How Will You Celebrate Trumps Electoral College Victory on Monday?

In just hours from now the respective states of these United States will exercise their protected states rights as envisioned by the Founding Fathers and cast their lot through that ingenious creation known as the Electoral College. How will you celebrate? I'm seeing some deer meat chili and a beer.

I'm thinking barbecue ribs!
What time on Monday? Anyone know?

I'm going to call all my Liberal friends and.....wait.... I have no Liberal friends. :D
A tall glass of liberal tears........and I will probably watch this youtube video..again...can't get enough of it....

The Ann Coulter moment on this video is F*****g hilarious....those assholes.....

In just hours from now the respective states of these United States will exercise their protected states rights as envisioned by the Founding Fathers and cast their lot through that ingenious creation known as the Electoral College. How will you celebrate? I'm seeing some deer meat chili and a beer.
By cooking ham and beans, served with fried taters, raw onions and jalapeno cornbread.....Topped with ketchup...Yeeee-haw!
What exactly happens on Monday?
Electoral College meets to elect Trump.
Is it televised? Are faithless electors named and shamed? Haven there ever been any? Etc. I'm not American, so I wondered if it's private and then reported on or if the process is a big deal?
Oh it will be coveted by media...but they meet in secret. Wonder how many Hillary electors will cross to Trump as show of disgust for how liberals have sent death threats to members?

The survival of the middle class is at stake. Trump is BAD, VERY BAD.
After Obama, the middle class is almost extinct. Trump will bring them back. already has brought over 50,000 jobs. Not even president yet.
It will be a good day for white supremacists and Russian sympathizers.
It will be a great make America great again.

You are one sick fuck!
Electoral College meets to elect Trump.

As they should since he WON IN A LANDSLIDE!
Such a small landslide..Why Californians would laugh at such a small landslide of non-epic proportions..Nothing compared to when Reagan was elected...
Yeah..........ALL THREE branches of Government will be in Repub control. Something Reagan never managed.
Yet he still got legislation passed...

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