How would you rate the last 10 Presidents?

I used specific, measurable accomplishments to rate Obama‘s Presidency

You used vague concepts like Corporatist/globalist/elitist

You still haven’t provided any measurable accomplishments of Republicans you rated higher than Obama
Repeating something doesn't make it true.
Corporatism is not a vague concept. I know you know it isn't. I don't know how old you are, but I know that you are at least as old as I am. Therefore you see this "vague concept" all around you.
Same for globalism and elitism. Nothing vague about it. Unless you just want to ignore it to maintain a belief.
Repeating something doesn't make it true.
Corporatism is not a vague concept. I know you know it isn't. I don't know how old you are, but I know that you are at least as old as I am. Therefore you see this "vague concept" all around you.
Same for globalism and elitism. Nothing vague about it. Unless you just want to ignore it to maintain a belief.
Give specifics of what he did
Vague accusations like he is a corporatist or elitist is not grounds for an evaluation
Bush I
Bush II
I can only rate the presidents that I was alive and personally witnessed...the rest would just be hearsay...

Bush 43
Bush 41
Give specifics of what he did
Vague accusations like he is a corporatist or elitist is not grounds for an evaluation
You won't read this, or you might, but just like before you will ignore it.

In the mortgage crises, there were two players.
The Predators.
The Prey.
And just like out in the wild, the only way a predatory/prey system works is the prey have to vastly outnumber the predators.
The mortgage crises began in the late 80s. And LEAPED into reality into the 90s and early 2000s.
It was an entire system. All the way down to the dirtbag little lender guy at a desk willing to allow people to sign a horrific loan deal in order to keep his job. Those dirtbags were just as necessary as guys like Greenspan, Bernanke, Fuld and Geithner.
When the inevitable came to play itself out, and make no mistake about it, these guys knew a collapse was going to come.
They didn't care. They were going to bank their $Millions in the process.
Those people... the predators... were ALL bailed out 100 cents on the dollar by the Bush and Obama administration.
They were not only 100% protected from any financial pain from what THEY ALL KNOWINGLY DID TO AMERICAN PEOPLE to make $millions personally. But their profits and CONTINUED profits were fucking GAURANTEED. And kept getting gauranteed all the way to 2014.
All the while... the prey... the saps and suckers that fell victim to predatory loan practices that happened 1000s of times a day... THEY LOST EVERYTHING. They were not bailed out. At all. In fact, not only did they lose their homes... THOSE HOMES became the property of the very fucking predators that got them to sign the loans!!!! Those banks not only got bailed out 100 cents on the dollar - but they also got to keep the homes!!!

I have said this ONE example to you 50 times, and so have others. And you will follow it with excuses, disregard it completely and go on believing Santa Clause is real.
You won't read this, or you might, but just like before you will ignore it.

In the mortgage crises, there were two players.
The Predators.
The Prey.
And just like out in the wild, the only way a predatory/prey system works is the prey have to vastly outnumber the predators.
The mortgage crises began in the late 80s. And LEAPED into reality into the 90s and early 2000s.
It was an entire system. All the way down to the dirtbag little lender guy at a desk willing to allow people to sign a horrific loan deal in order to keep his job. Those dirtbags were just as necessary as guys like Greenspan, Bernanke, Fuld and Geithner.
When the inevitable came to play itself out, and make no mistake about it, these guys knew a collapse was going to come.
They didn't care. They were going to bank their $Millions in the process.
Those people... the predators... were ALL bailed out 100 cents on the dollar by the Bush and Obama administration.
They were not only 100% protected from any financial pain from what THEY ALL KNOWINGLY DID TO AMERICAN PEOPLE to make $millions personally. But their profits and CONTINUED profits were fucking GAURANTEED. And kept getting gauranteed all the way to 2014.
All the while... the prey... the saps and suckers that fell victim to predatory loan practices that happened 1000s of times a day... THEY LOST EVERYTHING. They were not bailed out. At all. In fact, not only did they lose their homes... THOSE HOMES became the property of the very fucking predators that got them to sign the loans!!!! Those banks not only got bailed out 100 cents on the dollar - but they also got to keep the homes!!!

I have said this ONE example to you 50 times, and so have others. And you will follow it with excuses, disregard it completely and go on believing Santa Clause is real.
OK, at least you are finally trying

Obama was facing an economic collapse that would lead to a major Depression

Banks were falling like Dominos, If Obama “Let them fail “ like Republicans were urging, our economy would have collapsed.
Obama didn’t like it but he propped up the banks and the Stock Market, that was in a panic, reversed itself.
Obama stopped a Depression
Same goes for the auto industry that Republicans wanted to collapse on Obama’s watch
If I were to rank them based upon whether or not I saw them as nice human beings, Ford and Carter would be at the top, with Trump and Biden at the bottom.

As to effectiveness as president, I would rate Clinton very high, and Biden would have to have a category all his own at the bottom.
OK, at least you are finally trying

Obama was facing an economic collapse that would lead to a major Depression

Banks were falling like Dominos, If Obama “Let them fail “ like Republicans were urging, our economy would have collapsed.
Obama didn’t like it but he propped up the banks and the Stock Market, that was in a panic, reversed itself.
Obama stopped a Depression
Same goes for the auto industry that Republicans wanted to collapse on Obama’s watch
Once again you ignore an avalanche of corruption and greed to hold onto the glimmer of good.
Obama played absolutely no role in the creation of 2008. None.
WHen he became President he had a choice, listen to the very same Goddamn people who caused this or listen to others.
Now the Paulsons/Geithners/Bernankes.... FFS of course they are going to recommend bailouts for the wealthy AND THEMSELVES. A 10 year old child knows that is exactly what they are going to tell him is needed.
But I don't think even they thought Obama would go along with 100 cents on the dollar that included their profits - this little line you ignore every single time it is written. You have never, or will ever speak on it.
There have since been plenty of articles by leading economist that have said the level of bailouts given were not needed.
The very week the collapse happened, Paulson and Bernanke - we now know - broke a number of laws in getting involved with the Wall Street banks to protect them and themselves. Paulson's meeting with Fund was not even legal. Putting together plans of who is going to get saved, and who is the sacrificial lambs. Those discussions took place. Obama was not there. He wasn't President then. And Bush was AWOL... way over his head. But he became President. And i am not so gullible and starry eyed to believe that Obama knew none of this. I don't believe for one second that he knew he was padding pockets of the very institutions that created the crises - ALL THE WHILE - destroying the lives of millions of people who owned these properties. From Obama they got a giant FUCK YOU. While the Wall Street elites were guaranteed their yacht payments were secured.
You above 99% of every poster in this forum should not defend that kind of corruption. No one is saying some bailouts were not needed. But to defend 100 cents on the dollar bailouts of elite $billionaires and $billion corporations while doing not one thing for their victims??
Seriously RW
In Chronological order....

Bush I
Bush II

My list... From Best to Worst.... or maybe more appropriate, least worst to much worse

Reagan -
probably the last President who did what he did because he believed it was right. Right or wrong.
Ford - took over a country in shambles. Did a good job of getting things back to normal.
Bush I - he is this high because he did little damage compared to below him.
Clinton - the last President to really try and work with opposition. But his part in turning America into a corporatocracy is.
Trump - nowhere near as bad as Democrats say he is. If he could have controlled his mouth, he would have been much better.
Bush II - this low because of how he fought the Iraq war, and how he ignored a coming economic fall.
Nixon - like Trump, he could have been a good President, but he was his own worse enemy.
Obama - Corporatist/globalist/elitist to the core.
Carter - I don't believe there is any explanation needed
Biden - Is he even really the President in reality?

* Note - I struggled who was least worse between Bush II and Trump. Trump's policies were better than Bush II, but his insistence to be a major player in dividing the country with his motor mouth probably did more damage than Bush II

I rate them all less sexy than Melania Trump.
In Chronological order....

Bush I
Bush II

My list... From Best to Worst.... or maybe more appropriate, least worst to much worse

Reagan -
probably the last President who did what he did because he believed it was right. Right or wrong.
Ford - took over a country in shambles. Did a good job of getting things back to normal.
Bush I - he is this high because he did little damage compared to below him.
Clinton - the last President to really try and work with opposition. But his part in turning America into a corporatocracy is.
Trump - nowhere near as bad as Democrats say he is. If he could have controlled his mouth, he would have been much better.
Bush II - this low because of how he fought the Iraq war, and how he ignored a coming economic fall.
Nixon - like Trump, he could have been a good President, but he was his own worse enemy.
Obama - Corporatist/globalist/elitist to the core.
Carter - I don't believe there is any explanation needed
Biden - Is he even really the President in reality?

* Note - I struggled who was least worse between Bush II and Trump. Trump's policies were better than Bush II, but his insistence to be a major player in dividing the country with his motor mouth probably did more damage than Bush II
Carter (at least he didn't start a war and he did begin the Soviet debacle in Afghan)
Nixon (he did commit impeachable crimes)
Trump (I agree he was his own worst enemy, but the Jan 6 ... unforgivable)
BushII (worst for policy blunder since ... well, ever, unless you count Buchanan's failure as for polity)

Biden's not done.

Personally, I view Clinton's two terms as a continuation of BushI's one term. And my guess is that in the end, Biden will really just be the end of the Trump term, and we'll be back roughly to where we would have been if the gop would have just offered up a pro-capital/employer,peace through strength candidate and made a deal on immigration to let the 10 million illegal aliens who aren't going anywhere anyway just stay.
I used specific, measurable accomplishments to rate Obama‘s Presidency

You used vague concepts like Corporatist/globalist/elitist

You still haven’t provided any measurable accomplishments of Republicans you rated higher than Obama
You are even unaware of the multiple awful things O did. Proof corporate media duped you.

Conversely you can name all the awful things Don did.
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Lol. O was the worst of the bunch. A total fraud and completely controlled by the MIC, Wall Street, and the billionaire oligarchs.

Watch his latest speech here promoting Fascism.

Jimmy Dore is the type of liberal I respect. I don't agree with him on many issues, but he has the integrity to call out his own side when they're FOS.

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