Hows it feel Republicans? lol

You must like taking up the back side. That is what "the peemeister, the donald' is doing to you.

It feels great knowing that Hildebeast will NOT be President. Thanks for asking.
You can take your lips off of Hildebeast's ass, now. She lost. And unless you are a citizen of some other country, Trump will be your President. Throw tantrums, stomp your little feet, cry and whine, but that won't change that fact. Deal with it.
Why does the left hate Wall Street and corporate America so much? What sense does it make to hire a freaking lifetime politician with no real life experience to a cabinet position? Look at the mess the Chicago pimp community activist made of the Country in eight years. The GDP practically moved backwards.
Keep on must like it. Or maybe you are a Peemeister...just like "the donald.!"

You must like taking up the back side. That is what "the peemeister, the donald' is doing to you.

It feels great knowing that Hildebeast will NOT be President. Thanks for asking.
You can take your lips off of Hildebeast's ass, now. She lost. And unless you are a citizen of some other country, Trump will be your President. Throw tantrums, stomp your little feet, cry and whine, but that won't change that fact. Deal with it.
You must like taking up the back side. That is what "the peemeister, the donald' is doing to you.

It feels great knowing that Hildebeast will NOT be President. Thanks for asking.
You can take your lips off of Hildebeast's ass, now. She lost. And unless you are a citizen of some other country, Trump will be your President. Throw tantrums, stomp your little feet, cry and whine, but that won't change that fact. Deal with it.
Is that what Obama supporters said in 2009?
It probably doesn't feel as bad as the the four years of non stop 24/7 butthurt the left is going to be experiencing.
A nice tax cut I'll be getting if chump isn't FOS will ease the butthurt considerably AND I'll laugh when you trumpettes get nothing like he promised you
Oh please you've bitching and whining since November 9th with end in sight and unlike you I don't depend on the promises of politicians to get me through life,
lol got thru many years already even gwb's 8 years of stink......and I'll do even better if your moron can accomplish just half of what he promised
Yeah and I survived the eight year diaster called the Obama Presidency while I don't think much of his work as President I can say in complete honesty I didn't break into over the top hysterics over his election or reelection.

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