Huckabee prefers N Korea

“But if I want to go vote, I don’t need a thing. All I got to do is show up and I can give them anybody’s name, and that’s okay.”

It’s remarkable that a former governor is truly this ignorant of the voting process.

It’s as if Huckabee and others on the right actually believe the nonsense that on Election Day voters just come in off the street to a polling place and are handed a ballot, no questions asked.

A voter is not allowed to vote unless his name is on the voter registration log. A voter attempting to commit ‘fraud’ can’t just give ‘anybody’s name,’ as that name won’t be on the log, or the log will indicate that the name given indicates that that voter has already voted.

Consequently, Huckabee is either incredibly ignorant or a lying partisan hack engaging in demagoguery.
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As I said can you tell where the exaggeration and hyperbole end?

To tell where exaggeration and hyperbole begin and end requires common sense and at least one of the following: analytical thinking, a sense of humor, independent thought, openness to new ideals, ACTIVE listening skills, reading comprehension...

Most importantly, being honest with yourself and others is how you can tell where the exaggeration and hyperbole end!

So was DEATH PANELS hyperbole, exaggeration, or a joke?
They said it with such straight faces!

A lie.

Of course, most on the right have been lying for so long about the ACA, and other administration policies now, that they don’t even know what the truth is anymore.
“But if I want to go vote, I don’t need a thing. All I got to do is show up and I can give them anybody’s name, and that’s okay.”

It’s remarkable that a former governor is truly this ignorant of the voting process.

It’s as if Huckabee and others on the right actually believe the nonsense that on Election Day voters just come in off the street to a polling place and are handed a ballot, no questions asked.

A voter is not allowed to vote unless his name is on the voter registration log. A voter attempting to commit ‘fraud’ can’t just give ‘anybody’s name,’ as that name won’t be on the log, or the log will indicate that the name given indicates that that voter has already voted.

Consequently, Huckabee is either incredibly ignorant or a lying partisan hack engaging in demagoguery.
Huckabee is just repeating the talking points.
Mike Huckabee tells Koch-backed group: ?More freedom in North Korea? than the U.S. | The Raw Story

Fox News host Mike Huckabee on Saturday suggested to a group of conservatives that there was “more freedom in North Korea” than the United States had under President Barack Obama.

Speaking at the New Hampshire Freedom Summit, Huckabee opined that “threats and affronts to our freedom today are so incredibly frightening.”

“Freedom of speech in this country, that for which the men grabbed their muskets off the mantel, did never mean that we’re to have fewer voices, but more voices,” the former Arkansas governor said at the event, which was sponsored by Koch brothers-backed Americans For Prosperity and Citizens United.

“My gosh, I’m beginning to think that there’s more freedom in North Korea sometimes than there is in the United States,” he continued. “When I go to the airport, I have to get in the surrender position while people put hands all over me. And I have to provide photo ID in a couple of different forms, and prove that I really am not going to terrorize the airplane.”

Huckabee added: “But if I want to go vote, I don’t need a thing. All I got to do is show up and I can give them anybody’s name, and that’s okay.”

To mock President Obama’s opposition to voter photo ID laws, the Fox News host said he wanted to show up at the White House without an ID.

“I figure if I can vote without one, I ought be able to come in there and look around without one too,” he said.

I used to suspect these anti-American jerks just said whatever they thought would get them the most press coverage but more and more on the right are saying they prefer N Korea and Russia over the very freedoms they work to end in the US.

For Repubs, money talks.

Wait. He doesn't prefer Russia like all the other Republicans?

Maybe he mistook Kim for one of his fatass dog killing sons?
liberals are truly, Truly dumb.

It's called hyperbole, look it up you dumb fucking morans.

when you are done looking that up, look up tyranny, and see if you support it with the aca. B/c if you support mandates to buy a product or get fined, you support tyranny

and luddy, you never did have the balls to tell me why you support tyranny, even after I gave you a list, so I don't expect you to be a man.

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