Jan 6 Committee's Real Purpose: Imprison Trump, Destroy Electoral College, Nationalize Voting Systems

The new phase of the committee's work started last night. With stunning clarity Liz Cheney announced the case the committee will lay out in order to show Trump's guilt in committing crimes against the American people.
One person who must have been listening with particular interest was Fani Willis. She's the Fulton County DA in GA investigating Trump's call to Raffensperger. Any pretense of Trump's ability to claim he made the call because he actually thought there was fraud was shattered last night. We learned numerous WH staffers, and even Billy the Bagman, told Trump point blank that he lost. Meaning Trump can't claim he made the call because he was suffering from a delusional episode during which he was temporarily detached from reality. He knew what he was doing was an illegal act in contradiction to the facts in order to steal the election.
Even his BELOVED DAUGHTER knows the Big Lie is a scam.

I wonder when he'll go after HER with personal attacks and middle school insults?

And it makes America look bad to those countries and nationalities that don't experience such rampant and crass vulgarity. Perhaps those other countries have better schools, better parents, or simply more bright kids.
But I honestly don't know for sure.
We've been in decay for some time. It looks like the bottom was far lower than we knew.
Thank you for that emotional narrative, especially YOUR declaration of what Trump thought and knew.

Every time one of you 'scream at the sky' bedwetters claim Trump personally claim Trump called for an 'insurrection' (as Warren publicly did) I remind you to look up the thread I started a couple of weeks ago that contains several links and the actual transcript of what Trump said on 6 Jan.

President Trump asked the Americans there that day to 'PEACEFULLY WALK DOWN TO THE CAPITOL' and 'LET YIUR VOICES BE HEARD'.

He told them to NIT be violent, to obey the law, and to respect and listen to the Capitol Police.

Everything he said - HIS own words, not your BS TDS-suffering false accusations and traslations, prove you are a liar, just like Hillary.
We who are sane know what we heard straight from the horse's ass's mouth. First he said to the militant racists hoards to stand by! A direction to await further instructions from the head traitor himself. Then he said, to go to the Capitol specifically on JANUARY 6th and "fight like hell!" Only someone as willfully blind and deaf as you could change those FACTS! But, we on the sane side of the aisle do not believe in "Alternative Facts" like you Trump zombies do. Thompson and Cheney laid the whole thing out in very effective ways. No hyperbole, just facts! It's quite simple. Those who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law will take it as such. Those on the right will do what they have always done, twist, change, deny and spin it until it doesn't resemble anything factual. Most of them without actually watching the case being made because if FOX doesn't want them to see it then it cannot be truth. My hope is that right after the last session of these hearings, that our Attorney General will have the courage to bring a wave of indictments and arrests to bring ALL of these anti American scoundrels to real justice. It likes to repeat that Nobody, even Presidents are above the law. I want him to prove it. The evidence is miles deep and miles wide and backed by videos and solid paper trails. Trump has finally gone too far and has misjudged a large enough portion of the American voting public to result in his demise and that of his cronies!
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We who are sane know what we heard straight from the horse's ass's mouth. First he said to the militant racists hoards to stand by! A direction to await further instructions from the head traitor himself. Then he said, to go to the Capitol specifically on JANUARY 6th and "fight like hell!" Only someone as willfully blind and deaf as you could change those FACTS! But, we on the sane side of the aisle do not believe in "Alternative Facts" like you Trump zombies do. Thompson and Cheney laid the whole thing out in very effective ways. No hyperbole, just facts! It's quite simple. Those who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law will take it as such. Those on the right will do what they have always done, twist, change, deny and spin it until it doesn't resemble anything factual. Most of them without actually watching the case being made because if FOX doesn't want them to see it then it cannot be truth. My hope is that right after the last session of these hearings, that our Attorney General will have the courage to bring a wave of indictments and arrests to bring ALL of these anti American scoundrels to real justice. It likes to repeat that Nobody, even Presidents are above the law. I want him to prove it. The evidence is miles deep and miles wide and backed by videos and solid paper trails. Trump has finally gone too far and has misjudged a large enough portion of the American voting public to result in his demise and that of his cronies!
Thank you for that highly emotional, TDS-suffering, propaganda, hate, and ignorance-driven rant.

All I see is you giving your Trump-obsessed OPINION, whereas the thread I created has actual links and Trump's own words provided in a transcript...which is a helluva lot more reliable than your rant above.

If you are not to lazy or if you don't want to stay stupid read the thread I created. Until you do you prove you have nothing worthwhile to contribute.
Thank you for that highly emotional, TDS-suffering, propaganda, hate, and ignorance-driven rant.

All I see is you giving your Trump-obsessed OPINION, whereas the thread I created has actual links and Trump's own words provided in a transcript...which is a helluva lot more reliable than your rant above.

If you are not to lazy or if you don't want to stay stupid read the thread I created. Until you do you prove you have nothing worthwhile to contribute.
Hey there Mr Transcript! I saw and heard Trump say these things on national TV. I also saw and heard the words of Trump in Helsinki. One who pays attention doesn't need a third party transcript or summary of these events. I, unlike you, depend on my own ears and eyes and intuition to see what is true. You depend on others and other sources to form your views. I suggest that you stay the fuck away from right wing media. I watched and listened to the hearings last night and I watched and heard the Mueller testimony and I read the entire report multiple times. . Trumpers like you formed your opinions based on the bought and paid for Barr summary which had little to do with the reality of what was found. See! That's the difference between those of us who are indoctrinated to believe the most egregious liars in America, Trump being the most prolific of all of them by far, and those who actually pay attention and learn first hand. And so, like the Barr summary of the Mueller report, you'll read the so-called transcript of the Jan 6 committee report and believe every word despite the long history of cooking the truth and/or making up their own truth by your daddies at Fox or Breitbart or OAN or Newsmax. You have to make an effort to Learn how to Learn. And you need to do that right away because by believing a single word written about what Trump did or didn't do or say you have shown yourself to be unintelligent. And the little pic of the crying baby was a nice touch. Grow the hell up!
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The #1 purpose has always been to 'get Trump' and those close to him, revenge for 2 exposed seditious / treasonous Hillary-Ibama Russian scandals and 2 failed criminal Impeachment attempts.

The Democrats - in a never-ending attempt to stay in power forever, are trying to sell / push through the idea that another '6 Jan' will not happen again if they abolish the Electoral College and nationalize all the states' elections / election systems.

Obama already tried to do this right before Trump defeated Hillary. Barry & his DHS were caught trying to hack state election systems and exposed for trying to do so.

Obama declared US elections were vulnerable to foreign hacking, so he wanted to hack several states' election systems, prove it could be done, then nationalize all state elections so the federal government could 'protect the integrity of elections and safeguard them from external manipulation'....

...but who would have protected the them from manipulation by a President and government that were seditious, treasonous co-conspirators in the largest criminal political scandal in US history?

Had Obama nationalized elections mail-in ballots, drop boxes, ballot harvesting, extending voting hours in blue districts, etc... would not have been needed.

Do Pelosi and her seditious, treasonous political hit squad, the 'Blue Shirts', seek to correct their past failures: Finally 'get Trump', destroy the Electoral College, and nationalize elections, allowing them to rule forever.

Their plan to let millions of Latinos into the US illegally and have them vote Democrat has blown up in their faces, as Latinos are running from Democrats ...and if they let too many illegals into the US, one of these days they will get tired of lily white, criminal elites and replace them with Latinos

Democrats never do anything by chance or accident. 6 Jan was planned, attempting to label Conservatives as domestic terrorists was planned, the collaboration between WH-DOJ-FBI to label parents opposed to CRT/LGBT+ GROOMING etc...as 'terrorists' was planned, and the 6 Jan Committee was planned with very specific goals:

Get Trump
Desttoy the Electoral College
Nationalize elections

"The House’s Jan. 6 committee has split behind the scenes over what actions to take after the public hearings: Some members want big changes on voting rights — and even to abolish the Electoral College"
You know I really, don't care what they want. Because no matter what they want the only way they will get it is if they bend over, grab their toes, and no matter what it is, it will be sideways.
Even his BELOVED DAUGHTER knows the Big Lie is a scam.

I wonder when he'll go after HER with personal attacks and middle school insults?

We've been in decay for some time. It looks like the bottom was far lower than we knew.
Many of his cult would say. "don't be silly!" But I'll be surprised if he doesn't attack her in the media. The shmuck has no soul.
Hey there Mr Transcript! I saw and heard Trump say these things on national TV. I also saw and heard the words of Trump in Helsinki. One who pays attention doesn't need a third party transcript or summary of these events. I, unlike you, depend on my own ears and eyes and intuition to see what is true. You depend on others and other sources to form your views. I suggest that you stay the fuck away from right wing media. I watched and listened to the hearings last night and I watched and heard the Mueller testimony and I read the entire report multiple times. . Trumpers like you formed your opinions based on the bought and paid for Barr summary which had little to do with the reality of what was found. See! That's the difference between those of us who are indoctrinated to believe the most egregious liars in America, Trump being the most prolific of all of them by far, and those who actually pay attention and learn first hand. And so, like the Barr summary of the Mueller report, you'll read the so-called transcript of the Jan 6 committee report and believe every word despite the long history of cooking the truth and/or making up their own truth by your daddies at Fox or Breitbart or OAN or Newsmax. You have to make an effort to Learn how to Learn. And you need to do that right away because by believing a single word written about what Trump did or didn't do or say you have shown yourself to be unintelligent. And the little pic of the crying baby was a nice touch. Grow the hell up!
So you have no link, just another rant.

I posted Trump's exact words, his calling for peace, adherence to the law, non-violence, supporting the Capitol Police...

Democrats and snowflakes continue to claim what Trump THOUGHT, FELT, and call for his arrest based on what THEY say he said ... like Cheney did ... like you're doing.

When faced with the evidence of what he REALLY said they go off on rants ... and fail again and again to provide evidence.

Thank goodness Justice is not based on snowflakes' emotions, feelings, or 'because I say he did / said 'this''.
So you have no link, just another rant.

I posted Trump's exact words, his calling for peace, adherence to the law, non-violence, supporting the Capitol Police...

Democrats and snowflakes continue to claim what Trump THOUGHT, FELT, and call for his arrest based on what THEY say he said ... like Cheney did ... like you're doing.

When faced with the evidence of what he REALLY said they go off on rants ... and fail again and again to provide evidence.

Thank goodness Justice is not based on snowflakes' emotions, feelings, or 'because I say he did / said 'this''.
So, when Trump says things on national TV like "come to the Capitol on January 6th. It's gonna be wild!" And Steve Bannon doubled down and said the same thing again on TV. It's what? A body double doing these things? Just type Trump's words that I laid out into ANY search engine and you will see and hear the truth. No "transcript" needed. LOL As indoctrinated as you obviously are, even you can't deny these things if you just look and listen. It's all over the internet. It's Trump and he is saying these things! Ya can't ignore them away or close your eyes and make a wish. He said those things and his mob did as they were told! Period!! Go to youtube and enter "Trump said stand back and stand by." and Trump said "Go to the Capitol and Fight like hell!" Check when Bannon repeated Trump's words that "on Jan 6th it will be wild!" I'm not making this shit up. I'm not good at writing fiction like you Cultists are. Accept the FACT that your orange god is a scoundrel and has always been a scoundrel. He has left a slew of unpaid banks and contractors and lawyers in his wake and that's why no US bank will deal with him. ALL or much of his money comes from Russia or Russian owned banks/oligarchs. You can search and see and hear Junior admit to it on Tape! It's not hard to find the truth. All you have to do is get away from righty news sources.
Many of his cult would say. "don't be silly!" But I'll be surprised if he doesn't attack her in the media. The shmuck has no soul.
This period is going to be studied for a long time, just as are other dark periods in world history.

The question usually ends up being, how can a large group be manipulated by a small group to fall in line for one sociopath?

This is a study of psychology, sociology, anthropology.
This period is going to be studied for a long time, just as are other dark periods in world history.

The question usually ends up being, how can a large group be manipulated by a small group to fall in line for one sociopath?

This is a study of psychology, sociology, anthropology.

Says the guy with DOZENS of USDA certified Grade A prime sociopaths in his leadership.

lol - if you fuckers actually cared about what you say you care about, you would have purged your leadership a long time ago
Says the guy with DOZENS of USDA certified Grade A prime sociopaths in his leadership.

lol - if you fuckers actually cared about what you say you care about, you would have purged your leadership a long time ago
And yet, over here in reality, I could never be a Democrat. Too many disagreements.

Poor little binary thinker.
Did you people really think American democracy could be murdered without a fight? Did you really think there would be no consequences for an attempted coup?

I don't know...Democrats spent 4 years on an attempted coup spending millions of taxpayer dollars and still haven't been held accountable.
So, when Trump says things on national TV like "come to the Capitol on January 6th. It's gonna be wild!" And Steve Bannon doubled down and said the same thing again on TV. It's what? A body double doing these things? Just type Trump's words that I laid out into ANY search engine and you will see and hear the truth. No "transcript" needed. LOL As indoctrinated as you obviously are, even you can't deny these things if you just look and listen. It's all over the internet. It's Trump and he is saying these things! Ya can't ignore them away or close your eyes and make a wish. He said those things and his mob did as they were told! Period!! Go to youtube and enter "Trump said stand back and stand by." and Trump said "Go to the Capitol and Fight like hell!" Check when Bannon repeated Trump's words that "on Jan 6th it will be wild!" I'm not making this shit up. I'm not good at writing fiction like you Cultists are. Accept the FACT that your orange god is a scoundrel and has always been a scoundrel. He has left a slew of unpaid banks and contractors and lawyers in his wake and that's why no US bank will deal with him. ALL or much of his money comes from Russia or Russian owned banks/oligarchs. You can search and see and hear Junior admit to it on Tape! It's not hard to find the truth. All you have to do is get away from righty news sources.
Come to the Capitol, it's going to be wild.
Stand back and stand by.
Fight like hell (people say all the time & don't mean violence)

You're projecting a helluva lot snowflake....
And yet, over here in reality, I could never be a Democrat. Too many disagreements.

Poor little binary thinker.
You're a leftie. It walks like a duck, quacks like a duck... you're telling me it's really an elephant?
The question usually ends up being, how can a large group be manipulated by a small group to fall in line for one sociopath?

Exactly, just that you have your groups mixed up. Those who hate Donald Trump, the man, have lost complete touch with reality. They would except an administration as incompetent and traitorous as the current so they would no longer have to endure politically incorrect tweets. Without a 180-degree reversal from this administration, our country will fall.
Wow, another Jan 6 thread by people who say it was nothing. Lots of these in the last few days.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Proud (ha) Boys ("Stand by!") has just been charged with Seditious Conspiracy for that little picnic.

More on the way, I'd imagine.
How dumb can you become, it never ceases to amaze me how far your head is buried in some molasses of liberal manusha….

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