Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Pp clinics bill the state and the patient, btw. They falsify records saying they perform state funded procedures and test that they don't provide, then they charge the pimps saying the state won't pay. Then they send the bleeding girls home with their abusers, and sell their dead babies. It's a great racket for monsters who hate women and children.

Abortions are not paid by the state. Hyde Amendment has been in effect since 1997
Well, aren't you a sicko?

it should not be forced on any victim, and no child should have to go through the physical changes of pregnancy before their bone and organ have stopped growing.
Mentally no rape victim should be force to carry a fetus of rape. more suffering on top of what they already went through. There are herbs to induce a miscarriage that could have been tied before having to resort to an abortion. An 11 yr old is still a baby, she should not be having babies. To give birth so young could destroy her chance of having children when she grows up and finds a good loving person to be a parent with.
Let a real doctor decide. Not an abortionist and her rapist.
Or just let the government decide, right? They know what's best, don't just LET ten year olds give birth to rape babies, force them to!
You're less coherent than the average baby killer, and that's saying something.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
it should not be forced on any victim, and no child should have to go through the physical changes of pregnancy before their bone and organ have stopped growing.
Mentally no rape victim should be force to carry a fetus of rape. more suffering on top of what they already went through. There are herbs to induce a miscarriage that could have been tied before having to resort to an abortion. An 11 yr old is still a baby, she should not be having babies. To give birth so young could destroy her chance of having children when she grows up and finds a good loving person to be a parent with.
Let a real doctor decide. Not an abortionist and her rapist.
Or just let the government decide, right? They know what's best, don't just LET ten year olds give birth to rape babies, force them to!
You're less coherent than the average baby killer, and that's saying something.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
No, no the unregulated demon "doctors" take the "victim" to a dark dungeon and force the abortion while the terrified mother screams for mercy. That's all she hears and based on her statuses she probably also hears the words "rebuke, rebuke, rebuke" like a constant mantra.
it should not be forced on any victim, and no child should have to go through the physical changes of pregnancy before their bone and organ have stopped growing.
Mentally no rape victim should be force to carry a fetus of rape. more suffering on top of what they already went through. There are herbs to induce a miscarriage that could have been tied before having to resort to an abortion. An 11 yr old is still a baby, she should not be having babies. To give birth so young could destroy her chance of having children when she grows up and finds a good loving person to be a parent with.
Let a real doctor decide. Not an abortionist and her rapist.
Or just let the government decide, right? They know what's best, don't just LET ten year olds give birth to rape babies, force them to!
You're less coherent than the average baby killer, and that's saying something.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
Why don't you want this child to have a real doctor and a team of licensed professionals to treat her in a hospital? Don't you think she deserves the best care? Why are you adamant that only abortionists without admitting privileges or the best facilities treat a traumatized ten year old?
Let a real doctor decide. Not an abortionist and her rapist.
Or just let the government decide, right? They know what's best, don't just LET ten year olds give birth to rape babies, force them to!
You're less coherent than the average baby killer, and that's saying something.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
No, no the unregulated demon "doctors" take the "victim" to a dark dungeon and force the abortion while the terrified mother screams for mercy. That's all she hears and based on her statuses she probably also hears the words "rebuke, rebuke, rebuke" like a constant mantra.
Cuz we all know that abortionists are all about saving the lives of children. You baby killers are revolting.
Let a real doctor decide. Not an abortionist and her rapist.
Or just let the government decide, right? They know what's best, don't just LET ten year olds give birth to rape babies, force them to!
You're less coherent than the average baby killer, and that's saying something.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
Why don't you want this child to have a real doctor and a team of licensed professionals to treat her in a hospital? Don't you think she deserves the best care? Why are you adamant that only abortionists without admitting privileges or the best facilities treat a traumatized ten year old?
She was denied an abortion, meaning she wanted one. So, rather than let her get on with her life, being a child, trying to put this behind her, let's put her in a hospital for her term and force her to give birth, doctors checking up on her, probably doing the best to ignore her frantic tears, but making sure her rape baby is OK. Making sure her vitals are good, ignoring the huge complications this pregnancy will mean for this LITTLE GIRL and instead just trying to mitigate as much of the destruction of her body that they can.

Who told you the people who perform abortions aren't doctors? Did you check their medical license? Abortionist is not a career, there are DOCTORS that perform abortions, but that is not ALL they do. At least with the abortion, she can recover. With a full term birth, IF SHE LIVES, she will be irreparably damaged for life.

No doctor is enough of a miracle worker to make a ten year old giving birth just fine. And you think what this girl from Paraguay can afford top doctors to help her all the time?
Or just let the government decide, right? They know what's best, don't just LET ten year olds give birth to rape babies, force them to!
You're less coherent than the average baby killer, and that's saying something.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
No, no the unregulated demon "doctors" take the "victim" to a dark dungeon and force the abortion while the terrified mother screams for mercy. That's all she hears and based on her statuses she probably also hears the words "rebuke, rebuke, rebuke" like a constant mantra.
Cuz we all know that abortionists are all about saving the lives of children. You baby killers are revolting.
Given the choice, I'd end the life of a 8 week old fetus before a 10 year old girl
Let a real doctor decide. Not an abortionist and her rapist.
Or just let the government decide, right? They know what's best, don't just LET ten year olds give birth to rape babies, force them to!
You're less coherent than the average baby killer, and that's saying something.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
Why don't you want this child to have a real doctor and a team of licensed professionals to treat her in a hospital? Don't you think she deserves the best care? Why are you adamant that only abortionists without admitting privileges or the best facilities treat a traumatized ten year old?

The child was denied an abortion
An abortionist has to be a doctor, usually a GYN. The doctors and nurse are licensed professionals. Mental health and doctors should be treating her now, during the rest of the pregnancy and after. Rape and abuse trauma are not 'fixed' in a visit. Rape like any assault or abuse can have implication through the girl/woman's life. You learn to move on with your life, but the scars never go away, just fade over time
Or just let the government decide, right? They know what's best, don't just LET ten year olds give birth to rape babies, force them to!
You're less coherent than the average baby killer, and that's saying something.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
Why don't you want this child to have a real doctor and a team of licensed professionals to treat her in a hospital? Don't you think she deserves the best care? Why are you adamant that only abortionists without admitting privileges or the best facilities treat a traumatized ten year old?
She was denied an abortion, meaning she wanted one. So, rather than let her get on with her life, being a child, trying to put this behind her, let's put her in a hospital for her term and force her to give birth, doctors checking up on her, probably doing the best to ignore her frantic tears, but making sure her rape baby is OK. Making sure her vitals are good, ignoring the huge complications this pregnancy will mean for this LITTLE GIRL and instead just trying to mitigate as much of the destruction of her body that they can.

Who told you the people who perform abortions aren't doctors? Did you check their medical license? Abortionist is not a career, there are DOCTORS that perform abortions, but that is not ALL they do. At least with the abortion, she can recover. With a full term birth, IF SHE LIVES, she will be irreparably damaged for life.

No doctor is enough of a miracle worker to make a ten year old giving birth just fine. And you think what this girl from Paraguay can afford top doctors to help her all the time?
You think about these scenarios a lot, I see. And with such obvious pleasure...
You're less coherent than the average baby killer, and that's saying something.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
No, no the unregulated demon "doctors" take the "victim" to a dark dungeon and force the abortion while the terrified mother screams for mercy. That's all she hears and based on her statuses she probably also hears the words "rebuke, rebuke, rebuke" like a constant mantra.
Cuz we all know that abortionists are all about saving the lives of children. You baby killers are revolting.
Given the choice, I'd end the life of a 8 week old fetus before a 10 year old girl
Send her two a pp butcher and it's a twofer....that should get you real excited.
You're less coherent than the average baby killer, and that's saying something.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
Why don't you want this child to have a real doctor and a team of licensed professionals to treat her in a hospital? Don't you think she deserves the best care? Why are you adamant that only abortionists without admitting privileges or the best facilities treat a traumatized ten year old?
She was denied an abortion, meaning she wanted one. So, rather than let her get on with her life, being a child, trying to put this behind her, let's put her in a hospital for her term and force her to give birth, doctors checking up on her, probably doing the best to ignore her frantic tears, but making sure her rape baby is OK. Making sure her vitals are good, ignoring the huge complications this pregnancy will mean for this LITTLE GIRL and instead just trying to mitigate as much of the destruction of her body that they can.

Who told you the people who perform abortions aren't doctors? Did you check their medical license? Abortionist is not a career, there are DOCTORS that perform abortions, but that is not ALL they do. At least with the abortion, she can recover. With a full term birth, IF SHE LIVES, she will be irreparably damaged for life.

No doctor is enough of a miracle worker to make a ten year old giving birth just fine. And you think what this girl from Paraguay can afford top doctors to help her all the time?
You think about these scenarios a lot, I see. And with such obvious pleasure...
How is anything I said with "obvious pleasure". In the current context of this conversation, I can imagine YOUR scenario, because that's how it would go, but no, I do not imagine ten year old rape victims and your assertion that I do makes you a much sicker person than I thought.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
No, no the unregulated demon "doctors" take the "victim" to a dark dungeon and force the abortion while the terrified mother screams for mercy. That's all she hears and based on her statuses she probably also hears the words "rebuke, rebuke, rebuke" like a constant mantra.
Cuz we all know that abortionists are all about saving the lives of children. You baby killers are revolting.
Given the choice, I'd end the life of a 8 week old fetus before a 10 year old girl
Send her two a pp butcher and it's a twofer....that should get you real excited.
So... They kill the mother at planned parenthood? Lady, you are so far off your rocker it would be impressive if it wasn't terribly sad. I am genuinely sorry for whatever happened in your life to make you such a hateful human being, your need to feel like you are fighting evil,and that everyone who disagrees with you is evil is a clinical sickness.

That someone could equate my not thinking a ten year old should be FORCED to have a baby against her will with me being a baby killer is madness.
What is not coherent about my statement? You said to let a real doctor decide what this child's health risks are, but you don't care what the doctor says, the doctor could look at this girl and say "you are most likely going to die carrying this pregnancy to term" and you wouldn't care. The government says too bad, protect the fetus in her that has no thoughts yet. Let the confused and scared girl die afraid and in pain. Gods will! Glory be!

she doesn't even think PP has doctors to perform the abortion. No matter how logical or factual you are, I doubt you will get through to KG. She is beyond understanding

No child that young should be pregnant or have to remain so and give birth. She has not finished growing that young. She is too small to carry the added weight and hormones will wreck havoc on her and her development
Why don't you want this child to have a real doctor and a team of licensed professionals to treat her in a hospital? Don't you think she deserves the best care? Why are you adamant that only abortionists without admitting privileges or the best facilities treat a traumatized ten year old?
She was denied an abortion, meaning she wanted one. So, rather than let her get on with her life, being a child, trying to put this behind her, let's put her in a hospital for her term and force her to give birth, doctors checking up on her, probably doing the best to ignore her frantic tears, but making sure her rape baby is OK. Making sure her vitals are good, ignoring the huge complications this pregnancy will mean for this LITTLE GIRL and instead just trying to mitigate as much of the destruction of her body that they can.

Who told you the people who perform abortions aren't doctors? Did you check their medical license? Abortionist is not a career, there are DOCTORS that perform abortions, but that is not ALL they do. At least with the abortion, she can recover. With a full term birth, IF SHE LIVES, she will be irreparably damaged for life.

No doctor is enough of a miracle worker to make a ten year old giving birth just fine. And you think what this girl from Paraguay can afford top doctors to help her all the time?
You think about these scenarios a lot, I see. And with such obvious pleasure...
How is anything I said with "obvious pleasure". In the current context of this conversation, I can imagine YOUR scenario, because that's how it would go, but no, I do not imagine ten year old rape victims and your assertion that I do makes you a much sicker person than I thought.

No one talks of rape or abortion with pleasure. The health and well being should be paramount in any decision. Only when she wants to keep the fetus does the health of the fetus come into play. If a woman needs to have an abortion later on for the sake of her health, she should have access to the option of abortion.

I doubt any woman takes the thought of an abortion lightly. No one should have the right to deny a woman the right to choose an abortion. There is a mandatory 24 hour period for her think about the option and what is right for her.
Why does anything that happens in Paraguay (or what Paraguay's laws are) matter?

Because presidential candidate Huckabee agrees!
So??? What the hell does he have to do with anything in Paraguay?
What an idiot! Because all of his political and social viewpoints are important if he is a potential presidential candidate. You would be happy to disparage Hillary on anything she says about her personal moral and religious views, but you think a GOP candidate deserves a pass.
Is anyone really surprised that Mike Huckabee said this? First, he came out pro child molester when he defended Josh Duggar and now this? Men should shut the fuck up with their stupid opinions about women's bodies before some smart woman decides to make masturbation a felony.
Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Mike Huckabee can show the world what a good Christian man he is today by adopting that child and taking care of the other child until she is an adult. If not, all he proves is that he's full of shit. None of you have a clue what being a good Christian really is.
Is anyone really surprised that Mike Huckabee said this? First, he came out pro child molester when he defended Josh Duggar and now this? Men should shut the fuck up with their stupid opinions about women's bodies before some smart woman decides to make masturbation a felony.
Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Is anyone really surprised that Mike Huckabee said this? First, he came out pro child molester when he defended Josh Duggar and now this? Men should shut the fuck up with their stupid opinions about women's bodies before some smart woman decides to make masturbation a felony.
Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
Is anyone really surprised that Mike Huckabee said this? First, he came out pro child molester when he defended Josh Duggar and now this? Men should shut the fuck up with their stupid opinions about women's bodies before some smart woman decides to make masturbation a felony.
Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you. Men should have nothing to say about abortion anyway: until you carry the child and spend the next 18 years of your life raising it, until you put your body and your psyche through being a birth mother, you have absolutely nothing to say about who should be forced to have a child. You have nothing to say about it: it has nothing to do with you.
Is anyone really surprised that Mike Huckabee said this? First, he came out pro child molester when he defended Josh Duggar and now this? Men should shut the fuck up with their stupid opinions about women's bodies before some smart woman decides to make masturbation a felony.
Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
Ha, ha,ha....Very funny. I was born and raised in the Christian religion. I am baptised. Don't tell me I know nothing about Christian values. You are making an ass out of yourself with your assumptions.
Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you. Men should have nothing to say about abortion anyway: until you carry the child and spend the next 18 years of your life raising it, until you put your body and your psyche through being a birth mother, you have absolutely nothing to say about who should be forced to have a child. You have nothing to say about it: it has nothing to do with you.
It's just a clump of cells, right?
NEver mind it has its own DNA and feels pain at a very early stage.
Mass murderers always begin by dehumanizing their victims.

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