How would you rate the last 10 Presidents?

In Chronological order....

Bush I
Bush II

My list... From Best to Worst.... or maybe more appropriate, least worst to much worse

Reagan -
probably the last President who did what he did because he believed it was right. Right or wrong.
Ford - took over a country in shambles. Did a good job of getting things back to normal.
Bush I - he is this high because he did little damage compared to below him.
Clinton - the last President to really try and work with opposition. But his part in turning America into a corporatocracy is.
Trump - nowhere near as bad as Democrats say he is. If he could have controlled his mouth, he would have been much better.
Bush II - this low because of how he fought the Iraq war, and how he ignored a coming economic fall.
Nixon - like Trump, he could have been a good President, but he was his own worse enemy.
Obama - Corporatist/globalist/elitist to the core.
Carter - I don't believe there is any explanation needed
Biden - Is he even really the President in reality?

* Note - I struggled who was least worse between Bush II and Trump. Trump's policies were better than Bush II, but his insistence to be a major player in dividing the country with his motor mouth probably did more damage than Bush II
Trump #1 ----He fought the swamp and still did a lot of good for the nation---no one could have done a better job. NO ONE.
Reagan #2 ----he was right about the claims that oil was going extinct was complete bullshit that Carter either bought into or pumped to push lib causes or just to watch people suffer
Nixon--despite breaking into DNC headquarters was a better president than Ford
Ford--Don't recall anything good or bad---
Bush 2 Wars, stealing of money with congressional help,
Clinton Sexual pervert, crook, complete competent in destroying the US--helped Muslim Terrorists in Europe
Bush 1--Sexual pervert, crook, inept
Carter--caused a recession with his massively stupid belief that Oil was going extinct and set the ground work for crooked pols to use "the poor black" excuse to steal and funnel money around.
Obama--Aided Terrorists --stole trillions from US and funnelled into Soros and other crooks pockets
Biden--We all know how awful he is
Nixon, meh
Ford, subject of 2 assassination attempts spawned by his VP Nelson Rockefeller. Whip Inflation Now = dumb
Carter, too decent for the job, promoted awesome weapons systems
Reagan. Best on the list
Bush I, tied for worst
Clinton, tied for worst
Bush II, tied for worst
Obama, tied for worst
Trump, mediocre. Missed a golden opportunity to round up all domestic traitors
Biden, tied for worst
You won't read this, or you might, but just like before you will ignore it.

In the mortgage crises, there were two players.
The Predators.
The Prey.
And just like out in the wild, the only way a predatory/prey system works is the prey have to vastly outnumber the predators.
The mortgage crises began in the late 80s. And LEAPED into reality into the 90s and early 2000s.
It was an entire system. All the way down to the dirtbag little lender guy at a desk willing to allow people to sign a horrific loan deal in order to keep his job. Those dirtbags were just as necessary as guys like Greenspan, Bernanke, Fuld and Geithner.
When the inevitable came to play itself out, and make no mistake about it, these guys knew a collapse was going to come.
They didn't care. They were going to bank their $Millions in the process.
Those people... the predators... were ALL bailed out 100 cents on the dollar by the Bush and Obama administration.
They were not only 100% protected from any financial pain from what THEY ALL KNOWINGLY DID TO AMERICAN PEOPLE to make $millions personally. But their profits and CONTINUED profits were fucking GAURANTEED. And kept getting gauranteed all the way to 2014.
All the while... the prey... the saps and suckers that fell victim to predatory loan practices that happened 1000s of times a day... THEY LOST EVERYTHING. They were not bailed out. At all. In fact, not only did they lose their homes... THOSE HOMES became the property of the very fucking predators that got them to sign the loans!!!! Those banks not only got bailed out 100 cents on the dollar - but they also got to keep the homes!!!

I have said this ONE example to you 50 times, and so have others. And you will follow it with excuses, disregard it completely and go on believing Santa Clause is real.
It was the Democrat sponsored Community Reinvestment Plan that fucked the housing market.

"Hey, lets use the the Federal government to put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that have no intentions of ever paying back the money, you know for social justice purposes, what could possibly go wrong?"
In Chronological order....

Bush I
Bush II

My list... From Best to Worst.... or maybe more appropriate, least worst to much worse

Reagan -
probably the last President who did what he did because he believed it was right. Right or wrong.
Ford - took over a country in shambles. Did a good job of getting things back to normal.
Bush I - he is this high because he did little damage compared to below him.
Clinton - the last President to really try and work with opposition. But his part in turning America into a corporatocracy is.
Trump - nowhere near as bad as Democrats say he is. If he could have controlled his mouth, he would have been much better.
Bush II - this low because of how he fought the Iraq war, and how he ignored a coming economic fall.
Nixon - like Trump, he could have been a good President, but he was his own worse enemy.
Obama - Corporatist/globalist/elitist to the core.
Carter - I don't believe there is any explanation needed
Biden - Is he even really the President in reality?

* Note - I struggled who was least worse between Bush II and Trump. Trump's policies were better than Bush II, but his insistence to be a major player in dividing the country with his motor mouth probably did more damage than Bush II
I'd swap Ford with Trump and swap Obama with Carter.
Carter was honest.....but hopeless.
Obama was dishonest to the core and is still behind most of the corruption in the FBI and NSA. His National Security Advisor is now working for Biden (Susan Rice) and is a criminal. Obama hid the fact that he was raised a communist....and this enabled him to get elected and cause more damage than is imaginable. Biden is 10 times worse than Obama....but Obama is still calling the shots in the White House.
PAID Troll says Donnie is FAT and think Terrorist loving, war loving, tax money stealing Obama had a scandal free presidency because the lib propaganda media and their trolls like Right brushed Obamas sins under the carpet.
Fattest Presidents last 10

Fat Donnie
Bill Clinton
Bush 43
Bush 41
And just like I said, RW would not address the fact the Obama admin paid 100 cents on the dollar to the $billionaires and $billion investment banks - WAY over what was needed - while giving nothing but a FUCK YOU to the millions who lost their homes.
And he never will.
Fattest Presidents last 10

Fat Donnie
Bill Clinton
Bush 43
Bush 41
Obama was/is a druggy
Biden/carter mental issues
Bush 2 a druggy
Unknown about Bush 1
Reagan-Clinton weight fluctuations.
Trump being chubby in his 70's no less (he was much thinner when younger and didn't use drugs btw)--who cares except for shallow gays obsessing with his body because they can't argue that he was a great president. Silly sissies lashing out at Trump via attacking his body--is just pathetic. No one sane cares about how much Trump weighs. We get it, you had hard on for terrorist loving Obama and didn't care about the damage he done to the country------sane people care about the country not a president's body.
Obama was/is a druggy
Biden/carter mental issues
Bush 2 a druggy
Unknown about Bush 1
Reagan-Clinton weight fluctuations.
Trump being chubby in his 70's no less (he was much thinner when younger and didn't use drugs btw)--who cares except for shallow gays obsessing with his body because they can't argue that he was a great president. Silly sissies lashing out at Trump via attacking his body--is just pathetic.

Fat Donnie is the fattest President in 100 years

So fat that he forces his doctor to lie about his weight so he isn’t listed as obese
I'd swap Ford with Trump and swap Obama with Carter.
Carter was honest.....but hopeless.
Obama was dishonest to the core and is still behind most of the corruption in the FBI and NSA. His National Security Advisor is now working for Biden (Susan Rice) and is a criminal. Obama hid the fact that he was raised a communist....and this enabled him to get elected and cause more damage than is imaginable. Biden is 10 times worse than Obama....but Obama is still calling the shots in the White House.
Dubya hid all that about Barack and his husband Michael
Reagan - Great charm, did some great things, GREAT leader.

Trump - If he could have controlled his big fucking mouth he'd be #1

Bush I - he is this high because he did little damage compared to below him.

Clinton - the last President to really try and work with opposition. But did his part in turning America into a corporatocracy.

Bush II and how he ignored a coming economic fall. Congress ignored it.

Ford - Not enough time to judge, but he appears to have been a good man.

Nixon - Dude was weird man, but he did some great things. Poor guy had to work with Demcracked majority who brought us economic disaster similar today's Demonicrat majority.

Carter - Good man but a very poor leader.

Obama - Under-performer for country and a poison. Totalitarian global elite puppeteer, con-man, and he led the left to tarded, soft and confused.

Biden - Vegetable with the disposition of a used car salesman.
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I will gladly defend Obama as my top pick

He was given an economy bordering Depression losing 800,000 jobs a month and a stock market that had lost half its value
He was also given active wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

Obama stopped the economic collapse and had steady growth for seven years. Nearly tripled the stock market
He killed Bin Laden
He saved the banks and auto companies
He passed Obamacare
He got Iran to abandon its nuclear program
He returned relations with Cuba

Historians agree with me

You realize the economic collapse occurred with Democracks having the majority in Congress right? And of course the collapse was built beginning on Clinton's watch?

The kicker is the Democrack's took both houses and POTUS when all of the sudden our economy and housing found their deepest depths. Yet you claim Obama saved us from ourselves.

Obama overwhelmed us with govt. expansion. I know first hand x2. Yet we're supposed to believe he performed economic miracles.

His Obamacare delayed economic growth. If you had a clue deep recession calls for great recovery, yet on Obama's watch that "recovery" was slow and unremarkable. Our economy declined & was unremarkable during Obama's last year, then Trump got in for consistent expansion.

ILMAO @ Obama killed Bin Laden, that's so fucking ignorant and desperate. ILMAO at Cuban relations and the nuclear program, Trump did better than that his first season. And fucking Historians? They simply entertain the left's FEELINGS by default, and they don't say one word about Trump's massive accomplishments.
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Fat Donnie is the fattest President in 100 years

So fat that he forces his doctor to lie about his weight so he isn’t listed as obese
Wasn't Taff---Roosevelt much fatter? And again who cares---who lusts after 70 plus year old men? The same group lusting after 5 year olds who don't want to hear about the trannie sex lifestyle nor anyone elses.
Fattest Presidents last 10

Fat Donnie
Bill Clinton
Bush 43
Bush 41
Weight isn't a measurement of competence, honesty, nor is it a leadership trait. Clearly you're guilty of fat-shaming.


And when it comes to fat leaders...Kim Jong Un is the fattest. Of the G19 Trump was nowhere near the fattest.


And when it comes to fatties.....Hillary hasTrump beat there.

Trump, mediocre. Missed a golden opportunity to round up all domestic traitors
Trump was not a politician and he was swamped by the Swamp. Like most Americans he probably had no idea how destructive the Swamp is to this country.

I suspect that had the Democrats not stolen the 2020 election from Trump that he would have purged a lot of the Swamp in his second term.

The Democrats really fucked the American people by stealing the election.

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