Jan 6 Committee's Real Purpose: Imprison Trump, Destroy Electoral College, Nationalize Voting Systems

Never about the thread topic....always about the poster. :heehee:

The OP is wrong.
^^^ This from an obese liar who barges into EVERY thread throwing insults, personal attacks, and family attacks. Cry harder as your “committee” makes fools of themselves and the reality of rising inflation and gas prices knocks them right out of relevancy.
Trump. The first English speaking President who needed an interpretor. You bozos like to say, "He's a man who means what he says!!" But you're the first to reinterpret just about every word he says. And if that doesn't work, he will just change what he did say after the fact and after the heat is on. Helsinki for instance, he clearly stated that he could not imagine a reason why Putin would want to interfere in our elections and the next day, after his people pointed out how ridiculous that was he changed it to say that he meant "wouldn't." Which if you watch the video, makes no sense at all in the context of what was being said. But, as goofy as that excuse was, his cult bought it hook, line and sinker! He has been the perfect storm. He found a bunch of folks even more stupid than he is and indoctrinated them with his poisonous rhetoric. Reminds me of the film, "Being There." But that film was meant to be a satire with no real basis in truth.
Still pushing the debunked Russian Collusion shit? Look in the mirror for somebody stupid.
State of our country?

Record employment.
Record low unemployment.
"Now Hiring" signs papering the byways.
Our houses surging in value.
Housing starts at 40 year highs.
Corporations reporting solid revenue and profits.
Clean air/clean water readings improved and improving.
Our military not engaged in a shooting war.....where the 'who-evers' are shooting at us.
The Trump mismanaged pandemic has subsided dramatically from earlier thanks to the mitigation of vaccines and behavior changes by responsible and cautious Americans.
$5 gas is higher than most American local markets have generally seen....tho low by European and Candadian standards.....yet, demand remains strong for $5 gas.

Forgive my avatar, poster DBA, but.....but you sound an awful lot like another grievance-ridden whiner.
Suck it up, and get on with life. Try to be productive and contributory to America's greatness. Try not to be a whiny boo-bird. You can be better than that.

*ps....Nobody is 'allowing' people to cross our border unless they are approved. People cross unapproved....oh sure. But no one is "allowing" that. Again, that is merely a grievance-ridden whine. No offense intended.

Back on message: These hearings are only the most important hearings we will ever see and hear in our lives. The scoundrels who planned and tried to overthrow a fair and just election to keep the head scoundrel in power need to pay a stiff price. As much as the cult would love it to go away, it won't. It can't! Just like Covid was going to simply disappear, poof! because Trump didn't want to deal with it, this has to be faced, revealed and resolved. And we need new legislation to plug up all the holes in Americas democracy. First step: America is really not a true democracy. We need to get rid of the Electoral College. Second: We have to rid ourselves of the notion that President's can't be indicted whether sitting or not! And third, we need to dispose of the steady flow of corporate lobbyists shoveling loot to our Representatives! Which starts with getting rid of the whole idea that corporations are people. Worst idea maybe in history for America.
^^ Stage 4 TDS on full display. Sheer lunacy and utter stupidity displayed as well.
Obviously you have little to no knowledge of what the US Constitution means, the events of January 6, 2021 are a sideshow for the Democrats to lead the Sheep, it keeps your dumbass entertained though…
I'll match my knowledge of the Constitution against anyone's. You on the other hand can't even realize when it is being torn asunder by a fool who knows less than nothing about it except how to skirt it and destroy it. If you were a student of the bill of rights you would recognize his treachery immediately.
I'll match my knowledge of the Constitution against anyone's.
Really? Are you not the one here claiming that the BLM protest was peaceful? And January 6, 2021 was sedition?!?! FYI, most people understand the difference, obviously you’re not one of them…
Really? Are you not the one here claiming that the BLM protest was peaceful? And January 6, 2021 was sedition?!?! FYI, most people understand the difference, obviously you’re not one of them…
Never said that. Crimes are crimes. The diff here is that BLM started as a peaceful protest and lunatic fringe clowns took it over to incite violence. If they are found they should be under the jail. And point number two is that one was on the streets and the other was inside of the Capitol building. All of those who went in, for whatver reason, knew it was wrong. But again, those who did not commit violence should be treated differently from those whose only purpose was to seize the Capitol and stop the peaceful handover of power. The punishment should match the crime. And nobody should be exempt. Especially those who planned, orchestrated and triggered the riot.
^^ Stage 4 TDS on full display. Sheer lunacy and utter stupidity displayed as well.
And you just displayed stage 4 Indoctrination. BTW What are you Trump clowns so afraid of when it comes to turning our elections back to the people? Oh yeah, you'd get your asses kicked for the rest of time. You righties want to tear America as far away from democracy as possible. Now that's what Lunacy and cowardice looks like. But your time is coming. Buckle up lanternman! Lantern? Don't you have to be bright to be one of those?
Yeah, and I'll never stop til he is exposed for what he is. Hell, Putin's code name for him is Agent Orange!
The Russia Collusion shit is debunked. Dead. Buried. Over. Done. Finished. Perhaps you should help OJ look for the real killers too.
And you just displayed stage 4 Indoctrination. BTW What are you Trump clowns so afraid of when it comes to turning our elections back to the people? Oh yeah, you'd get your asses kicked for the rest of time. You righties want to tear America as far away from democracy as possible. Now that's what Lunacy and cowardice looks like. But your time is coming. Buckle up lanternman! Lantern? Don't you have to be bright to be one of those?
Hey dumbfuck, the Electoral College has been in existence since the beginning. And is NEVER going away. Your wish to remove smaller states from having any say shows YOU to be a coward. Our time is coming all right. In November when you idiots get the ass kicking of a lifetime.
The Russia Collusion shit is debunked. Dead. Buried. Over. Done. Finished. Perhaps you should help OJ look for the real killers too.
Not so oh crazy person! The only thing that has been truly debunked about the Russia connection is the bullshit summary by Barr. Now Barr is trying to come across as an honest man. His time will come also!
Hey dumbfuck, the Electoral College has been in existence since the beginning. And is NEVER going away. Your wish to remove smaller states from having any say shows YOU to be a coward. Our time is coming all right. In November when you idiots get the ass kicking of a lifetime.
Not so fast dear Coleman head! The people are actually hearing the truth about the GOP for the first time and from members of their own party willing to risk it all. Ya can't always count on the entire country being stupid permanently. Historically the midterms have gone that way but we are living in different times.
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