Hows it feel Republicans? lol

It feels great knowing that Hildebeast will NOT be President. Thanks for asking.
dread,,,,you put on the trump hat but forgot it's loaded with s--t
I'd rather wear a hat full of shit, rather than drown in it with Hildebeast.
I swear, you republicans crack me up Whatever you think Hill was 100x more presidential than trump could ever be Don't you realize there's something wrong with him ??
She couldn't keep a couple of Americans safe in Bengazi. She was warned but ignored it. The red cross and the British government got their people out in time. You think she would keep all American's safe? Heck she even lied about it. No, I'm glad she isn't president.
I don't believe it was her fault I don't believe she is the horrific beast your pub bs artists make her out to be .....that said I still like taxcuts
It feels great knowing that Hildebeast will NOT be President. Thanks for asking.
dread,,,,you put on the trump hat but forgot it's loaded with s--t
I'd rather wear a hat full of shit, rather than drown in it with Hildebeast.
I swear, you republicans crack me up Whatever you think Hill was 100x more presidential than trump could ever be Don't you realize there's something wrong with him ??
She couldn't keep a couple of Americans safe in Bengazi. She was warned but ignored it. The red cross and the British government got their people out in time. You think she would keep all American's safe? Heck she even lied about it. No, I'm glad she isn't president.
I don't believe it was her fault I don't believe she is the horrific beast your pub bs artists make her out to be .....that said I still like taxcuts
They were her responsibility. She was warned in advance. After it happened her and Obama came up with the story that it was a spontaneous demonstration over a video. While knowing it was a planned attack. So she knew it was gonna happen and did nothing, then lied about it to cover her tracks. That is incompetence at it's worse.
It feels great knowing that Hildebeast will NOT be President. Thanks for asking.
dread,,,,you put on the trump hat but forgot it's loaded with s--t
I'd rather wear a hat full of shit, rather than drown in it with Hildebeast.
I swear, you republicans crack me up Whatever you think Hill was 100x more presidential than trump could ever be Don't you realize there's something wrong with him ??
She couldn't keep a couple of Americans safe in Bengazi. She was warned but ignored it. The red cross and the British government got their people out in time. You think she would keep all American's safe? Heck she even lied about it. No, I'm glad she isn't president.

Our Embassy in Libya was in Tripoli, not Benghazi. That building in Benghazi was being fortified and the Ambassador knew the risks but, Benghazi was where he entered the Country and thought he was safe. Not Sec. Clinton's fault he chose to go there on 9-11 when he should have stayed in Tripoli.
It feels great knowing that Hildebeast will NOT be President. Thanks for asking.
dread,,,,you put on the trump hat but forgot it's loaded with s--t
I'd rather wear a hat full of shit, rather than drown in it with Hildebeast.
I swear, you republicans crack me up Whatever you think Hill was 100x more presidential than trump could ever be Don't you realize there's something wrong with him ??
She couldn't keep a couple of Americans safe in Bengazi. She was warned but ignored it. The red cross and the British government got their people out in time. You think she would keep all American's safe? Heck she even lied about it. No, I'm glad she isn't president.

Our Embassy in Libya was in Tripoli, not Benghazi. That building in Benghazi was being fortified and the Ambassador knew the risks but, Benghazi was where he entered the Country and thought he was safe. Not Sec. Clinton's fault he chose to go there on 9-11 when he should have stayed in Tripoli.
Then why did Hillary lie about it to cover it up?
It feels great knowing that Hildebeast will NOT be President. Thanks for asking.
dread,,,,you put on the trump hat but forgot it's loaded with s--t
I'd rather wear a hat full of shit, rather than drown in it with Hildebeast.
I swear, you republicans crack me up Whatever you think Hill was 100x more presidential than trump could ever be Don't you realize there's something wrong with him ??
She couldn't keep a couple of Americans safe in Bengazi. She was warned but ignored it. The red cross and the British government got their people out in time. You think she would keep all American's safe? Heck she even lied about it. No, I'm glad she isn't president.

Our Embassy in Libya was in Tripoli, not Benghazi. That building in Benghazi was being fortified and the Ambassador knew the risks but, Benghazi was where he entered the Country and thought he was safe. Not Sec. Clinton's fault he chose to go there on 9-11 when he should have stayed in Tripoli.
And do repubs remember cutting monies for embassy protection?? Probably not
dread,,,,you put on the trump hat but forgot it's loaded with s--t
I'd rather wear a hat full of shit, rather than drown in it with Hildebeast.
I swear, you republicans crack me up Whatever you think Hill was 100x more presidential than trump could ever be Don't you realize there's something wrong with him ??
She couldn't keep a couple of Americans safe in Bengazi. She was warned but ignored it. The red cross and the British government got their people out in time. You think she would keep all American's safe? Heck she even lied about it. No, I'm glad she isn't president.

Our Embassy in Libya was in Tripoli, not Benghazi. That building in Benghazi was being fortified and the Ambassador knew the risks but, Benghazi was where he entered the Country and thought he was safe. Not Sec. Clinton's fault he chose to go there on 9-11 when he should have stayed in Tripoli.
Then why did Hillary lie about it to cover it up?
Know I wish I had an answer I didn't keep up with the situation and don't rightly know if she lied made a mistake or it's all bs I do know repubs kept money away from embassy protection
dread,,,,you put on the trump hat but forgot it's loaded with s--t
I'd rather wear a hat full of shit, rather than drown in it with Hildebeast.
I swear, you republicans crack me up Whatever you think Hill was 100x more presidential than trump could ever be Don't you realize there's something wrong with him ??
She couldn't keep a couple of Americans safe in Bengazi. She was warned but ignored it. The red cross and the British government got their people out in time. You think she would keep all American's safe? Heck she even lied about it. No, I'm glad she isn't president.

Our Embassy in Libya was in Tripoli, not Benghazi. That building in Benghazi was being fortified and the Ambassador knew the risks but, Benghazi was where he entered the Country and thought he was safe. Not Sec. Clinton's fault he chose to go there on 9-11 when he should have stayed in Tripoli.
And do repubs remember cutting monies for embassy protection?? Probably not
So that's the reason Hillary lied?
It probably doesn't feel as bad as the the four years of non stop 24/7 butthurt the left is going to be experiencing.
A nice tax cut I'll be getting if chump isn't FOS will ease the butthurt considerably AND I'll laugh when you trumpettes get nothing like he promised you
Everything they said they were against....turns out, they didnt care about any of it.

All those Trumpies will never admit he played them for fools.

Nothing will change.

No swamp will drained.

Everything will be as it was only with less transparency, and more corporate and special interest control.

Trump is a loose cannon front man for GOP power brokers. Pence and Preibus are running the show along with daughter and son in law and the lobbyists now setting up shop in the WH.

As we've seen from the confirmation hearings all his extreme "policy" talk from the campaign trail was red meat drivel, playing to the mob's xenophobia, fear and hate.

Trump is President in name only. He runs nothing as he really understands nothing.

Remember that first day in the Oval with President Obama; the dear in the headlights look. All those black binders full of policy briefs and protocol... no fucking way was he going to read those or sit through security briefings...
It probably doesn't feel as bad as the the four years of non stop 24/7 butthurt the left is going to be experiencing.
A nice tax cut I'll be getting if chump isn't FOS will ease the butthurt considerably AND I'll laugh when you trumpettes get nothing like he promised you
Oh please you've bitching and whining since November 9th with end in sight and unlike you I don't depend on the promises of politicians to get me through life,

Goldman people work FOR Trump.

You can't be that naive. Really?

Perhaps that explains the election, his supporters still think he's a real businessman and not just a front man for a brand and a TV show. His kids and other smart people run his business and they have since the early 2000's. Back in the 90's he was a failure, a joke, known as a horrible person and crooked businessman. But all the press gave him name recognition and a TV producer, Mark Burnett gave him a life again.

The press covered all this in depth, his history of failure and bankruptcy-- his reputation as a sleaze -- but he convinced you all that was just the "mainstream media"...

All you clowns are now conditioned to ignore anything you hear in the news that contradicts what you want to believe.
dread,,,,you put on the trump hat but forgot it's loaded with s--t
I'd rather wear a hat full of shit, rather than drown in it with Hildebeast.
I swear, you republicans crack me up Whatever you think Hill was 100x more presidential than trump could ever be Don't you realize there's something wrong with him ??
She couldn't keep a couple of Americans safe in Bengazi. She was warned but ignored it. The red cross and the British government got their people out in time. You think she would keep all American's safe? Heck she even lied about it. No, I'm glad she isn't president.

Our Embassy in Libya was in Tripoli, not Benghazi. That building in Benghazi was being fortified and the Ambassador knew the risks but, Benghazi was where he entered the Country and thought he was safe. Not Sec. Clinton's fault he chose to go there on 9-11 when he should have stayed in Tripoli.
Then why did Hillary lie about it to cover it up?

Fake news. Everyone knew the Ambassador was killed by an extremist attack on his compound.
It probably doesn't feel as bad as the the four years of non stop 24/7 butthurt the left is going to be experiencing.
A nice tax cut I'll be getting if chump isn't FOS will ease the butthurt considerably AND I'll laugh when you trumpettes get nothing like he promised you
Oh please you've bitching and whining since November 9th with end in sight and unlike you I don't depend on the promises of politicians to get me through life,
lol got thru many years already even gwb's 8 years of stink......and I'll do even better if your moron can accomplish just half of what he promised
You must like taking up the back side. That is what "the peemeister, the donald' is doing to you.

dimocraps are stupid


They think that bringing in unintelligent, uninformed academics is the answer to everything.

They are the worst people on the Plane to try and get to run anything. If they could actually DO anything, they'd be DOING it.

Trump wants people that can DO. dimocrap scum just want people that can talk
193875Another Goldman guy appointed by Putin's puppet

No. He fucked us all, not just the partisan blinder wearing Trump supporters. Unfortunately, that huckster buffoon has to be the president of all of the United States of America. So, rather than having someone with the best interests of the nation at heart, we must suffer through four years of a Moscow TV game show host in the Oval Office.

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