to the old school way of thinking. But there are also plenty of Woke parents out there too.

You are irrational.
I think there are parents struggling with kids who a miserable about their gender..
Indeed. But if a girl toddler plays with a toy truck instead of a doll, some parents are perfectly willing to screw up her life by claiming she's trans.
Like everything else they've fucked up: They'll blame Reagan/GW/Trump...
They are responsible for the existence of a lot of transpeople because they have convinced a lot of young people that there is such a thing as a woman in a man's body.
What's your excuse for being a bigoted ahole, running your yap about something you know nothing about?

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