how would biden take my guns.

Because he has a migration background on his own.

His argument isn't against all immigration, just for limiting low-skill immigration, including refugees.

See above.

I was providing more context for why Tino's personal history doesn't contradict his stance. He was not a political refugee.

The whole world saw how the government of the USA disqualified itselve with the entertainment execution of Osama Bin Laden.

How so? He was a terrorist leader. He killed more Muslims than Westerners anyway. He wasn't exactly loved by most people in general.

Now, that being said, I believe we should have taken up the Taliban's offer in 2001. We should have had a third country hold OBL in custody while holding a trial against him rather than engaging in war with Afghanistan.

Exactly. Our soldiers fight for cheap drugs in Afghanistan and all over the world.

No argument here. I'm anti-war in general.

The "investments" (=waste of money) of the western world ruined all prices in Afghanistan.

Foreign investment done privately works quite well, actually. I should clarify that I wasn't talking about nation building or using governments to invest in these countries. I'm talking about corporations investing in these countries. If people truly care about migrants, they should help to create better living conditions for these people in their homelands.

Feminism is doing what? Since more than a hundred years women have the right to vote. Unfortunatelly this leaded not to a female dominance in all political fields. I trust much more in women to make good decisions than I trust in men to make good decisions.

I'm not against much of the first wave of feminism. Even parts of the second wave are ok. However, a lot of feminism since the 60s has been detrimental to women and society in general.

I don't trust women or men more in decisions overall. It's just a matter of feminism pushing women towards things they won't necessarily prefer in the long run. For example, the "free love" movement of the 60s mostly benefited horny men, not women. Women are usually happier in societies that promote monogamy rather than polyamory.
One good thing about the years I spent running and gunning around Afghanistan, at least for me, is that it taught me a hell of a lot about insurgency warfare.

And that is useful info to have.

Just saying.
"My name is not my own,
It is borrowed from my ancestors, ...

When and where I grew up it was usual that everyone got an individual nick name, which had normally nothing to do with families or ancestors.

Es ist alles eitel

Du siehst, wohin du siehst, nur Eitelkeit auf Erden.
Was dieser heute baut, reißt jener morgen ein;
Wo jetzund Städte stehn, wird eine Wiese sein,
Auf der ein Schäferskind wird spielen mit den Herden;

Was jetzund prächtig blüht, soll bald zertreten werden;
Was jetzt so pocht und trotzt, ist morgen Asch und Bein;
Nichts ist, das ewig sei, kein Erz, kein Marmorstein.
Jetzt lacht das Glück uns an, bald donnern die Beschwerden.

Der hohen Taten Ruhm muss wie ein Traum vergehn.
Soll denn das Spiel der Zeit, der leichte Mensch, bestehn?
Ach, was ist alles dies, was wir für köstlich achten,

Als schlechte Nichtigkeit, als Schatten, Staub und Wind,
Als eine Wiesenblum, die man nicht wieder find't!
Noch will, was ewig ist, kein einig Mensch betrachten.

Andreas Gryphius (1616 -- 1664)
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The whole world saw how the government of the USA disqualified itselve with the entertainment execution of Osama Bin Laden.

How so?

Aesthetics. It was one of the most ugly pictures of my life when I was suddenly confrontated in TV with the picture of the US-government, while they watched in a life transmission the murder of Osama Bin Laden. In this moment I knew I will never understand the extremely strange US-Americans.

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... I don't trust women or men more in decisions overall. ...

Aha. A good reason to trust in women.
How so? Just because I'm not a feminist, it doesn't make me biased against women either. I view people as individuals. Some men make good decisions, and some women do. Some of each make bad decisions as well.

One good thing about the years I spent running and gunning around Afghanistan, at least for me, is that it taught me a hell of a lot about insurgency warfare.

And that is useful info to have.

Just saying.

Militant Russians, militant Arabs, militant Europeans and militant Americans. Financed from the tax payers of their countries, who pay taxes for a more safe and comfortable life. And they all made rich drug dealers, who will kill their children and their future. And you was the proud hero who "civilized" with weapons this proud country full of weapons, while you inhaled a lot of dust made by excrements - what no one from your bosses told you. But they gave you money to do this job.
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The whole world saw how the government of the USA disqualified itselve with the entertainment execution of Osama Bin Laden.

How so?

Aesthetics. It was one of the most ugly pictures of my life when I was suddenly confrontated in TV with the picture of the US-government, while they watched in a life transmission the murder of Osama Bin Laden. In this moment I knew I will never understand the extremely strange US-Americans.

Fair enough, but I get the impression that much of the West has become emasculated due to progressivism. The death penalty makes sense in certain situations. A lot of non-Western cultures understand this. America often bridges the gap between the West and the rest. It makes sense, given that we are the most culturally diverse nation of the West.
... I don't trust women or men more in decisions overall. ...

Aha. A good reason to trust in women.
How so?
You argue like a typical male, maler, malest, super malest man.
Just because I'm not a feminist,

or no dancer

it doesn't make me biased against women either. I view people as individuals. Some men make good decisions, and some women do. Some f each make bad decisions as well.

"f" is everything what kept from "female" in you mind? Poor guy. By the way: Who is not able to dance is also not able to fight. Traditional men from the western world fight for women. And it's clear that we need more women in important positions. That's how everyone is able to see the real love of men to women.

... I don't trust women or men more in decisions overall. ...

Aha. A good reason to trust in women.
How so?
You argue like a typical male, maler, malest, super malest man.
Just because I'm not a feminist,

or no dancer

it doesn't make me biased against women either. I view people as individuals. Some men make good decisions, and some women do. Some f each make bad decisions as well.

"f" is everything what kept from "female" in you mind? Poor guy. By the way: Who is not able to dance is also not able to fight. Traditional men from the western world fight for women. And it's clear that we need more women in important positions. That's how everyone is able to see the real love of men to women.

I'm guessing there's a bit of a language barrier here. I typed "some of each."

Nevertheless, I think I understand what you're saying. Maybe my arguments sound typically masculine, but I don't consider that a problem. If you happen to be female and have feminine arguments, that's fine as well. Problems usually only happen when people get the 2 mismatched, hence the transgender fiasco.

But you're right that traditional men will fight for women. It's why they often fight against the excesses of feminism. There are plenty of repercussions of feminism that do not serve the best interests of women, and many women realize this.

You'll also notice that even many heterosexual feminists still prefer a lot of traditionally masculine traits in a man. They don't go for the emasculated types usually.

Nevertheless, I think I understand what you're saying. Maybe my arguments sound typically masculine, but I don't consider that a problem. If you happen to be female and have feminine arguments, that's fine as well. Problems usually only happen when people get the 2 mismatched, hence the transgender fiasco.

But you're right that traditional men will fight for women. It's why they often fight against the excesses of feminism. There are plenty of repercussions of feminism that do not serve the best interests of women, and many women realize this.

You'll also notice that even many heterosexual feminists still prefer a lot of traditionally masculine traits in a man. They don't go for the emasculated types usually.

Nice that you agree that the western societies need more women in important positions with real decision making power.

Nice that you agree that the western societies need more women in important positions with real decision making power.

If a given woman is the best for a job, sure, I don't mind that. I just prefer meritocracy, which means ignoring the sex of the applicants for a position.
Nice that you agree that the western societies need more women in important positions with real decision making power.

If a given woman is the best for a job, sure, I don't mind that. I just prefer meritocracy, which means ignoring the sex of the applicants for a position.

What causes perhaps a wrong exclusivity, because "sex" is also another way to see what's going on - and what's going wrong - in the world. 100% men are 100% blind in some directions, which they will never be able to see. 50:50 in the same level of decision power is the best - what doesn't mean women should work in a mine and men have to work in a kindergarten. But they should decide together what's the best to do.

One good thing about the years I spent running and gunning around Afghanistan, at least for me, is that it taught me a hell of a lot about insurgency warfare.

And that is useful info to have.

Just saying.

Militant Russians, militant Arabs, militant Europeans and militant Americans. Financed from the tax payers of their countries, who pay taxes for a more safe and comfortable life. And they all made rich drug dealers, who will kill their children and their future. And you was the proud hero who "civilized" with weapons this proud country full of weapons, while you inhaled a lot of dust made by excrements - what no one from your bosses told you. But they gave you money to do this job.
I knew what I was doing, and I have no regrets, and no remorse.

Pay me well enough, in cash, healthcare for my family, opportunities for experiences, and training in various skills I want, and I will happily invade most any country and slaughter the folks there.
I'm all good with it.

One good thing about the years I spent running and gunning around Afghanistan, at least for me, is that it taught me a hell of a lot about insurgency warfare.

And that is useful info to have.

Just saying.

Militant Russians, militant Arabs, militant Europeans and militant Americans. Financed from the tax payers of their countries, who pay taxes for a more safe and comfortable life. And they all made rich drug dealers, who will kill their children and their future. And you was the proud hero who "civilized" with weapons this proud country full of weapons, while you inhaled a lot of dust made by excrements - what no one from your bosses told you. But they gave you money to do this job.
I knew what I was doing, and I have no regrets, and no remorse.

Pay me well enough, in cash, healthcare for my family, opportunities for experiences, and training in various skills I want, and I will happily invade most any country and slaughter the folks there.
I'm all good with it.

Interesting prayer. "Thank you, dear god, that you gave me everything and more than I need and a good conscience, so I'm able to rob everyone and everything what I like to rob and to be able to murder your children, my sisters and brothers, without any scruple". Now you have only to find out how god will react and what your ideas mean for your own life and the survival of all mankind. Hopefully never ETs will kidnap you and study human beings. This could end deadly for us all.

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One good thing about the years I spent running and gunning around Afghanistan, at least for me, is that it taught me a hell of a lot about insurgency warfare.

And that is useful info to have.

Just saying.

Militant Russians, militant Arabs, militant Europeans and militant Americans. Financed from the tax payers of their countries, who pay taxes for a more safe and comfortable life. And they all made rich drug dealers, who will kill their children and their future. And you was the proud hero who "civilized" with weapons this proud country full of weapons, while you inhaled a lot of dust made by excrements - what no one from your bosses told you. But they gave you money to do this job.
I knew what I was doing, and I have no regrets, and no remorse.

Pay me well enough, in cash, healthcare for my family, opportunities for experiences, and training in various skills I want, and I will happily invade most any country and slaughter the folks there.
I'm all good with it.

Interesting prayer. "Thank you, dear god, that you gave me everything and more than I need and a good conscience, so I'm able to rob everyone and everything what I like to rob and to be able to murder your children, my sisters and brothers, without any scruple". Now you have only to find out how god will react and what your ideas mean for your own life and the survival of all mankind. Hopefully never ETs will kidnap you and study human beings. This could end deadly for us all.

I was going viking.

One good thing about the years I spent running and gunning around Afghanistan, at least for me, is that it taught me a hell of a lot about insurgency warfare.

And that is useful info to have.

Just saying.

Militant Russians, militant Arabs, militant Europeans and militant Americans. Financed from the tax payers of their countries, who pay taxes for a more safe and comfortable life. And they all made rich drug dealers, who will kill their children and their future. And you was the proud hero who "civilized" with weapons this proud country full of weapons, while you inhaled a lot of dust made by excrements - what no one from your bosses told you. But they gave you money to do this job.
I knew what I was doing, and I have no regrets, and no remorse.

Pay me well enough, in cash, healthcare for my family, opportunities for experiences, and training in various skills I want, and I will happily invade most any country and slaughter the folks there.
I'm all good with it.

Interesting prayer. "Thank you, dear god, that you gave me everything and more than I need and a good conscience, so I'm able to rob everyone and everything what I like to rob and to be able to murder your children, my sisters and brothers, without any scruple". Now you have only to find out how god will react and what your ideas mean for your own life and the survival of all mankind. Hopefully never ETs will kidnap you and study human beings. This could end deadly for us all.

I was going viking.

Are you able to translate this into Swedish or German?

Background information: Pirates as well as "vikings" were in many cases nothing else than psychopaths. To meet a "Berserker" was for sure not a fun - not for Brits, Celts, Scandinavians, Germans and/or Slaws.
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One good thing about the years I spent running and gunning around Afghanistan, at least for me, is that it taught me a hell of a lot about insurgency warfare.

And that is useful info to have.

Just saying.

Militant Russians, militant Arabs, militant Europeans and militant Americans. Financed from the tax payers of their countries, who pay taxes for a more safe and comfortable life. And they all made rich drug dealers, who will kill their children and their future. And you was the proud hero who "civilized" with weapons this proud country full of weapons, while you inhaled a lot of dust made by excrements - what no one from your bosses told you. But they gave you money to do this job.
I knew what I was doing, and I have no regrets, and no remorse.

Pay me well enough, in cash, healthcare for my family, opportunities for experiences, and training in various skills I want, and I will happily invade most any country and slaughter the folks there.
I'm all good with it.

Interesting prayer. "Thank you, dear god, that you gave me everything and more than I need and a good conscience, so I'm able to rob everyone and everything what I like to rob and to be able to murder your children, my sisters and brothers, without any scruple". Now you have only to find out how god will react and what your ideas mean for your own life and the survival of all mankind. Hopefully never ETs will kidnap you and study human beings. This could end deadly for us all.

I was going viking.

Are you able to translate this into Swedish or German?

Background information: Pirates as well as "vikings" were in many cases nothing else than psychopaths. To meet a "Berserker" was for sure not a fun - not for Brits, Celts, Scandinavians, Germans and/or Slaws.

Do you know what "going viking" means?


One good thing about the years I spent running and gunning around Afghanistan, at least for me, is that it taught me a hell of a lot about insurgency warfare.

And that is useful info to have.

Just saying.

Militant Russians, militant Arabs, militant Europeans and militant Americans. Financed from the tax payers of their countries, who pay taxes for a more safe and comfortable life. And they all made rich drug dealers, who will kill their children and their future. And you was the proud hero who "civilized" with weapons this proud country full of weapons, while you inhaled a lot of dust made by excrements - what no one from your bosses told you. But they gave you money to do this job.
I knew what I was doing, and I have no regrets, and no remorse.

Pay me well enough, in cash, healthcare for my family, opportunities for experiences, and training in various skills I want, and I will happily invade most any country and slaughter the folks there.
I'm all good with it.

Interesting prayer. "Thank you, dear god, that you gave me everything and more than I need and a good conscience, so I'm able to rob everyone and everything what I like to rob and to be able to murder your children, my sisters and brothers, without any scruple". Now you have only to find out how god will react and what your ideas mean for your own life and the survival of all mankind. Hopefully never ETs will kidnap you and study human beings. This could end deadly for us all.

I was going viking.

Are you able to translate this into Swedish or German?

Background information: Pirates as well as "vikings" were in many cases nothing else than psychopaths. To meet a "Berserker" was for sure not a fun - not for Brits, Celts, Scandinavians, Germans and/or Slaws.

Do you know what "going viking" means?

No - that's why I asked for a translation. In reality I guess Scandinavians (and Slaws) had sent their psychopaths to other countries to bring home some robbed gold. And if such a psychopath died and never came back this was also not any problem. Similar was the situation of pirates.

The little idea of romance, which your text describes, has more to do with manufacturers and traders and a tradition which exists latest since the early middle ages in central Europe. The journeymen for example had to leave their district or country for three years and a day to learn more about their own job from other masters all over Europe, so they were able to become a master in their job on their own. This was in former times also often very dangerous, because of the uncalculable conflicts all over the world. I guess the famous Autralian song "Waltzing Mathilda" shows somehow also the tragic end of one of this journeymen or -woman.

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One good thing about the years I spent running and gunning around Afghanistan, at least for me, is that it taught me a hell of a lot about insurgency warfare.

And that is useful info to have.

Just saying.

Militant Russians, militant Arabs, militant Europeans and militant Americans. Financed from the tax payers of their countries, who pay taxes for a more safe and comfortable life. And they all made rich drug dealers, who will kill their children and their future. And you was the proud hero who "civilized" with weapons this proud country full of weapons, while you inhaled a lot of dust made by excrements - what no one from your bosses told you. But they gave you money to do this job.
I knew what I was doing, and I have no regrets, and no remorse.

Pay me well enough, in cash, healthcare for my family, opportunities for experiences, and training in various skills I want, and I will happily invade most any country and slaughter the folks there.
I'm all good with it.

Interesting prayer. "Thank you, dear god, that you gave me everything and more than I need and a good conscience, so I'm able to rob everyone and everything what I like to rob and to be able to murder your children, my sisters and brothers, without any scruple". Now you have only to find out how god will react and what your ideas mean for your own life and the survival of all mankind. Hopefully never ETs will kidnap you and study human beings. This could end deadly for us all.

I was going viking.

Are you able to translate this into Swedish or German?

Background information: Pirates as well as "vikings" were in many cases nothing else than psychopaths. To meet a "Berserker" was for sure not a fun - not for Brits, Celts, Scandinavians, Germans and/or Slaws.

Do you know what "going viking" means?

No - that's why I asked for a translation. In reality I guess Scandinavians (and Slaws) had sent their psychopaths to other countries to bring home some robbed gold. And if such a psychopath died and never came back this was also not any problem. Similar was the situation of pirates.

The little idea of romance, which your text describes, has more to do with manufacturers and traders and a tradition which exists latest since the early middle ages in central Europe. The journeymen for example had to leave their district or country for three years and a day to learn more about their own job from other masters all over Europe, so they were able to become a master in their job on their own. This was in former times also often very dangerous, because of the uncalculable conflicts all over the world. I guess the famous Autralian song "Waltzing Mathilda" shows somehow also the tragic end of one of this journeymen or -woman.

I also have Calico Jack Rackham's flag on the wall in my library at home.

It's a hard world; let the weak fall.

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