Huffington Post Blogger Offers $100,000 For Glen Beck Sex Tape

There are very few people I want to see a video of having sex. I can assure you that Beck is not on the short list.
Glenn Beck will distroy himself.

... is the panicked wish of the left because so far they haven't been able to destroy him. If they believed in God, they'd probably even resort to prayer for his destruction.
Define Irony: A bunch of leftwingers who criticize the right for being sexually uptight hypocrites engaged in a witch hunt to find a sex tape of someone with opposing political views in order to silence him.
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Me too. I really need to start watching his show... I always seem to be busy when he's on.... and I really need to listen to this radio show of his.... however, as long as he's pissing off the drooling hordes on the left, I'm happy.

He lies and you approve, why am I not surprized at what a partisan hack you are.
Prove it

Glen Beck lied about the ladies on the View last year, and when he was caught, he backtracked (but only because they had video of his lying rantings about them), then he backtracked. However, the next day, he was denying what he'd said the previous day.

Additionally, on Friday, Beck had to backtrack on his statement that Obama is a racist that doesn't like white people.

Yeah.....sure.......Beck doesn't lie.
You know......if there IS a sex tape of Beck, I hope that Larry Flint buys it and sends it out for distribution.
Wow, Beck really has people scared. I may have to tune in to his show someday just to see what it is that has them all so afraid...

Me too. I really need to start watching his show... I always seem to be busy when he's on.... and I really need to listen to this radio show of his.... however, as long as he's pissing off the drooling hordes on the left, I'm happy.

It is rebroadcasted at 1:00 am CST if your interested.
I am usually at work at his regular time (b/c I actually have a job) so I have to stay up late.
Really need to buy a DVR ....... or ....... the could just get rid of Bill O'Reilly! :eek: (yeah, I went there..... )
Define Irony: A bunch of leftwingers who criticize the right for being sexually uptight hypocrites engaged in a witch hunt to find a sex tape of someone with opposing political views in order to silence him.

I think what they forget is..... we all are'nt low class idiots who make sex tapes of ourselves.

Its almost funny to think that this is a real story.... but then again, it is bizzaro world we live in
I didn't like it when the GOP went after Clinton over sexual escapades, and I don't like this. Especially since Mr Beck's escapades were apparently part of his distant past.
Wow, Beck really has people scared. I may have to tune in to his show someday just to see what it is that has them all so afraid...

Me too. I really need to start watching his show... I always seem to be busy when he's on.... and I really need to listen to this radio show of his.... however, as long as he's pissing off the drooling hordes on the left, I'm happy.

It is rebroadcasted at 1:00 am CST if your interested.
I am usually at work at his regular time (b/c I actually have a job) so I have to stay up late.
Really need to buy a DVR ....... or ....... the could just get rid of Bill O'Reilly! :eek: (yeah, I went there..... )

It's on at 2200 in the UK. Which is why I never see it.... I'm usually still working. I've set it to tape now. I'll watch him for a couple of weeks, do my own fact checking and decide for myself if he's a liar or not.

On the occasions when I have watched, and I have fact checked him, I have found no lies. Having said that, I don't always agree with his conclusions.... maybe that's what confuses the intellectually challenged. Maybe they don't understand the difference between a fact and an opinion. Could be.
You know......if there IS a sex tape of Beck, I hope that Larry Flint buys it and sends it out for distribution.

I'm going to hazard a guess that ABS had apoplectic seizures over the Clinton-Lewinsky investigations.
Wow, Beck really has people scared. I may have to tune in to his show someday just to see what it is that has them all so afraid...

Me too. I really need to start watching his show... I always seem to be busy when he's on.... and I really need to listen to this radio show of his.... however, as long as he's pissing off the drooling hordes on the left, I'm happy.

It is rebroadcasted at 1:00 am CST if your interested.
I am usually at work at his regular time (b/c I actually have a job) so I have to stay up late.
Really need to buy a DVR ....... or ....... the could just get rid of Bill O'Reilly! :eek: (yeah, I went there..... )
Good! I'm glad you went there! I've been saying for a few years now that Beck should go in O'Reillys spot! Mainly because I have a difficult time turning the television on at 5:00 in the afternoon. Not only that, O'Reilly's arrogance has long out-lived it's welcome. I grow very tired of him. But not his guests.
Quoted on another blog from original article on Huffington Post—which original article has now been removed:

It is time to pop the tea baggers' favorite balloon (so what if it will be replaced by another?), and with that in mind I hereby offer to negotiate a $100,000 payday to the person who will come forward with a sex tape or phone records or anything else that succeeds in removing Glenn Beck from the public eye forever. I am not offering the cash myself, but I will broker the deal and/or raise the money for what you bring to the table. (And it better be good.)​

Gee. I never fully understood before what "tolerance" and "diversity" really meant.
It's on at 2200 in the UK. Which is why I never see it.... I'm usually still working. I've set it to tape now. I'll watch him for a couple of weeks, do my own fact checking and decide for myself if he's a liar or not.

On the occasions when I have watched, and I have fact checked him, I have found no lies. Having said that, I don't always agree with his conclusions.... maybe that's what confuses the intellectually challenged. Maybe they don't understand the difference between a fact and an opinion. Could be.

Yeah... sometime he gets a little goofy, but he's human.
I've listened to his radio show since 2000 and I have not always agreed with him, but if he has ever made a mistake on a fact, he usually is man enough to admit his mistake.
I started listening b/c he was just saying the things that I kept quiet for so as not to look like a nutcase.... then I found out I'm, not in the minority in how I feel about my nation.

Thanks for having an open mind..... and by all means, fact check.
I've learned more about history in the last 8 yrs than in my entire life. That can't be bad.
Me too. I really need to start watching his show... I always seem to be busy when he's on.... and I really need to listen to this radio show of his.... however, as long as he's pissing off the drooling hordes on the left, I'm happy.

It is rebroadcasted at 1:00 am CST if your interested.
I am usually at work at his regular time (b/c I actually have a job) so I have to stay up late.
Really need to buy a DVR ....... or ....... the could just get rid of Bill O'Reilly! :eek: (yeah, I went there..... )
Good! I'm glad you went there! I've been saying for a few years now that Beck should go in O'Reillys spot! Mainly because I have a difficult time turning the television on at 5:00 in the afternoon. Not only that, O'Reilly's arrogance has long out-lived it's welcome. I grow very tired of him. But not his guests.

Time for 'Ol Bill to step aside....
Quoted on another blog from original article on Huffington Post—which original article has now been removed:

It is time to pop the tea baggers' favorite balloon (so what if it will be replaced by another?), and with that in mind I hereby offer to negotiate a $100,000 payday to the person who will come forward with a sex tape or phone records or anything else that succeeds in removing Glenn Beck from the public eye forever. I am not offering the cash myself, but I will broker the deal and/or raise the money for what you bring to the table. (And it better be good.)​

Gee. I never fully understood before what "tolerance" and "diversity" really meant.

I'm betting you still don't.

So, a liberal commentator said mean things about Glenn Beck. This is news how? What exactly is your point?

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