Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather


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Republican views on abortion and rape are unbelievable. How could any sane person believe such nonsense?
She got raped and that should be the only thing you should be thinking about. The mention of carrying a child to full term for a ten year old shouldn't even be in your psyche and you are a sick fuck for even proposing it.
The baby didn't commit the rape

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That's correct and now at 5 months the child's life will be in danger because she is too young to fully support child birth. You do know that if she dies in this process that makes you complicit in her murder.
Cry me a river why don't you look up if the child is adopted out you hypocritical douche

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See that's your problem, you have no regard for the 10 year old mother. Yes, the child might be adopted out, but if that 10 year old dies in labor you're values are on display for responsibility in that death. You have a double quandary here but you only care about half the equation.
That's a bunch of what ifs. That tells me you don't know shit about anything and only wish to use this girl as political fodder to fed the baby killing agenda

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I'm not the one forcing a child to bring a baby to term. You advocate the very worst kind of child abuse under the guise of religion. You make Jesus cry.
If a girl shouldn't be forced to carry a rapist's baby to term, how come Jaycee Dugard's children weren't aborted. She was forced to carry and birth those babies AND care for them, even after she was rescued. She is forced to have those kids with her to this very day! Why weren't they aborted so she could have some mental peace?
Amanda Berry too. She has given birth to the child of a rapist. Why hasn't her daughter been aborted? That kid is with her right now reminding her of the ten years she was the captive of a rapist. Kill the girl. Bring poor Amanda some relief.
The poor girl is 10 years past the age of concern or protection as far as the conservative nut-jobs are concerned.
She's on her own.
Who is going to support this young girl and her baby - and provide for their healthcare? The rapist stepfather? The Republic of Paraguay? Huckabee?

Why doesn't the Huckster put his money where his mouth is? Come on, Huck, step up to the plate. Show us how Godly you are.

Christianity, particularly Roman Catholicism, is the dominant religion in Paraguay. According to the 2002 census, 89.9% of the population is Catholic, 6.2% is Evangelical Protestant, 1.1% identify with other Christian sects, and 0.6% practice indigenous religions.

Paraguay - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

koshergrl SassyIrishLass Obiwan
Pp and Pocahontas maintain she should be forced to abort and returned to daddy.

Forced to abort? Returned to daddy? The girl's mother wanted an abortion but the Paraguayan government refused. There is a maximum penalty of five years in prison for unauthorized abortions. As for daddy - he should be deceased.
According to the article, the girl's mother did not believe her husband raped this girl. The child would most certainly gave been returned to the rapist.
Who is going to support this young girl and her baby - and provide for their healthcare? The rapist stepfather? The Republic of Paraguay? Huckabee?

Why doesn't the Huckster put his money where his mouth is? Come on, Huck, step up to the plate. Show us how Godly you are.

Christianity, particularly Roman Catholicism, is the dominant religion in Paraguay. According to the 2002 census, 89.9% of the population is Catholic, 6.2% is Evangelical Protestant, 1.1% identify with other Christian sects, and 0.6% practice indigenous religions.

Paraguay - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

koshergrl SassyIrishLass Obiwan
Pp and Pocahontas maintain she should be forced to abort and returned to daddy.

Forced to abort? Returned to daddy? The girl's mother wanted an abortion but the Paraguayan government refused. There is a maximum penalty of five years in prison for unauthorized abortions. As for daddy - he should be deceased.
According to the article, the girl's mother did not believe her husband raped this girl. The child would most certainly gave been returned to the rapist.
And if daddyo brought her to a pp clinic she absolutely would have. That's what they do.
The poor girl is 10 years past the age of concern or protection as far as the conservative nut-jobs are concerned.
She's on her own.
She's also in Paraguay and beyond any concern or law here.

raped by her step father........ The hypothetical shows that huckabee does not care for physical or mental health of the child, only pandering to the right of right in his party. No child that young should go through pregnancy or give birth. The body is too small and it would do permanent harm to have nutrition depleted from her still growing body to supply the fetus. The mental harm alone would be devastating.

I don't think any man can understand being raped let alone raped as a child or what a woman/girl goes though physically and mentally in a normal pregnancy. For a child it would be shattered and terrifying. Guilt in a child of rape is already there, but to add the guilt of giving birth the result of that rape?

For such a 'nice guy', huckabee just cross a dangerous line.

Huckabee [ X ]
The poor girl is 10 years past the age of concern or protection as far as the conservative nut-jobs are concerned.
She's on her own.
She's also in Paraguay and beyond any concern or law here.

raped by her step father........ The hypothetical shows that huckabee does not care for physical or mental health of the child, only pandering to the right of right in his party. No child that young should go through pregnancy or give birth. The body is too small and it would do permanent harm to have nutrition depleted from her still growing body to supply the fetus. The mental harm alone would be devastating.

I don't think any man can understand being raped let alone raped as a child or what a woman/girl goes though physically and mentally in a normal pregnancy. For a child it would be shattered and terrifying. Guilt in a child of rape is already there, but to add the guilt of giving birth the result of that rape?

For such a 'nice guy', huckabee just cross a dangerous line.

Huckabee [ X ]
No child should be dragged to a filthy, un monitored clinic where non licensed butchers will enter into a pact with the girls abuser to cover up his crime. Abused ten year olds deserve protection and real medical care in real hospitals.
The poor girl is 10 years past the age of concern or protection as far as the conservative nut-jobs are concerned.
She's on her own.
She's also in Paraguay and beyond any concern or law here.

raped by her step father........ The hypothetical shows that huckabee does not care for physical or mental health of the child, only pandering to the right of right in his party. No child that young should go through pregnancy or give birth. The body is too small and it would do permanent harm to have nutrition depleted from her still growing body to supply the fetus. The mental harm alone would be devastating.

I don't think any man can understand being raped let alone raped as a child or what a woman/girl goes though physically and mentally in a normal pregnancy. For a child it would be shattered and terrifying. Guilt in a child of rape is already there, but to add the guilt of giving birth the result of that rape?

For such a 'nice guy', huckabee just cross a dangerous line.

Huckabee [ X ]
No child should be dragged to a filthy, un monitored clinic where non licensed butchers will enter into a pact with the girls abuser to cover up his crime. Abused ten year olds deserve protection and real medical care in real hospitals.
All great points!
Is anyone really surprised that Mike Huckabee said this? First, he came out pro child molester when he defended Josh Duggar and now this? Men should shut the fuck up with their stupid opinions about women's bodies before some smart woman decides to make masturbation a felony.
Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

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No- it's sick to think that anyone would support the raping of a 10 year old girl, then add to it a pregnancy that could have easily killed her.

Huckabee--had to go to Paraguay to get support on his extreme stance on abortion, and the idiot is running for POTUS.

He's just one of the Knuckle Dragging Neanderthals that are killing Republicans chances of winning the White House. There's 8 more that think just like him.

1. Scott Walker
2. Ted Cruz
3. Rand Paul
4. Rick Santorum
5. Rick Perry
6. Marco Rubio--who is flip flopping all over this issue
7. Ben Carson- that is also flip flopping.
8. Bobby Jindal

54% of this nation are WOMEN who vote. And they believe that their lives are worth SAVING. 91% of this country believe in giving exceptions on abortions for the life of the mother, rape and incest.

A sick man is putting it mildly. Huckabee is among a group of absolutely fringe religious zealots who, if they had the chance, would force their religion on every living soul.

Thank god these people don't have a chance in hell of getting elected.

To force a 10 year old that has been raped to carry the rapists child to term? 'God' has a special punishment for these type people. They think they are doing 'god's' will but it is exactly the opposite. Huckabee is mentally ill.
Look at the cockroaches affirm a ten year old doesn't rate care at a hospital by doctors with admitting privileges who will report her abuse and safely treat her.
Look at the cockroaches affirm a ten year old doesn't rate care at a hospital by doctors with admitting privileges who will report her abuse and safely treat her.
You're right's a disgrace all the posters on here that are insisting that she be taken to some back alley abortionist...a disgrace I say!
Look at the cockroaches affirm a ten year old doesn't rate care at a hospital by doctors with admitting privileges who will report her abuse and safely treat her.

she rates the best care. sadly the child did not get it even after it was reported

it was shameful enough that she was raped, but to have to give birth to the result of that rape is beyond cruel

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