Huckabee is nuts


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2008
"The purpose of the military is to kill people and break things"

Is he 8 years old.....?
That's a guy who isn't serious about being president
He's a certified religious lunatic! According to him - fetuses will soon be filing lawsuits while still in the womb. Holy shit...
He's the 'doors of the oven' guy about the Iran deal..

He;s a talk show host pretending to be a serious candidate. Or he's high. On e of the two
Friends with several pedophiles.

Sells phony cures for diabetes and cancer.

Showed he has no respect for Jews.

Perpetual failure.

Needs to git hisself a new cherch to preeech in or maybe fux will let him back in if he pays them enough.

(Vote for Drumpf!)

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