HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: FBI Doctored Mar-a-Lago Photo, Added Their Own Docs to Create a Crime Scene that Didn’t Exist

1 calling people a retard won't make anyone take you seriously.

2 no one is going to display evidence in their defense for anything ever until it is needed because no one is going to give the other side a chance to examine it and come up with a way to argue it. Never show your hand is the first rule of the game.
Lol, describe the rules of discovery for me there retard. Lol, if the FBI planted the evidence. Why did he declassify that evidence? How did he know what to declassify? Lol, did the other side tell him what to declassify and break the rules of the game retard? Inquiring minds want to know@
Any time retard. Lol gunna threaten me retard. Now. Lol, that is the retard response when he can't come up with a logical argument. So why did Trump go from they planted that evidence to I declassified it? Explain that retard. Lol, why did Trump have to declassify planted evidence retard?
Ok self destructer
How about Old Ebbits by white house next week. It’s worked well for the 3 other bullshitters, two no shows and one drive up and when he confirmed it was me he drove off. Maybe you will drag your tatted 20 year old 5’6 135lb frame out of you car if you have one. I’m easy to spot; 6’3” 230 lbs and in excellent physical condition. 60 ish.
See you then Evenflow breast feeding boy.
Ok self destructer
How about Old Ebbits by white house next week. It’s worked well for the 3 other bullshitters, two no shows and one drive up and when he confirmed it was me he drove off. Maybe you will drag your tatted 20 year old 5’6 135lb frame out of you car if you have one. I’m easy to spot; 6’3” 230 lbs and in excellent physical condition. 60 ish.
See you then Evenflow breast feeding boy.
Awe the retard is getting huffy. Hilarious. Yep I am going to travel 1000 miles to meet a freaking retard in front of witnesses to try and make him feel like he has a brain. So no answers to any of those questions I guess. Hilarious. What a retard. Lol that face on top of that fat flabby 230 pound frame turning red. Pulse starting to elevate? Heart starting to pound furiously? Starting to realize what a tard ya are yet? Not surprising ya believe some on on the internet is going uproot their lives to go meet a fucking retard. I mean you are gullible enough to believe Trumps horse shit. What a retard! More threats and anger please they make me happy! I love seeing your stupid ass resort to threats. It's all ya got. No brain What so ever.. Fun stuff!Lol, hilarious
His lawyers are saving that evidence for court, in the unlikely event of a trial. The likelihood is close to zero, but it would be legal malpractice for them to let the prosecution see what they have now.
They have the stink of Trump's ass on their breath. That's it.

Wait till they realize that Trump is a screwball who fucks anyone he owes money too.
This is devastating to the DOJ/FBI. Manufacturing evidence! I can't wait till Trump releases the video busting their case wide open.

More MAGA bullshit from the Gateway Pundit.

Don't believe your lying eyes, believe what Trump tells you!!!!

Speaking of MAGA, has Trump replaced the two Florida attorneys who are now testifying to the FBI ahead of "obstruction of justice" charges for drafting and signing the letter saying all documents with classifed markings had been returned to the Archives?

Why do Trump and his people continue to lie to the FBI. Did they learn nothing from the first half dozen people who were jailed for doing this?
They forced nothing. They did not come with guns blazing or threatening. They had a legal Search Warrant and were allowed to go in and look for what the warrant specified, where the warrant specified.

The lies are an attempt to make ignorant people scared and turn against the FBI and the government.
The warrant was overly general whereas warrants are supposed to be specific and only the items mentioned therein can be removed. Normally such things as a resident's underwear are not allowed to be removed

so much for your legal warrant.. bs
This is devastating to the DOJ/FBI. Manufacturing evidence! I can't wait till Trump releases the video busting their case wide open.

While they were editing the photo, it appears that they deleted this "S" in its entirety. Should be some showing...


(Other than the black circle I added, this image comes directly from the official photo on the last page of this PDF... )
Every day, after leftist dupes defend the past proven criminal FBI, more evidence of their continuing crimes and scams keep being exposed.


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