How Will You Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election?

How Will You Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election?

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Using the linear political spectrum is what has everyone stuck in the same rut. The people in the middle aren't moderates, they're lost in no mans land. Get rid of left vs right and then you will see a third party with the potential to win elections. Party lines were drawn a hundred years ago, yet here we are arguing the same things as when they started. It's time to rethink politics and update our way of thinking with the current times.

I agree. The most frustrating over-simplification of today's political landscape is the idea that people who don't line up with the popular conceptions of 'left' and 'right' share a common bond as 'moderates'. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I think those moderates share a more common bond with eachother than they do with the extremes of their party

Yes, the center right and center left have a lot in common. But I don't see a third party coming out of that group. Mainly because the center left is a much smaller group than the center right.

the far left controls the democrat party and as long as they keep the free stuff flowing that will not change.

the tea party is NOT far right. believing in the constitution, individual freedom, and less intrusive government is a majority position. The media has been very disengenuous in its coverage of the tea party---because the media is nothing but the mouthpiece of the far left.
I agree. The most frustrating over-simplification of today's political landscape is the idea that people who don't line up with the popular conceptions of 'left' and 'right' share a common bond as 'moderates'. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I think those moderates share a more common bond with eachother than they do with the extremes of their party

Yes, the center right and center left have a lot in common. But I don't see a third party coming out of that group. Mainly because the center left is a much smaller group than the center right.

the far left controls the democrat party and as long as they keep the free stuff flowing that will not change.

the tea party is NOT far right. believing in the constitution, individual freedom, and less intrusive government is a majority position. The media has been very disengenuous in its coverage of the tea party---because the media is nothing but the mouthpiece of the far left.

And yet the Tea Party embraces all of the extreme positions of the far right up to and including nullification and secession.

The media has only been reporting what the Tea Party has been saying and doing. If the Tea Party wants to appeal to the center then it needs to stop alienating women, Latinos, gays, blacks, minimum wage earners, parents with children with pre-existing conditions and the moderate middle class.
I agree. The most frustrating over-simplification of today's political landscape is the idea that people who don't line up with the popular conceptions of 'left' and 'right' share a common bond as 'moderates'. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I think those moderates share a more common bond with eachother than they do with the extremes of their party

Yes, the center right and center left have a lot in common. But I don't see a third party coming out of that group. Mainly because the center left is a much smaller group than the center right.

the far left controls the democrat party and as long as they keep the free stuff flowing that will not change.

the tea party is NOT far right. believing in the constitution, individual freedom, and less intrusive government is a majority position. The media has been very disengenuous in its coverage of the tea party---because the media is nothing but the mouthpiece of the far left.

Yes. Fox News, The Washington Times, The Daily Caller, CNS News, Breitbart, Drudge, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The New York Post, World Net Daily, Glenn Beck, Alex Jones, Mark Levin, Bill O'Reilly, CATO, National Review, Townhall, Newsmax, American Spectator, and Reason Magazine are media mouthpieces of the far left which don't treat the Tea Party right.
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I'm voting Republican. The Democrats have totally fucked up America and it gets worst every day.
Using the linear political spectrum is what has everyone stuck in the same rut. The people in the middle aren't moderates, they're lost in no mans land. Get rid of left vs right and then you will see a third party with the potential to win elections. Party lines were drawn a hundred years ago, yet here we are arguing the same things as when they started. It's time to rethink politics and update our way of thinking with the current times.

I agree. The most frustrating over-simplification of today's political landscape is the idea that people who don't line up with the popular conceptions of 'left' and 'right' share a common bond as 'moderates'. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I think those moderates share a more common bond with eachother than they do with the extremes of their party

That's not established at all. I've seen quite the opposite, in fact. I frequently come out as 'centrist' or 'moderate' on the various left/right polls, but 'moderate' authoritarians do so as well. And frankly I'm more opposed to authoritarian 'centrists' like Bush and Obama than I am to many 'hard right' or 'hard left' candidates, who at least have commits to values beyond the supremacy of government.
I agree. The most frustrating over-simplification of today's political landscape is the idea that people who don't line up with the popular conceptions of 'left' and 'right' share a common bond as 'moderates'. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I think those moderates share a more common bond with eachother than they do with the extremes of their party

Yes, the center right and center left have a lot in common. But I don't see a third party coming out of that group. Mainly because the center left is a much smaller group than the center right.

the far left controls the democrat party and as long as they keep the free stuff flowing that will not change.

the tea party is NOT far right. believing in the constitution, individual freedom, and less intrusive government is a majority position. The media has been very disengenuous in its coverage of the tea party---because the media is nothing but the mouthpiece of the far left.

Who are these far lefties that control the democrat party? The DLC was the corporate arm of the democrat party and favored free trade, austerity, iraq war, welfare reform, and they were also anti single payer. These are certainly not far left positions. They managed to put in both clintons and obama as candidates. Bill and barack sure haven't done anything far left on the economic scene that I'm aware of. I would consider bernie sanders far left.
Using the linear political spectrum is what has everyone stuck in the same rut. The people in the middle aren't moderates, they're lost in no mans land. Get rid of left vs right and then you will see a third party with the potential to win elections. Party lines were drawn a hundred years ago, yet here we are arguing the same things as when they started. It's time to rethink politics and update our way of thinking with the current times.

I agree. The most frustrating over-simplification of today's political landscape is the idea that people who don't line up with the popular conceptions of 'left' and 'right' share a common bond as 'moderates'. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The only thing that those in the middle have in common is a disdain for the partisan politics that occurs on both sides of the aisle.

That's not established either. My problem with mainstream politics isn't partisanship, per se. It's merely that I don't agree with either of the mainstream parties.

At the present time the balance favors the left because the right is alienating the center.

Which 'center'? The left is doing a pretty good job of the same.
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I agree. The most frustrating over-simplification of today's political landscape is the idea that people who don't line up with the popular conceptions of 'left' and 'right' share a common bond as 'moderates'. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I think those moderates share a more common bond with eachother than they do with the extremes of their party

Yes, the center right and center left have a lot in common. But I don't see a third party coming out of that group. Mainly because the center left is a much smaller group than the center right.

the far left controls the democrat party and as long as they keep the free stuff flowing that will not change.

the tea party is NOT far right. believing in the constitution, individual freedom, and less intrusive government is a majority position. The media has been very disengenuous in its coverage of the tea party---because the media is nothing but the mouthpiece of the far left.

What moderate positions does the Tea Party hold?

Moderate right has no other options than to vote Democrat right now because the TeaTards have driven them away.....Fucking RINOs
I'm voting Republican. The Democrats have totally fucked up America and it gets worst every day.

Have you read the GOP's resume from when they were in power?

Not good. Doubled the national debt, started three wars, spied on tens of millions of Americans, created a trillion dollar medical entitlement program (without making an attempt to pay for it), created a massive Cabinet level police state agency, tortured prisoners, arrested and imprisoned US citizens without a writ of habaes corpus, lost guns in Mexico, had ten diplomatic missions attacked overseas, and ran the economy right off a cliff.

Why in BLAZES would you vote for that?

The GOP wants power back not to do any good, but because they want to be the ones doing all the massive spending and domestic spying again.
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Romney was a B candidate. The best the Republicans had

Most of the best candidates....Bush, Christie
Knew better than to run against Obama

2016 is the best chance Republicans have. If they dont win, it might be 20 years before they win again

And yet a B candidate would have outperformed your A candidate by miles.

Sour grapes

"Outperformed"? What does that mean. Redistribute more of the wealth to the top 1%? Crushed more poor people? Started more wars? Cut funding for education, food stamps, unemployment, and health care? If Republicans "outperformed" any more then they have, would would be Bangladesh in a "recession".
I'm voting Republican. The Democrats have totally fucked up America and it gets worst every day.

Have you read the GOP's resume from when they were in power?

Not good. Doubled the national debt, started three wars, spied on tens of millions of Americans, created a trillion dollar medical entitlement program (without making an attempt to pay for it), created a massive Cabinet level police state agency, tortured prisoners, arrested and imprisoned US citizens without a writ of habaes corpus, lost guns in Mexico, had ten diplomatic missions attacked overseas, and ran the economy right off a cliff.

Why in BLAZES would you vote for that?

The GOP wants power back not to do any good, but because they want to be the ones doing all the massive spending and domestic spying again.

They believe it doesn't count. They believe since Democrats didn't stop them, it's all the Democrats fault.
And yet a B candidate would have outperformed your A candidate by miles.

Sour grapes

"Outperformed"? What does that mean. Redistribute more of the wealth to the top 1%? Crushed more poor people? Started more wars? Cut funding for education, food stamps, unemployment, and health care? If Republicans "outperformed" any more then they have, would would be Bangladesh in a "recession".

what about all the Democratic Governors who have also "cut" that different?...Gov. Brown did that out here and had quite a few people in his face.....does he hate Education too?....or is that different?...30 of 58 Counties in this State have 9% UE or higher.....are they benefiting for being in a Blue State, as you suggested "Republican" heavy Orange County with an UE rate of around 5.5% is?....where is those Counties benefits?....

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