Jan 6 Committee's Real Purpose: Imprison Trump, Destroy Electoral College, Nationalize Voting Systems

Not so much, "orange man bad" But more that, "Orange Man crazy and a clear danger to democracy!"

That would be Biden and the current administration. They are doing everything possible to undermine this country.
Not how sure how? Trump University? Hope you got a refund.

How do you like the current state of our country? Do you like inflation? Do you like paying high gas prices? Do you like allowing people from all over the world to be able to cross our Southern border? We all need a refund for electing these idiots/traitors.
How do you like the current state of our country? Do you like inflation? Do you like paying high gas prices? Do you like allowing people from all over the world to be able to cross our Southern border?
State of our country?

Record employment.
Record low unemployment.
"Now Hiring" signs papering the byways.
Our houses surging in value.
Housing starts at 40 year highs.
Corporations reporting solid revenue and profits.
Clean air/clean water readings improved and improving.
Our military not engaged in a shooting war.....where the 'who-evers' are shooting at us.
The Trump mismanaged pandemic has subsided dramatically from earlier thanks to the mitigation of vaccines and behavior changes by responsible and cautious Americans.
$5 gas is higher than most American local markets have generally seen....tho low by European and Candadian standards.....yet, demand remains strong for $5 gas.

Forgive my avatar, poster DBA, but.....but you sound an awful lot like another grievance-ridden whiner.
Suck it up, and get on with life. Try to be productive and contributory to America's greatness. Try not to be a whiny boo-bird. You can be better than that.

*ps....Nobody is 'allowing' people to cross our border unless they are approved. People cross unapproved....oh sure. But no one is "allowing" that. Again, that is merely a grievance-ridden whine. No offense intended.
How do you like the current state of our country? Do you like inflation? Do you like paying high gas prices? Do you like allowing people from all over the world to be able to cross our Southern border? We all need a refund for electing these idiots/traitors.
And the Republican solution to inflation and high gas prices is....................?
This too shall pass. Meanwhile we can breathe a sigh of relief that the orange tumor has been cut out of the body politic.
The single most effective thing he could do is approve the Keystone XL Pipeline and allows sales of oil and gas lease on federal land.
Keystone's petroleum was Canadian oil going to cargo ships in the Gulf to be delivered to foreign refineries that could handle the Tar-Sand's high-sulphur, high-polluting content. It wasn't going to American refineries. But too.......that oil in any case, ain't just being stockpiled in place. It is being shipped now.....but via rail. As it has been for years.

And then this caterwauling over 'leases'. 'New' leases.

Well, let's also talk about old leases.
Leases currently in effect for lots and lots of land in America.
Leases that the drillers ain't drilling on now or in the past.

If they leased it for its' oil content....well then, drill on the lease you have but ain't exploiting.
Keystone's petroleum was Canadian oil going to cargo ships in the Gulf to be delivered to foreign refineries that could handle the Tar-Sand's high-sulphur, high-polluting content. It wasn't going to American refineries. But too.......that oil in any case, ain't just being stockpiled in place. It is being shipped now.....but via rail. As it has been for years.

And then this caterwauling over 'leases'. 'New' leases.

Well, let's also talk about old leases.
Leases currently in effect for lots and lots of land in America.
Leases that the drillers ain't drilling on now or in the past.

If they leased it for its' oil content....well then, drill on the lease you have but ain't exploiting.
Yeah. My understanding is that there are over 6000 leases available. Biden did the right thing in protecting ANWAR!! The right just loves to whine because we are pickin' on poor widdle Donny!
Back on message: These hearings are only the most important hearings we will ever see and hear in our lives. The scoundrels who planned and tried to overthrow a fair and just election to keep the head scoundrel in power need to pay a stiff price. As much as the cult would love it to go away, it won't. It can't! Just like Covid was going to simply disappear, poof! because Trump didn't want to deal with it, this has to be faced, revealed and resolved. And we need new legislation to plug up all the holes in Americas democracy. First step: America is really not a true democracy. We need to get rid of the Electoral College. Second: We have to rid ourselves of the notion that President's can't be indicted whether sitting or not! And third, we need to dispose of the steady flow of corporate lobbyists shoveling loot to our Representatives! Which starts with getting rid of the whole idea that corporations are people. Worst idea maybe in history for America.
WTF does that mean? You're original word was Manusha (NO Such Word) Then you change it to Manusia which means human being and then there is Minutia or little unimportant details. Is English your native language?
The shoe fits you, wear it proudly little one
More hollow threats from the peanut gallery. You two should get a room.
You find these words to be threatening?!?! 😂 😆 😝
Obviously you have not been punished for being such a punk…
If the kitchen is too hot, I suggest you stay out of it…
You find these words to be threatening?!?! 😂 😆 😝
Obviously you have not been punished for being such a punk…
If the kitchen is too hot, I suggest you stay out of it…
No. You meant them to be but who can take you two seriously? Just two more low IQ sheep marching nose to asshole off of the cliff Trump has created. Pitiful losers. Watch the hearings and then we'll talk. LOL
They have no real point. They are like heroin users. Just want the high of thinking they did something to extend their agenda. In all fairness I don't know much about heroin users. Just democrats. Heroin users may have hope.
No. You meant them to be but who can take you two seriously? Just two more low IQ sheep marching nose to asshole off of the cliff Trump has created. Pitiful losers. Watch the hearings and then we'll talk. LOL
Obviously you have little to no knowledge of what the US Constitution means, the events of January 6, 2021 are a sideshow for the Democrats to lead the Sheep, it keeps your dumbass entertained though…
The #1 purpose has always been to 'get Trump' and those close to him, revenge for 2 exposed seditious / treasonous Hillary-Ibama Russian scandals and 2 failed criminal Impeachment attempts.

The Democrats - in a never-ending attempt to stay in power forever, are trying to sell / push through the idea that another '6 Jan' will not happen again if they abolish the Electoral College and nationalize all the states' elections / election systems.

Obama already tried to do this right before Trump defeated Hillary. Barry & his DHS were caught trying to hack state election systems and exposed for trying to do so.

Obama declared US elections were vulnerable to foreign hacking, so he wanted to hack several states' election systems, prove it could be done, then nationalize all state elections so the federal government could 'protect the integrity of elections and safeguard them from external manipulation'....

...but who would have protected the them from manipulation by a President and government that were seditious, treasonous co-conspirators in the largest criminal political scandal in US history?

Had Obama nationalized elections mail-in ballots, drop boxes, ballot harvesting, extending voting hours in blue districts, etc... would not have been needed.

Do Pelosi and her seditious, treasonous political hit squad, the 'Blue Shirts', seek to correct their past failures: Finally 'get Trump', destroy the Electoral College, and nationalize elections, allowing them to rule forever.

Their plan to let millions of Latinos into the US illegally and have them vote Democrat has blown up in their faces, as Latinos are running from Democrats ...and if they let too many illegals into the US, one of these days they will get tired of lily white, criminal elites and replace them with Latinos

Democrats never do anything by chance or accident. 6 Jan was planned, attempting to label Conservatives as domestic terrorists was planned, the collaboration between WH-DOJ-FBI to label parents opposed to CRT/LGBT+ GROOMING etc...as 'terrorists' was planned, and the 6 Jan Committee was planned with very specific goals:

Get Trump
Desttoy the Electoral College
Nationalize elections

"The House’s Jan. 6 committee has split behind the scenes over what actions to take after the public hearings: Some members want big changes on voting rights — and even to abolish the Electoral College"

In 2012 Trump raged against the electoral college.

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