HS Students jailed for pants hanging off their behinds

Number if states passed laws and will arrest those with more than an inch of underwear showing above their jeans or if cracks are showing.

Many schools have dress codes and zero tolerance for violators
Sounds like they had been warned before, and they continued doing it. If school punishment doesn't work, then what alternative do they have? Just maybe they won't do it again. Andmfrom onemof the comments, they said many of the kids there try getting away with wearing them under their buttocks. In the article they said they didn't' like being in jail. Just maybe it will save them from continuing down that route.
I had a bet with myself that Bolivar High School would be in one of the Confederate states.
I'm not a fan of the baggy pants look personally but holy crap, jail is completely over the edge for this. I understand multiple violations of w/e dress-code, but the "next step" for a consistent school policy violator is suspension, not jail, that's ... redic.

I can't even understand how an officer would book them for this... Is there a state law or did the kido get violent or something? That's really the only thing I can see that in any way makes sense for it to have gone this far.

Lacking a state law (which is redic as well imo, but laws the law) or some other factor, the court should wave the stupid fees and apologize for this bullshit, I'm almost of the mind that the officer or whoever booked him should be given a time out as well.

Silver lining, the kid now knows he doesn't like jail.
Jail might wake them up. Kicking them out of school will just aid them in becoming the thugs they are aiming to be. Jail may sway them in the other direction. Kinda like a scared straight sorta thing.

Jail 'em. It might save their lives. Then again..maybe not since they have no clue just how STUPID they look already.
I assume the jailed kids were 18.
They should then charge them as pedophiles since they were exposing themselves to minors.
The idiots likely have no idea that the style is called 'jailin'' and eminated from a form of protesting the disproportionate rate of young black male incarceration. They take your belt from you when you're jailed so you can't harm yourself or others with it.
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