Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

I have to agree with Huck on this one.

a child of that age is not ready mentally or physically to carry and give birth. We don't consider children ready to have sex at that age so what in the world would make you think a child should be carrying a child instead of playing with dolls and being a child herself? Her bones are still forming and she is still growing. It is a risk to her life, and her sanity, to become a mother at that age.
What next, 8 yrs old? How young is too young to be pregnant?
If she can't vote, can't drink, can't drive or join the military, what makes you think she should be required to carry and give birth?
The only person saying anything as stupid as that is you.Huckabee never said no abortion he ,looked at the situation and commented on the tragic fact for the girl,and how its another one for the lose of the child life if aborted,but that doesn't fit the pro death crowd narrative killing a child for the fathers crime isn't Justice by a long stretch.its a hard terrible situation,but death is never the right choice ever.
Huckabee and his republican colleagues would stand over a 10 year old pregnant rape victim and tell that little girl that she has to now create a human life inside of her, push it out of her tiny underdeveloped body and then spend the rest of her existence caring for her rapist step father's child. When that terribly frightened little girl asks them "why?" they will crouch down, rub her nose, smile and say 'because its the right thing to do because a man in the clouds told me so. One day you'll understand, and your baby is actually god's greatest blessing to you!" This now single mother would then grow up in a society where republicans would give as little to no welfare for her as possible, would drug test her for any benefits and would force her to prove she is employed or seeking employment or she will be cut off and left with nothing.
Should she seek an illegal abortion she could then be tried for murder. Any doctor who dared to sympathize with her and helped with an abortion could be tried for murder.
You staunch pro life conservatives fucking baffle me.
Fuck all of you pro life nutters in this thread.
Huckabee and his republican colleagues would stand over a 10 year old pregnant rape victim and tell that little girl that she has to now create a human life inside of her, push it out of her tiny underdeveloped body and then spend the rest of her existence caring for her rapist step father's child. When that terribly frightened little girl asks them "why?" they will crouch down, rub her nose, smile and say 'because its the right thing to do because a man in the clouds told me so. One day you'll understand, and your baby is actually god's greatest blessing to you!" This now single mother would then grow up in a society where republicans would give as little to no welfare for her as possible, would drug test her for any benefits and would force her to prove she is employed or seeking employment or she will be cut off and left with nothing.
Should she seek an illegal abortion she could then be tried for murder. Any doctor who dared to sympathize with her and helped with an abortion could be tried for murder.
You staunch pro life conservatives fucking baffle me.
Fuck all of you pro life nutters in this thread.

Amen! Wow, that sums it up! Thank you!

koshergrl SassyIrishLass
Huckabee and his republican colleagues would stand over a 10 year old pregnant rape victim and tell that little girl that she has to now create a human life inside of her, push it out of her tiny underdeveloped body and then spend the rest of her existence caring for her rapist step father's child. When that terribly frightened little girl asks them "why?" they will crouch down, rub her nose, smile and say 'because its the right thing to do because a man in the clouds told me so. One day you'll understand, and your baby is actually god's greatest blessing to you!" This now single mother would then grow up in a society where republicans would give as little to no welfare for her as possible, would drug test her for any benefits and would force her to prove she is employed or seeking employment or she will be cut off and left with nothing.
Should she seek an illegal abortion she could then be tried for murder. Any doctor who dared to sympathize with her and helped with an abortion could be tried for murder.
You staunch pro life conservatives fucking baffle me.
Fuck all of you pro life nutters in this thread.
Push it out? She isn't big enough. They cut it out instead.

11-year-old Paraguayan girl at the center of country s abortion battle gives birth Fox News Latino
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Huckabee and his republican colleagues would stand over a 10 year old pregnant rape victim and tell that little girl that she has to now create a human life inside of her, push it out of her tiny underdeveloped body and then spend the rest of her existence caring for her rapist step father's child. When that terribly frightened little girl asks them "why?" they will crouch down, rub her nose, smile and say 'because its the right thing to do because a man in the clouds told me so. One day you'll understand, and your baby is actually god's greatest blessing to you!" This now single mother would then grow up in a society where republicans would give as little to no welfare for her as possible, would drug test her for any benefits and would force her to prove she is employed or seeking employment or she will be cut off and left with nothing.
Should she seek an illegal abortion she could then be tried for murder. Any doctor who dared to sympathize with her and helped with an abortion could be tried for murder.
You staunch pro life conservatives fucking baffle me.
Fuck all of you pro life nutters in this thread.

Amen! Wow, that sums it up! Thank you!
Now we get to hear irrational and horrid fucks like many of our resident right wingers attempt to justify this.
Huckabee and his republican colleagues would stand over a 10 year old pregnant rape victim and tell that little girl that she has to now create a human life inside of her, push it out of her tiny underdeveloped body and then spend the rest of her existence caring for her rapist step father's child. When that terribly frightened little girl asks them "why?" they will crouch down, rub her nose, smile and say 'because its the right thing to do because a man in the clouds told me so. One day you'll understand, and your baby is actually god's greatest blessing to you!" This now single mother would then grow up in a society where republicans would give as little to no welfare for her as possible, would drug test her for any benefits and would force her to prove she is employed or seeking employment or she will be cut off and left with nothing.
Should she seek an illegal abortion she could then be tried for murder. Any doctor who dared to sympathize with her and helped with an abortion could be tried for murder.
You staunch pro life conservatives fucking baffle me.
Fuck all of you pro life nutters in this thread.
Push it out? She isn't big enough. They cut it out instead.
This is meant to apply to many things so it says pushed out, but I agree, it's fucking horrendous that republicans are defending forced c sections.
Huckabee and his republican colleagues would stand over a 10 year old pregnant rape victim and tell that little girl that she has to now create a human life inside of her, push it out of her tiny underdeveloped body and then spend the rest of her existence caring for her rapist step father's child. When that terribly frightened little girl asks them "why?" they will crouch down, rub her nose, smile and say 'because its the right thing to do because a man in the clouds told me so. One day you'll understand, and your baby is actually god's greatest blessing to you!" This now single mother would then grow up in a society where republicans would give as little to no welfare for her as possible, would drug test her for any benefits and would force her to prove she is employed or seeking employment or she will be cut off and left with nothing.
Should she seek an illegal abortion she could then be tried for murder. Any doctor who dared to sympathize with her and helped with an abortion could be tried for murder.
You staunch pro life conservatives fucking baffle me.
Fuck all of you pro life nutters in this thread.

Amen! Wow, that sums it up! Thank you!
Now we get to hear irrational and horrid fucks like many of our resident right wingers attempt to justify this.

They have absolutely no proof of their Sky Daddy fairy tale - but that little girl is real.
If the baby can be carried by another person, it should be and then it can be given to a person who wants kids but can not have any of their own.

God bless you and the ten year old girl always!!!

A 10 year old should not be forced to carry a baby, you moron.
Obviously, you didn't see everything that I said in my previous in this chat, sunshine. I said. "If the baby can be carried by another person, it should be." :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. A baby shouldn't be killed because of the way that it came to be either. To me, it is just as much a victim as the person getting raped if not more.
Huckabee most likely does more good then you ever will so your ignorant straw man that he had to take care of a child not his because he doesn't wish it dead does prove your lack of morality or understanding

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She got raped and that should be the only thing you should be thinking about. The mention of carrying a child to full term for a ten year old shouldn't even be in your psyche and you are a sick fuck for even proposing it.
The baby didn't commit the rape

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That's correct and now at 5 months the child's life will be in danger because she is too young to fully support child birth. You do know that if she dies in this process that makes you complicit in her murder.
Cry me a river why don't you look up if the child is adopted out you hypocritical douche

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See that's your problem, you have no regard for the 10 year old mother. Yes, the child might be adopted out, but if that 10 year old dies in labor you're values are on display for responsibility in that death. You have a double quandary here but you only care about half the equation.
That's a bunch of what ifs. That tells me you don't know shit about anything and only wish to use this girl as political fodder to fed the baby killing agenda

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I guess the new campaign slogan for the democrats can be " we hate babies and think mote should be killed" it would be more honest

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I think I'll start calling evangeliclowns, simple repressed, Christianity-bastardizing, assclowns.
Let's see who is more evil.... the Christian who wants babies to live or you who wishes them dead...... you lose

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I guess the new campaign slogan for the democrats can be " we hate babies and think mote should be killed" it would be more honest

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I think I'll start calling evangeliclowns, simple repressed, Christianity-bastardizing, assclowns.
Let's see who is more evil.... the Christian who wants babies to live or you who wishes them dead...... you lose

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

First of all - you need to learn the difference between eggs, fertilized eggs, fetuses and babies.
If it was up to you liberal the girl who is pregnant would never had been born any way. We all know in your sick minds the only good baby is a dead one especially if the child isn't white

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I guess the new campaign slogan for the democrats can be " we hate babies and think mote should be killed" it would be more honest

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

I think I'll start calling evangeliclowns, simple repressed, Christianity-bastardizing, assclowns.
Let's see who is more evil.... the Christian who wants babies to live or you who wishes them dead...... you lose

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

First of all - you need to learn the difference between eggs, fertilized eggs, fetuses and babies.
Babies you evil bitch they are babies.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
If it was up to you liberal the girl who is pregnant would never had been born any way. We all know in your sick minds the only good baby is a dead one especially if the child isn't white

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Oh, so you're just flaming. Bye...
Huckabee had nothing to do with this. It's the law in Paraguay. The idiot mother would have gotten an abortion for her daughter and taken her right back to the rapist step-father.

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