Huckabee Tweets: ‘Time to Repeal 17th Amendment’

Amen. Just what it needs to make that disfunctional group get back to work again.

Story @ Huckabee Tweets: ‘Time to Repeal 17th Amendment’

Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment? @ Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment?

I love this:

Imagine if those GOP senators who blocked the repeal of Obamacare could be recalled by their state legislatures, if they could be subjected to a vote of “no confidence” and be removed! How differently would these senators act – or any senator? It would certainly preclude the arrogance and defiance of what has become a very lucrative club — not of citizen servants but of those who believe their political position entitles them to lord over us with no retribution, enabling them to become career politicians.

Not a surprise that the Republicans don't want voters to have a chance to decide on their Senators.

Leave it up to the Republican controlled state legislatures- much easier to control.

are most states "controlled" by republican legislatures---(I really do not know)


I prefer to vote for my own Senator rather than have one selected for me...thank you very much
I prefer to vote for my own Senator rather than have one selected for me...thank you very much

You actually have a stronger voice in having the state legislature elect Senators. The House would nominate and the House and Senate would vote. Your assemblyman is a lot closer to you in the long run.

As it stands now, who selects the nominees in your state? What role in that do you have?
I prefer to vote for my own Senator rather than have one selected for me...thank you very much

You actually have a stronger voice in having the state legislature elect Senators. The House would nominate and the House and Senate would vote. Your assemblyman is a lot closer to you in the long run.

As it stands now, who selects the nominees in your state? What role in that do you have?

No thank you

My state legislature is more politically corrupt than any Senator. Let my Senator answer to me if he screws up rather than his party
Lets just cut the bullshit

Republicans control most of the State Legislatures so of course they want State Legislatures to select Senators
Amen. Just what it needs to make that disfunctional group get back to work again.

Story @ Huckabee Tweets: ‘Time to Repeal 17th Amendment’

Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment? @ Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment?

I love this:

Imagine if those GOP senators who blocked the repeal of Obamacare could be recalled by their state legislatures, if they could be subjected to a vote of “no confidence” and be removed! How differently would these senators act – or any senator? It would certainly preclude the arrogance and defiance of what has become a very lucrative club — not of citizen servants but of those who believe their political position entitles them to lord over us with no retribution, enabling them to become career politicians.

Not a surprise that the Republicans don't want voters to have a chance to decide on their Senators.

Leave it up to the Republican controlled state legislatures- much easier to control.

You know progressives could still implement all those wonderful government programs at the State level. In fact, reducing the size of the federal government would allow States to tax people EVEN MOAR!!!

Love how Republicans trust politicians to elect Senators- more than they trust voters to elect Senators.
Lets just cut the bullshit

Republicans control most of the State Legislatures so of course they want State Legislatures to select Senators

Well of course that is part of it.

The other part is that Republicans believe it will be cheaper to manipulate politicians than voters.
I prefer to vote for my own Senator rather than have one selected for me...thank you very much

You actually have a stronger voice in having the state legislature elect Senators. The House would nominate and the House and Senate would vote. Your assemblyman is a lot closer to you in the long run.

As it stands now, who selects the nominees in your state? What role in that do you have?

Who 'selects' nominees? Anyone who wants to throw their hat in the ring.

Then we have a primary and we- the citizens- vote for the Senate nominees. After the primary, the top two nominees, by vote count- run in the general election- and we the citizens- vote and elect the Senator.

I would have absolutely no 'voice' in how the Legislature would elect our Senators. Sure- I could tell my legislator who I prefer- but the political parties could tell them much more loudly- and with much more money.

Which is what of course the Republicans are counting on.
Amen. Just what it needs to make that disfunctional group get back to work again.

Story @ Huckabee Tweets: ‘Time to Repeal 17th Amendment’

Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment? @ Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment?

I love this:

Imagine if those GOP senators who blocked the repeal of Obamacare could be recalled by their state legislatures, if they could be subjected to a vote of “no confidence” and be removed! How differently would these senators act – or any senator? It would certainly preclude the arrogance and defiance of what has become a very lucrative club — not of citizen servants but of those who believe their political position entitles them to lord over us with no retribution, enabling them to become career politicians.

Not a surprise that the Republicans don't want voters to have a chance to decide on their Senators.

Leave it up to the Republican controlled state legislatures- much easier to control.

You know progressives could still implement all those wonderful government programs at the State level. In fact, reducing the size of the federal government would allow States to tax people EVEN MOAR!!!

Love how Republicans trust politicians to elect Senators- more than they trust voters to elect Senators.

Actually I trust the States to want more control of their own interests then a bunch of popularly elected washington types.

The feds should never have had this much power to begin with, returning the Senate to the States would be the first in a long series of needed fixes.
Amen. Just what it needs to make that disfunctional group get back to work again.

Story @ Huckabee Tweets: ‘Time to Repeal 17th Amendment’

Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment? @ Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment?

I love this:

Imagine if those GOP senators who blocked the repeal of Obamacare could be recalled by their state legislatures, if they could be subjected to a vote of “no confidence” and be removed! How differently would these senators act – or any senator? It would certainly preclude the arrogance and defiance of what has become a very lucrative club — not of citizen servants but of those who believe their political position entitles them to lord over us with no retribution, enabling them to become career politicians.

Not a surprise that the Republicans don't want voters to have a chance to decide on their Senators.

Leave it up to the Republican controlled state legislatures- much easier to control.

You know progressives could still implement all those wonderful government programs at the State level. In fact, reducing the size of the federal government would allow States to tax people EVEN MOAR!!!

Love how Republicans trust politicians to elect Senators- more than they trust voters to elect Senators.

Actually I trust the States to want more control of their own interests then a bunch of popularly elected washington types.

The feds should never have had this much power to begin with, returning the Senate to the States would be the first in a long series of needed fixes.

I trust the people in those states even more

Feds don't have power in the Senate. States do
And We the People decide state by state
Amen. Just what it needs to make that disfunctional group get back to work again.

Story @ Huckabee Tweets: ‘Time to Repeal 17th Amendment’

Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment? @ Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment?

I love this:

Imagine if those GOP senators who blocked the repeal of Obamacare could be recalled by their state legislatures, if they could be subjected to a vote of “no confidence” and be removed! How differently would these senators act – or any senator? It would certainly preclude the arrogance and defiance of what has become a very lucrative club — not of citizen servants but of those who believe their political position entitles them to lord over us with no retribution, enabling them to become career politicians.

Not a surprise that the Republicans don't want voters to have a chance to decide on their Senators.

Leave it up to the Republican controlled state legislatures- much easier to control.

You know progressives could still implement all those wonderful government programs at the State level. In fact, reducing the size of the federal government would allow States to tax people EVEN MOAR!!!

Love how Republicans trust politicians to elect Senators- more than they trust voters to elect Senators.

Actually I trust the States to want more control of their own interests then a bunch of popularly elected washington types.

The feds should never have had this much power to begin with, returning the Senate to the States would be the first in a long series of needed fixes.

I trust the people in those states even more

Feds don't have power in the Senate. States do
And We the People decide state by state

Once you send a Senator to Washington they become part of the circle, and they know they can bypass their own State governments because of the popular vote.

The Senate was supposed to represent the people via their State governments, not bypassing their State governments.
State Legislature are gerrymandered....just like Congressional districts
Right now, the Senate cannot be gerrymandered, everyone in the state has equal voice

Republicans want to change it so they can enhance their ability to rule from a minority
Not a surprise that the Republicans don't want voters to have a chance to decide on their Senators.

Leave it up to the Republican controlled state legislatures- much easier to control.

You know progressives could still implement all those wonderful government programs at the State level. In fact, reducing the size of the federal government would allow States to tax people EVEN MOAR!!!

Love how Republicans trust politicians to elect Senators- more than they trust voters to elect Senators.

Actually I trust the States to want more control of their own interests then a bunch of popularly elected washington types.

The feds should never have had this much power to begin with, returning the Senate to the States would be the first in a long series of needed fixes.

I trust the people in those states even more

Feds don't have power in the Senate. States do
And We the People decide state by state

Once you send a Senator to Washington they become part of the circle, and they know they can bypass their own State governments because of the popular vote.

The Senate was supposed to represent the people via their State governments, not bypassing their State governments.

We decided to cut out the middle man and elect Senators directly
Those Senators are answerable to the people not to back room political deals
Amen. Just what it needs to make that disfunctional group get back to work again.

Story @ Huckabee Tweets: ‘Time to Repeal 17th Amendment’

Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment? @ Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment?

I love this:

Imagine if those GOP senators who blocked the repeal of Obamacare could be recalled by their state legislatures, if they could be subjected to a vote of “no confidence” and be removed! How differently would these senators act – or any senator? It would certainly preclude the arrogance and defiance of what has become a very lucrative club — not of citizen servants but of those who believe their political position entitles them to lord over us with no retribution, enabling them to become career politicians.

But this isn't the right solution to the problem. However no one is really interested in the right solution.
These are the words the Republicans find objectionable

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years;
Not a surprise that the Republicans don't want voters to have a chance to decide on their Senators.

Leave it up to the Republican controlled state legislatures- much easier to control.

You know progressives could still implement all those wonderful government programs at the State level. In fact, reducing the size of the federal government would allow States to tax people EVEN MOAR!!!

Love how Republicans trust politicians to elect Senators- more than they trust voters to elect Senators.

Actually I trust the States to want more control of their own interests then a bunch of popularly elected washington types.

The feds should never have had this much power to begin with, returning the Senate to the States would be the first in a long series of needed fixes.

I trust the people in those states even more

Feds don't have power in the Senate. States do
And We the People decide state by state

The Senate was supposed to represent the people via their State governments, not bypassing their State governments.

Republicans believe that the state governments are much more easily manipulated by the party than the voters fo their state.

Which is why they oppose the People of the State electing their Senators.
You know progressives could still implement all those wonderful government programs at the State level. In fact, reducing the size of the federal government would allow States to tax people EVEN MOAR!!!

Love how Republicans trust politicians to elect Senators- more than they trust voters to elect Senators.

Actually I trust the States to want more control of their own interests then a bunch of popularly elected washington types.

The feds should never have had this much power to begin with, returning the Senate to the States would be the first in a long series of needed fixes.

I trust the people in those states even more

Feds don't have power in the Senate. States do
And We the People decide state by state

Once you send a Senator to Washington they become part of the circle, and they know they can bypass their own State governments because of the popular vote.

The Senate was supposed to represent the people via their State governments, not bypassing their State governments.

We decided to cut out the middle man and elect Senators directly
Those Senators are answerable to the people not to back room political deals

After 2-3 terms they really aren't answerable to the people either. Arizona supported Trump in the election, and McCain told Arizona to go fuck itself.
Amen. Just what it needs to make that disfunctional group get back to work again.

Story @ Huckabee Tweets: ‘Time to Repeal 17th Amendment’

Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment? @ Allen West: How Differently Would Senators Act Without the 17th Amendment?

I love this:

Imagine if those GOP senators who blocked the repeal of Obamacare could be recalled by their state legislatures, if they could be subjected to a vote of “no confidence” and be removed! How differently would these senators act – or any senator? It would certainly preclude the arrogance and defiance of what has become a very lucrative club — not of citizen servants but of those who believe their political position entitles them to lord over us with no retribution, enabling them to become career politicians.

Not a surprise that the Republicans don't want voters to have a chance to decide on their Senators.

Leave it up to the Republican controlled state legislatures- much easier to control.

You know progressives could still implement all those wonderful government programs at the State level. In fact, reducing the size of the federal government would allow States to tax people EVEN MOAR!!!

Love how Republicans trust politicians to elect Senators- more than they trust voters to elect Senators.

Actually I trust the States to want more control of their own interests then a bunch of popularly elected washington types.

How dare the voters want to their popular vote!

I do believe you trust the politicians to elect a reliable Senator more than you trust the voters.
Love how Republicans trust politicians to elect Senators- more than they trust voters to elect Senators.

Actually I trust the States to want more control of their own interests then a bunch of popularly elected washington types.

The feds should never have had this much power to begin with, returning the Senate to the States would be the first in a long series of needed fixes.

I trust the people in those states even more

Feds don't have power in the Senate. States do
And We the People decide state by state

Once you send a Senator to Washington they become part of the circle, and they know they can bypass their own State governments because of the popular vote.

The Senate was supposed to represent the people via their State governments, not bypassing their State governments.

We decided to cut out the middle man and elect Senators directly
Those Senators are answerable to the people not to back room political deals

After 2-3 terms they really aren't answerable to the people either. Arizona supported Trump in the election, and McCain told Arizona to go fuck itself.


Arizona stopped having elections for the Senate?

Or did Arizona continue to elect Senator McCain- knowing exactly who he is- despite the objections of the Trumpsters?
You know progressives could still implement all those wonderful government programs at the State level. In fact, reducing the size of the federal government would allow States to tax people EVEN MOAR!!!

Love how Republicans trust politicians to elect Senators- more than they trust voters to elect Senators.

Actually I trust the States to want more control of their own interests then a bunch of popularly elected washington types.

The feds should never have had this much power to begin with, returning the Senate to the States would be the first in a long series of needed fixes.

I trust the people in those states even more

Feds don't have power in the Senate. States do
And We the People decide state by state

The Senate was supposed to represent the people via their State governments, not bypassing their State governments.

Republicans believe that the state governments are much more easily manipulated by the party than the voters fo their state.

Which is why they oppose the People of the State electing their Senators.

We Believe local government is more responsible to the people than the federal government. The people have their House Rep at the federal level, the State government should have its senators back.

Progressives want more power given to people as far away from the people as possible, and as minimally accountable to the people as possible. it's why the favor the federal level, and they favor a massive federal bureaucracy.

It gives you crap like this.

How Government Wrecked the Gas Can

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