Huckabee Backs Denying Abortion To 10-Year-Old Raped By Stepfather

Do you guys like drag queens because you guys are okay with killing babies because of gender?

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Don't want a child? Don't engage in activities that would produce a child. Easy enough!

Be sure to tell that to women that are raped, idiot. And, be sure to see that the 10 year old in the OP gets your message, too.

Intelligent people knows that I'm not referring to those that are raped.

So, you are saying you are okay with a raped woman getting an abortion?

Nope, not saying it's ok. But it is more understandable.

More other words, you would tell her you understand, but you still wouldn't allow her to get an abortion if it was up to you?

Two wrongs do not make a right.
Yea I see that happening. SMH

You clearly must have been raped before and felt compelled to kill the baby.

Never had an abortion. I have had two D&Cs for medical necessity and finally a hysterectomy because of fibroids.

I've know many girls and women that were victims of rape, abuse, genital mutilation and some escaping from being killed by family.

I've seen some of the horrors what what women have gone through and know some that eventually committed suicide. I've seen some of the desperation they have gone through in areas without support of females.

I've witnesses executions of women as well.

You listen to their stories and hold their hand. You do with you can to get them help but at the time there was little anyone could do. When no medicine was to be hand I shared folk and herbal suggestions but it can't help the mental and internal damage they suffered.

I still have nightmares from some of the things I've seen. Decades later they still haunt me.

Why should I be complacent about rape or abuse? Why should I not stand up for women's rights to their own body? Why should I let people try to take the right and choice away from women?

My experiences and knowledge make me more determined to speak. I might not be able to get around and physically be there but my fingers still work enough to share my voice.

People that try to suppress girls and women deserve to be stopped. It is not a matter of being pro-abortion but of being pro-women. Caring for the needs of women, for what they want, for their right to build back their lives, to heal.

Rapists and child abusers are up there near the top of my shit list. I'd like to put them all in front of firing squad but in the US, that is not possible.

If you have to question where my motivation stems from, you will never understand. You become part of the problem. You don't want to be the target of my venom, get out of the way. When I am dead I will stop speaking out.

I care about what the women need to move forward, beyond the abuse. What anyone else thinks is immaterial. We don't live in an ideal world without want or hurt. As long that is the case, "hear me roar".

Cogito, ergo sum, ergo dico

So you've never killed a baby, never been raped and you personally know women that have went through the horrors you describe. Tell me, how does killing an innocent life help?

How does producing an wanted child help but enslave a woman? Don't we already have far too many unwanted and abused children in the world? How does taking a woman's freedom and body for nine months and leave her mentally scared help?

Used to be that babies were left by the water's edge for the elements or animals to take. We don't do that any more. There are safe drops for children. How many unwanted children are born addicts or suffers some birth defect? What of women who never get or can't get proper prenatal care? What of children that are so uneducated, immature or ill prepared that they don't even know they are pregnant? That the abuse they suffer would have such results?

How does that help?

How many have miscarriage and don't even know what is happening to them and discard the result in the garbage.

In the first trimester it is not life. Even in later trimesters there are medical reasons for abortions.

What of the life of the child or woman? Is that not life? Do they not matter? How does enslaving them make things right? What of their needs? How do you put their life back together? How do they move on?

Women are given options the day before any abortion in a clinic. 24 hr waiting period. It is their body and their decision.

What of the 20% of women suicide victims that were pregnant? You care nothing of their health and life? Maybe they could have been saved?

If you don't understand and are ill prepared for what is happening to their bodies hormones and often depression while pregnant, many literally feel like they are going crazy. With proper diet and care in most women, it passes. For some it can lead to suicide.

We have to care the girl/woman first if we want them to have healthy children at some point in their life.

Still True: Abortion Does Not Increase Women’s Risk of Mental Health Problems

Children should be wanted and loved, not just a result of unwanted breeding of women like cattle.

There is a time and place for everything. Rape, failed birth control and health matters does not make it the right time for women. It would be ideal if all pregnancies were both wanted and perfect. They aren't. As long as we are so complex and our lives are so complicated the option of abortions are necessary for women's mental and physical health.

No woman casually opts for an abortion. It is a last resort.

Don't want a child? Don't engage in activities that would produce a child. Easy enough!

So women on birth control should not desire sex because they are not do it to have children?
Men should not buy viagra because they have ED? Women after menopause don't enjoy sex? Women that have had their tubes tied or after a hysterectomy no long desire sex?

Gays don't enjoy sex since they are not procreating?

Are you out of your fr$%T^&* mind?

We are designed to enjoy and crave sex, and not just to procreate. Why do we have just good sex after we are pregnant or while nursing? Can't create while already carrying.

Where ever you are getting your theories, throw the book out, it is way way wrong

No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.
So you've never killed a baby, never been raped and you personally know women that have went through the horrors you describe. Tell me, how does killing an innocent life help?

How does producing an wanted child help but enslave a woman? Don't we already have far too many unwanted and abused children in the world? How does taking a woman's freedom and body for nine months and leave her mentally scared help?

Used to be that babies were left by the water's edge for the elements or animals to take. We don't do that any more. There are safe drops for children. How many unwanted children are born addicts or suffers some birth defect? What of women who never get or can't get proper prenatal care? What of children that are so uneducated, immature or ill prepared that they don't even know they are pregnant? That the abuse they suffer would have such results?

How does that help?

How many have miscarriage and don't even know what is happening to them and discard the result in the garbage.

In the first trimester it is not life. Even in later trimesters there are medical reasons for abortions.

What of the life of the child or woman? Is that not life? Do they not matter? How does enslaving them make things right? What of their needs? How do you put their life back together? How do they move on?

Women are given options the day before any abortion in a clinic. 24 hr waiting period. It is their body and their decision.

What of the 20% of women suicide victims that were pregnant? You care nothing of their health and life? Maybe they could have been saved?

If you don't understand and are ill prepared for what is happening to their bodies hormones and often depression while pregnant, many literally feel like they are going crazy. With proper diet and care in most women, it passes. For some it can lead to suicide.

We have to care the girl/woman first if we want them to have healthy children at some point in their life.

Still True: Abortion Does Not Increase Women’s Risk of Mental Health Problems

Children should be wanted and loved, not just a result of unwanted breeding of women like cattle.

There is a time and place for everything. Rape, failed birth control and health matters does not make it the right time for women. It would be ideal if all pregnancies were both wanted and perfect. They aren't. As long as we are so complex and our lives are so complicated the option of abortions are necessary for women's mental and physical health.

No woman casually opts for an abortion. It is a last resort.

Don't want a child? Don't engage in activities that would produce a child. Easy enough!

Wow! You really don't know how to have a good sex life if that is all you think of sex. You are not doing it right.
Maybe female viagra is an option to start the learning off on the right foot.......or finding the right man.

Humans and dolphines have sex for pleasure, not just procreation. We have evolved from the ape and heightened out senses for the physical and mental well being we get from sex. There are classes you can take to learn how to "enjoy" sex.

Number 3) Dolphins are one of the only animals to have sex for pleasure

This particular myth tends to pop up with regularity in conversation whenever the subject turns to sex. Even the writers at the ever vigilant l end credence to this particular myth. The problem here is that volumes could be (and have been) written on the definition of sexual behavior in animals and the description of pleasure. It isn’t enough to simply go by the dictum that animals have sex to reproduce and therefore any sexual act occurring at times when egg fertilization is impossible must then be understood as occurring for reasons other than reproduction. The truth here is that animals almost never engage in a sexual act with the specific intent of producing offspring; during ovulation or otherwise. It is more accurate to state that animals (including humans and dolphins) are often driven to engage in sexual acts because the act itself is rewarding – it stimulates pleasure centers in the brain through the release of endorphins or other pleasure-inducing brain cocktails. The ultimate cause of this behavior is reproduction, but the proximate cause can be any combination of stimuli that happen to be present at the moment; pheromones, visual stimuli, etc. Occasionally these sexual acts occur at times when the female is not fertile, but it’s not a fertility-state that should be the litmus test for sexual pleasure – it should be the pleasure itself. So if you happen to spot two dung beetles engaged in a lengthy sexual act, you should still be able to state they these beetles are making whoopee for the sheer pleasure of the act itself. Who’s to say dung beetles don’t enjoy sex as much as humans do? Furthermore, what you and I might call a sexual act might be nothing of the kind for an animal like a dolphin. Dolphins often engage in forceful mounting behaviors involving erections that clearly do not involve reproduction, and in fact look more like social dominance or simple aggression. Is it fair to label this as sex for pleasure? Not really. It seems that the scope of the problem here is far too great to simply be summed up in a simple statement to the effect that dolphins engage in sex for pleasure and other animals do not. If it were this simple, we should all have great difficulty explaining why the neighbor’s poodle habitually mounts your leg whenever you pop over for a visit.

Top 5 dolphin myths - dispelled!

Now that we got that bullshit out of the way. Do you want to try again?

We evolved from apes? A theory that has never been proven.

More bullshit out of the way.

My point is that when a person engages in an activity that may result in becoming pregnant that they be responsible when and if the pregnancies occur. Killing an innocent life is not the only solution nor the last resort. People, particularly women need to think before they act. Abortion, in my opinion allows women to be irresponsible at an innocent life's expense.

UCSB Science Line

Hang on to that myth!
Be sure to tell that to women that are raped, idiot. And, be sure to see that the 10 year old in the OP gets your message, too.

Intelligent people knows that I'm not referring to those that are raped.

So, you are saying you are okay with a raped woman getting an abortion?

Nope, not saying it's ok. But it is more understandable.

More other words, you would tell her you understand, but you still wouldn't allow her to get an abortion if it was up to you?

Two wrongs do not make a right.

So, you were lying when you said you were not referring to those that are raped.....because you just don't give a damn about their circumstances. And, if the 10 year old dies, well at least you were for saving the fetus. Brilliant.
Never had an abortion. I have had two D&Cs for medical necessity and finally a hysterectomy because of fibroids.

I've know many girls and women that were victims of rape, abuse, genital mutilation and some escaping from being killed by family.

I've seen some of the horrors what what women have gone through and know some that eventually committed suicide. I've seen some of the desperation they have gone through in areas without support of females.

I've witnesses executions of women as well.

You listen to their stories and hold their hand. You do with you can to get them help but at the time there was little anyone could do. When no medicine was to be hand I shared folk and herbal suggestions but it can't help the mental and internal damage they suffered.

I still have nightmares from some of the things I've seen. Decades later they still haunt me.

Why should I be complacent about rape or abuse? Why should I not stand up for women's rights to their own body? Why should I let people try to take the right and choice away from women?

My experiences and knowledge make me more determined to speak. I might not be able to get around and physically be there but my fingers still work enough to share my voice.

People that try to suppress girls and women deserve to be stopped. It is not a matter of being pro-abortion but of being pro-women. Caring for the needs of women, for what they want, for their right to build back their lives, to heal.

Rapists and child abusers are up there near the top of my shit list. I'd like to put them all in front of firing squad but in the US, that is not possible.

If you have to question where my motivation stems from, you will never understand. You become part of the problem. You don't want to be the target of my venom, get out of the way. When I am dead I will stop speaking out.

I care about what the women need to move forward, beyond the abuse. What anyone else thinks is immaterial. We don't live in an ideal world without want or hurt. As long that is the case, "hear me roar".

Cogito, ergo sum, ergo dico

So you've never killed a baby, never been raped and you personally know women that have went through the horrors you describe. Tell me, how does killing an innocent life help?

How does producing an wanted child help but enslave a woman? Don't we already have far too many unwanted and abused children in the world? How does taking a woman's freedom and body for nine months and leave her mentally scared help?

Used to be that babies were left by the water's edge for the elements or animals to take. We don't do that any more. There are safe drops for children. How many unwanted children are born addicts or suffers some birth defect? What of women who never get or can't get proper prenatal care? What of children that are so uneducated, immature or ill prepared that they don't even know they are pregnant? That the abuse they suffer would have such results?

How does that help?

How many have miscarriage and don't even know what is happening to them and discard the result in the garbage.

In the first trimester it is not life. Even in later trimesters there are medical reasons for abortions.

What of the life of the child or woman? Is that not life? Do they not matter? How does enslaving them make things right? What of their needs? How do you put their life back together? How do they move on?

Women are given options the day before any abortion in a clinic. 24 hr waiting period. It is their body and their decision.

What of the 20% of women suicide victims that were pregnant? You care nothing of their health and life? Maybe they could have been saved?

If you don't understand and are ill prepared for what is happening to their bodies hormones and often depression while pregnant, many literally feel like they are going crazy. With proper diet and care in most women, it passes. For some it can lead to suicide.

We have to care the girl/woman first if we want them to have healthy children at some point in their life.

Still True: Abortion Does Not Increase Women’s Risk of Mental Health Problems

Children should be wanted and loved, not just a result of unwanted breeding of women like cattle.

There is a time and place for everything. Rape, failed birth control and health matters does not make it the right time for women. It would be ideal if all pregnancies were both wanted and perfect. They aren't. As long as we are so complex and our lives are so complicated the option of abortions are necessary for women's mental and physical health.

No woman casually opts for an abortion. It is a last resort.

Don't want a child? Don't engage in activities that would produce a child. Easy enough!

So women on birth control should not desire sex because they are not do it to have children?
Men should not buy viagra because they have ED? Women after menopause don't enjoy sex? Women that have had their tubes tied or after a hysterectomy no long desire sex?

Gays don't enjoy sex since they are not procreating?

Are you out of your fr$%T^&* mind?

We are designed to enjoy and crave sex, and not just to procreate. Why do we have just good sex after we are pregnant or while nursing? Can't create while already carrying.

Where ever you are getting your theories, throw the book out, it is way way wrong

No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.

So, what about a woman whose life is at risk? Do you tell her, "too bad" you should have not engaged in sexual activity even though she didn't know that getting pregnant would cause her problems that could cause her death? You people are unbelievable.

Do you think a woman whose life is at risk should be able to get an abortion?
Intelligent people knows that I'm not referring to those that are raped.

So, you are saying you are okay with a raped woman getting an abortion?

Nope, not saying it's ok. But it is more understandable.

More other words, you would tell her you understand, but you still wouldn't allow her to get an abortion if it was up to you?

Two wrongs do not make a right.

So, you were lying when you said you were not referring to those that are raped.....because you just don't give a damn about their circumstances. And, if the 10 year old dies, well at least you were for saving the fetus. Brilliant.

Incapable of critical thinking I see. Perhaps you should let the adults talk and sit quietly until spoken to.
So you've never killed a baby, never been raped and you personally know women that have went through the horrors you describe. Tell me, how does killing an innocent life help?

How does producing an wanted child help but enslave a woman? Don't we already have far too many unwanted and abused children in the world? How does taking a woman's freedom and body for nine months and leave her mentally scared help?

Used to be that babies were left by the water's edge for the elements or animals to take. We don't do that any more. There are safe drops for children. How many unwanted children are born addicts or suffers some birth defect? What of women who never get or can't get proper prenatal care? What of children that are so uneducated, immature or ill prepared that they don't even know they are pregnant? That the abuse they suffer would have such results?

How does that help?

How many have miscarriage and don't even know what is happening to them and discard the result in the garbage.

In the first trimester it is not life. Even in later trimesters there are medical reasons for abortions.

What of the life of the child or woman? Is that not life? Do they not matter? How does enslaving them make things right? What of their needs? How do you put their life back together? How do they move on?

Women are given options the day before any abortion in a clinic. 24 hr waiting period. It is their body and their decision.

What of the 20% of women suicide victims that were pregnant? You care nothing of their health and life? Maybe they could have been saved?

If you don't understand and are ill prepared for what is happening to their bodies hormones and often depression while pregnant, many literally feel like they are going crazy. With proper diet and care in most women, it passes. For some it can lead to suicide.

We have to care the girl/woman first if we want them to have healthy children at some point in their life.

Still True: Abortion Does Not Increase Women’s Risk of Mental Health Problems

Children should be wanted and loved, not just a result of unwanted breeding of women like cattle.

There is a time and place for everything. Rape, failed birth control and health matters does not make it the right time for women. It would be ideal if all pregnancies were both wanted and perfect. They aren't. As long as we are so complex and our lives are so complicated the option of abortions are necessary for women's mental and physical health.

No woman casually opts for an abortion. It is a last resort.

Don't want a child? Don't engage in activities that would produce a child. Easy enough!

So women on birth control should not desire sex because they are not do it to have children?
Men should not buy viagra because they have ED? Women after menopause don't enjoy sex? Women that have had their tubes tied or after a hysterectomy no long desire sex?

Gays don't enjoy sex since they are not procreating?

Are you out of your fr$%T^&* mind?

We are designed to enjoy and crave sex, and not just to procreate. Why do we have just good sex after we are pregnant or while nursing? Can't create while already carrying.

Where ever you are getting your theories, throw the book out, it is way way wrong

No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.

So, what about a woman whose life is at risk? Do you tell her, "too bad" you should have not engaged in sexual activity even though she didn't know that getting pregnant would cause her problems that could cause her death? You people are unbelievable.

Do you think a woman whose life is at risk should be able to get an abortion?

I think the odds of a woman's life being at risk unless she has an abortion are very rare. But if it helps you sleep better at night then think what you will.
How does producing an wanted child help but enslave a woman? Don't we already have far too many unwanted and abused children in the world? How does taking a woman's freedom and body for nine months and leave her mentally scared help?

Used to be that babies were left by the water's edge for the elements or animals to take. We don't do that any more. There are safe drops for children. How many unwanted children are born addicts or suffers some birth defect? What of women who never get or can't get proper prenatal care? What of children that are so uneducated, immature or ill prepared that they don't even know they are pregnant? That the abuse they suffer would have such results?

How does that help?

How many have miscarriage and don't even know what is happening to them and discard the result in the garbage.

In the first trimester it is not life. Even in later trimesters there are medical reasons for abortions.

What of the life of the child or woman? Is that not life? Do they not matter? How does enslaving them make things right? What of their needs? How do you put their life back together? How do they move on?

Women are given options the day before any abortion in a clinic. 24 hr waiting period. It is their body and their decision.

What of the 20% of women suicide victims that were pregnant? You care nothing of their health and life? Maybe they could have been saved?

If you don't understand and are ill prepared for what is happening to their bodies hormones and often depression while pregnant, many literally feel like they are going crazy. With proper diet and care in most women, it passes. For some it can lead to suicide.

We have to care the girl/woman first if we want them to have healthy children at some point in their life.

Still True: Abortion Does Not Increase Women’s Risk of Mental Health Problems

Children should be wanted and loved, not just a result of unwanted breeding of women like cattle.

There is a time and place for everything. Rape, failed birth control and health matters does not make it the right time for women. It would be ideal if all pregnancies were both wanted and perfect. They aren't. As long as we are so complex and our lives are so complicated the option of abortions are necessary for women's mental and physical health.

No woman casually opts for an abortion. It is a last resort.

Don't want a child? Don't engage in activities that would produce a child. Easy enough!

So women on birth control should not desire sex because they are not do it to have children?
Men should not buy viagra because they have ED? Women after menopause don't enjoy sex? Women that have had their tubes tied or after a hysterectomy no long desire sex?

Gays don't enjoy sex since they are not procreating?

Are you out of your fr$%T^&* mind?

We are designed to enjoy and crave sex, and not just to procreate. Why do we have just good sex after we are pregnant or while nursing? Can't create while already carrying.

Where ever you are getting your theories, throw the book out, it is way way wrong

No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.

So, what about a woman whose life is at risk? Do you tell her, "too bad" you should have not engaged in sexual activity even though she didn't know that getting pregnant would cause her problems that could cause her death? You people are unbelievable.

Do you think a woman whose life is at risk should be able to get an abortion?

I think the odds of a woman's life being at risk unless she has an abortion are very rare. But if it helps you sleep better at night then think what you will.

More woman are being diagnosed with cancer earlier in life. Treatment can not begin while pregnant. Women have to have an abortion to begin treatment to save their lives.

There are a number of medical reasons for terminating.

A woman might have been in an accident and had back injury and a pregnancy would put too much pressure on her back.

A woman might be taking meds for a condition that would be harmful to a fetus.

The point is that a woman's health and well be is the priority and the fetus will be harmed or harm her.
Don't want a child? Don't engage in activities that would produce a child. Easy enough!

So women on birth control should not desire sex because they are not do it to have children?
Men should not buy viagra because they have ED? Women after menopause don't enjoy sex? Women that have had their tubes tied or after a hysterectomy no long desire sex?

Gays don't enjoy sex since they are not procreating?

Are you out of your fr$%T^&* mind?

We are designed to enjoy and crave sex, and not just to procreate. Why do we have just good sex after we are pregnant or while nursing? Can't create while already carrying.

Where ever you are getting your theories, throw the book out, it is way way wrong

No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.

So, what about a woman whose life is at risk? Do you tell her, "too bad" you should have not engaged in sexual activity even though she didn't know that getting pregnant would cause her problems that could cause her death? You people are unbelievable.

Do you think a woman whose life is at risk should be able to get an abortion?

I think the odds of a woman's life being at risk unless she has an abortion are very rare. But if it helps you sleep better at night then think what you will.

More woman are being diagnosed with cancer earlier in life. Treatment can not begin while pregnant. Women have to have an abortion to begin treatment to save their lives.

There are a number of medical reasons for terminating.

A woman might have been in an accident and had back injury and a pregnancy would put too much pressure on her back.

A woman might be taking meds for a condition that would be harmful to a fetus.

The point is that a woman's health and well be is the priority and the fetus will be harmed or harm her.

Like I said, it's rare that a pregnancy will endanger the life of the woman.
So women on birth control should not desire sex because they are not do it to have children?
Men should not buy viagra because they have ED? Women after menopause don't enjoy sex? Women that have had their tubes tied or after a hysterectomy no long desire sex?

Gays don't enjoy sex since they are not procreating?

Are you out of your fr$%T^&* mind?

We are designed to enjoy and crave sex, and not just to procreate. Why do we have just good sex after we are pregnant or while nursing? Can't create while already carrying.

Where ever you are getting your theories, throw the book out, it is way way wrong

No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.

So, what about a woman whose life is at risk? Do you tell her, "too bad" you should have not engaged in sexual activity even though she didn't know that getting pregnant would cause her problems that could cause her death? You people are unbelievable.

Do you think a woman whose life is at risk should be able to get an abortion?

I think the odds of a woman's life being at risk unless she has an abortion are very rare. But if it helps you sleep better at night then think what you will.

More woman are being diagnosed with cancer earlier in life. Treatment can not begin while pregnant. Women have to have an abortion to begin treatment to save their lives.

There are a number of medical reasons for terminating.

A woman might have been in an accident and had back injury and a pregnancy would put too much pressure on her back.

A woman might be taking meds for a condition that would be harmful to a fetus.

The point is that a woman's health and well be is the priority and the fetus will be harmed or harm her.

Like I said, it's rare that a pregnancy will endanger the life of the woman.

In the US, around 500,000 women are diagnosed with cancer per year

On average there million abortion per year.

If have those women were pregnant, would you deny them an abortion and prevent them from treatment?

What of all the other medical reason for terminating?

Every x-ray and most medical treatments as if a woman could be pregnant. So many thing could harm the fetus and some meds given to a pregnant women might be too weak to effectively treat her condition.

What of mental illness? What of women that resort to suicide? What of women would risk being killed by family? What of women abused by a man in her family? An accident where the women receives internal damage? A woman with a heart condition? A woman that needs and organ transplant?.........................

Are you going to deny those "rare" cases from an abortion? You ban abortions you take their chance at life away from them.

And rape cases?

Women with birth defects that are not mentally or physically capable of being a mother or even her self while pregnant?

A woman told her fetus has a catastrophic birth defect?

A woman with a tubal pregnancy?

A death sentence to her or the fetus because you deny her an abortion?
Like I said, it's rare that a pregnancy will endanger the life of the woman.

Quit deflecting. Why don't you answer the question? Even if there was only one woman, would you rather let her die than allow her to have an abortion?
No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.

So, what about a woman whose life is at risk? Do you tell her, "too bad" you should have not engaged in sexual activity even though she didn't know that getting pregnant would cause her problems that could cause her death? You people are unbelievable.

Do you think a woman whose life is at risk should be able to get an abortion?

I think the odds of a woman's life being at risk unless she has an abortion are very rare. But if it helps you sleep better at night then think what you will.

More woman are being diagnosed with cancer earlier in life. Treatment can not begin while pregnant. Women have to have an abortion to begin treatment to save their lives.

There are a number of medical reasons for terminating.

A woman might have been in an accident and had back injury and a pregnancy would put too much pressure on her back.

A woman might be taking meds for a condition that would be harmful to a fetus.

The point is that a woman's health and well be is the priority and the fetus will be harmed or harm her.

Like I said, it's rare that a pregnancy will endanger the life of the woman.

In the US, around 500,000 women are diagnosed with cancer per year

On average there million abortion per year.

If have those women were pregnant, would you deny them an abortion and prevent them from treatment?

What of all the other medical reason for terminating?

Every x-ray and most medical treatments as if a woman could be pregnant. So many thing could harm the fetus and some meds given to a pregnant women might be too weak to effectively treat her condition.

What of mental illness? What of women that resort to suicide? What of women would risk being killed by family? What of women abused by a man in her family? An accident where the women receives internal damage? A woman with a heart condition? A woman that needs and organ transplant?.........................

Are you going to deny those "rare" cases from an abortion? You ban abortions you take their chance at life away from them.

And rape cases?

Women with birth defects that are not mentally or physically capable of being a mother or even her self while pregnant?

A woman told her fetus has a catastrophic birth defect?

A woman with a tubal pregnancy?

A death sentence to her or the fetus because you deny her an abortion?
They think a fetus is more important than a woman - a human......if that isn't bat-shit crazy thinking I don't know what is.
So women on birth control should not desire sex because they are not do it to have children?
Men should not buy viagra because they have ED? Women after menopause don't enjoy sex? Women that have had their tubes tied or after a hysterectomy no long desire sex?

Gays don't enjoy sex since they are not procreating?

Are you out of your fr$%T^&* mind?

We are designed to enjoy and crave sex, and not just to procreate. Why do we have just good sex after we are pregnant or while nursing? Can't create while already carrying.

Where ever you are getting your theories, throw the book out, it is way way wrong

No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.

So, what about a woman whose life is at risk? Do you tell her, "too bad" you should have not engaged in sexual activity even though she didn't know that getting pregnant would cause her problems that could cause her death? You people are unbelievable.

Do you think a woman whose life is at risk should be able to get an abortion?

I think the odds of a woman's life being at risk unless she has an abortion are very rare. But if it helps you sleep better at night then think what you will.

More woman are being diagnosed with cancer earlier in life. Treatment can not begin while pregnant. Women have to have an abortion to begin treatment to save their lives.

There are a number of medical reasons for terminating.

A woman might have been in an accident and had back injury and a pregnancy would put too much pressure on her back.

A woman might be taking meds for a condition that would be harmful to a fetus.

The point is that a woman's health and well be is the priority and the fetus will be harmed or harm her.

Like I said, it's rare that a pregnancy will endanger the life of the woman.

Even if there was only one, which there are obviously more than would still prefer the woman die than the fetus. Now that's conservative logic at its best for you......bat shit crazy.
No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.

So, what about a woman whose life is at risk? Do you tell her, "too bad" you should have not engaged in sexual activity even though she didn't know that getting pregnant would cause her problems that could cause her death? You people are unbelievable.

Do you think a woman whose life is at risk should be able to get an abortion?

I think the odds of a woman's life being at risk unless she has an abortion are very rare. But if it helps you sleep better at night then think what you will.

More woman are being diagnosed with cancer earlier in life. Treatment can not begin while pregnant. Women have to have an abortion to begin treatment to save their lives.

There are a number of medical reasons for terminating.

A woman might have been in an accident and had back injury and a pregnancy would put too much pressure on her back.

A woman might be taking meds for a condition that would be harmful to a fetus.

The point is that a woman's health and well be is the priority and the fetus will be harmed or harm her.

Like I said, it's rare that a pregnancy will endanger the life of the woman.

In the US, around 500,000 women are diagnosed with cancer per year

On average there million abortion per year.

If have those women were pregnant, would you deny them an abortion and prevent them from treatment?

What of all the other medical reason for terminating?

Every x-ray and most medical treatments as if a woman could be pregnant. So many thing could harm the fetus and some meds given to a pregnant women might be too weak to effectively treat her condition.

What of mental illness? What of women that resort to suicide? What of women would risk being killed by family? What of women abused by a man in her family? An accident where the women receives internal damage? A woman with a heart condition? A woman that needs and organ transplant?.........................

Are you going to deny those "rare" cases from an abortion? You ban abortions you take their chance at life away from them.

And rape cases?

Women with birth defects that are not mentally or physically capable of being a mother or even her self while pregnant?

A woman told her fetus has a catastrophic birth defect?

A woman with a tubal pregnancy?

A death sentence to her or the fetus because you deny her an abortion?

So woman have millions of abortions a year because half of them have cancer. I can no longer take you seriously.

Good day.
No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.

So, what about a woman whose life is at risk? Do you tell her, "too bad" you should have not engaged in sexual activity even though she didn't know that getting pregnant would cause her problems that could cause her death? You people are unbelievable.

Do you think a woman whose life is at risk should be able to get an abortion?

I think the odds of a woman's life being at risk unless she has an abortion are very rare. But if it helps you sleep better at night then think what you will.

More woman are being diagnosed with cancer earlier in life. Treatment can not begin while pregnant. Women have to have an abortion to begin treatment to save their lives.

There are a number of medical reasons for terminating.

A woman might have been in an accident and had back injury and a pregnancy would put too much pressure on her back.

A woman might be taking meds for a condition that would be harmful to a fetus.

The point is that a woman's health and well be is the priority and the fetus will be harmed or harm her.

Like I said, it's rare that a pregnancy will endanger the life of the woman.

Even if there was only one, which there are obviously more than would still prefer the woman die than the fetus. Now that's conservative logic at its best for you......bat shit crazy.

Never had an abortion. I have had two D&Cs for medical necessity and finally a hysterectomy because of fibroids.

I've know many girls and women that were victims of rape, abuse, genital mutilation and some escaping from being killed by family.

I've seen some of the horrors what what women have gone through and know some that eventually committed suicide. I've seen some of the desperation they have gone through in areas without support of females.

I've witnesses executions of women as well.

You listen to their stories and hold their hand. You do with you can to get them help but at the time there was little anyone could do. When no medicine was to be hand I shared folk and herbal suggestions but it can't help the mental and internal damage they suffered.

I still have nightmares from some of the things I've seen. Decades later they still haunt me.

Why should I be complacent about rape or abuse? Why should I not stand up for women's rights to their own body? Why should I let people try to take the right and choice away from women?

My experiences and knowledge make me more determined to speak. I might not be able to get around and physically be there but my fingers still work enough to share my voice.

People that try to suppress girls and women deserve to be stopped. It is not a matter of being pro-abortion but of being pro-women. Caring for the needs of women, for what they want, for their right to build back their lives, to heal.

Rapists and child abusers are up there near the top of my shit list. I'd like to put them all in front of firing squad but in the US, that is not possible.

If you have to question where my motivation stems from, you will never understand. You become part of the problem. You don't want to be the target of my venom, get out of the way. When I am dead I will stop speaking out.

I care about what the women need to move forward, beyond the abuse. What anyone else thinks is immaterial. We don't live in an ideal world without want or hurt. As long that is the case, "hear me roar".

Cogito, ergo sum, ergo dico

So you've never killed a baby, never been raped and you personally know women that have went through the horrors you describe. Tell me, how does killing an innocent life help?

How does producing an wanted child help but enslave a woman? Don't we already have far too many unwanted and abused children in the world? How does taking a woman's freedom and body for nine months and leave her mentally scared help?

Used to be that babies were left by the water's edge for the elements or animals to take. We don't do that any more. There are safe drops for children. How many unwanted children are born addicts or suffers some birth defect? What of women who never get or can't get proper prenatal care? What of children that are so uneducated, immature or ill prepared that they don't even know they are pregnant? That the abuse they suffer would have such results?

How does that help?

How many have miscarriage and don't even know what is happening to them and discard the result in the garbage.

In the first trimester it is not life. Even in later trimesters there are medical reasons for abortions.

What of the life of the child or woman? Is that not life? Do they not matter? How does enslaving them make things right? What of their needs? How do you put their life back together? How do they move on?

Women are given options the day before any abortion in a clinic. 24 hr waiting period. It is their body and their decision.

What of the 20% of women suicide victims that were pregnant? You care nothing of their health and life? Maybe they could have been saved?

If you don't understand and are ill prepared for what is happening to their bodies hormones and often depression while pregnant, many literally feel like they are going crazy. With proper diet and care in most women, it passes. For some it can lead to suicide.

We have to care the girl/woman first if we want them to have healthy children at some point in their life.

Still True: Abortion Does Not Increase Women’s Risk of Mental Health Problems

Children should be wanted and loved, not just a result of unwanted breeding of women like cattle.

There is a time and place for everything. Rape, failed birth control and health matters does not make it the right time for women. It would be ideal if all pregnancies were both wanted and perfect. They aren't. As long as we are so complex and our lives are so complicated the option of abortions are necessary for women's mental and physical health.

No woman casually opts for an abortion. It is a last resort.

Don't want a child? Don't engage in activities that would produce a child. Easy enough!

So women on birth control should not desire sex because they are not do it to have children?
Men should not buy viagra because they have ED? Women after menopause don't enjoy sex? Women that have had their tubes tied or after a hysterectomy no long desire sex?

Gays don't enjoy sex since they are not procreating?

Are you out of your fr$%T^&* mind?

We are designed to enjoy and crave sex, and not just to procreate. Why do we have just good sex after we are pregnant or while nursing? Can't create while already carrying.

Where ever you are getting your theories, throw the book out, it is way way wrong

No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.
As before, their choice to make, not yours. Though you are free to make your own choices.
So you've never killed a baby, never been raped and you personally know women that have went through the horrors you describe. Tell me, how does killing an innocent life help?

How does producing an wanted child help but enslave a woman? Don't we already have far too many unwanted and abused children in the world? How does taking a woman's freedom and body for nine months and leave her mentally scared help?

Used to be that babies were left by the water's edge for the elements or animals to take. We don't do that any more. There are safe drops for children. How many unwanted children are born addicts or suffers some birth defect? What of women who never get or can't get proper prenatal care? What of children that are so uneducated, immature or ill prepared that they don't even know they are pregnant? That the abuse they suffer would have such results?

How does that help?

How many have miscarriage and don't even know what is happening to them and discard the result in the garbage.

In the first trimester it is not life. Even in later trimesters there are medical reasons for abortions.

What of the life of the child or woman? Is that not life? Do they not matter? How does enslaving them make things right? What of their needs? How do you put their life back together? How do they move on?

Women are given options the day before any abortion in a clinic. 24 hr waiting period. It is their body and their decision.

What of the 20% of women suicide victims that were pregnant? You care nothing of their health and life? Maybe they could have been saved?

If you don't understand and are ill prepared for what is happening to their bodies hormones and often depression while pregnant, many literally feel like they are going crazy. With proper diet and care in most women, it passes. For some it can lead to suicide.

We have to care the girl/woman first if we want them to have healthy children at some point in their life.

Still True: Abortion Does Not Increase Women’s Risk of Mental Health Problems

Children should be wanted and loved, not just a result of unwanted breeding of women like cattle.

There is a time and place for everything. Rape, failed birth control and health matters does not make it the right time for women. It would be ideal if all pregnancies were both wanted and perfect. They aren't. As long as we are so complex and our lives are so complicated the option of abortions are necessary for women's mental and physical health.

No woman casually opts for an abortion. It is a last resort.

Don't want a child? Don't engage in activities that would produce a child. Easy enough!

So women on birth control should not desire sex because they are not do it to have children?
Men should not buy viagra because they have ED? Women after menopause don't enjoy sex? Women that have had their tubes tied or after a hysterectomy no long desire sex?

Gays don't enjoy sex since they are not procreating?

Are you out of your fr$%T^&* mind?

We are designed to enjoy and crave sex, and not just to procreate. Why do we have just good sex after we are pregnant or while nursing? Can't create while already carrying.

Where ever you are getting your theories, throw the book out, it is way way wrong

No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.
As before, their choice to make, not yours. Though you are free to make your own choices.

I believe the most vulnerable of lives need to be spoken for. You don't value that life, I do and that's the difference between you and I.
How does producing an wanted child help but enslave a woman? Don't we already have far too many unwanted and abused children in the world? How does taking a woman's freedom and body for nine months and leave her mentally scared help?

Used to be that babies were left by the water's edge for the elements or animals to take. We don't do that any more. There are safe drops for children. How many unwanted children are born addicts or suffers some birth defect? What of women who never get or can't get proper prenatal care? What of children that are so uneducated, immature or ill prepared that they don't even know they are pregnant? That the abuse they suffer would have such results?

How does that help?

How many have miscarriage and don't even know what is happening to them and discard the result in the garbage.

In the first trimester it is not life. Even in later trimesters there are medical reasons for abortions.

What of the life of the child or woman? Is that not life? Do they not matter? How does enslaving them make things right? What of their needs? How do you put their life back together? How do they move on?

Women are given options the day before any abortion in a clinic. 24 hr waiting period. It is their body and their decision.

What of the 20% of women suicide victims that were pregnant? You care nothing of their health and life? Maybe they could have been saved?

If you don't understand and are ill prepared for what is happening to their bodies hormones and often depression while pregnant, many literally feel like they are going crazy. With proper diet and care in most women, it passes. For some it can lead to suicide.

We have to care the girl/woman first if we want them to have healthy children at some point in their life.

Still True: Abortion Does Not Increase Women’s Risk of Mental Health Problems

Children should be wanted and loved, not just a result of unwanted breeding of women like cattle.

There is a time and place for everything. Rape, failed birth control and health matters does not make it the right time for women. It would be ideal if all pregnancies were both wanted and perfect. They aren't. As long as we are so complex and our lives are so complicated the option of abortions are necessary for women's mental and physical health.

No woman casually opts for an abortion. It is a last resort.

Don't want a child? Don't engage in activities that would produce a child. Easy enough!

So women on birth control should not desire sex because they are not do it to have children?
Men should not buy viagra because they have ED? Women after menopause don't enjoy sex? Women that have had their tubes tied or after a hysterectomy no long desire sex?

Gays don't enjoy sex since they are not procreating?

Are you out of your fr$%T^&* mind?

We are designed to enjoy and crave sex, and not just to procreate. Why do we have just good sex after we are pregnant or while nursing? Can't create while already carrying.

Where ever you are getting your theories, throw the book out, it is way way wrong

No, women that engage in sexual activity need to understand and accept the responsibility of their actions and not kill an innocent life because it's an inconvenience.
As before, their choice to make, not yours. Though you are free to make your own choices.

I believe the most vulnerable of lives need to be spoken for. You don't value that life, I do and that's the difference between you and I.

After birth they are. While in the first trimester or for medical necessity, it is the mother's choice.
She speaks for herself and her fetus, either way

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