Huckabee prefers N Korea

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mike Huckabee tells Koch-backed group: ?More freedom in North Korea? than the U.S. | The Raw Story

Fox News host Mike Huckabee on Saturday suggested to a group of conservatives that there was “more freedom in North Korea” than the United States had under President Barack Obama.

Speaking at the New Hampshire Freedom Summit, Huckabee opined that “threats and affronts to our freedom today are so incredibly frightening.”

“Freedom of speech in this country, that for which the men grabbed their muskets off the mantel, did never mean that we’re to have fewer voices, but more voices,” the former Arkansas governor said at the event, which was sponsored by Koch brothers-backed Americans For Prosperity and Citizens United.

“My gosh, I’m beginning to think that there’s more freedom in North Korea sometimes than there is in the United States,” he continued. “When I go to the airport, I have to get in the surrender position while people put hands all over me. And I have to provide photo ID in a couple of different forms, and prove that I really am not going to terrorize the airplane.”

Huckabee added: “But if I want to go vote, I don’t need a thing. All I got to do is show up and I can give them anybody’s name, and that’s okay.”

To mock President Obama’s opposition to voter photo ID laws, the Fox News host said he wanted to show up at the White House without an ID.

“I figure if I can vote without one, I ought be able to come in there and look around without one too,” he said.

I used to suspect these anti-American jerks just said whatever they thought would get them the most press coverage but more and more on the right are saying they prefer N Korea and Russia over the very freedoms they work to end in the US.

For Repubs, money talks.
That's brilliant. Never read a bad thing about the TSA at the Salon, Vibe, or in the Advocate have you? Go to hell you minority welfare recipient.
Koch backed? It seems that the KKK/nazi former democrat politician who killed three Jews subscribed to the same left wing propaganda.
Another ridiculous partisan thread by a ridiculous partisan member.
There used to be a time liberals stood for liberty, and constitution. Not anymore. They're the world's worst statists and big brother apologists.

I hope Dudley get's felt up, not that any TSA person would want to feel up an obese, oversized black woman with a smelly ass crack. Better yet, I want 1 of her 9 or so kids to get felt up so she can see how that stings.
Huckabee is simply chumming for Right Wing nuts. He is serving up red meat to those who respond to fear and division. It will probably result in a boost to his poll numbers and a prime speaking spot at next year's CPAC convention.
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Koch backed? It seems that the KKK/nazi former democrat politician who killed three Jews subscribed to the same left wing propaganda.

Yea that's why we Jews are Liberal and vote Democrat :lol:

And for your imforamtion low IQ boy the 3 people killed weren't Jewish :eek:
Hi have is simply chumming for Right Wing nuts. He is serving up red meat to those who respond to fear and division. It will probably result in a boost to his poll numbers and a prime speaking spot at next year's CPAC convention.

In spite of their oft-stated love for Putin, Russia, Kim Jung Un, N Korea - I don't see any of them moving there.

The Republican party is suicidal.

That's the only possible explanation for the crap they say and do and for their fan's blind support for that crap.
There used to be a time liberals stood for liberty, and constitution. Not anymore. They're the world's worst statists and big brother apologists.

I hope Dudley get's felt up, not that any TSA person would want to feel up an obese, oversized black woman with a smelly ass crack. Better yet, I want 1 of her 9 or so kids to get felt up so she can see how that stings.

WTF does this have to do with race? Your worst than lublub
Huckabee is guilty of hyperbole. Nothing more.
Another ridiculous partisan thread by a ridiculous partisan member.

A direct quote, in context, has no merit then?

It is presented out of context. He was obviously being sarcastic...and most people who can see beyond their own nose realize that.

Nope. The entire video is there.

Anyone who hates the US is welcome to leave. Love it or leave it.

Scum like him would not be missed and we wouldn't have to be paying welfare to his followers.
I like Mike, but what he said is stupid and will give the Dems more votes
There used to be a time liberals stood for liberty, and constitution. Not anymore. They're the world's worst statists and big brother apologists.

I hope Dudley get's felt up, not that any TSA person would want to feel up an obese, oversized black woman with a smelly ass crack. Better yet, I want 1 of her 9 or so kids to get felt up so she can see how that stings.

WTF does this have to do with race? Your worst than lublub

Not really. I was just making it personal. Some people in this place deserve personal. I'm evil that way and it pisses me the fuck off when some liberal primate berates someone who dares say anything about an out of control federal agency filled to the ranks with high school drop outs, peds, and other cirminals. They make their own rules because they are BADLY managed and the local pigs always back them up.
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hyperbole is exaggeration of kind not degree

Mike was wrong, period, very wrong
Huckabee is simply chumming for Right Wing nuts. He is serving up red meat to those who respond to fear and division. It will probably result in a boost to his poll numbers and a prime speaking spot at next year's CPAC convention.
yeah dividing people is the sole province of the democrat party and their identity politics. Which group are you in, democrats dont see people as just people, but you already know that

and isnt it the democrats who bring up peoples wealth. So how do conservatives divide people?
Huckabee is simply chumming for Right Wing nuts. He is serving up red meat to those who respond to fear and division. It will probably result in a boost to his poll numbers and a prime speaking spot at next year's CPAC convention.
yeah dividing people is the sole province of the democrat party and their identity politics. Which group are you in, democrats dont see people as just people, but you already know that

and isnt it the democrats who bring up peoples wealth. So how do conservatives divide people?

By fear and an appeal to the reptilian brain stem fight or fight reflex.

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