Hppy Insanity Day You Raving Lunatics

and yeah , i never looked at the link Buck !!
You never read the link? Glad there is one honest person here. Maybe you should read the link and comment on what is written there.
------------------------------------- not interested , i just give my reasoning on why i believe in Patriotism and why Americans should acknowledge Indepence Day / July 4th while driving the Celebration deep into the heads of youngsters that are growing into Patriotic Americans Buck .
and yeah , i never looked at the link Buck !!
You never read the link? Glad there is one honest person here. Maybe you should read the link and comment on what is written there.
------------------------------------- not interested , i just give my reasoning on why i believe in Patriotism and why Americans should acknowledge Indepence Day / July 4th while driving the Celebration deep into the heads of youngsters that are growing into Patriotic Americans Buck .
I saw blind "patriotism", but I did not see any "reasoning" in your previous posts.

In the article I linked too, Larken Rose explains how emotion and not logic or reason, drives "patriotism". Would you agree, or not, that your so called "patriotism" is based more in how you feel than what you have logically reasoned?
and yeah , i never looked at the link Buck !!
You never read the link? Glad there is one honest person here. Maybe you should read the link and comment on what is written there.
------------------------------------- not interested , i just give my reasoning on why i believe in Patriotism and why Americans should acknowledge Indepence Day / July 4th while driving the Celebration deep into the heads of youngsters that are growing into Patriotic Americans Buck .
I saw blind "patriotism", but I did not see any "reasoning" in your previous posts.

In the article I linked too, Larken Rose explains how emotion and not logic or reason, drives "patriotism". Would you agree, or not, that your so called "patriotism" is based more in how you feel than what you have logically reasoned?

I agree 100%, self-hate is the only thing that is logically reasonable.
and yeah , i never looked at the link Buck !!
You never read the link? Glad there is one honest person here. Maybe you should read the link and comment on what is written there.
------------------------------------- not interested , i just give my reasoning on why i believe in Patriotism and why Americans should acknowledge Indepence Day / July 4th while driving the Celebration deep into the heads of youngsters that are growing into Patriotic Americans Buck .
I saw blind "patriotism", but I did not see any "reasoning" in your previous posts.

In the article I linked too, Larken Rose explains how emotion and not logic or reason, drives "patriotism". Would you agree, or not, that your so called "patriotism" is based more in how you feel than what you have logically reasoned?
--------------------- feck 'larken rose' Buck !!
and yeah , i never looked at the link Buck !!
You never read the link? Glad there is one honest person here. Maybe you should read the link and comment on what is written there.
------------------------------------- not interested , i just give my reasoning on why i believe in Patriotism and why Americans should acknowledge Indepence Day / July 4th while driving the Celebration deep into the heads of youngsters that are growing into Patriotic Americans Buck .
I saw blind "patriotism", but I did not see any "reasoning" in your previous posts.

In the article I linked too, Larken Rose explains how emotion and not logic or reason, drives "patriotism". Would you agree, or not, that your so called "patriotism" is based more in how you feel than what you have logically reasoned?
--------------------- feck 'larken rose' Buck !!
Since your response is obviously emotional, I believe it is fair to assume your patriotism is also emotional.

Emotionalism can be a mental illness. For instance, falling in love with and obsessing over a person you have never met (i.e. a movie star or a president). I see patriotism as a form of emotional mental illness that is indoctrinated into the mind at an early age. Hitlers Youth movement comes to mind. Is your desire or goal any different from Hitlers when you say, "Americans should acknowledge Indepence Day / July 4th while driving the Celebration deep into the heads of youngsters that are growing into Patriotic Americans Buck ."?

When you allow corrupt politicians to tax you at 50+% of your earnings and believe you are freer now than when the colonists paid a small percentage of that amount to the British, do you not agree there is some type of insanity going on there?

Patriots hate communism. With a passion. Yet, every 4th of July they purchase hundreds of millions of dollars on fireworks, grills and flags made in communist China to celebrate their freedumbs. When you financially support the very thing you hate, based on your emotional attachment to something, would you not agree that you have some sort of mental disconnect from reality? And that is what blind patriotism does to you - it disconnects you from reality.

BTW, the U.S. owes its biggest foreign debt to communist China. A whopping 29% of it and YOUR and MY children and grand children will be paying on it all the days of their lives. Think about that next time you wave your flags and brag about your freedumbs.

Emotionalism can be a mental illness. For instance, falling in love with and obsessing over a person you have never met (i.e. a movie star or a president). I see patriotism as a form of emotional mental illness that is indoctrinated into the mind at an early age. Hitlers Youth movement comes to mind. Is your desire or goal any different from Hitlers when you say, "Americans should acknowledge Indepence Day / July 4th while driving the Celebration deep into the heads of youngsters that are growing into Patriotic Americans Buck ."?

When you allow corrupt politicians to tax you at 50+% of your earnings and believe you are freer now than when the colonists paid a small percentage of that amount to the British, do you not agree there is some type of insanity going on there?

Patriots hate communism. With a passion. Yet, every 4th of July they purchase hundreds of millions of dollars on fireworks, grills and flags made in communist China to celebrate their freedumbs. When you financially support the very thing you hate, based on your emotional attachment to something, would you not agree that you have some sort of mental disconnect from reality? And that is what blind patriotism does to you - it disconnects you from reality.

BTW, the U.S. owes its biggest foreign debt to communist China. A whopping 29% of it and YOUR and MY children and grand children will be paying on it all the days of their lives. Think about that next time you wave your flags and brag about your freedumbs.
Once again, Larken Rose knocks one out of the ballpark.

Patriotism, an Abomination


The ultimate travesty that comes from the belief in political “authority” is not that it helps evil people to commit evil (which it does), but that it dupes well-intentioned, decent human beings into accepting, condoning, or even committing evil themselves, without even noticing that they are doing so. That is one of the main reasons why I find July 4th to be so discouraging and depressing.

Every July 4th many millions of Americans, in one way or another, partake in the loud, ostentatious spectacle of celebrating “Independence Day,” having parades and picnics, waving flags and watching fireworks, in order to commemorate and honor … what, exactly? Some people who, over two centuries ago, didn’t want to pay taxes on tea and paper? Or something about “taxation without representation”? Well, whatever it was, it definitely had something to do with being for freedom and against tyranny. Somehow.

Continue reading at https://steemit.com/patriotism/@larkenrose/patriotism-an-abomination

Get the fuck out while you still have the legs to carry you antifa faggot.
Once again, Larken Rose knocks one out of the ballpark.

Patriotism, an Abomination


The ultimate travesty that comes from the belief in political “authority” is not that it helps evil people to commit evil (which it does), but that it dupes well-intentioned, decent human beings into accepting, condoning, or even committing evil themselves, without even noticing that they are doing so. That is one of the main reasons why I find July 4th to be so discouraging and depressing.

Every July 4th many millions of Americans, in one way or another, partake in the loud, ostentatious spectacle of celebrating “Independence Day,” having parades and picnics, waving flags and watching fireworks, in order to commemorate and honor … what, exactly? Some people who, over two centuries ago, didn’t want to pay taxes on tea and paper? Or something about “taxation without representation”? Well, whatever it was, it definitely had something to do with being for freedom and against tyranny. Somehow.

Continue reading at https://steemit.com/patriotism/@larkenrose/patriotism-an-abomination

Patriotism is the engine that allows you to spew your anti-American rants. Patriots died so you can act and talk like an idiot.
PROVE to me "patriots" died for me. You can't because it never happened.

No they died fighting people like you mother fucker.
Once again, Larken Rose knocks one out of the ballpark.

Patriotism, an Abomination


The ultimate travesty that comes from the belief in political “authority” is not that it helps evil people to commit evil (which it does), but that it dupes well-intentioned, decent human beings into accepting, condoning, or even committing evil themselves, without even noticing that they are doing so. That is one of the main reasons why I find July 4th to be so discouraging and depressing.

Every July 4th many millions of Americans, in one way or another, partake in the loud, ostentatious spectacle of celebrating “Independence Day,” having parades and picnics, waving flags and watching fireworks, in order to commemorate and honor … what, exactly? Some people who, over two centuries ago, didn’t want to pay taxes on tea and paper? Or something about “taxation without representation”? Well, whatever it was, it definitely had something to do with being for freedom and against tyranny. Somehow.

Continue reading at https://steemit.com/patriotism/@larkenrose/patriotism-an-abomination

Patriotism is the engine that allows you to spew your anti-American rants. Patriots died so you can act and talk like an idiot.
PROVE to me "patriots" died for me. You can't because it never happened.

No they died fighting people like you mother fucker.
Once again, Larken Rose knocks one out of the ballpark.

Patriotism, an Abomination


The ultimate travesty that comes from the belief in political “authority” is not that it helps evil people to commit evil (which it does), but that it dupes well-intentioned, decent human beings into accepting, condoning, or even committing evil themselves, without even noticing that they are doing so. That is one of the main reasons why I find July 4th to be so discouraging and depressing.

Every July 4th many millions of Americans, in one way or another, partake in the loud, ostentatious spectacle of celebrating “Independence Day,” having parades and picnics, waving flags and watching fireworks, in order to commemorate and honor … what, exactly? Some people who, over two centuries ago, didn’t want to pay taxes on tea and paper? Or something about “taxation without representation”? Well, whatever it was, it definitely had something to do with being for freedom and against tyranny. Somehow.

Continue reading at https://steemit.com/patriotism/@larkenrose/patriotism-an-abomination

If you're in America, you should GTFO
, go find a place where they agree with you. It's not going to be here.

Patriots hate communism. With a passion. Yet, every 4th of July they purchase hundreds of millions of dollars on fireworks, grills and flags made in communist China to celebrate their freedumbs.

If they are selling something they are in a fact a capitalist you stupid faggot.
Congratulations, OP. You're against everything America stands for. Does that give you a warm fuzzy?

Once again, Larken Rose knocks one out of the ballpark.

Patriotism, an Abomination


The ultimate travesty that comes from the belief in political “authority” is not that it helps evil people to commit evil (which it does), but that it dupes well-intentioned, decent human beings into accepting, condoning, or even committing evil themselves, without even noticing that they are doing so. That is one of the main reasons why I find July 4th to be so discouraging and depressing.

Every July 4th many millions of Americans, in one way or another, partake in the loud, ostentatious spectacle of celebrating “Independence Day,” having parades and picnics, waving flags and watching fireworks, in order to commemorate and honor … what, exactly? Some people who, over two centuries ago, didn’t want to pay taxes on tea and paper? Or something about “taxation without representation”? Well, whatever it was, it definitely had something to do with being for freedom and against tyranny. Somehow.

Continue reading at https://steemit.com/patriotism/@larkenrose/patriotism-an-abomination

Get the fuck out while you still have the legs to carry you antifa faggot.

Choke yourself to death on a n!gger dick faggot.

Once again, Larken Rose knocks one out of the ballpark.

Patriotism, an Abomination


The ultimate travesty that comes from the belief in political “authority” is not that it helps evil people to commit evil (which it does), but that it dupes well-intentioned, decent human beings into accepting, condoning, or even committing evil themselves, without even noticing that they are doing so. That is one of the main reasons why I find July 4th to be so discouraging and depressing.

Every July 4th many millions of Americans, in one way or another, partake in the loud, ostentatious spectacle of celebrating “Independence Day,” having parades and picnics, waving flags and watching fireworks, in order to commemorate and honor … what, exactly? Some people who, over two centuries ago, didn’t want to pay taxes on tea and paper? Or something about “taxation without representation”? Well, whatever it was, it definitely had something to do with being for freedom and against tyranny. Somehow.

Continue reading at https://steemit.com/patriotism/@larkenrose/patriotism-an-abomination

Patriotism is the engine that allows you to spew your anti-American rants. Patriots died so you can act and talk like an idiot.
PROVE to me "patriots" died for me. You can't because it never happened.

No they died fighting people like you mother fucker.
Have you always been an angry little feller? How long have you been fixated on homosexuality and, most specifically, "n!gger dick"? Your suppressed interracial homosexual urges might be the root of your anger issues. Might look into that before the guilt consumes you and you lose it completely.

There are a lot of little fellers like you who, for some fucked up reason, think they look tough talking shit on these message boards. Lots of them. Most are immature, emotional sissies.

I know. I know. Now you're going to tell me how you're a war hero and I should be kissing your feet for you fighting for " 'Muricas freedumbs". And then I will tell you to prove you fought for anybodies freedumbs and you'll counter with accusations of my being a member of some group you consider to be anti-murican and I know little about.

What I am saying, boy, is you have no argument. You have no conversation. You have nothing. What you do have is a robotic, indoctrinated mind and anybody who challenges your indoctrination is a "faggot" and "anti-Uhmurican". You know nothing about freedom, and you would damn sure be happy to join a mob to kill a free thinking human being for telling you you aren't free.
Patriots hate communism. With a passion. Yet, every 4th of July they purchase hundreds of millions of dollars on fireworks, grills and flags made in communist China to celebrate their freedumbs.

If they are selling something they are in a fact a capitalist you stupid faggot.
You don't know the difference between capitalism and communism? What the hell are you doing in this conversation?
If you're in America, you should GTFO
, go find a place where they agree with you. It's not going to be here.

Congratulations, OP. You're against everything America stands for. Does that give you a warm fuzzy?
America? "GTFO" of "America"? That's a bit vague. North America or South America or Central America? Which America will be made great again by me GTFO?

I think you're a bit confused when it comes to geography. I believe you are wanting me to leave the United States of America (originally it was the united states of America, before it became incorporated. Bet you didn't know that, did you, patridiot?).

I would gladly leave your U.S. of A except for two things:
1) It is far to expensive to leave and none of you who want me to leave will put your nickles where your mouth is and finance my leaving.
2) I don't want to. Not because the U.S. is so free and great, but because it is the place of my birth and the location of my family. Besides how am I going to educate fools like you about real freedom from Somalia?
Once again, Larken Rose knocks one out of the ballpark.

Patriotism, an Abomination


The ultimate travesty that comes from the belief in political “authority” is not that it helps evil people to commit evil (which it does), but that it dupes well-intentioned, decent human beings into accepting, condoning, or even committing evil themselves, without even noticing that they are doing so. That is one of the main reasons why I find July 4th to be so discouraging and depressing.

Every July 4th many millions of Americans, in one way or another, partake in the loud, ostentatious spectacle of celebrating “Independence Day,” having parades and picnics, waving flags and watching fireworks, in order to commemorate and honor … what, exactly? Some people who, over two centuries ago, didn’t want to pay taxes on tea and paper? Or something about “taxation without representation”? Well, whatever it was, it definitely had something to do with being for freedom and against tyranny. Somehow.

Continue reading at https://steemit.com/patriotism/@larkenrose/patriotism-an-abomination

Get the fuck out while you still have the legs to carry you antifa faggot.

Choke yourself to death on a n!gger dick faggot.

Once again, Larken Rose knocks one out of the ballpark.

Patriotism, an Abomination


The ultimate travesty that comes from the belief in political “authority” is not that it helps evil people to commit evil (which it does), but that it dupes well-intentioned, decent human beings into accepting, condoning, or even committing evil themselves, without even noticing that they are doing so. That is one of the main reasons why I find July 4th to be so discouraging and depressing.

Every July 4th many millions of Americans, in one way or another, partake in the loud, ostentatious spectacle of celebrating “Independence Day,” having parades and picnics, waving flags and watching fireworks, in order to commemorate and honor … what, exactly? Some people who, over two centuries ago, didn’t want to pay taxes on tea and paper? Or something about “taxation without representation”? Well, whatever it was, it definitely had something to do with being for freedom and against tyranny. Somehow.

Continue reading at https://steemit.com/patriotism/@larkenrose/patriotism-an-abomination

Patriotism is the engine that allows you to spew your anti-American rants. Patriots died so you can act and talk like an idiot.
PROVE to me "patriots" died for me. You can't because it never happened.

No they died fighting people like you mother fucker.
Have you always been an angry little feller? How long have you been fixated on homosexuality and, most specifically, "n!gger dick"? Your suppressed interracial homosexual urges might be the root of your anger issues. Might look into that before the guilt consumes you and you lose it completely.

There are a lot of little fellers like you who, for some fucked up reason, think they look tough talking shit on these message boards. Lots of them. Most are immature, emotional sissies.

I know. I know. Now you're going to tell me how you're a war hero and I should be kissing your feet for you fighting for " 'Muricas freedumbs". And then I will tell you to prove you fought for anybodies freedumbs and you'll counter with accusations of my being a member of some group you consider to be anti-murican and I know little about.

What I am saying, boy, is you have no argument. You have no conversation. You have nothing. What you do have is a robotic, indoctrinated mind and anybody who challenges your indoctrination is a "faggot" and "anti-Uhmurican". You know nothing about freedom, and you would damn sure be happy to join a mob to kill a free thinking human being for telling you you aren't free.

You seem to think that I'm interested in civil discourse and dialog with people like you, that time has long since passed, the war has already begun, what I'm interested in now are mass extra judicial lynchings in the public square and leaving your corpses to rot and burst from lamposts in the summer sun as a lesson for your fellow travelers.

You're up for a free helicopter ride faggot!


Last edited:
If you're in America, you should GTFO
, go find a place where they agree with you. It's not going to be here.

Congratulations, OP. You're against everything America stands for. Does that give you a warm fuzzy?
America? "GTFO" of "America"? That's a bit vague. North America or South America or Central America? Which America will be made great again by me GTFO?

I think you're a bit confused when it comes to geography. I believe you are wanting me to leave the United States of America (originally it was the united states of America, before it became incorporated. Bet you didn't know that, did you, patridiot?).

I would gladly leave your U.S. of A except for two things:
1) It is far to expensive to leave and none of you who want me to leave will put your nickles where your mouth is and finance my leaving.
2) I don't want to. Not because the U.S. is so free and great, but because it is the place of my birth and the location of my family. Besides how am I going to educate fools like you about real freedom from Somalia?

You don't have to leave you can get in the gas chamber with the rest of the normie faggots, we're coming for you watch your back bitch.
Patriots hate communism. With a passion. Yet, every 4th of July they purchase hundreds of millions of dollars on fireworks, grills and flags made in communist China to celebrate their freedumbs.

If they are selling something they are in a fact a capitalist you stupid faggot.
You don't know the difference between capitalism and communism? What the hell are you doing in this conversation?

You don't know the difference between capitalism and communism, you think private fireworks companies selling a product at a profit are communist, you're too stupid to fucking breathe get in the fucking gas chamber.

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