Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
Ha, ha,ha....Very funny. I was born and raised in the Christian religion. I am baptised. Don't tell me I know nothing about Christian values. You are making an ass out of yourself with your assumptions.
Kewl story, bro.
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you. Men should have nothing to say about abortion anyway: until you carry the child and spend the next 18 years of your life raising it, until you put your body and your psyche through being a birth mother, you have absolutely nothing to say about who should be forced to have a child. You have nothing to say about it: it has nothing to do with you.
It's just a clump of cells, right?
NEver mind it has its own DNA and feels pain at a very early stage.
Mass murderers always begin by dehumanizing their victims.
You don't eat meat or fish, right? Or eggs?
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you. Men should have nothing to say about abortion anyway: until you carry the child and spend the next 18 years of your life raising it, until you put your body and your psyche through being a birth mother, you have absolutely nothing to say about who should be forced to have a child. You have nothing to say about it: it has nothing to do with you.
It's just a clump of cells, right?
NEver mind it has its own DNA and feels pain at a very early stage.
Mass murderers always begin by dehumanizing their victims.
This isn't even a response to what I posted. Men should have nothing to say about the right of a woman to choose not to carry a child to term, not until you are the ones carrying the child, birthing it, and raising it as primary care giver for the next 18 years. Such presumption on the part of men. Such presumption to think a 10 year old child should be FORCED to carry a fetus to term, especially one who was raped and raped by a parent. You people are sick.

If men were the ones who got pregnant, abortion would not be anything other than totally accepted.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you. Men should have nothing to say about abortion anyway: until you carry the child and spend the next 18 years of your life raising it, until you put your body and your psyche through being a birth mother, you have absolutely nothing to say about who should be forced to have a child. You have nothing to say about it: it has nothing to do with you.
It's just a clump of cells, right?
NEver mind it has its own DNA and feels pain at a very early stage.
Mass murderers always begin by dehumanizing their victims.
You don't eat meat or fish, right? Or eggs?
WTF? Are you on drugs?
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you. Men should have nothing to say about abortion anyway: until you carry the child and spend the next 18 years of your life raising it, until you put your body and your psyche through being a birth mother, you have absolutely nothing to say about who should be forced to have a child. You have nothing to say about it: it has nothing to do with you.
It's just a clump of cells, right?
NEver mind it has its own DNA and feels pain at a very early stage.
Mass murderers always begin by dehumanizing their victims.
This isn't even a response to what I posted. Men should have nothing to say about the right of a woman to choose not to carry a child to term, not until you are the ones carrying the child, birthing it, and raising it as primary care giver for the next 18 years. Such presumption on the part of men. Such presumption to think a 10 year old child should be FORCED to carry a fetus to term, especially one who was raped and raped by a parent. You people are sick.

If men were the ones who got pregnant, abortion would not be anything other than totally accepted.
Women shouldnt get to decide about toilet seats either.
Your reasoning is bizarre beyond belief.

My God, you are comparing carrying a fetus to term, birthing a child, and raising a child for 18 years to a toilet seat? And you're saying I'm bizarre! LOL. You can have any kind of toilet in your home you want: no one is stopping you. No laws against it. And public toilets have urinals. What a dimwit.
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
Ha, ha,ha....Very funny. I was born and raised in the Christian religion. I am baptised. Don't tell me I know nothing about Christian values. You are making an ass out of yourself with your assumptions.
Kewl story, bro.
Not a story. I was baptised at the age of 4, in my family's Baptist church, by a Baptist minister. I went to Sunday school and church. I don't need to lie about anything in my life. My father said Grace at every single family meal where I was in attendence, throughout my childhood and teenage years. Likely when I wasn't there as well--after I moved out. He had his own unique prayer fashioned from the general ones provided where he thanked the Lord for our food and for looking after us and how he was great. After his mother died, he included in that prayer a hope that the Lord would look after my grandmother in heaven.

Yep, I know all about Christianity and Christian values: real Christian values, where we are kind, generous hearted, and look after each other in the same spiritual way that Christ looks after us.
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I'm a Christian and if the Child is at higher risk of dying during giving berth to a child it's carrying, then I'm without question in favor of an abortion to protect the life of the child. I'm ONLY in favor of abortion when the child is too young to carry and deliver a baby with the risk of death being greater than 50%.

Something Christian anti-abortion advocates fail to acknowledge is that any baby that dies goes to heaven, due to being to young to know the conscience difference between right and wrong.
Is anyone really surprised that Mike Huckabee said this? First, he came out pro child molester when he defended Josh Duggar and now this? Men should shut the fuck up with their stupid opinions about women's bodies before some smart woman decides to make masturbation a felony.
Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

No- it's sick to think that anyone would support the raping of a 10 year old girl, then add to it a pregnancy that could have easily killed her.

Huckabee--had to go to Paraguay to get support on his extreme stance on abortion, and the idiot is running for POTUS.

He's just one of the Knuckle Dragging Neanderthals that are killing Republicans chances of winning the White House. There's 8 more that think just like him.

1. Scott Walker
2. Ted Cruz
3. Rand Paul
4. Rick Santorum
5. Rick Perry
6. Marco Rubio--who is flip flopping all over this issue
7. Ben Carson- that is also flip flopping.
8. Bobby Jindal

54% of this nation are WOMEN who vote. And they believe that their lives are worth SAVING. 91% of this country believe in giving exceptions on abortions for the life of the mother, rape and incest.

Listen you pathetic piece of trailer trash because I don't think a innocent baby shouldn't be killed for what it's father did does not mean I support rape! If anything it is you progressives who support rape since you want all evidence killed so the victim can be rape more and more.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
If abortion is so wrong why is it not spefically said in the bible? Jesus never commented about it, even though it was common in Palestine at the time.
The Catholic Church only made it a sin (pre 12 weeks) 150 years ago by blackmailing a liberal Pope into doing it.

But at the end of the day it is not Liberals who are telling Conservative women to have abortions, it is Conservatives telling Liberal women they can't. Because there is a veil stuff in Exodus:

22 “If men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that 1she gives birth prematurely, yet there is no injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband 2may demand of him, and he shall apay 3as the judges decide.

23 “But if there is any further injury, athen you shall appoint as a penalty life for life,

Lets look a few lines above:
"7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself,b]">[b] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her."

But lets look 5 lines above:
"17 “Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death."

Directly before that
"20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property."

So please Conservatives, show us where you feel you can order other people around and deprive them of there freedoms?
If a girl shouldn't be forced to carry a rapist's baby to term, how come Jaycee Dugard's children weren't aborted. She was forced to carry and birth those babies AND care for them, even after she was rescued. She is forced to have those kids with her to this very day! Why weren't they aborted so she could have some mental peace?
You're sick. This post is sick.
Why does anything that happens in Paraguay (or what Paraguay's laws are) matter?
Well, aren't you a sicko?

it should not be forced on any victim, and no child should have to go through the physical changes of pregnancy before their bone and organ have stopped growing.
Mentally no rape victim should be force to carry a fetus of rape. more suffering on top of what they already went through. There are herbs to induce a miscarriage that could have been tied before having to resort to an abortion. An 11 yr old is still a baby, she should not be having babies. To give birth so young could destroy her chance of having children when she grows up and finds a good loving person to be a parent with.
If the girl were a daughter or granddaughter of Huckabee she'd have had an abortion early on.
Prove that

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Is anyone really surprised that Mike Huckabee said this? First, he came out pro child molester when he defended Josh Duggar and now this? Men should shut the fuck up with their stupid opinions about women's bodies before some smart woman decides to make masturbation a felony.
Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Why do you evil progressives insist the innocent baby die for what the father did? Why do you people hate babies not white?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you. Men should have nothing to say about abortion anyway: until you carry the child and spend the next 18 years of your life raising it, until you put your body and your psyche through being a birth mother, you have absolutely nothing to say about who should be forced to have a child. You have nothing to say about it: it has nothing to do with you.
It's just a clump of cells, right?
NEver mind it has its own DNA and feels pain at a very early stage.
Mass murderers always begin by dehumanizing their victims.
You don't eat meat or fish, right? Or eggs?
We don't eat humans

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Is anyone really surprised that Mike Huckabee said this? First, he came out pro child molester when he defended Josh Duggar and now this? Men should shut the fuck up with their stupid opinions about women's bodies before some smart woman decides to make masturbation a felony.
Your stupidity is showing. He is a pastor so of course he supports forgiveness and is pro life. It is pro baby killers like you who are the sick ones

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
You don't know my opinion on abortion asshole so don't take this conversation to a place you might regret. If Mike Huckabee is a pastor he must be the most morally deranged religious figurehead on earth
Sane people do not arrive at this kind of conclusion. There is no scripture or passage that should justify a ten year old endure this kind of pain and misery. No wonder atheism is emptying churches right and left.
Oh but I do know it even if you lie about it. Your hatred for Christian values prove it

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Why do you evil progressives insist the innocent baby die for what the father did? Why do you people hate babies not white?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Why do you insist on killing the spirit and ruining the life of the 10 year old for what the rapist did?
The cruelty of forcing a 10 year old rape victim to carry the fetus to term is NOT A CHRISTIAN VALUE!
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you. Men should have nothing to say about abortion anyway: until you carry the child and spend the next 18 years of your life raising it, until you put your body and your psyche through being a birth mother, you have absolutely nothing to say about who should be forced to have a child. You have nothing to say about it: it has nothing to do with you.
It's just a clump of cells, right?
NEver mind it has its own DNA and feels pain at a very early stage.
Mass murderers always begin by dehumanizing their victims.
You don't eat meat or fish, right? Or eggs?
We don't eat humans

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Unborn animals have DNA. Eggs are fetuses. If you care so much about life and the unborn, why do you eat living, breathing animals who feel fear and pain? Why do you eat fetuses?
Ad the cruelty of killing an unborn child? That is a Christian value?
Frankly I find it amusing when an obvious secularist like you starts talking about Christian values, like you give a shit what they are or even have a clue about them.
It is not an unborn child. It is a fetus. Forcing this 10 year old child to carry a fetus to term is tantamount to ruining her life. Do you diregard the life of a 10 year old child over that of a fetus? Shame on you. Men should have nothing to say about abortion anyway: until you carry the child and spend the next 18 years of your life raising it, until you put your body and your psyche through being a birth mother, you have absolutely nothing to say about who should be forced to have a child. You have nothing to say about it: it has nothing to do with you.
It's just a clump of cells, right?
NEver mind it has its own DNA and feels pain at a very early stage.
Mass murderers always begin by dehumanizing their victims.
You don't eat meat or fish, right? Or eggs?
We don't eat humans

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Unborn animals have DNA. Eggs are fetuses. If you care so much about life and the unborn, why do you eat living, breathing animals who feel fear and pain? Why do you eat fetuses?
Why do you feel you have so much in common with a chicken?
A 10 year old should not be forced to carry a baby, you moron.
You should be locked up. You are contantly in a murderous rage when it comes to babies in the womb.
Anyone who thinks a 10 year old rape victim should be forced to carry a baby is insane. You're going on ignore, idiot.
. Carla_Danger Run and hide little girl. The "rape "argument is specious. How many pregnant 10-year-olds rape victims can you count in the United States? The governor has a right to his opinion and having this one does not make him wrong. There are many opinions when it comes to this problem and they all should be respected. Disagree? Yes. Insult those on the pro-life side and you can expect push back. We don't need anymore intolerant people like you only having your say on how things are run here in the USA.
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