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The Five Blows Up Over ?Bullsh*t? Obamacare ?Death Panels? | Mediaite

Beckel continued to mock the notion the one panel will bring together the names of every American and decide who gets to live or die. “You can you go to a lot of places, but this is really the bottom of barrel,” he said. “Have we not beat up Obamacare enough? Why don’t we just say they have these death camps they will send people to and let them go die?” Bolling’s response? “Well, yes.”

The rest of the show’s hosts were eager to agree with Bolling that Americans should be afraid of the so-called “death panels.” Andrea Tantaros asked, “If you don’t believe Mark Halperin,” why not listen to what President Barack Obama himself has said?” She quoted, “‘The chronically ill and those towards the end of their lives account for potentially 80% of the total health care bill. We have to have a very difficult conversation about this.’”

Dana Perino reasoned that problem people had with what Sarah Palin said had more to do with her “terminology” than the facts themselves. “It was stark and it was very effective, and that’s what they were pushing back against.” Looking at Britain’s national health care system, Perino said, “Maybe that language is too strong for some people, but they definitely have knee replacement panels, and hip replacement panels and eye cataract surgery panels.”

Yes, Obama says we wont have the resources for those who are chronically ill and consume over 80% of health care resources. Yeah, that will be a 'very difficult conversation about this' because what he is implying is DEATH PANELS.
27% of Surgeons Still Think Obamacare Has Death Panels - Olga Khazan - The Atlantic

27% of Surgeons Still Think Obamacare Has Death Panels

Yeah, but what do they know?


Obamacare DEATH PANELS are in the law. The government just wont be able to afford paying for the heart bypass of an obese person that should have lived a healthier life.

And how many will die simply because the government cuts back on preventive testing, like mammograms?

Bah, don't let the same people that gave us abortion on demand the authority to run our nations health care system. That is SUICIDE.

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