How would you change K-12 Schools in America?

Core Curriculum:

English Composition
Reading is Fundamental
US and World History
Play Time/Sports Phys Ed/Self Defense and/or Meditation
Foreign Language

Pick 2:
Math for Living
Math for Business
Math for Geeks

Pick 2
Scientific Theory
The Science of Living
Global Warming (LOL. Only fooling)

Pick 2:
I think, back to basics. By the beginning of the 6th grade kids need to be able to read and comprehend, Write, compute, speak 'publicly' with confidence, and behave within socially approprite norms.
I do not believe all kids are born with the same skills or interests, yet we teach them as if they were. The assembly line was a good idea for producing the same product consistently; it is not a good idea for producing productive adults.
What do you think?
I think, back to basics. By the beginning of the 6th grade kids need to be able to read and comprehend, Write, compute, speak 'publicly' with confidence, and behave within socially approprite norms.
I do not believe all kids are born with the same skills or interests, yet we teach them as if they were. The assembly line was a good idea for producing the same product consistently; it is not a good idea for producing productive adults.
What do you think?


That's why the curriculum be have an optional component to is as the people learn the basics or reading, comprehension and writing.

There's just no place for craftsmen or tradesmen in our schools and that's wrong.
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I think, back to basics. By the beginning of the 6th grade kids need to be able to read and comprehend, Write, compute, speak 'publicly' with confidence, and behave within socially approprite norms.
I do not believe all kids are born with the same skills or interests, yet we teach them as if they were. The assembly line was a good idea for producing the same product consistently; it is not a good idea for producing productive adults.
What do you think?


That's why the curriculum be have an optional component to is as the people learn the basics or reading, comprehension and writing.

There's just no place for craftsmen or tradesmen in our schools and that's wrong.

I agree. Not all kids want or have the interest or ability for a university education. Once they develop the basics (Reading & reading comprehension, computation, writing & keybording, and social skills) they need to have as vast an exposure as possible to the world around them. That includes hands on experience in making things, using the latest technological tools; for many kids - and adults - learn by doing. Passive learning passes them by.
Stop shoving politics down the students throats.
Teach them the basics. The basics needed to get succesfully by in life.
Get rid of the revisionist "HISTORY" books....Teach them the truth.
Put those beautiful american flags back in the classroom.
If a kid wants to pray, let 'em pray.....If not, fine.
Fire all the teachers who's students on average are failing.
Do away with unionized teachers.
I think there should be a heavy load of math, science, history, computer skills, reading, writing, physical education and social interaction within the students and student body. What I mean by that is kids need to be taught what is appropriate behavior within the community. All the rest of it - meaning the liberal minded feel good courses, can be discarded. Also to graduate from high school a student should be able to speak one other language other than English be it French, German, Spanish, or whatever. I also believe that all students should be required to wear an appropriate school uniform, no facial hair, and maintain a decent haircut.
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Core Curriculum:

English Composition
Reading is Fundamental
US and World History
Play Time/Sports Phys Ed/Self Defense and/or Meditation
Foreign Language

Pick 2:
Math for Living
Math for Business
Math for Geeks

Pick 2
Scientific Theory
The Science of Living
Global Warming (LOL. Only fooling)

Pick 2:

if it was 'pick 4' in the science section I would like it. what is "the science of living" though?
make all schools private with government paying tuition for kids whose parents cant afford.
no union/protected teachers, make the teachers know they will be fired if they do their jobs poorly.
teach real history, not the white-washed version taught now.
make calculus mandatory for seniors.
require a full year for each of biology, chemistry, and physics
make 2 years of computer courses required
make some sort of trade course required for at least a full year
require at least 1/2 a year of speech classes / public speaking
1/2 a year of music including learning to read music, along with 1/2 of art

students should also be required to take at least 2 full years of a non-english language

edit #2:
I realize I just made my list for high school only, but the OP did mention k-8...
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More vocational options for high school students. Not everyone plans to go to college, but if we can get these kids interested in a career choice in high school, and the training to start in whatever it is they choose, the better for them and society.

The guy who is installing my new window in my car today had to be trained for that, just as the folks who fix your car, plumbing, computers, even cut your hair or work in a preschool and watch your kids.
make all schools private with government paying tuition for kids whose parents cant afford.
no union/protected teachers, make the teachers know they will be fired if they do their jobs poorly.
teach real history, not the white-washed version taught now.
make calculus mandatory for seniors.
require a full year for each of biology, chemistry, and physics
make 2 years of computer courses required
make some sort of trade course required for at least a full year
require at least 1/2 a year of speech classes / public speaking
1/2 a year of music including learning to read music, along with 1/2 of art

students should also be required to take at least 2 full years of a non-english language

edit #2:
I realize I just made my list for high school only, but the OP did mention k-8...
We send our kids to private school, K-12. It's expensive as hell, but more than worth it. They don't shove politics or religion down their throats. They teach them the basics. 97% graduate. 91% end up going on to college......I seriously doubt that there is even one public school in this country who could ever show success on that level.
Ask parents to give a shit. That alone would revolutionize education in America. My 17 year old senior is bright and intelligent and we thank God for that. But he knew from kindergarten on what our expectations of him as a student were. Each of his teachers each year got an email from me stating that his education was a high priority in our home and we were there to support the teacher in any way needed. We also told them not to hesitate to contact us if there was an issue and it would be dealt with. Each and every teacher he has had has complimented us on what a good kid and student he is and thanks us for our support. Teachers are not babysitters.
I would completely remove it from the County level and move it to the State Level. Then I would set up various levels of school based on intelligence levels and behavioral problems.

Here is how it works: School starts at age 4 going 5 days a week. Parents may be CRIMINALLY liable for not making their kids go to school.

From age 4 -8 they are in the observation state. They start to get taught basic academic and social skills. They are judge on education factors as well as behavioral factors (not by the teacher, but from obervational people). As the years go on they start to get segregated by behavioral problems as well as IQ.

(1) By Age 9: The Children get situation into 1 of 5 school types. Each type being strategically located throughout the state, so try to provide access to all of them. These levels are based on IQ as well as behavior.

Level 1: Genius Level.
Geniuses needs to be identified and challenged early on. We need to get them into schools where they can be groomed to be the next Eisensteins!

Level 2: Higher IQ - Low Behavior Problems
Big problem with schools today is the smart kids get intimidated by kids with behavior problems. Segregate them out based not on race, religion or color, or where they are lucky enough to live, but by IQ and Behavior. Have the class schedule geared towards the fact that they have higher IQ.

Level 3: Lower IQ - Low Behavior Problems
No all behavioral problems are due to kids not being as smart. Allow these kids to be free of problem children, while still learning. Have the coarse geared towards jobs they might thrive in and make a decent living, such as a trade. Recognize the fact that not all kids are meant for college, but still need to make a decent living.

Level 4: Moderate Behavior Problems
Have a mixed criteria, but have a STRONG emphasis on discipline and social skills. Absolutely zero tolerance for class clowning or bullying. Uniforms required.

Level 5: High Behavior Problems
Military Style School. This is boarding school (meaning they are overnight) and its the equivalent to a military school like boot camp. Emphasis here is to knock the bad out of these kids.

(1) From Age 9-13 children can go up or down at the end of the school year based on behavior improvements (or behavior digression) and improvement in IQ (or decreases in IQ).
(2) From Age 13-15 (Junior High) - They can still go up and down, but its much harder.
(3) By Highschool, they are locked in for the long run, except for boot camp. The best they can get is Moderate Behavior.
(4) After Age 8: Parent do have the option to sending their child to private school or home schooling (however, homeschooling is held to high standards and end of the year passing skill test are required).
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I have some ideas but would like to hear what others think. Please, leave the partisan rhetoric out and offer the best ideas you have.

start by getting gov. completely and totally out of the process.

Let the districts have as many charter schools as they want and issuer vouchers where applicable. The ONLY part to play for the sate of feds is; testing and accountability for funds etc.

Break the NEA and AFT and the other teacher Unions.
I would completely remove it from the County level and move it to the State Level. Then I would set up various levels of school based on intelligence levels and behavioral problems.

Here is how it works: School starts at age 4 going 5 days a week. Parents may be CRIMINALLY liable for not making their kids go to school.

From age 4 -8 they are in the observation state. They start to get taught basic academic and social skills. They are judge on education factors as well as behavioral factors (not by the teacher, but from obervational people). As the years go on they start to get segregated by behavioral problems as well as IQ.

(1) By Age 9: The Children get situation into 1 of 5 school types. Each type being strategically located throughout the state, so try to provide access to all of them. These levels are based on IQ as well as behavior.

Level 1: Genius Level.
Geniuses needs to be identified and challenged early on. We need to get them into schools where they can be groomed to be the next Eisensteins!

Level 2: Higher IQ - Low Behavior Problems
Big problem with schools today is the smart kids get intimidated by kids with behavior problems. Segregate them out based not on race, religion or color, or where they are lucky enough to live, but by IQ and Behavior. Have the class schedule geared towards the fact that they have higher IQ.

Level 3: Lower IQ - Low Behavior Problems
No all behavioral problems are due to kids not being as smart. Allow these kids to be free of problem children, while still learning. Have the coarse geared towards jobs they might thrive in and make a decent living, such as a trade. Recognize the fact that not all kids are meant for college, but still need to make a decent living.

Level 4: Moderate Behavior Problems
Have a mixed criteria, but have a STRONG emphasis on discipline and social skills. Absolutely zero tolerance for class clowning or bullying. Uniforms required.

Level 5: High Behavior Problems
Military Style School. This is boarding school (meaning they are overnight) and its the equivalent to a military school like boot camp. Emphasis here is to knock the bad out of these kids.

(1) From Age 9-13 children can go up or down at the end of the school year based on behavior improvements (or behavior digression) and improvement in IQ (or decreases in IQ).
(2) From Age 13-15 (Junior High) - They can still go up and down, but its much harder.
(3) By Highschool, they are locked in for the long run, except for boot camp. The best they can get is Moderate Behavior.
(4) After Age 8: Parent do have the option to sending their child to private school or home schooling (however, homeschooling is held to high standards and end of the year passing skill test are required).

no thx.
Core Curriculum:

English Composition
Reading is Fundamental
US and World History
Play Time/Sports Phys Ed/Self Defense and/or Meditation
Foreign Language

Pick 2:
Math for Living
Math for Business
Math for Geeks

Pick 2
Scientific Theory
The Science of Living
Global Warming (LOL. Only fooling)

Pick 2:

if it was 'pick 4' in the science section I would like it. what is "the science of living" though?

Science of Living would be like practical science for people who didn't think they'd like science, everyday science, like don't mix ammonia and bleach and even though H2O and H2O2 are similar you shouldn't handle them the same way.
More vocational options for high school students. Not everyone plans to go to college, but if we can get these kids interested in a career choice in high school, and the training to start in whatever it is they choose, the better for them and society.

The guy who is installing my new window in my car today had to be trained for that, just as the folks who fix your car, plumbing, computers, even cut your hair or work in a preschool and watch your kids.

I would split it into two distinct paths with appropriate curriculum. One for college bound students one for non college bound students, and I would not make it by choice, but by grades and test scores. If you think little Johnny is college bound but his grades and test scores say otherwise. Sorry he didn't cut it. Learn a trade. This would weed out some of the bottom performers who keeping the top performers from over achieving, while at the same time keep the over achievers from making the lower students try to keep up. It's a win win.

My school is probably 3 years away from trying this. It's pretty complicated since we have to have testing and standards in place by the time a child hits the 9th grade and we have to have the curriculum in place. We're a small school so some of our classes will of necessity be distance learning, actually we already do that but on a much smaller scale then we have planned.
I have some ideas but would like to hear what others think. Please, leave the partisan rhetoric out and offer the best ideas you have.

start by getting gov. completely and totally out of the process.
That is a HORRIBLE idea. Just like health insurance there are parents, rich and poor, that might opt their children out of education altogether! ESPECIALLY the poor parents. Children are unable to work and pay for their education, so they are reliant on their parents. There are some selfish parents that will tell their kids to fuck themselves. There are poor parents that simply can't afford school. There are middle class parents that are pay check to pay check that also can't afford it.

What about the poor credit rating parents? Do their kids get FUCKED because their parents are credit risks.

Are we going to start student loans for kids? Look what student loans do for college students. Graduates get saddled with crippling debt.

There are something, like it or not, that government has to offer an alternative to and education is one of them.

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